
Traveling To The World Of Anime With The Dark Souls System

Hikaru Hiroaki, a big fan of Dark Souls. Even though he only played the first one, he still loved the entire trilogy because of the lore that Vaatividya kindly explained in his videos. But Hikaru's future was not bright, his mother works 2 jobs a day just to feed him and his 2 siblings. His father works at a construction site to pay their rent. That's why Hikaru didn't have enough time to play around, he works to save up for his college tuition. He is currently at the end of his high school life and he would enter college soon. But unfortunately, as he traverses through the road while the traffic lights were still red, a drunk driver riding a lamborghini ignored the red lights and hits him directly. He died instantly. He woke up in a place covered in white fogs, and an old voice spoke to him. "I shall give thou the power of Dark Souls, please use it wisely." ________________________________________________________________ Alright, I didn't plan this fanfic at all. I just daydream everyday and write what's inside my head. You may see some paragraphs that you are not able to understand and that's fine. Just report it to me and I'll fix it. Plot holes and plot armor, yeah, I have many of those in my fanfic. If you don't like plot holes and such, please don't read this. I don't like people just messing my ratings just because they don't like plot holes. Also, don't read this fanfic if you don't know Dark Souls, I promise you, you won't understand a thing about this fanfic. Don't write a review if you don't know what you are talking about, it's seriously messing up my rating and I'll have to delete it if it's really bad. Just criticize it in the review, write something that's asking the author to write better. Honestly, reviews that are trying to put the author down are just downright bad. Many people out there gave up writing just because of those reviews, please don't do that to other fanfics or novels out there. I feel sorry for the author. Anyway, thank you for giving your time in reading this. Enjoy the fanfic. Also, I accept people criticizing my fanfic since it helps me grow as a writer. You can do that. _______________ Also, before you post a review, please read at least to 50 chapters. If you don't like it, then you can criticize me for my really bad world building and character development. Trust me, I've had too many people stating that my MC is really bad, and they've only read like what, less than 10 chapters? I know I made too many mistakes in the early chapters, but you don't have to keep shoving it right into my face for god's sake.

Miko_Sayaki · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
147 Chs

Chapter 125: Hikaru vs "Gods"

The roof of the hall of gods flew out, as if it was cut by something incredibly sharp. On top of the gods was a young man with waist-long black hair with some strands being white. His blood red eyes full of playfulness, and his mouth, smiling at Poseidon like he had just met an old friend.

He wore a black overcoat with a turtleneck, black jeans, and a black fedora hat.

He slowly descended in front of the gods, when Ares vanished from his seat and appeared in front of him with a long sword pointing at his neck.

"Who are you? Why did you trespass on our land?" He asked, aggressively.

"Woah, woah, back up, big guy! I'm just meeting up with Poseidon." Hikaru said with his hands up.

Ares then looked back on Poseidon, and asked, "Is that true, uncle?"

Poseidon, still sitting on his seat, albeit a little nervous, then replied, "Yes, he is, uh, an acquaintance of mine. Though, I bid to ask, why did you have to cut the roof?" He was a little confused as to why he did that, truly.

Hikaru scratched his head sheepishly, "I thought that would make a great entrance, but from all your annoyed faces, I guess not."

Zeus stood up, then, with his booming voice, he yelled, "Enough of this! Who are you and what do you want!?"

Ares, with his sword still on his throat, said, "Answer my father! Or perish!"

Poseidon really wanted to stop this, but some kind of force is stopping him from standing up. He looked at Hikaru and saw him winked at him for a moment.

Oh no.


Hikaru flicked the tip of the sword ever so slightly, and, along with Ares' arm, it flew off to outer space.

Shocked, Ares couldn't dodge when Hikaru made a blue transparent whip and used it to wrap around his neck. With a flick of his hand, Ares was dragged towards the ground with a velocity of 1 million meters per second and as soon as he hit the ground, the mountain of Olympus shook so hard that all of the gods and goddesses almost fell off their seats, while Percy, Annabeth, and Grover fell on their butts.


"Ooh, that gotta hurt!" Hikaru quipped with a laugh.

A big and deep hole was made in the ground, unsure if Ares is even alive anymore.

Zeus, realizing what had just happened, flared his lightning aura out of rage.

"You dare!?"

With his master bolt in hand, he flew directly towards Hikaru with an intense rage. As he flew, he threw his master bolt towards Hikaru with a speed faster than the speed of sound… but he caught it with his bare hands, and with little to no effort, he crushed it to pieces.

"Hmm? What kind of useless weapon is this? It broke, for some reason." Hikaru said out loud, which angered Zeus even more when he realized just what happened to his favorite and second-most powerful weapon.

"You little shit! I'll kill you for breaking my master bolt!" Zeus raged, all rationality was lost.

That took Hikaru a moment, before he asked incredulously, "That useless weapon was your master bolt? Well, whoever made that must've been a pretty bad blacksmith. Hahahaha!"

"Die!" Zeus rushed at him, full of rage. Without any weapon, he decided to use his fist.

With his full strength, he tried to punch Hikaru!

The wind blew, forming a small hurricane that almost made the three mortals with them shake, shivering in fear. Athena used a magic spell and formed a force field that protected the two demigods and the satyr.

Hikaru, with a face now full of boredom, just flicked Zeus' fist and broke it almost immediately. The Sky God's arm made numerous cracks, blood spurted out, and now his right arm is broken.

The other gods were now concerned, obviously they have no way of fighting this newcomer. If even Zeus, arguably the strongest out of all of them, can't even defend himself from a simple flick of his fingers, then they are fucked!

Because even the titans would have a difficult time defending against the Sky God's punch at 100 percent strength! Though they knew that Zeus still haven't accessed his [Divine Form] that multiplied his overall strength by four times, they still knew that they would lose for some reason. It was as if some kind of innate feeling that they knew they would lose if they fought against this newcomer.

Zeus clutched his now broken arm, and said after calming himself a bit, "Who are you? And why are you doing this?"

"I just wanted to meet with Poseidon for some favors, but I saw that you guys were too easy to aggravate, so I decided to mess with you." He took out two bottles of divine blessing, and toss it towards Zeus and he caught it, quite confused as to what they are.

"Those things will heal the two of you to full strength, a little apology for your injuries. Hahaha!" He laughed, then released Poseidon from his paralyzed state.

Instantly, the God of the Sea stood up and appeared instantly by his brother's side, "Brother, you should drink those. Hikaru might be a bit playful, but he won't lie about that… I think he won't lie about that. Anyway, I've known him for some time, so I know you can trust him. I'll go and talk to him about what he was here for, and you and nephew can take the time to rest."

Zeus was a little uncomfortable that Poseidon, for once, would be the one to take charge of the situation but he complied and flew down to his son, to heal him.

Poseidon then glared at Hikaru, "Why did you have to do that? My standing with my brother is already soured, but you made it even worse! You're an acquaintance of mine, and that would make my brother grow more paranoid and be on guard whenever I am around!" He made it so that no one but Hikaru would hear him.

"Mah, mah, don't worry! Here, " In a sudden bright light, he made a solid lightning sword with his lightning magic, "This thing here is a culmination of millions of thunderbolts gathered and compressed in one place, give this to your brother and I would assure you, he would be overjoyed."

That's right, he made an overpowered sword in less than a second!

This lightning sword is basically capable of commanding the nature of lightning, thunder, or basically anything that has electricity circuiting through it. Though it won't be able to make the creator of it yield, since Hikaru made it that way.

This lightning sword that is shaped like a long sword with a black and white metal body, with lightning coursing through it, can also cut anything in its path for 20 times only, and then it would have to re-charge within a place abundant with electricity.

Fortunately, Zeus is basically made of lightning, so he will be able to re-charge it how many times he wants.

Poseidon's face beamed up slightly, though this offer raises one question, "What's the catch?"

Hikaru smiled slightly, "Sharp as always. Give me the information about the hydra and Typhon, I want to enslav-- I mean, make friends with them."

Now that got Poseidon confused, but it didn't matter, since he would receive that amazing sword. Though that got him wondering for a minute.

Typhon is basically the father of all monsters, well, almost all anyway. It once tied against Zeus in a fight, though it was defeated and cast down to the underworld, Hades' domain.

It is also the youngest son of their sweet ol' grandmother, Gaia.

The father of all monsters is a grisly monster with a human's head and hundreds of dragon limbs for its lower body. It was the stuff of nightmares for most old greek gods, including him, because its unrelenting evilness and power are enough to put any god besides Zeus to their knees.

That monster also had a wife named Echidna, who is still on the run from the gods. Even now, there were many sightings of her lurking around the Shinto Territories and raping young strong males to reproduce more of her unsightly children. There is also a rumor that Yasaka's husband was kidnapped by Echidna, though there was no evidence of that.

The Greek Gods couldn't hunt down Echidna even if they wanted to, because the Shinto Gods are vastly more powerful than them and Greek Gods are banned from Japan since Zeus decided to take advantage of some poor women in Japan.

The Greek Gods are also banned from many mythological factions… all because Zeus couldn't keep his pants up and decided to take advantage of a lot of women.

"Typhon is trapped in the underworld, my older brother's domain. The Hydras can mostly be found in the familiar forest, where young devils go to. I advise you not to go there, or you might just start a war with the devi-- and he's gone. Fucking Great!"

He couldn't help but grumble under his breath, but at least he left the sword. It's floating in the air, though he still couldn't help but still resent him.

The Hall of Gods was just renovated a week ago!


Percy tried to calm Annabeth down, even though he is also scared to the point of pissing himself. It's not everyday you see gods fighting each other!

(Currently, in the Familiar Forest)

Ah, the Familiar Forest. Young devils come here to get their pokem-- familiars. Sometimes, they would have too much ambition and try to get the strongest familiars, which always resulted in them being killed.

The Forest is always calm, but when young devils gather around, they make a lot of noise.

And especially now that the young heiress of the Gremory Clan has come to the Familiar Forest to get her newest Peerage Members a familiar.

"Yuuto-kun, Koneko, are you both sure about these familiars? You can never exchange it for another unless it dies, you know?" Rias said.

Even though she was just 12 years old, you can already see she would grow up to be a wonderful woman. She has long crimson hair, blue eyes, skin as smooth as a porcelain stone and as soft as a pillow. She wore a white dress with little to no decorations on them. She wore a pair of slippers and a small weaved hat.

Koneko, currently ten years old, carried a small kitten within her arms. She cradled it like a baby, though she still nodded when Rias spoke to her. She has neck-long white hair and golden eyes, her height was passable for her age. She also wore a white dress that is similar to her hair. Two white cat ears protrude from atop of her head. It would twitch from time to time.

Yuuto Kiba's familiar is a small golden bird that has the beak of an eagle and the body of a sparrow. It's sharp eyes contrast to its small body. It would squawk to get the young boy's attention.

"Yes, absolutely. I will name him Jack, after the main character of that one pirate movie." He said, and the small sparrow-like bird nodded, satisfied with its name.

"...This one's name is Shiro." Koneko said silently, but was just enough to be heard by Rias.

"Good for you, Koneko! It looks just like you!" Rias said to her cute peerage member.

"...Thanks." The young Nekoshou said.

She then turned to Kiba, and said, "The name you chose also sounds good, too, Yuuto-kun!"

The older woman then spoke.

"Young miss, since you have finished getting them familiar, I think it is time for you to return home." Grafiya said stoically.

Grayfia is a beautiful young woman appearing to be in her early twenties with back-length silver hair that features a long braid on each side with small blue bows at the ends, while the rest is let down which ends in twin braids and red eyes.

"Hmph, you're no fun, Grafiya-Onee-chan! I want to explore more of this forest!" Rias cutely pouted.

"Your father said that you would say that, so he told me to ban you from watching anime and reading any manga or light novels if you keep up with this atittude." Grafiya said sternly.

Rias slumped her shoulders down, and just gave up.

The older woman nodded in satisfaction before activating a teleportation spell, but as they were about to leave, a man passed by behind the nearby trees.

Now, that was weird since it was stated that the Gremory Clan would take control of this forest for a day.

She paused for a moment to see who it was.


A little encounter with Rias later in the chapter. And no, there is no Grafiya lemon, that's just messed up.

I've seen a lot of DXD fanfiction writing tons of lemons for some reason, like why? What's the reason for all of that 18+ descriptions? I mean, i tried writing lemons before but they sucked big floppy dicks, so I didn't try anymore.

Do you know how it feels when someone is getting a boner because of a fanfiction you wrote?

Yeah, it's fucking awkward.

Anyway, I'm having an existential crisis currently, so I hope you enjoyed the chapter, stay well, and as always, thank you for reading!

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