
Traveling Worlds in the Cosmic Multiverse

Death isn't the end to everyone's story. This is especially true for Luca and his second life is crazier than he ever could have imagined it would be. Follow a young man as he finds his place in the cosmic multiverse and figure out his true purpose.

QuantumMetro · Others
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20 Chs

PSA Stuff

1. Word counts in certain chapters vary, especially when it comes to world's Luca travels to, however the lowest amount in a chapter is about 2000.

2.MC isn't a heartless killer, but he is willing to do some stuff it means protecting people he cares about.

3. Relationships are confusing for the MC since he is awkward and compounded on his past life, it makes for interesting situations.

4. MC switches between seriousness and playfulness on a dime. This is mainly because he has two sides to him that co-exist with each other.

5. There are some worlds with multiple parts, but most of them are single chapters that are longer than usual. Only chapters with large word counts will be split for better flow and not feeling so overwhelming.

6. Chapter updates will be on Mondays, Wednesday's and Fridays. At least one chapter will be posted, but sometimes I might do two or maybe three if I've stockpiled enough.

7. Please leave comments as it helps me make the story better and more cohesive.

8. Spoilers ahead since this is a world travel story, so you have been warned.

9. Suggest a world for the MC to visit, since I want to include worlds that others will like. Right now, all of them are worlds that I thought would be interesting and have meaning to the story in a way.

10. I need a code name for the MC as saying his name every time won't be the best, especially if he visits one of those worlds where a name is sacred and certain magics can screw with a person. I have a few ideas, but I'd prefer for the name to be something other than my own choosing.