
Traveling through the world of beasts: Beast King, don’t mess around!

I have inexplicably traveled to the Orc Continent. I eat barbecue every day, and it doesn’t even taste salty. It doesn’t matter. I can help you boil salt. Will people starve to death in the cold season? It doesn’t matter, I’ll teach you how to preserve food and grow food. Do you get rheumatism from living in a cave? It doesn't matter, I'll help you build a house and live in a villa, what? Someone wants to attack them? Ji Mo was angry and watched his sister build some modern weapons to kill them. Sister, with Baidu in hand, I can build whatever I want, but why are I afraid of you uncivilized beasts? Keywords of the novel: Traveling through the world of beasts: Beast King, don’t mess around! No pop-ups, traveling through the world of beasts: Beast King, don’t mess around! txt full set download, Through the World of Beasts: Beast King, don’t mess around! Latest chapter reading

Line_Huang · Fantasy
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70 Chs

Chapter 52 Encountering a Python in the Bamboo Forest

Then she followed him to a river. Qianhuang jumped into the river with a single leap. He ignored Ji Mo at all and swam a long way away before stopping.

  Ji Mo stood on the shore with a confused look on his face. What's going on? Is he too hot? Want to swim?

  But Ji Mo didn't care about him, turned around and walked back to the bamboo forest. She hugged a bamboo with both hands and couldn't help but sigh. The things here are indeed different from those on the earth. Even the bamboos are much thicker and even the bamboo leaves are wider.

  Ji Mo found some thinner bamboos and took out the Tibetan knife, but after several cuts, only a few white marks were left on the bamboos. It seemed that the knife was too small to cut.

  It seemed that he could only go to Qianhuang. Ji Mo turned around and was about to go there, but as soon as he turned around, he stopped because there was a python about the same thickness as bamboo wrapped around a bamboo behind her. Mo was so frightened that her legs trembled.

  What she has been most afraid of since she was a child is snakes, especially such a big python. Ji Mo feels that she is definitely not enough for the snake to swallow it in one gulp. The snake also found her, spitting out a message.

  The bamboo wrapped around the huge body creaked. Ji Mo's face turned pale and cold sweat fell down her forehead. She swallowed hard and opened her mouth to shout.

  "Master Qianhuang, help me!"

  Her voice seemed to anger a python, and her huge body fiercely shot towards Ji Mo. Ji Mo's face turned pale, his eyes rolled, and he fainted. Before he fell into coma, she was still She was thinking that she was probably really going to die, but she didn't know if it would hurt to be eaten by a snake.

  While unconscious, she felt someone patting her face. Ji Mo was still thinking, am I not dead? Why are you still feeling it?

  She tried to open her eyes, and then she saw Qianhuang's enlarged handsome face. She immediately sat up straight and pushed Qianhuang away. "You, what are you doing?"

  Qianhuang stood up, looked at Ji Mo and said, "If I hadn't saved you, you would have fallen into the snake's belly long ago."

  Only then did Ji Mo realize that he was not dead. She hurriedly stood up and found the snake lying dead on the side. Ji Mo let out a long breath.

  "Thank you for saving me."

  Qianhuang didn't bother to pay attention to her at all. He walked over and carried the snake directly towards the river.

  "Where are you going?" Ji Mo quickly followed. After what happened just now, she would never dare to stay here alone. If another snake came out and Qianhuang was unable to save her in time, then she would Really dead.

  Qianhuang threw the snake by the river, apparently ready to skin it. Ji Mo quickly said, "You can take care of this snake later. Aren't we here to find food? We don't have enough time."

  Qianhuang looked up at the sky. , stood up again with the snake in hand, "Okay, let's go quickly. By the way, aren't you coming to find the pointed-leaf tree? What are you going to do?"

  Speaking of bamboo, Ji Mo's eyes lit up and he grabbed Qian. Huang walked towards the bamboo forest, "Qianhuang, help me get some bamboos, both thick and thin."

  Ji Mo picked the bamboo in front, Qianhuang just scratched it lightly with his paw, and the bamboo fell into place. Break.

  Ji Mo selected several bamboo sticks, then pulled Qianhuang and asked him to cut them into sections, mainly to keep the bamboo sections.

  Qianhuang did all the instructions. Ji Mo looked at the finished products one by one, her eyes almost bursting with laughter. She could finally drink hot water, finally had a cup and a bowl, and could drink soup. This bamboo was simply too delicious. It's practical.

  He also used bamboo to make spoons and chopsticks. There were a lot of them in front of Ji Mo, but after finishing them, Ji Mo felt a little worried, "How can I take these things back?"

  Qianhuang also frowned, Finally, he said, "I'm in the form of an animal. You can put these things on my back."

  Ji Mo shook his head, wouldn't it be lost if he fell? After rolling his eyes for a long time, he suddenly looked at those bamboo strips. It would be great if he could weave a basket, but to make a basket, these bamboo strips would have to be boiled in hot water. How long would it take?

  It seemed that this idea was not working. Ji Mo suddenly spotted the snake and said to Qianhuang, "Can you hunt it now? We will wrap it in animal skin and take it away."

  Qianhuang didn't say anything, just stood up and left. After a few steps, he turned back and said to Ji Mo, "Just stay there and don't move around. If you encounter a snake again, no one will care about you."

  Although the words were all disgusting, Ji Mo nodded with a smile. His concern still made her very happy.

  Qianhuang was quite fast. After a while, he came over with an animal like a cow. He went to the river to skin it and wash it. He briefly tanned the skin, and then threw it wetly to Ji Mo.

  Ji Mo tied a thin branch with rattan silk that he had prepared a long time ago, and quickly threaded the needle and thread. After a while, a simple bag was ready. Ji Mo put all the bamboo bowls, chopsticks, spoons and cups. Once installed, it only takes up a small amount of space. Ji Mo couldn't help but smile happily.

  She threw her pocket there, then took a big cup and a small cup to the river to fill with water. She took a sip and couldn't help but said intoxicatedly, "This feels right." She said and stared again. Look at the rim of the cup. I guess this needs to be stuffed a little, otherwise I won't be able to carry it.

  Qianhuang looked at the bamboo cup in her hand in surprise. He reached out and took a look at it. "This is really good. It can hold so much water without leaking."

  Ji Mo grabbed it and said, "Of course it's good." At least it's better than using leaves, but the mouth of the cup needs to be plugged. Also, you've been making pottery for so long, but haven't you ever burned bowls and cups?"

  Seeing Qian Huang's blank look? , Ji Mo didn't want to explain to him, "Forget it, you'd better make two wooden stoppers first. We will take this cup with us on the road soon, and it must be plugged with stoppers, otherwise it will leak."

  Ji Mo found wood and used The Tibetan knife cut it into the shape of a cup, and then she cut off two pieces from the T-shirt she was wearing underneath. Looking at her T-shirt with her belly button exposed, Ji Mo felt distressed. These were the only pieces she had. clothing.

  Wrap the stopper with cloth and stuff it into the mouth of the cup. It really worked and there was no leakage at all. Ji Mo threw the larger cup to Qianhuang with a smile.

  "This is for you. You can take it with you when you go hunting in the future, so you don't have to go to the river to drink water every time."

  Qianhuang took the bamboo cup in his hand and glanced at Ji Mo, "It's good , we can let the other orcs carry it, and we can go farther when hunting."

  Qianhuang carried the prey, and Ji Mo carried the big bag and walked back to the original place. Along the way, whenever Ji Mo saw the fruit, he would ask. I wonder if Qianhuang can eat it? I just pick a lot of edible ones and throw them into my pocket.

  After walking for a while, Ji Mo suddenly sniffed. This smell...

  Qianhuang had already frowned. He pulled Ji Mo and wanted to walk past here quickly, "It stinks, let's go quickly."

  Ji Mo I shook him off, sniffed and walked toward the place with the strong smell, and then I saw the durian tree.

  "Here I go, it's really durian." Ji Mo's eyes lit up, shining with excitement.

  Qianhuang stood behind her, watching her rush to pick that smelly thing, and immediately stretched out his hand to stop it, "Why are you here if it smells so smelly?"

  Ji Mo turned around and said in a very contemptuous tone, "You guys are really What a waste of natural resources, durians are delicious, they are really delicious." As she said this, she picked one and almost knocked her down. The tree was forty or fifty meters high, and Ji Mo couldn't help but look up. You can't see the top, but the key is that there is more than one tree here, and every tree is covered with durians.

  Moreover, these durians were very big. Ji Mo just held them and they weighed more than 20 kilograms. She didn't take precautions and sat on the ground directly.

  Qianhuang came over. Although his face was full of disgust, he still helped Ji Mo pick up the durian. However, he picked it up and threw it away. Ji Mo quickly shouted.

  "Hey, you must not throw it away. This is really delicious. I like it very much. Don't throw it away."

  Ji Mo's voice was begging.

  Qianhuang glanced at her, then returned the durian to her, and then stood there to watch Ji Mo eat it.

  In modern times, durians are so expensive. Although Ji Mo likes them very much, she is rarely willing to buy them. She didn't expect to meet them here, and she was so happy.

  Ji Mo couldn't wait to open the durian with a Tibetan knife. He cut a small piece and put it in his mouth. Well, it was sweet and delicious, soft and sweet, and melted in the mouth. It was so delicious.