
Travelling up into the Infinity

One day, the earth was struck into a new phase by some wilful god playing about and having fun with the universe. Fun will be had...

Produde987654 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
39 Chs

Buying all the good stuff (2)

When Trevor entered the Mystical powers section, he was greatly confused.

There were no rows for level, but only thousand and thousands of mystical powers.

"Hey Alice, how come there are now rows for this?"

[Trevor, this is because all mystical powers are able to grow with the user, it is simply the talent requirement there that makes it different to cultivators. You may sort the list from highest talent requirement to the lowest or highest cost to the lowest]

Trevor pondered on this, thinking of what sort of mystical powers he should try to acquire as he sorted the list as Alice suggested. However, he was dumbfounded and immediately angered by what he saw

[Mystical Power]--[High to low]





There was a seemingly gaping hole of information in front of him. He could not even see that name of the mystical power, let alone the price and the talent requirement. Heck, even the talent requirement was something that he already knew that he could improve and was not at the highest rank, but already, there was an instance where he lacked talent!

Not only that, the currency was in Ultimate stones, causing Trevor to shiver slightly. He only knew about the stones because of Alice and the temporary authority. He could only imagine the value of the stone that was at the top of the universe.

He started to sulk internally, cursing his bad luck, though he shouldn't.

[Trevor, you may sort the list to mystical powers which you can cultivate]

"Why didn't use tell me this earlier Alice? I've embarrassed myself in front of myself, "Trevor said whilst in angst. He was so annoyed by the additional void of information that the started to talk about himself in the third person.

[You did not ask earlier Trevor. Would you like to apply this function?]

Trevor slowly sighed whilst leaning back into his chair, the other two men not noticing his expression, "Okay then Alice."

Quickly, another list appeared in front of him.

No not enough authority's Trevor said to himself whilst thinking back to Alice's troll on him, though unintentional.

[Mystical Power]--[High to low]

|Divine Flame Ignition|--|Talent requirement: Rank 2|--|Price: 970,000 Perfection stones|

|Thunder-Strike Palm|--|Talent requirement: Rank 2|--|Price: 969,000 Perfection stones|

|Moon Shadow Stealth|--|Talent requirement: Rank 2|--|Price: 964,000 Perfection stones|

Trevor was again annoyed, as much as these mystical powers were incredible, take the Divine Flame Ignition which was able to light a planet ablaze and melt it with a strong enough cultivation, the price was too costly. Perfection stones, let alone high stones were far from their reach.

As if imagining Alice's response to him if he asked why she did this, he simply asked: "Alice, please set the price so that I can afford it."

[Yes Trevor]

Once more, a new table appeared in front of him.

|Illuminating Flare|--|Talent requirement: Rank 91|--|Price: 499 Medium stones stones|

|Water Cannon|--|Talent requirement: Rank 91|--|Price: 499 Medium stones stones|

|Hill Splitter|--|Talent requirement: Rank 91|--|Price: 499 Medium stones stones|

Trevor grimaced looking at the extremely poor quality of the powers that he could afford. They would already use up most of his wealth, yet none had any good effects for him.

After scrolling down for a while, he found a power he was somewhat decent.

|Basic Sword Skills|--|Talent requirement: Rank 95|--|Price: 97 Medium stones stones|

He quickly bought it, intending to practice using the katana he recently bought, otherwise it would simply gather dust in the bag.

In addition to this, he bought additional powers that had no talent requirement such as 'Torch' and 'Drinkable water' for the few Low spirit stones it was worth.


After another half an hour of looking, he moved to the miscellaneous section. There wasn't anything of interest here, only decor and some other random stuff.

There happened to be a pill cauldron in there however. Trevor thought about whether he should become an alchemist, and refine his own pills to grow stronger. However, he decided against it for now, leaving it to future him to think about, there were already many things that he had to do.

Trevor thought that if there were alchemists, there should be other jobs like artefact or talisman refiners. Perhaps, this is how business could start Trevor thought to himself.

Thinking about the topic, he quickly moved the system away to continue talking to the two men.

Both were already sitting there, discussing their ideas.

"Ahem, Gentlemen, let us continue with the talk. I already have an idea for the economy."

Both men looked at him again and started discussing for a long period of time.

Many ideas were scribbled down onto a sheet, and close to as many removed.

Eventually, after 3 hours, at 17:37, the men stopped talking and walked their own paths out of the two doors.

The two men were starting to accept Trevor as the new king for his new plans, much to Trevor's dismay if he knew of this. He just wanted to quickly become stronger to relax later on with his cat-girls, he thought whilst drooling.

Some of the plans that the were planning to institutionalise was the economy. Since the city seemed to have a relatively good defence system against any problems, they wouldn't have to worry about any problems occurring. Of course, they were planning of investing 20% of the Palace's proceeds into the new nation's armed forces to protect themselves against any problems.

Secondly, for the economy, many jobs such as agriculture would become effectively useless. However, they would privately hire some people to restart the internet and devices, which could be used in tandem with the systems chat. Most importantly, they were going to set up all sorts of pill, artefact, talisman businesses and the sort, in addition to a bank in the future.

Many things were planned however, they would have to wait for what it seemed to be a while until things started rolling.


[Margret Qualley: Trevor, both me and your grandfather are waiting near the palace gates. Unfortunately, neither of us got a job there]

[Allen Bianchi: We can't see you anywhere, where are you? Send me your coordinates, this place is just so large!]

[Trevor Bianchi: Gramps, I can see you now, give me a bit]

Trevor walked up to his grandparents.

An elegant and charismatic man with a thick silver mustache, exuding warmth and wisdom stood beside a vibrant and energetic woman. Though both were full of wrinkles, they seemed to still have plenty of life in them, probably due to the new world.

"Good to see you guys again, it's been a good month now!"

"Indeed! It has not been a short time, let us go back to a house or a restaurant. I believe that some people have started restaurants and taverns whilst renting out space from some malls scattered about."

"Actually gramps, how about you grab your stuff and then come live in my place together."

Both elderlies agreed immediately.

They left for less than 5 minutes before returning with the few things that currently had.

"Hey bud, wheres your place?" Trevor's grandfather asked, preparing to mark the place on his map.

"Right there", Trevor said whilst grinning, pointing to the palace.