
Light Spot II

Tania kept reading all of Sekarwangi's notes related to poisoning due to the wrong use of herbs, but none of Sekarwangi's notes wrote about the effects of poisoning that occurred after consuming herbs incorrectly. Will it lead to death, notes or something else. There is no final result from Sekarwangi's research yet. Even though Tania had dismantled all of Sekarwangi's notes, she still couldn't find them. Tania thought that it was possible that Sekarwangi would be executed before his research was completed.

"Even though he is very smart, it's a shame he ended up being executed. If only he could focus on his research rather than revenge, maybe his findings would be very useful at this time," said Tania.

Tania has been dissecting books for hours. He also wanted to rest for a while. He walked out of the clinic. Time had passed until now the sun was directly above his head.

"Huh, it's so hot, I want a cold drink," Tania said to herself.