"Hah!" With one sword thrust and another, Azumi trained herself in the way of sword in their backyard, while Hikaru watched in a distance.
After the wave mission, he came to the conclusion that Azumi was more likely suited to become a sword fighter. Teaching her the Corvian fighting style was good for Azumi but sword wielding is more likely suited for her. Due to the fact that her mother was once a renowned sword master across the entire five countries. It was quite weird that no one could see the resemblance between her and her mother, which was because her looks and compared to her mother's is really uncanny.
Without her whisker mark and just turn her blonde hair into red, she would exactly look like her mother. Though, right now, for him, she looks absolutely perfect.
You may call him a lolicon, which is kinda true if you look at their relationship, but if you have a girlfriend this beautiful, and you know that she will still even more beautiful, then it doesn't matter. And, it's not like he was the one who initiated this relationship... at least that's what he tells himself everyday.
"Good job, Azumi. You're getting the basics, tomorrow will be the start of the chuunin exams. I'll give you some pointers for you to train on. I know I'm not a sword master, but I know a thing or two about swordmanship." Hikaru said as he walks closer to Azumi.
With Hikaru reached her, Azumi stopped her training and said, "C'mon, Darling. Is this really necessary? I could already take on Kakashi-sensei in a one on one fight! I'm already strong enough for this cuunin exam that he told us about."
Hikaru chops her slightly on the head with his hand.
"Ow!" She rubs the bump on her head while pouting cutely.
"What was that for, Darling?" She asked.
"Kakashi was already weakened by my clones back then. And if you mention about Zabuza, that's because you used the Kyuubi's chakra, which you shouldn't have. Because that chakra will erode your body, thus poisoning it. It was said that if a jinchuuriki ever go on full tailed beast mode without fully controlling the tailed beast. it would half their remaining life span. Fortunately for you, you're an Uzumaki. They were known to have longevity." Hikaru said in a stern voice.
That's right, Hikaru had already told her about the Kyuubi. She wasn't that shock actually when he told her. She must've guess it because of the ways the civilians of this village used to call her. Demon Spawn.
And the only demon that ever "graced" this village was the Kyuubi, she quickly pieced the things together, and ta-da, she figured it out. She wasn't so sure about it at first but when her Hikaru-kun told her about it, she finally erased her doubts.
"I know that, you have already drilled that into my head for so many times. But I'm not that weak, ya know?" Azumi said while pouting.
"Yes, you are not weak. At least in the standards of this village. But in the eyes of the world, you're weak, I am weak. Right now, we are incredibly weak." Hikaru said deeply.
"B-but you're so strong! Not even Kakashi-sensei can match you in full power!" Azumi exclaimed.
Hikaru nodded, and said, "It's true that I beat Kakashi in pure raw power, and even experience in combat. But he has seen one thing I haven't seen."
"What's that?" She asked.
"War, Azumi, war. We're alive because of the previous war heroes, and Kakashi was one of those. But every war hero has one thing in common... they are broken inside. Remember this. Azumi..." He stopped a little to look at Azumi.
"Un!" She nodded.
Seeing her nod, he continues, "No matter how strong a person is, no matter how old they are, and no matter how young they are, they can still get broken. But humans are complex beings. No matter what you do, even if you get broken, don't ever give up. But I really shouldn't say that to you, right? Because that's already your Way of Ninja."
Hikaru looks at her, and she widened her eyes.
Meaninglessly, she held out her hand before grasping something and said, "Yeah, I'm never gonna give up until I become the Hokage! That is my Way of Ninja!"
"Atta girl! Now, let's go back inside the house and get something to eat. You must be hungry after our training session."
Hikaru held her hand as they went back to their house.
Azumi silently gazed at her back, and knew that back will always be there for her. It has always been there for her, no matter what happened, he still continued to protect and care for her. And that's why she loves him very much.
'...that's why I am obsessed over him.'
Her eyes hollowed a little before it returned back to normal.
Silently, slowly, but surely, her feelings for Hikaru just continued to rise up. No matter what he does, she will always love him.
( An Hour Later, Somewhere Around Konoha )
Both of them finished their lunch and talked for a while before deciding to go out of their house for a walk.
"Ne, Darling, I still haven't ask this but how did it feel to have an entire family?" Azumi suddenly asked.
"Hmm, to say it simply, it was kinda boring. My mother and father used to work outside of our home and I would always be left with my siblings. It's been three years since I last saw them, and honestly, the only one I really missed is my little sister, Hina. I think she would be 6 years old by now. I disappeared from my family when she was just three years old. I really miss her." Then he frowned, and said, "Though, I didn't have that much good impression on my other sister. She was arrogant, always complaining, and always showing off right in front of my parents and me. In short, she was annoying," Hikaru answered, but he was slightly angry when mentioning his other sister.
She looked surprised that Hikaru can be so spiteful towards someone. And that someone is of his blood relation.
She then started talking, and said, "You know, when I was young, I would kill to have a family that cares for me. Before I met you, I was always alone while I watched other kids get picked up by their parents and they were jumping around in happiness. I was so lonely before I met you. Sneers would always come into my direction, civilians would always call me demon, and they would always ignore me. I was young, so I didn't know better. That's why I started pranking everyone that caught my line of sight, just to get their attention. And then you came. You extended a hand towards me and told me that you will have lunch with me, not the other kids, but only me. And I loved that, every moment of that was the thing I only needed. You were always there for me, that's why I love you."
She doesn't if she's confessing again to her Darling but it feels good to tell him this. She thought that maybe he should know about this, and that's why she told everything to him.
Hikaru stared mindlessly at her for awhile before he smiled with utmost he can and said, "Thank you, Azumi, for telling me all that. I love you, too. "
She smiled while slight tears were coming out of her eyes..
Truthfully, Hikaru doesn't care one bit about his family except for his little sister, Hina. His other younger sister, who's just three years younger than him, was more talented than him. No, he doesn't like her because of that, it's because the favoritism that his parents is giving her. She was an idol who's just starting her career, a genius in every subject in school, and a kendo style fighter who had won a championship for her school. Naturally, favoritism would occur, and he hated that.
And the only achievement he had? Skipping three years of junior high to advance to senior high. And it was just because of pure sheer luck.
He may be the one his parents wanted to work because they needed it, but his other sister, Ena, had their full hope. The hope that their daughter would rise their family status. Their wealth. He hated them for that, but over these three years, since he met Azumi, he toned down his resentment towards them a little.
Now that he thought about it, Ena should be 16 years old by now. Last May was her birthday, while Hina was last april. It's august right now.
While they were talking, they heard a child's scream in a distance.
"Let me go! Let me go, you make up wielding bastard!" It awfully sounded like Konohamaru.
"I think that was Konohamaru, Darling." Azumi said seriously.
"Hmm, who has the balls to attack the Hokage's grandson in broad daylight. Let's check it out." As soon as he finished saying that, he disappeared along with Azumi.
Meanwhile, with Konohamaru and Sakura.
Three Suna nins stood in front of them.
A girl who has a rough blonde hair style, a red headed boy who's eyes seems to emit bloodlust, and a... guy wearing a cat costume with make up on his face? That's weird...
"Let me go, you furry bastard!" Konohamaru yelled as the guy wearing make up with a furry suit continued grabbing him by the colar.
(Kankuro: I'm not wearing a furry suit!!)
"I'm not a furry, damn it! Brat, you should know the consequences of bumping into I, the great Kankuro!" He said.
"Hmph, I don't give a single flying fuck! Let me go!" Konohamaru continued yelling curses after curses.
"Man, this brat has some mouth, eh? Let me pull your tongue a little. Don't worry, it won't hurt." Kankuro said disturbingly.
"Stop, he's just a child!" Sakura yelled as she saw Kankuro's hand going towards Konohamaru's mouth.
"Hmph." Kankuro simply snorted at the futile attempts of the pink haired girl, and continued going after Konohamaru's tongue.
But just as he continued towards it, five shurikens went out of a tree, forcing him to let go of Konohamaru to dodge the shurikens.
"Who's there?!" Kankuro asked while looking around cautiosly.
"Behind you, idiot."
Without having the time to react, someone swipes his legs, making him fall down, before he was punch in the face.
"Gah!" He flew a few meters away before he managed to get his balance back.
Sakura saw the one who punched the Suna nin, it was her beloved Sasuke-kun!
Sasuke looks at her, worried, and said, "Are you okay?"
'Kyaa! Sasuke-kun is worried for me!' Sakura fangirled.
'Nevermind, she's fine." Sasuke thought as he saw her reaction.
Sasuke then turned his head towards the Suna team, and said, " Let me guess, you guys are here for the chuunin exam?"
The red haired didn't reply but the sand colored hair girl did, "Yes, I apologize for the inconvenience we brought your team and that kid because of my brother. We'll take our leave now."
Not a sincere word came out of her mouth as she simply walks away along with the other one.
"Wait up! Don't you know who's kid you just messed with? He's the Third's one and only grandchild. You three better explain this to our leader. If you don't, this may cause an all out war with Suna." Of course, that was a bluff from Sasuke. This could simply resolve by apologizing a little but their apologies weren't sincere enough.
The sand colored hair girl visibly flinch, but she then said, "Please, don't treat me like a kid. I know your bluffing, this small little thing cannot cause an all out war against Konoha."
"Temari, shut up." The red haired bloodlust filled boy suddenly spoke coldly.
Temari closed her mouth almost immediately the boy said that.
The red haired boy then looked at Sasuke and said, " You're quite interesting, what's your name?"
"Sasuke, Uchiha Sasuke." He replied cooly.
"I'll remember that... when I come to your funeral!" Without any warnings, the sand in his large gourd acted swiftly and formed into a large hand before it rushed towards Sasuke.
Sasuke couldn't make it in time, and even with his sharingan, it was hard to see the sand!
He tried forcing his sharingan go beyond its limit but he couldn't. It was futile. His death was inevitable.
Suddenly, as the large hand made of sand was just milometers away from his body, a thin fiery wall appeared in front of him, and the large hand sand was enveloped by it before turning into pure glass!
"Ho, really daring, aren't we? You know, attacking someone before the exam even starts is against the rules, didn't you know that?" This time, he could recognize this voice.
It was Hikaru, who's standing near a tree with Azumi!
He was just crossing his arms, and yet, the sand hand was stopped!
Alright, I'll make Gaara around low to mid jounin in this fanfiction. And I'll make him able to use Taijutsu, it's just dumb to stand in one side while your sand does all the work for you.
Anyway, I'm starting to work right now, at least until friday. Maybe I won't be able to update until Saturday.
Though, I was shcoked that my views suddenly skyrocketed for some reason. Like, 610K to 700K! That's a big leap for one day, you know?
And as always, thanks for reading this chapter.