
Traveling To The World Of Anime With The Dark Souls System

Hikaru Hiroaki, a big fan of Dark Souls. Even though he only played the first one, he still loved the entire trilogy because of the lore that Vaatividya kindly explained in his videos. But Hikaru's future was not bright, his mother works 2 jobs a day just to feed him and his 2 siblings. His father works at a construction site to pay their rent. That's why Hikaru didn't have enough time to play around, he works to save up for his college tuition. He is currently at the end of his high school life and he would enter college soon. But unfortunately, as he traverses through the road while the traffic lights were still red, a drunk driver riding a lamborghini ignored the red lights and hits him directly. He died instantly. He woke up in a place covered in white fogs, and an old voice spoke to him. "I shall give thou the power of Dark Souls, please use it wisely." ________________________________________________________________ Alright, I didn't plan this fanfic at all. I just daydream everyday and write what's inside my head. You may see some paragraphs that you are not able to understand and that's fine. Just report it to me and I'll fix it. Plot holes and plot armor, yeah, I have many of those in my fanfic. If you don't like plot holes and such, please don't read this. I don't like people just messing my ratings just because they don't like plot holes. Also, don't read this fanfic if you don't know Dark Souls, I promise you, you won't understand a thing about this fanfic. Don't write a review if you don't know what you are talking about, it's seriously messing up my rating and I'll have to delete it if it's really bad. Just criticize it in the review, write something that's asking the author to write better. Honestly, reviews that are trying to put the author down are just downright bad. Many people out there gave up writing just because of those reviews, please don't do that to other fanfics or novels out there. I feel sorry for the author. Anyway, thank you for giving your time in reading this. Enjoy the fanfic. Also, I accept people criticizing my fanfic since it helps me grow as a writer. You can do that. _______________ Also, before you post a review, please read at least to 50 chapters. If you don't like it, then you can criticize me for my really bad world building and character development. Trust me, I've had too many people stating that my MC is really bad, and they've only read like what, less than 10 chapters? I know I made too many mistakes in the early chapters, but you don't have to keep shoving it right into my face for god's sake.

Miko_Sayaki · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
147 Chs

Chapter 44

After Ibiki announced himself, the chuunin exam started.

The first part was a written test, and Hikaru did not do anything other than draw doodle faces on his paper. Meanwhile, Azumi was having a hard time while Sasuke and Sakura breezed through their own papers,

After an hour or so, Ibiki announced that the tenth question of the written test will decided whether they pass or not. If they get it wrong, they will be banned from taking the chuunin exams for the rest of their lives.

It immediately created an outrage from most of the genins but Ibiki silenced all of them with a simple "Shut up!".

The options were, if you don't want to take the tenth question then you can show your candy ass, shine it real good, and get the fuck out of here! The second option was to just man up and take the damn question.

And, after saying that, almost half of the genins went out of the door because of their sheer cowardness. While the others stayed in the room.

As Ibiki surrounded them with his gaze, he couldn't help but sigh, because this was not his goal. They should've been reduced by at least 30 percent, not 60 percent.

'Anko will definitely not let this go.' Ibiki thought.

"Alright, you have now all passed the written test. The second proctor should be arriving soon." Ibiki said and turned around before leaving the room.

Meanwhile, almost of all the genins were dumbfounded. But the ones who took it the worst were the ones outside the room, who decided to not take the tenth question. They were either angry, or blaming their own selves.

Hikaru sat on his chair as he tried thinking of another Jutsu to make. The reason why he always uses his chakra and not his mana was because that even if he runs out of chakra, he will not be exhausted or tired. But if uses his mana, it would be a different story. Chakra is not really a part of him, it's just like in games where, even if you use the entirety of whatever magical energy you have, you will not get tired. Meanwhile, with Mana, that's the main source of his magical power.

Imagine that the chakra inside him is sealed inside a container, which he can use any amount anytime. Meanwhile, his mana is connected to almost every part of his undead internal organs. That's why he has extreme mastery towards mana, it was meant for him. While he only gained his chakra through continues practice of absorbing it from the environment.

With his chakra, he started from scratch. That weird disembodied voice told him that he was the one who modified his body to become attuned to almost every magical energies in the entire multiverse. Well, almost.

He can learn chakra, Ki, Nen, or any kind of energy. But there's a catch, he has to be in the universe where that energy is.

Though, Mana is still more powerful than Chakra. So, sometimes, he use some very powerful spell, which he himself created.

Oh and yeah, most of the spells in the system were pretty weak. That fireball before? He modified it to become like that, otherwise it would only be at the size of his hand.

As he fell into deep thought, someone suddenly shattered the window in the room and a purple haired woman came in. She was a fairly tall woman who was of slender frame. She has light brown, pupil-less eyes. Her purple hair was styled in a short, spiky, fanned-ponytail. She wears a fitted mesh body suit that covers her from her neck down to her thighs. Over this, she wears a tan overcoat with a purple in-seam and a pocket on each side, a dark orange mini-skirt, a dark blue belt, and pale grey shin guards.

A paper sign also appeared behind her. And then, she yelled, "The sexy and strong, Mitarashi Anko has arrived!"

Seeing that awful display, Hikaru shook his head and sighed. He had seen her in some of the council meetings while he hid in the shadows. She is... eccentric, to say the least. She doesn't know him but he knows her.

Anko counted them all, only to see that there are 94 of them.

"Man, Ibiki is really going rusty. He couldn't even cut the number of these brats to at least, in half?" Anko spoke with disappointment evident in her voice.

"Welp, no matter, I'll just cut their numbers in half!" Anko said with her mouth leading towards a face splitting grin.

"C'mon brats, it's time to go to phase 2." Anko said as all the students stood up to follow her.

( Forest Of Death, Training Ground 44 )

After a little while, she brought them in front of a giant metal fence gate and behind it was a gigantic forest full of the tallest trees they have ever seen.

The other genins couldn't help but be amazed at this. It looks so... divine.

Anko looks at them, and saw their amazed faces before she evilly grinned and said, " Now, don't be caught off guard by the beautiful view of this forest."

"Huh, why?" One of the genins asked.

"Because this entire forest is inhabited by countless gigantic beast. And there are thousands of currently known species of them that are living here, day by day. Now, there is another fence gate in the forest. That gate is a warning that you are currently delving deeper towards the center of the forest. In the center, there are many kinds of monsters that even most of our Jounins cannot contend with. They have many unknown abilities. So, whatever you do, don't you ever go near that, okay? Okay." Anko explained.

Now, all the genins, except Hikaru, were terrified of this forest in front of them. Even Azumi and Sasuke were scared. Sakura, well, as always, scared out of her living soul.

"Um, Darling, I think we shouldn't go there." Azumi said while shaking.

Sasuke looks at him, and also said, "Yeah, this time, I agree with Azumi. I'm getting bad vibes from that forest."

"Don't worry, she said that those kinds of monsters only exists in the center of the forest. We just avoid that place. Though, she has not yet explained what our current goal is." Hikaru said but he already knew what their goal is.

Next, she explained what their goal is. There are two scrolls, the heaven scroll and the earth scroll. Each team have to take either of these and go on towards the forest. Their goal is to take the opposite of their scroll from other teams, which is either heaven or earth.

It was simple, until you see that it's clearly going to be a massacre inside that forest. Most of the teams would probably be eaten alive by the beasts inside the forest, or killed by someone.

A table appeared in front of Anko with a poof of smoke and on that table was the scrolls.

"Now, you guys will take one scroll each. And no one will camp in the entrance. That will be against the rules." She explained to them before all of the teams managed to get one scroll.

Team 7 got the Heaven Scroll.

After taking their scroll, Team 7 walked in the forest before they disappeared in a burst speed. Well, Sakura just ran pathetically just to catch up to them. To her credit, at least she didn't get tired from that simple run.

Now that they're a little deeper into the forest, Hikaru proceeded to explain his plan.

"Alright, I'll be spreading out my clones to hunt for the scroll we need. We should just stay here while I hide us behind a genjutsu. This should be the safest plan for us. I may be strongest out of all of us but I still have my own limitations. But to be honest, I could probably kill most of them in a blink of an eye." Hikaru said as he weaved some hand signs for his genjutsu before making four clones and each of them have 20 percent of his chakra. They should be around jounin level and could take out most of the teams they come across to. And, they won't be destroyed with a simple hit.

Sasuke nodded his head, and agreed, "That's true. This is the safest option for us, right now. Unless a sannin level opponent suddenly comes out of the shadows, we won't be defeated easily."

'Did he just jinx us?' Hikaru said inside his thoughts.

They all agreed, mostly Sakura, since she's their weakest link.

While they hid, the four shadow clones disappeared from their spot and started searching for the scrolls. They separated just in case.

( Clone#1 )

The clone stepped on the branch of the trees before leaping to another branch. He's currently navigating throughout the forest to search for target, which is any team that he spots with his vision.

He can use A-Rank jutsus at least three times. Thankfully, his creator was kind enough to give them clones of his weapons. They could probably take on four teams without breaking a sweat. That was great, the faster they could do this, the faster they could return to their creator.

As he leaped through the branches, he spotted a team that seems to be from Amegakure. They were wearing these cloaks that hid their bodies, and they were also wearing masks that covered their lower mouths.

Seeing them, the clone grinned.

He leaped off the tree before he appeared in front of that Amegakure team.

The clone was wearing Chester's outfit but unlike Hikaru, they wore the Snickering Top Hat of Chester. And because of that, they looked more like a joker than a shinobi. Though, for some reason, it seems cool.

The Ame Team were immediately on their guards, and one of them decided to ask, "Who are you?"

'Hmm, I think this is the right time to cosplay. I mean, who wouldn't do that?' The clone thought as he smiled behind the mask.

"I'm the Magnificent Chester, at your service. Now, this may seem sudden but, can you please give me your scrolls? I would rather avoid a confrontation with you guys, since it would only result in your deaths." He said elegantly with grace coming off of his voice.

The Ame Team then sneered and one of them said, "You think you can kill all THREE of us? How delusional are you? C'mon, let's kill this pest before his team arrives. I'm thirsty for some blood."

That one seems to be their team leader.

"Hmm, how disappointing. Since you people decided to just kill me instead of talking instead, then you wouldn't mind me doing the same thing, right?" In a sudden burst of speed, he appeared i behind them. But, there was something very eye catchy in his hand.

The head of their team leader is in his hand, dripping blood.

They looked at their team leader, only to see where his head was supposed to be bursting blood like a fountain.

"Now, let's get this over with." Without speaking to them any longer, he beheaded all of them with his bare hands. He did not let them mutter another word.

He only threw all of their heads away and searched their bodies for the scroll. He got it but with some of their blood got on it. Unfortunately, it was only the Heaven Scroll, the same scroll they had.

"Hmm, I wonder how are the other three doing?" He said as he looked up on the blue sky.

He kept the scroll and continued searching for more teams.

( Clone#2 )

He stood in front of three dead bodies, and they seem to be from Amegakure also. All of them were cut in half by his sword, and on his hand was another Heaven Scroll.

"This is really such a disappointment. Guess I'll search for more." With that being said, he disappeared from his spot.

( Clone#3 )

"W-wait! I'll give you the scroll, just let me go!" One of the genins, who seems to be on her last legs, begged desperately in front of Hikaru's clone.

Her other teammates were already laying on the ground, nothing but corpses now.

"Hmm, let me think about it... okay, just give me the scroll." He said as he extended his hand towards her.

She seems to be searching for the scroll, only to take out a tanto and went for his head.

"How unfortunate..." The only words she heard before her vision was split into two. Her body was cut in half by his sword.

Looking at her dead remains, he said somberly, "Is it weird that I already got so used to this kind of scene? The mind of our creator is simply a labyrinth full of nightmares. It's a wonder how he could still smile."

With that, he took the scroll from the body of the dead girl before he saw that it was just another Heaven Scroll.

"Shame..." He shook his head before taking off to find another team.

( Clone#4 )

His situation is slightly more troublesome.

Two teams were already fighting when he stepped in. He killed 3 of them but the other three seems to be stronger than the others, who's dead right now.

"Strong, three high-chunin level genins? But that headband, they seems to be hailing from Kumo. I better get my ass ready." The clone said as fought them with the two straight swords he had.

Pang! Pang! Pang!

Metals clashing could be heard, and the clone seems to be losing the battle.

But the three genins from Kumogakure were having a hard time defeating him.

"Tch, let's see you guys handle this!" The clone said as he weaved hand signs for an A-Rank Ninjutsu.

"Futon: Hundred Wind Blades!"

The surrounding suddenly distorted and on of the Kumo genins suddenly got cut by something invisible.

"Haru!" One of his teammates yelled.

"Yeah, something is going on. He used a Futon Ninjutsu, so our Raiton will be weak against it. It seems like our surrounding is filled with invisible wind blades. Our situation has turned very grave." The one who's name is Haru analyzed.

This situation is very unfavorable for them.

"Hmm, you're very smart. Yes, if you three move, even if slightly, you will get cut. Worst case scenario, you will all get your head beheaded." The clone said.

But even though he said that, he cannot control this jutsu. Even he can get cut by it, if he's not careful.

Haru smirked and said, "You think this wind blades can stop me? Well, think again!"

He moved his arm and it got cut but he made a hand sign.


He disappeared in a puff of smoke and the only thing that landed there was a log.

"Tch, fucking kawarimi. I really wonder why it's so easy to fucking learn." The clone cursed under his breath.

Seeing their teammate do that, the two of them copied him and they got out of his trap.

They got out of the range of his jutsu, and the clone cursed even more.

"Raiton: Thunder Bolt!" Haru yelled as he extended his arm and huge amount of lightning chakra appeared on his hands before he threw it at the clone of Hikaru.

"Suiton: Water Ball!"

"Suiton: Water Ball!"

The other two released two water jutsus to strengthen the electrical current of Haru's jutsu.

But the clone was not idling, this time, he used a two element combination ninjutsu that Hikaru made himself.

"Katon and Suiton: Hidden Flame Jutsu!"

He created a large water ball and inside it was a fireball but at a smaller size, it sat at the top of his hand before he threw it at the jutsus coming for him.

"Take this!" The clone yelled with all his strenght.

The ninjutsus clash but ultimately...

The clone lost.

And the Kumo Team won.

The jutsus hit him and he disappeared in a puff of smoke.

The three tired genins widened their eyes, and said at the same time, "A shadow clone? We were fighting a clone this whole time?"

Finished the chap.

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