
Travelling Soul

Short Worded Chapters // 100-105 words per chapter Can be read if one is bored or nothing to do.

Silver_Knife · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

Slowly and softly touching the round white ball, afraid that it would be broken.

Its touch was light like a feather, light however it was neither cold nor warm.

Like an empty void without anything in it.

It carefully examined the light.

After a few seconds, it announced,

"I will bestow you the gift of foreseeing things. You will grow and be surrounded with bright lights. Your future will not be set on stone. You will be favored with me, your father. Now go and make changes to the world"

Sending the light to a place in a few seconds.

Some of the words are integrated into "TVM" (The Visionary's Mission). Actually this book is the original copy of that book. Just that this was supposedly the first book and TVM being the 8th book.

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