
Travelling up into the Infinity

One day, the earth was struck into a new phase by some wilful god playing about and having fun with the universe. Fun will be had...

Produde987654 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
39 Chs

Massive City

Trevor awoke on a bed, his eyes still adjusting to the light which they previously did not have.

"Was that all a dream, damn, I thought that something cool actually happened. Well, my luck isn't that good."

Trevor's iris' finally adjusted properly to the blinding light of the sun. He was sleeping on a massive Alaskan King bed, he was surprised by the awakening on the soft and plush bed.

The bed is layered with sumptuous satin sheets, embroidered with the king's emblem, and piled high with plush pillows covered in exquisite fabrics. A canopy, cascading with heavy brocade curtains, cascades from the ceiling above the bed, creating an aura of intimacy and privacy.

He looked around and was further shocked.

On either side of the bed, intricately carved nightstands hold golden candelabras, their flickering flames casting a warm, enchanting glow across the room. The soft illumination highlights the ornate details of the chamber, including the delicate gilded moldings that frame the large windows overlooking meticulously manicured palace gardens.

The walls are embellished with elaborate tapestries depicting scenes of heroic conquests and majestic landscapes. The tapestries are woven with threads of gold and silver, shimmering in the soft glow of crystal chandeliers suspended from the high, vaulted ceiling. A plush, ornately designed carpet, woven with intricate patterns and majestic symbols, covers the floor, muffling footsteps and adding to the room's air of grandeur.

A seating area is nestled in one corner, featuring a comfortable velvet-upholstered chaise longue and a small table adorned with silver trays of exotic fruits and goblets filled with fine wines and spirits.

A majestic fireplace, crafted from marble and adorned with gold accents, stands opposite the seating area, providing both warmth and a mesmerising focal point. Above the fireplace, a grand painting that Trevor could not make sense of, it was as if the painting was moving about and changing like it was alive.

"Damn, maybe I wasn't dreaming. My Rank 2 talent truly shows!"

Trevor quickly shot up and walked to the edge of the bed and jumped off, yes walked. The bed was a good 3 metres by 3 metres.

He found that he was already dressed in some sort of royal gown, it was so light and soft that it was like he was in his birthday suit.

He quickly found the exit as the bedroom is adorned with intricately carved double doors made of rich, dark wood.

Trevor made a grand gesture opening the door, his hands flying about as if he was going to do something incredible, opening a door, and wanted to make it as flashy as possible. When his hands landed on the door and he pulled, he realised that it didn't open.

Trevor: ... "What is this, a door that doesn't open, what kind of useless thing is this?"

He ran around the door trying to figure out if it was a puzzle or a wall. Less than a minute later, Trevor gave up thinking that it doesn't matter, he would just wait for Alice, his interrupted question still in his mind.

Thinking that he had nothing to do, he walked to the closest window and peered down. He was astonished to see the majestic infrastructure, a great fusion between medieval, royal architecture and futuristic technological buildings.

Rising majestically from the landscape, the edifice commands attention with its towering walls, reminiscent of ancient fortresses. Constructed with weathered stone and adorned with intricate carvings, it exudes a sense of history and strength.

But as your gaze travels upward, a striking contrast unfolds. Embedded within the stonework, sleek panels of translucent glass shimmer with a subtle iridescence, hinting at the advanced technology that lies within. These panels, interwoven with intricate metalwork, form a futuristic lattice that wraps around the medieval facade, creating a harmonious blend of old and new.

However, this didn't surprise Trevor all too much, what he was surprised about was that even in his castle sort palace, he couldn't see a single soul. Through the window, he could see a good 25 kilometres out, yet still nobody,

He looked though all of the windows and still found nobody, it was as if he was on his own.

But again, he was more stunned. "Wait, how large is this place?"

Trevor quickly tried to focus on the horizon and all he saw was endless building, buildings that faded into the distant horizon was the end of what he could see from his bedroom. All direction was just endless buildings.

This is a pretty big city, Trevor surmised. Yeah, no shit Sherlock, he quickly thought to himself.

He once more sat down on the bed and waited, with no phone around or anything really, he quickly fell asleep again.


2 hours later,

[Hello Trevor, the final adjustments for the reformatting of the Universe have been completed]

[As for the previous question, you do not have the authority to look for answers from the past]

Trevor was crestfallen hearing the news, but more determined wanting to quickly become stronger. "What level authority do I need Alice?"

[Trevor needs a level 8 Authority to be able to look in to the past or a rank 7 cultivation with special skills]

Trevor: ... "Damn."

"Hey Alice, what is this place, and why is my room so high up?"

Trevor found during his investigation that no other building that he could see was the same height as his, not even similar. It was like he was at the top of the world.

[This is Earth City, the main city for the inhabitants of E56L2K12Y7, 'Earth', it has a population of 8 billion residents currently and can contain up to 1 trillion. It is 2.57 billion kilometres squared. There are 100 sub-cities, each surrounding Earth City. Eventually, they will fuse into Earth City. The sub cities are only 2.57 million kilometres squared in area]

Trevor wasn't so worked up by the size of the city considering the size of the planet, but his shock still showed on his handsome face.

[You are currently in the royal palace of the Earth City and new Ruler of the human race of earth, the King]

Trevor: ... "King? That is way too much work, can I give this to somebody else?"

[Trevor is unable to give away his title of 'Earth King' for 1 year]

"Damn it, so much work!" Trevor was once more annoyed by the amount of work he had to do. When will the blessed relaxation eventually come. But I want to know more. And to know more, I need to work. Blast! What a vicious cycle!

If anybody heard his thoughts they would beat him to death - Cultivation just started and you already want to rest?!

[As the King, you have some responsibilities]