
Traveller of Two Worlds

What will you do if you somehow were able to travel between two world?. Harem? Wealth? Power? Adventure?... Sai Mies was able to travel between two worlds Earth and Fantasma, With that ability he swore to changed his mundane life to the better. Each steps he take will bring him closer to his aim, to become the most wealthiest and powerful man in both worlds P/s The image wasn't mine, i wil take it down if asked to. :) tq.

JamesLabel · War
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114 Chs

I'm not that Violent.

"I know..you're kind…High and mighty, always feel inferior to other's…the problem is…I..hate..people..like you….<Squeeze!!>..".

I grab his shoulder and intentionally pushed my thumb inside the bullet wounds, causing the blood oozing out even more. As his scream turns to heavy heaves, everyone nails to their place, Security try to breakthrough the door, but Bang Dae Jung were there to calm the situations and prevent anyone to come in and goes out.

"One thing you all seems to forgot, I own Virtue Financial, the Very company that save you all from your demise…YOU..work for me..not the other way around..and you Edward Crown, everyone know that because of your stupid mistake and lustful nature towards the under age girls..made your company falls..and who repaired all that?…me, I can just kick you out but, I don't why?…because that Woman over there says 'no'….".

I pointed at Catherine who's back turned at the grotesque scene.

"So…form now on have respect for her and reply nicely to her every words…and most of all, respect me...when I said something, you hear carefully…when I said jump, you say how high…do you hear me Mr.Edward Crown?..".

with each words my thumb poked deeper into his wound.

"Y…yes..s..sir…I h..hear..you..". (Edward Crown)

"Alright people…since you all still have doubts for my words..I will proved that VH-Serum worked just fine…Behold..<STAB!>..".

Before he lose his consciousness I injected the VH-Serum (Healing Potion) a few inches up from the bullet wound, Like an SF movie scene, the wound was visibly closing up and in just 3 second the wound was nowhere to be found, Edward Crown pale face turns normal, even his breathing was back to steady.

"Sir..if I may?….it's…gone?…no abnormality..all vital is good..not even a bruise….this is amazing!..then..is it all true?…". (Choi Ji Soo)

Choi Ji Soo was the 1st to move closer, seeing such marvel, Choi Ji Soo inspect Edward Crown wound and perform check up on the spot seeing that everything is fine.

"Of course he's fine…probably even better, you should perform detailed check on him at the hospital later…for now..you..get up…you hit children and abused them, 1 gunshot and you're already dying?..weak scumbag..".

Once again my sharp remarks snap Edward Crown back to reality as he hastily stand up and bows to me and Catherine.

"Sorry about that, I'm just allergic to ignorance and bad manners....anyway let's get back to the main topic…Since you all witnessed the effect first hand, you should know..this Serum will shake the whole world, that's why it needs to be handled carefully…in a few days..you all will break the news to the public..since you all have experience in that, I will leave it to you..everything you need to know and do already inside the tablets..read them carefully..also this project will be overseen by Virtue Financial and me personally….I want you all to cooperate, this project not only important to me..but to you guys as well…also, in the beginning I plan to have Crown Research Institute to become the lead...<Sigh>..Congratulations, Director Choi Han and Dr. Choi Ji Soo, your name will be on the covers of the research book…....that is all for today..".

My mood worsened as I lay eyes on the annoying man, as soon as I finished, I leave the conference hall immediately.

"I'm sorry you have to see that Kathy..I knew he was quite obnoxious, but to tick my nerves like that…geez..why do we even have to keep him?..".

"He's good at business and what he does..also the only candidate that we have left to lead Crown….but, seriously Mies..if you were going to do something like that at least give us a heads up…or let your Mr. Bang Dea Jung here do it…..I can't have you act like that anymore, you're now the owner of a Trillions dollar company…". (Catherine)

She was clearly shaken, but Kathy is Kathy, she knew that no matter how I acted I won't harm her, she also seen this side of me a long time ago.

"So that's why you hired an Ex-Special Force as my bodyguard and a Dirty Ex-prosecutor as my Personal Assistant…C'mon Kathy..I'm not gonna cause trouble everywhere I go…".

"I know…it's just my way of precaution…just act like you don't know…..I felt much better if I do this…...Anyway, off you go!..shesh…now I got some dog to beat…Ran Hyun Ok..make sure Mr.Mies get home safely..".(Catherine)

"Yes Madam Chairwoman…". (Ran Hyun Ok)

Ran Hyun Ok wait as Catherine walks away and enter the Conference hall, We then left the Conference Hall and head to my next stop, buying constructions materials and stuff.

"I usually don't have that nasty temper….but I can't stand people who look down on others…besides that guy deserve it..don't you think so Hyun Ok-ssi?..".

i know the reason why the atmosphere inside the car was so chilly, because both of them was wary towards me.

"Yes sir..but how do you know?..".(Ran Hyun Ok)

"I know a lot of things…I own Virtue Financial, I'm the one who hired your boss…where do you think she got that secretive nature?…..don't worry, you guys just do your job..Soeul sure are big…".

Ran Hyun Ok and Bang Dae Jung probably wondered how their secret got leak, I knew Catherine purposely hid their identity when she hired them to be my entourage. But I got T.A.S and [Identify] skill such trick won't work on me. Though, I tend to leave all the public work to Catherine, I know everything inside Virtue, because everyday T.A.S will brief everything to me. This 2 was hired by Catherine for a sole purpose to become a cleaning crew in case I do something bad.

"Sir do you want the inspect the materials yourself or just have it sent to the Estate?..". (Ran Hyun Ok)

"if you could tell them to send it to the estate that would be great..but can the factory handle such enormous order?..".

the amount of materials I ordered was totaled at 1 billion Dollars, hearing that they have a delivery service, then that would be more than welcome.

"Just one manufacture wasn't enough..but don't worry I already handled it..all the materials will be delivered by today..as for the food product it will be tomorrow..as for the clothing and the household product you ordered will be arrive the day after..". (Ran Hyun Ok)

Ran Hyun Ok is 1st class secretary, she's very good at her work and she took pride on it. From day one she work with me, all I have to do is tell her what to do and she will do it perfectly. I just gave her a list of all things that I wanted to buy, she just took it and never asked questions. This is what like about her and Bang Dae Jung.

"That's fast..since all is done..should we go and have lunch?…".

I honestly have nothing to do now, but since it's a bit early to get back home, why not take a chance to walk around.

We stopped at a 5 store high overly luxurious restaurant, the building was beautiful, a combinations of traditional Gorean architecture and Modern contemporary. The restaurant was quite famous actually it has appeared on several tv shows, I even read about it in the internet.

"I've seen this place in the internet before…..this place is quite famous right?…But why do I see my company logo under the restaurant name?….".

"It's Because Chairwoman Catherine bought it…". (Ran Hyun Ok)


As soon as I heard that, I knew that Catherine bought this place mainly because of her obsession of her favourite idol group. I don't really mind it, but I heard that this place was where all the Gorean artist goes to eat, or have their company dinner.

As we were walking towards the front door, jut like before the remaining security team that were left behind by me and the Restaurant staff comes out to greet me. It was the drama scene all over again. There's a lot of people in the parking lot and in front of the restaurant were blocked from entering. The security team doesn't care, I even catch a glimpse of a few artist, celebrity and media reporter among the blocked crowd.

"Okay..not that I'm complaining..but why am I the only one that sitting and why in the heck is there's 65 dishes on this table?...forget the detail, Hyun Ok-ssi, Dae Jung-ssi..don't ask anything sit down and eat..".

Though some people have the tendency to let his/her attendant to stand while they eat, but that's not me, beside there's to many dishes on the table for me to eat alone, I guest Royal cuisine was the wrong thing to order if you want to eat simple, I should just order meat next time.