
Chapter 129: Ramen

"Wow, look at him go. He's destroying landscapes with the power I gave him, I hope he saved enough women to procreate. Well, not my problem anymore." With a wave of his hand, he transferred the small planet and its sun and moon in a dimension he just created, isolating it forever.

He decided to fill that small planet he created with mana, and left a law that humans can only use magic and not science. With science, they can fuck things up since, even though he hates to admit it, science has far more potential than magic in terms of fucking shits up.

They can just use magic for some basic, everyday stuff like cooking or laundry. They will never evolve into a civilization full of science and shit, they will have magic! With mana, they will be able to use it far more safely than science because of one thing; it's less complex. Without that much complexity in it, magic can either become a dangerous weapon or a very versatile "world" saving tool. He is sure that the microscopic humans he created would use mana for war, but he honestly doesn't care as long as they don't create a spell that is as powerful as a nuclear bomb in a microscopic world, or a microscopic human similar to that.

Roddrick, even with all of his power, is still a mortal and thus would just be able to live up to 80 to 120 years. That's one of the laws he put just earlier in that world he created, so that no one would be able to figure out more of the nature of magic.

Also, no microscopic human he created would be able to become as strong as Roddrick because that is also one of his natural laws put in place.

Anyway, he'll wait for a month to see what happens in that small world.

(Scene Change)

Pestilence stood numbly as his legs started to wobble, his eyes wide, his face, paler than normal, and he was sweating.

Why is he like that you ask? Well that is because of the large dragon in their training hall. It's a bright green western dragon with a tail as long as the tallest of trees, wings spread afar like east to west, and a mane as green as the twilight leaves. But there's one small detail in the dragon's chest, it was carved out. There was no heart in there, it was hollowed.

"You killed Midgardsormr for your breakfast!? Are you fucking mental!?" He broke out of his stupor and yelled at Lady Death.

She just looked away with her arms crossed haughtily, "Hmph, it's not like anyone is going to miss that overgrown dragon. And besides, he insulted me and called me a child."

"That's no reason to kill one of the five dragon kings, you dumb, falt-chested, loli-like woman! You know he doesn't want us to attract attention right now for amusement purposes, right?" Honestly, Pestilence cannot take Lady Death's attitude any longer. He would've prefered her as nothing but a stupid and ignorant child rather than this haughty woman.

The gothic woman's eyes suddenly went enraged and butted her head against Pestilence, and screeched, "Huh!? What did you just say you rage quitter, dick sucking, gay-looking, emo-looking piece of shit of a man!?"

"I said what I meant, you entitled bitch!" He fired back.

"Ho, do you really wanna go at it, fucking prick!?" She asked "nicely".

His eyes glinted dangerously as he said, "Remind me who's stronger between the two of us? HMM!?"


Then, as their individual auras exploded, War came in between them and then pushed them all with a quick palm attack.

*Bam!* *Bam!*

They both crashed into the walls of the large training hall, with War barely even tired. His large figure then turned around as he said, "Stop fighting, or I'll get serious. The two of you know the consequences, right?" He said that last sentence with a glare, then walked away.

Pestilence got up with a quick push against the ground, and Lady Death just stood up like nothing.

"Jeez, you really don't know how to hold back, don't you, you ruffian?" Lady Death said while picking up her gothic-designed umbrella.

Pestilence just said nothing and teleported to his room, he's probably not going outside of his room for a while. This happens when he's in an extremely bad mood, which is what's currently happening. It would be hard to pull him out of his room, since he would lash out if someone even touches him in the fewest of seconds.

Meanwhile, news about Midgardsormr's disappearance, especially because Asgards have always been keeping a close eyes on the giant dragon since the moment it was birthed. Even Odin was shocked when he heard that the large dragon that only slept lazily deep in the oceans, disappeared so suddenly.

Has one of the factions captured the young Dragon King? Or was it killed?

Many things were going on inside his head, when he heard from one of the servants of the dragon king that Midgardsormr was confronted by a young and gothic looking girl and was defeated in battle without the young girl even bathing an eye.

He wouldn't have believed the servant's words, if Forseti, The God of Truth in Asgard, hadn't confirmed it for him. If there was indeed someone like that, then the only one that comes to his mind is the Ouroboros Dragon, Ophis, but why would someone as powerful as her have any use for a dragon weaker than her? If it's not Ophis, then there is no culprit he could think of.

Maybe someone used transformation magic to hide their identity? Yeah, that could be it. He'll look into this incident a little further. If there is indeed someone as powerful as someone like that, then the ranking might change soon. There are only a few beings that could defeat a dragon king so easily.

(Scene Change)

(With Hikaru, 10 Hours Later)

Looking at the dinner table, Hikaru's eyebrow couldn't stop twitching.

He turned his eyes at the two by the table with him, and asked, "So, why are we having pizza for dinner again, hmm? This is the 6th time this week!"

On the table were 6 boxes of pizzas, with each of them having one flavor.

War scratched his head sheepishly, and apologized, "I'm sorry master, I don't know how to cook, in fact, none of us can cook a decent meal. We always had servants back then to cook our food for us."

Hikaru then snapped, "What have you all been doing for the past year!? Can't you learn a skill or two!? What's so hard about that, huh!?" He calmed himself, and just sighed, "I don't really have to eat, so just enjoy yourselves."

He stood up, and was about to leave, when he turned back to say, "And also, I will be changing the destination of this floating castle of mine to a dimension I created earlier. All of you won't be able to leave, since ONE OF YOU has been causing trouble outside. Even though I'm strong, there are still beings out there that could completely obliterate me, like the species of celestial beings I've just found, the Celestialsapiens."

Both the member of his peerage were confused, evidently showing it on their faces. There should be no beings capable of defeating their master, yet there is a whole race of them?

"Celestialspaiens? Can you please elaborate more, master?" War asked.

Hikaru's face then turned serious as he explained to them what they are, "They are creatures capable of destroying and creating an entire universe in a matter of seconds. They can transfer all living beings in this universe into a replica universe and no one would notice a thing, that's how powerful they are. I can probably beat one celestialsapien in a one on one duel, but I'll still be killed. Though, I can always revive."

The two listened attentively, trying to understand more of these mysterious beings.

"I don't know much about them since I've just recently discovered them, but I know that they have are more developed than any civilizations in the entire universe, maybe even pass other universes! Even though we are still neutral with them, that is only for now. They are not aware of our existence. And I believe that there are other more powerful beings in this universe other than them, and these powerful beings are even more dangerous than the celestialspaiens, even though they are weaker, because of one thing, most of them are conquerors and warlords in the currently ongoing galactic wars between five type-3 civilizations. They may not pose a danger to me, but all of them can shred any of you to the last atoms."

"Wait, galactic wars?" Lady Death said, confused.

Hikaru nodded, "Galactic Wars are just like the wars here on Earth, but in a bigger and greater scale. Each foot soldier of theirs can destroy a planet in less than a second, some can even destroy a solar system. That's why I've been experimenting on how to create a civilization so that I could have my own army of super powerful beings capable of shredding the entire universe to its last atoms, but it's been mostly failures since I started but I'm getting there."

"Also, they are just like us, they have emotions and sentience, that's why they are more of a danger to us than the celestialspaiens; they are far more ambitious and greedier, while celestialspaiens just live their lives in a very peaceful manner."

Then, his eyes became colder than before, and said, "That's why you guys shouldn't cause any trouble unless those galactic warlords and conquerors notice our existence. We are anonymous at the moment, but that's because no one in this world has managed to build any technologies on par with type-3 or type-4 civilizations. Though, I suppose you two don't know what type-3 and type-4 civilizations are, right?" They nodded, "Then get your ass up and study all about science!"

He promptly left, leaving them in a state of shock from the knowledge they've just been given. Beings capable of destroying the universe and defeating their master with ease? Heck, they couldn't even touch their master when they had a spar with him! Don't even talk about universe-level super beings, they can't even travel in the known galaxy without any protection towards the coldness of outer space!

The two of them suddenly had the motivation to train to grow stronger, so that they won't just be some kind of ants when those beings show up!

(With Hikaru)

With but a snap of his fingers, the entire castle he made disappeared from this dimension and was transferred in a dimension he created. He was left alone, floating on top of the base of the SCP Foundation with his black overcoat fluttering in the night wind.

He discovered the celestialsapiens prior this month. He hasn't made contact with any of them with the fear that he might start something he can't control. Yes, he also feel emotions like fear, he's not an unfeeling killing machine.

Right now, his only goal is to grow stronger, so that he could match those beings in terms of power. He's just 1 level away, 1 level away from surpassing any being in this universe in strength, though it's getting harder grinding for souls. He has to fight enemies in the system almost as strong as him, so that he could earn more souls faster to grow stronger.

It's hard, but he can manage. It's just that, he would die sometimes and lose all the souls he grinded for many days. If he didn't lose the souls he grinded back then, he would've been far stronger now but noooooo, he just had to die because of a single mistake!

Sometimes, he would be so mad when he lost his souls that he will travel in space and just destroy some planets or solar systems, and they would sometimes have living creatures on them. Imagine losing 500 Quintillion Souls that you grinded for weeks, and lost it all because you tripped on some debris in the arena and got yourself beheaded. That's just fucking bad, am I right?

Anyway, he's going to find some beings that has potential to become stronger to join his peerage. Maybe he should kidnap some gods to join his side? Nah, almost all of them are more arrogant than he is. He's too lazy to fix their attitudes.

Oh right! He's floating on top of a facility with thousands of information about strong beings! He also noticed that there's a strong aura hiding itself inside a dimension box within the facility. How could he forget about them?

In less than microseconds, he vanished in thin air.

(Time Skip)

It's been 10 days since he tried to find someone to join his peerage, and he failed in most parts. First of all, he is very cautious, so no one can join his peerage without absolute loyalty towards him, and second, there are only a few creatures on this planet that can fulfill his requirements for a peerage member. They must be someone who could grow as strong as War, Pestilence, Lady Death, Atanti, or Tiamat. And they must be as loyal as well. There's also the fact that they must not insult him before they join his peerage, or they will die a very terrible death.

Anyway, he is currently staying in a hotel in Kyoto, Japan. There are many Yokais here, some of them are cute and some of them are just downright horrifying. Nurarihyon also exists here, though he's old and already weak. But he has a grandson who might have enough potential to join his peerage, which is great. As long as he doesn't insult him, that is.

You see, most "powerful" beings insult someone before even knowing who they are. That's what always happens to him when he tries asking them to join his peerage, and all of them died with their souls destroyed. He also noticed that he already has a name in the supernatural world, they call him by the title of "Crimson Demon" because he has been killing various "powerful" beings all around the world because they insulted him. He has noticed that he gets very irritated when someone tries to hurt his pride, which is now bad since he can't control his killing spree.

It must be because he ate Chaortos and took on some of her sins, wrath and pride. And the frightening thing is? Many of the seven deadly sins might appear in him soon, since greed has been more evident lately due to the fact that he had been gathering large amounts of money for no reason at all.

He cannot control his deadly sins, and that is horrifying to think about since with this much power in his hands, he could probably wipe out the entire known galaxy if he goes out of control one day. This must be controlled.

He sat at the table in the restaurant in the hotel, and many other guests were there too. Most of them are just rich people, and some are just people who had enough money to check-in a very expensive hotel. Well, neither of them are his problem as long as they don't bother him.

The restaurant each serves people one room just for them, and in that room is a complete set of heater, tatami floor, and a table where he sat.

He sips from the cup of tea the waiter gave him, and it is delicious. Now, he doesn't need any sustenance like food but many meals out there are just superb, like burgers or hotdog in a bun. This expensive restaurant has a very delicious ramen, and ramen always reminds him of his wife, Azumi. She's so addicted to ramen that she would never survive a day without one.

He ordered the ramen they served him, which cost him around 12,000 Yen. This ramen might just be the most expensive ramen in Japan, since he has never seen a ramen that cost that much in his life.

While waiting inside the room the restaurant gave him, he just played around with his powers, bending time and space around him from time to time just to pass time. Then, he smacks himself in the head, which caused a loud shockwave throughout the room, because he remembered that he could just multiply the time all around this planet so that he could have his ramen faster.

So, he did it with a snap of his finger. And milliseconds passed, a waitress, who's wearing a yukata and geta, opened the sliding door with a tray in her hands.

"I'm so sorry for being late, there are just so many customers this night." The waitress said while taking off her geta so that it won't dirty the tatami floor, then entered the room.

"It's fine, I didn't wait that much." Hikaru said, smiling towards the waitress, who blushed while putting down the tray on top of the table.

Hikaru observed the ramen, then was joyed when he saw that it was perfect in every way, almost resembling Teuchi's ramen back in Konoha.

He took a large wad of cash stacked in 10,000 Yen notes, and gave it to the waitress, "Here, I'll give you my tip. Share this with the chef who cooked this ramen."

The waitress hesitated, then asked, "S-Sir, we don't accept tips here. If you would like, you could just praise our chef."

"But you need this, right?" He asked, and the waitress gulped while looking at the stack of 10,000 Yen in his hand.

"Your little sister is in the hospital, your father is a drunkard, and your mother left you when you were very young, aren't I right?" He said calmly, and the waitress was shocked.

"Don't worry, just accept this tip, and don't forget to share this with the chef who cooked this." Hikaru said nonchalantly, as if he didn't just read someone's mind.

Even though she was very hesitant, and a little bit cautious, she still took the money. It was for her sister, even though the man earlier just described the things in her life very accurately. That man might just be some crime lord who knew about her, but even then, she's all out of option at this point. She doesn't have anyone to lean her back on, especially her drunkard of a father. He is lazy because he got his leg amputated due to some accident in a construction site, always drinks alcohol every day, but still, he was a very good father towards her and her little sister. He is still kind; he never orders her around but he just drinks his life away. She's sad about that fact.

Meanwhile, Hikaru didn't care about her life situation. He was just impressed at the ramen in front of him that he just gave out 1,000,000 Yen without thinking. Still, that money doesn't even take a percent in his stash of money, in fact, you won't even notice that it decreased.

He ate the ramen slowly to savor its taste. It was almost as delicious as Teuchi's ramen that he might just hire the chef who cooked this ramen.

As he ate the ramen, slurping noodles every now and then, he didn't notice something, or someone, falling towards where he was at light speed.

The unknown entity then pierced into the roof of the room, directly towards Hikaru's table. The entity then crashed onto Hikaru's table, specifically where the ramen is, and the ramen was ruined, splattering to the ground.

Hikaru sat there, a little surprised, then reality hit him when he saw the table in front of him was no longer there and instead, someone who's inside a child-size silver armor with bright blue metal-like wings. The person inside the armor revealed their face when the helmet disappeared, showing a child with silver hair and hazel eyes.

"Damn it Azazel, couldn't you have hit me a little softer?" The child said, nonchalant about breaking into someone's peaceful dinner.

Hikaru had veins bulging in his forehead, which is strange since he is an undead, and then grabbed the brat's head from behind, almost crushing it.

"Ho, you've got some guts for disturbing my dinner. So, how do you want to die?"

I had to stop there since I've already written 3430 words, which is the highest word count I have ever written for a single chapter. Also, no, Hikaru can't defeat a celestialsapien yet, don't believe his words. His pride just took over him.

Even though he is also a universe-level being, he's just not at the same level as celestialsapiens who could bend reality to their will and create a universe in a span of seconds. Hikaru can't do that, especially the universe creating part.

But don't worry, I think I'll write a conflict about him and the celestialsapien race... or not, they are just too powerful. At best, Hikaru will just befriend them, since it's better than fighting with them.

Oh, and yeah, there will be aliens here. They will be from DBZ and Ben 10, since they're the series I'm most familiar to.

Now, there's a reason why I added them; it's because I needed the stakes to be high. Sure, Hikaru will just revive even if he is killed by celestialsapiens, but what about the others? War? Pestilence? Atanti? Lady Death? All of them are quite close to Hikaru, and if they died, well, he might just go berserk. And trust me, you wouldn't like a berserk Hikaru... or would you? Sometimes, I don't know what you guys are thinking.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter, stay well, and as always, thank you for reading. Peace!

Oh, and yeah, the child is Vali.

Miko_Sayakicreators' thoughts
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