
Traveling with a Beast System

We all know or have heard about people who can easily gain an animals trust. It is a fact that animals have superior senses compared to humans, meaning they can sense even the slightest bit of danger and escape. There was one human who was seemingly loved by nature and its children. It didn't matter how big or small the animal was, they would care for it and learn about them. They bought entire forrests just so the animals would have a home! They didn't do these things because they were told too, but out of pure passion and love. The MC being one the people who seemed to have a connection to animals like their role model followed in their footsteps. PLEASE NOTE: I DO NOT OWN ANY CHARACTERS BESIDES MY OWN! ANY AND ALL NAMES AND PLACES MENTIONED ARE USED IN A FICTIOUS MANNER AND SHOULD BE READ AS FICTIOUS. Stingrays are EVIL!! (If you all havent guessed who inspired this fanfiction yet then go do your research! P.S: Read the Auxillary chapters please!

HNIC409 · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs





The basement.

Tatiana tied the two trespassers to X's. She stripped them of everything. They were exposed as the day they were born. She woke them up with a snap of her fingers. She continued to grab different tools of torture.

One person was a woman, the other a man. They were covered in tattoos and symbols. They tried to move and control their mana but found it was futile. They tried to kill themselves with the poison stored in their teeth but found it was already pulled out. The man resolved himself to chew through his own tongue.

He was successful in his endeavor. He was becoming pale from the blood loss but was smiling in victory. His moment was short-lived when the X glowed and healed him. Frank was off to the side and didn't say a word as fear finally crossed the man's face.

Tatiana ignored them all. She was steadily gathering her tools. The basement door opened and closed. Raheem slowly walked down.

*Thud* *Thud*

His footsteps were heavy and echoed in the basement. Everyone held their breath. The ones who felt the most afraid were Tatiana and Frank. Frank silently prayed that it was Raheem that was coming down instead of the other one.

Raheem finally reached the bottom floor and looked around. His eyes subtly glowed purple, and his pupils like a cats' eye. He glanced over the two people as if they weren't important.

The basement was huge. There were weapons, poisons, and toys all around the walls. It was soundproof by red velvet cushions. The lighting was low but not dimly lit. Under different conditions, this place would be very appealing, but to the two unfortunate souls. It would become the last place they would ever see.


Stiles came running downstairs. The woman shrieked and started begging for her life. The man clenched his teeth. Stiles saw them and heard the woman. "Stiles, I suggest you go back upstairs. Unless you think you are ready to see something like this. They will be killed and tortured until they give up everything they know."

Stiles closed his mouth and silently stood beside Raheem. Stiles was always an intelligent kid. He knew that one day he would kill. Either to protect himself and the ones he loves or because of circumstances that were out of his control. Raheem inwardly was happy about his choice. He honestly didn't want to go through this alone.

He knew he needed to send a message to the organization. He hardened his heart and turned towards Tatiana. "You may begin."

These three words sealed the man and woman's fate. Tatiana nodded and walked towards them. The woman tried her best to pull and break lose. The man took deep breaths in preparation for the pain.

"Before we begin, I will introduce myself. I am Tatiana, a teacher and military strategist from hell. I mean that quite literally, by the way. I also want you both to know that there are hundreds of ways that I can get you both to talk, but torturing you is both business and pleasure. You don't understand that by sneaking in, you have put me in grave danger. I would even go on to say that it is a miracle I am even existing right now."

She let her words sink in and then continued on.

"This man is clearly prepared to die for your organization." She pointed to him. "You are not, so I will start off with something simple. Give me your name."

"Don't give them shit." The man spoke.


Tatiana sliced the man throat. He coughed on his blood but was soon healed. "I hate it when people speak out of term." She never broke I contact with the woman.

"Elize that's my-my-my-" She couldn't finish.


"Good girl. See that wasn't so hard." Tatiana gave her a drink of water. "If you are good then you are rewarded. Bad pups are put down." Elize nodded her head.

"As you have both realized by now. You can't die, meaning no matter what I do, no matter how much blood you spill, no matter how many times I cut off your limbs. You will be healed. You can thank the blonde haired man over there. He is a literal angel. Show off your wings."

Frank was disgruntled on the inside at her using him like this but still did as asked. He let his wings out. Stiles, Elize and the man were stunned. They had never seen anything as beautiful.

Tatiana snapped her fingers and Frank put them away. "See I'm not lying so when I tell you I'm from hell then you should believe me."

The man shuddered.

Tatiana saw that she had received the desired effect. She glanced at the man. He flinched and immediately screamed his name out.

"Lucas! My name is Lucas!"

Tatiana gave him a drink of water.

"So this is how this is going to work. I will ask a question and the first to respond will be spared. You both should know that the water you drank contained a poison that makes your entire body ten times as sensitive to any stimulus."

To prove her point she took a sewing needle and dragged it across both of their nether regions. She started with the man first. He wasn't even able to scream since he passed out from the shock only to wake up the next second.


Tatiana shushed him by covering his mouth and rubbing her hand on his member. It soon became erect and Lucas relaxed. She turned towards Elize. She shook her head back and forth. Tatiana ignored her silent pleas and did the same to her. She stepped back and saw their facial expressions.

"See that wasn't that bad. It was quick and easy. It can stay that way as long as you answer my questions. Who knows you might even be able to convince my boss to keep you. You just have to prove to him that you are worthy." She was giving them hope. Hope that they will live.

Stiles felt sick to his stomach. He knew she was just toying with these people. He knew they were never going to leave. He looked to his side and saw Raheem completely unaffected by what he was seeing and hearing. He wondered to himself. 'Am I going to become like him? Indifferent to people?'

Raheem was doing everything he could to not go over and stop her. Like she had said there were hundreds of other ways to get the information out of them. What made things worse was that a part of him deep down enjoyed seeing them be tortured and played around with. It made him feel disgusting.

Elize and Lucas looked over at Raheem and saw his indifferent expression. Lucas knew he would break and talk. He had just experienced the greatest pleasure of his life and wanted to taste it again. He knew the name and the ranking of the members but couldn't say anything more than that. The symbols made sure of it.

Elize gained hope. The person she had to impress was kid. She was confident that even if she couldn't convince him she was worthy to use. She could seduce him. Raheem heard their inner thoughts.

He walked forwards and grabbed the chin of the woman. "You think you can seduce me?" Elize's eyes widened in realization. "I've lived with a literal succubus. I've seen her in her underwear and even naked once. I wasn't entranced then and I'm not going to be entranced now." He let her go and walked back to his position.

Tatiana shook her head in disappointment.

"Elize you did the exact opposite of what you were supposed to do." Tatiana reached for a long serated knife and held horizontal against her abdomen. Elize was freaking out.

"I'm sorry! Please Please give me another chance. I promise I won't think about seducing him again!" Tears jetted down her face.

Tatiana smiled and looked directly into her amber eyes. She drugged the serated edge across her abdomen. Elize's internal organs spilled out as the cut got longer and longer. She wanted to pass out but the pain kept bringing her back. Her screams grew louder and more feral. Stiles had had enough and ran upstairs. Frank just watched on.

Raheem clenched his fist so hard that his nails dug deep inside of his flesh. He didn't blink or look away from the scene, he knew he needed to get used to the sight of blood. Tatiana finished cutting her open and made her watch through the mirror as her organs went back inside of her. Elize could feel everything. Her intestines crawling back inside, her liver and pancreas reinserting themselves. The pain made her go insane but that too was healed and she was back to normal.

Lucas was no longer erect. He wanted nothing more than to tell her everything he knew. He kept quiet though, he remembered how much she hated when he spoke out of term. Tatiana removed the blade and sat it back down.

"You have been a very good boy Lucas. You deserve a reward." Lucas member grew at the thought of her touch. Tatiana grabbed a syringe and stabbed him in his member. He yelled louder than Elize but he soon relaxed and grunted. Tatiana gave him a mixture of heroin and an aphrodisiac. She turned back to Elize.

"Darling can you tell me the name pretty please." She caressed her face and looked deeply into her eyes. Elize was trembling but still somehow nodded her head.

"Yes-yes mam. The name of the organization is HERAIS. It's an acronym." Tatiana smiled and gave her a few rubs and pats in return. After that Elize opened up about everything.

The symbols were meant to kill and prevent anyone from talking if caught. The X's prevented them from activating. The constantly drained and blocked all energy from the people chained to them.

Two hours went by and Tatiana was now onto her last question.

"Ok last question my pups."

Lucas and Elize paid rampant attention. Lucas had spent the last two hours in euphoria. He felt pain and pleasure constantly but he wasn't able to return because Elize always answered first. He was going insane.

"Tell me exactly how you snuck in." Raheem paid extra attention to them. Stiles had came back an hour before. He was pale but this time he held on steadfast.

Lucas knew the answer and shouted first.

"I KNOW! We were given an artifact and was told that it could bypass any barrier as long as we sacrificed our lifespans."

"How much did you sacrifice?"

"I sacrificed 80 years she sacrificed only 20."

"Where is the artifact and how did you remain unnoticed by us?" Lucas beat Elize again.

"The artifact that allowed us entry was a one time use item. The item that made us go unnoticed is the pair of earrings in our pockets."

Tatiana smiled and rewarded Lucas with the same syringe as last time except he died 30 seconds later. Elize knew it was over and didn't even try to escape.

"You were a good girl to the very end." Tatiana snapped her fingers and crushed her heart.

"Clean them up and find a demon to possess them. I want them to return to their headquarters and tell them about us and the meeting. I want to see their reaction. Make sure the the demons know their jobs and don't overstep." Raheem ordered. He left with Stiles shakily following him.

He reached the door and stopped. "Also make them give Nikki a message and look out for her if possible."

"What should the message say?" Frank asked because Tatiana was busy drawing symbols and circles to summon the demons.

"The message should be simple. Tell her about her daughter awakening and how Blake is doing. See if she can be another set of eyes on the inside." He left after saying that.

Once outside of the house he turned and looked at Stiles. He gave him a big hug. "Thank you for coming back and not leaving me." He was shaking a little bit and sniffling. Stiles hugged him back doing the same. "No problem. Anytime man. Anytime"