
Travelling in Time

Glenn's story is one of reincarnation and mystery. Each time he passes away, his consciousness is reborn into a new life, experiencing different times and places throughout history. As he adjusts to each new life, he becomes fascinated by the history unknown to him and curious about the purpose of his existence. But there is a strange element to Glenn's reincarnations. Each time he is reborn, he sees red lines that seem to lead him to different things in his new life. These lines can guide him to people, places, or objects of great importance, and they seem to have a purpose beyond his understanding. Glenn cannot help but wonder what these red lines mean, and what they are trying to show him about his strange existence. Despite the mystery surrounding his rebirths, Glenn remains determined to live each life to the fullest, embracing the joys and challenges of each new time he enters. Through his travels and experiences, he comes to learn about the beauty and complexity of life, and begins to unravel the secrets of his mysterious red lines, perhaps coming closer to the truth of his existence with each new cycle.

Zed_5601 · History
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2 Chs

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As Glenn's consciousness faded away, he felt a strange sensation wash over him, like his soul was being pulled out of his body. And just like that, there were memories flooding through him, he was reborn as Ferox Corvus, a 5-year-old boy living in ancient Rome with his family who'd he describe as patricians which are the wealthy class of Rome. They are also descendants of the first 100 senators who were appointed by Romulus, the first king of Rome.

His parent's were Titus Valerius Corvus and Livia Valerius Corvus, and they were of high status in Roman society, Ferox knew of the Valeria gens but only knew that they were prominent from beginning to end. He woke up in his luxurious bedroom, feeling a sense of disorientation, he slowly got out of bed and looked around the room, marveling at the intricate frescoes that adorned the walls.

After a few moments, Ferox's servi privati, aka, private servant came in to help him get dressed. She was an elderly woman named Flavia who had worked for his family for many years. She helped Ferox put on his tunic and sandals, and then led him to the dining room for breakfast. Ferox's parents were already seated at the table when he arrived. They greeted him warmly and asked him about his rest. Ferox struggled to remember the details of his new life, but he tried to play along as best he could. He told them that he had slept well, and after breakfast, Ferox's tutor who were known as the paedagogus arrived to begin his lessons for the day.

They spent the morning studying Greek and history, whilst Ferox was fascinated by it all, he did want to explore and admire the architecture of this beautiful time period, so, after lunch, his tutor took him for a walk around the gardens of the villa, pointing out the various plants and trees that grew there. As they were walking, Ferox heard the sounds of laughter and singing coming from outside the walls of the villa. He asked his tutor what was happening, and the man told him that there was a festival taking place in honor of the god Bacchus. He asked if they could go see it, and his tutor refused, telling him it was for adults only.

As the day wore on, Ferox grew tired but he was filled with excitement for his new life in ancient Rome. He realized that there was so much to see and learn in this world, and he couldn't wait to explore it all. As he drifted off to sleep that night, he woke up to a red line twirling around one of his tutor's books that were left behind, he explored his curiosity and upon touching it, he promptly gained all the knowledge of the book.