
Travelling To The Past

When a middle-aged man’s life takes a sudden 360-degree turn, he finds himself transported back to his high school days. With a miracle at his fingertips, he has the chance to change his fate. But will he make the right choices? Follow our protagonist on a journey of self-discovery as he navigates the past and learns to embrace the present.

Otaku_Creations · Games
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13 Chs

Ch:5 The sweetest revenge

As Rohan left the school everyone was in shock and couldn't understand what was happening in front of their eyes Max was also in shock what he knew that Rohan was not just same old kid maybe he had connections with the library owner everyone looked puzzled but Max was only one who had a straight face with broad chest and a big smile

The principle called a meeting all the teachers of gathered each and every single one of them discussed about what they did with Rohan all the teachers started telling all the horrible things that they did every time the ended a sentence they always mention that the principle was the one who ordered it suddenly the principle realized that he did ordered them and remember that one of the rich parents what the one who asked him as he owed them some favours

He couldn't think of anything and decided to port blame on the class teacher everyone agreed with him even though they were his colleagues and friends but this they couldn't help as they were all greedy and did want to get stuck in this messy situation the class teacher try to protestant resist but the other teachers tied him up a couldn't just understand what was happening and was in Agony it was as if he knew it was the Karma all the things he did as a teacher were coming back to him but then he decided to not fall alone he shouted that if he is going to fall he will take everyone with him even the principle will not be left

As the truth about Rohan's mistreatment came to light in the principal's office, the tension in the room reached its peak. The class teacher seethed with anger at being wrongly accused, while the other teachers cowered in fear of James' powerful influence. Just when it seemed like all hope was lost, James burst into the office with an air of arrogance, his threats filling the room with dread. The teachers trembled in his presence, realizing that they were facing an even greater threat in the form of James' wealthy and influential father.

The school had become a battleground of power and influence, with Rohan caught in the middle of it all. As he made his way home, he knew that things were only going to get more complicated from here on out

James called his father and asked for help to protect himself and the teachers who believed Rohan, from the educational committee member who was the library owner. His father was angry and furious at him, wondering why he tried to bully someone who had connections with the library owner. Even though he was a member of the educational committee, he could still suppress him, but he was also from a big family. James replied to him that the kid he bullied was Rohan, the kid whose father was used till the situation where he tried to commit suicide and died. After hearing those words, his father could understand that he was the one who ordered him to bully Rohan. So, his father said to put the blame on the class teacher and that he would give the class teacher 10 million if he kept his mouth quiet and took the punishment. The class teacher was a greedy man and took the blame. As Rohan was in his room watching television, he heard his mother telling him that his school was in the news and they were punishing his class teacher. His mother ran into his room asking whether he was bullied. When he told her that it was all in the past and now he wasn't the same kid, and he even punished the teachers who tried to bully him, his mother cried and shouted, "That's my son who I am proud of."

Rohan felt a surge of satisfaction as he heard his mother's words of praise. He slept peacefully that night, dreaming of his successful revenge. The next day, he was greeted by a pleasant surprise at school. There was a new teacher assigned to his class. He looked like a young man who had a passion for teaching and a noble heart. He did not seem to be greedy or corrupt like the previous teacher. The new teacher captivated the whole class with his engaging lessons. No one spoke a word until lunchtime. As soon as the bell rang, Rohan was surrounded by his curious classmates. They wanted to know how he had managed to get rid of the old teacher who had bullied him. Max, who was his best friend, came to his rescue. He pushed everyone aside and took Rohan with him. They both climbed to the roof of the school building, where they could enjoy some privacy. They sat on the edge and ate their lunch, while admiring the view. Max thanked Rohan sincerely and congratulated him warmly. He was proud of his friend for standing up to the teacher who had tormented them..

As they both were eating together they saw some bullies bullying a kid the kid wore glasses and looked like a nerd the was none other the sam the principal's grandson he was beating the nerdy kid probably because of anger and frustration he felt because of Rohan

Rohan couldn't bear to see the injustice and stood up for the kid and stopped sam when sam heard Rohan protecting the nerd he got angry as why this beggar is talking back just because he had got lucky enough to know Mr John he could suppress his grandfather and other teachers or else Rohan couldn't do a single thing

Sam decided to beat max and Rohan with the help of his ruffians and they all ganged up on him at first they decided to circle around them than the captured their hands although Rohan could easily resist the attack but he decided to see what were they going to do and how far could they take it..