
Love for the first time

Prince Mahisa walking in the Kutaraja Market with his guard. He saw a beautiful girl in the market. The girl is Sinta who walks with her maid. He walks slowly behind the girl to observe her, and then the girl stopped at the accessories shop.

"Your Highness, what are you looking for?", asked his guard.

"I looking for something beautiful", said Prince Mahisa.

The girl heard Prince Mahisa's voice, she looked back, but she didn't recognize who is the boy. He looked annoying.

"Do you want something beautiful?", asked Sinta.

"Oh, yes. I will give it to my mother", answered Prince Mahisa.

Sinta took a beautiful ring, she gave it to Prince Mahisa.

"I think this looks so beautiful for your mother", said Sinta.

"Yes, I think so", replied the prince.

And then Sinta talks to the seller if she will pay for the ring. Prince Mahisa said that she doesn't need to pay for it, he will pay by himself, but Sinta said that it is a gift for him.

Sinta has left the market and going back to her house. But Prince Mahisa still stands up there, He is looking at the ring with his smile.

"Your Highness, We should move on", said his guard.

"Oh, I am sorry. Ok, Let's go to the palace".

Now Prince Mahisa is already in his horse-drawn carriage. He still thinking about Sinta. He looked like he has fallen in love for the first time.

"Oh my god!!! I forgot to ask her name?", shouted Prince Mahisa.

His guard and the other one heard that, but they acting like they didn't hear anything because if they asked Prince Mahisa, the Prince might be will angry.

Sinta has arrived at her house. She opened her shopping bag and check it all one by one. Her maid says about a boy that they met in Kutaraja Market.

"My lady, I think a boy that we were met in the market is very handsome". Said the maid.

"Really? You think like that?", asked Sinta.

"Yes my lady, he has big eyes and his face is so shining, he seems like a prince in a fairy tale story".

"Hahaha.. maybe! But the real prince is not him. I have met him when I was a kid, but I don't know his face, for now, I think it has changed".

"I hope he is handsome like that boy", said her maid.


Prince Mahisa has already arrived at the palace. He stays in his room in the palace. He looks at the sky from the window, and he saw a girl's face. The face is Sinta's face.

"Her Majesty Queen has arrived"

Prince Mahisa heard that the Queen is in front of his room.

"Sister, come in"

Tania entered and saw Prince Mahisa. Prince Mahisa looked unhappy. Tania trying to tell about Sinta. Sinta is a beautiful girl with good behavior. She also has a good education.

"She is the best candidate for you", said Tania.

"The best for me or you?"

Prince Mahisa seems that he didn't interest in the woman who was selected. Although Tania is hard to tell about the good side of Sinta. Because he doesn't know that the woman who selected is Sinta. A girl that he saw before in Kutaraja Market.

"Ok, I agree with this wedding, but could I have a concubine as my second wife? I will pick a girl who I want as my concubine!" said Prince Mahisa.

"Are you crazy? You even not marry sinta yet, but you have asked to bring a concubine? Hoo I tired with life in this era"

Tania has left the Prince's room. She already enters the queen's room. But Prince Mahisa feels bad after he talked with his sister-in-law.

"I think I did too far today, I need to ask to apologize with my sister in law"

Tania is still in the queen's room. She lies on her bed, then she says: "Am I did too far with Mahisa? I should say I am sorry to him"

A maid said that Prince Mahisa is coming. Then Tania let him enter her room.

"Sister, I need to say something", said Prince Mahisa.

"I also want to say something to you", said Tania.

"You go first"

"No.. no.. no.. you go first"

and then Tania and Prince Mahisa both say "I am sorry".

"Oh,, you also?", said Tania.

"Yes, I thought that I did too far with you, I am sorry"

"Me too, I thought I may not to asked you to marry Sinta if you don't want it"

"But it's ok, no problem. I know you selected the best woman for me"

Ratri entered the room and said that the woman who selected already comes in. She is now at the Pavilion East.

"Ok, Mahisa let's go to Pavilion East"


King Anusapati and Bagaskara are still in the king's room. Bagaskara said that he has found a fact about the new butler in Prince Toh Jaya's House. He told that the butler was serving Prime Minister, but Prime Minister sent it to Prince Toh Jaya's house. He might be has planning to be more close to Prince Toh Jaya.

"I think it will be more difficult to improve our family relationship, the butler maybe received an order from Prime Minister", said the King.

"Give me an order your majesty, I will do everything to help you"

"I think it has enough, for now, you need to get a rest for a while, and I need to meet the queen"

"Yes, your majesty"

Karso has entered the King's room and said that Queen asked him to tell the king if she is already in Pavilion East.

"Ok, then I will go"

King Anusapati is going to Pavilion East with Karso.

"Your Majesty, You looked so happy today", said Karso.

"Yes, of course, I am happy because my queen is already doing her job as a queen. You know, since we were married, she always stays in her room"

"I also happy for you, my king"


"Her Majesty Queen and Her Highness Prince Mahisa arrive"

Sinta is stand up and then she greets the queen and prince.

"Good evening your majesty queen and your highness"

Prince Mahisa looking at Sinta's face. He was so surprised because the woman who was selected is someone who met him in Kutaraja Market.

"You??", said Prince Mahisa.

"You??", Sinta also said that.

Prince Mahisa smile at Sinta.