
Traveling Through Tales

Please support me on Patreon: I Hope to Keep Writing As many Stories as I can. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=82377700&fan_landing=true&view_as=public ***** Deep in my heart I yearned to be a player in tales of adventure, but I have buried this selfish desire with the obligation I have put upon myself to my fellow man. So, I decided to dedicate my time, my effort, my LIFE to my work in the hopes that I would be of help to my fellow man. But in a twist of fate the people I wished to help have turned on me. This left me broken with a hole in my mind and heart, but my resolve would not waver. Like every failure from before, I began to pick up the shattered pieces of myself and attempted to put myself back together, but suddenly I am reminded of what I truly wanted. ADVENTURE. To see the world and experience all that I could. Be it through fear, cold, or even nightmarish hardships. I WILL HAVE AN ADVENTURE. These 5 words rang out in my subconscious and with-it fate had turned, and I now find myself in an unknown place, my memories fractured, and my body changed? "WHERE THE HELL AM I?!" Now in an unknown world and with very few memories. Our protagonist will venture forth to find himself. The time it will take, what will occur, and even how will he be changed are all questions that run behind every tale. But interestingly, other tales run in parallel with him. They will cross paths and sparks will fly as numerous as the stars.

IslandFlare · Fantasy
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115 Chs

Chapter 6 Ozen’s Meeting

Seeing Shizu guide Azi on a tour of Shisayama, Ozen turned to Yashimu and told him to come with him before leaving to make preparations to finish the planned hunt. He wanted Yashimu to hear what he was going to say next and motioned him to follow.

Ozen made his way to an inn in the northern portion of the village, which was well known for its food but more importantly was the exclusive use of its private rooms for discussion.

The inn was quite large as its entrance could fit a carriage through its doors. The sign of the inn a was a white cloth painted with the symbol of a hearth.

As he entered the inn, he gestured to the innkeeper he was familiar with. She was a woman with a large red coat over her white ensemble, and she led Ozen and Yashimu to a small private room purposely lit dimly to obscure the sight of its inhabitants.

Within the room was a man of similar age to Yashimu wearing a simple regal attire. As Ozen and Yashimu moved to sit across from the man, the innkeeper closed the door behind them and began to keep a look out from outside the room.

"Thank Manu for coming". Said Ozen. "I know it was sudden of me to request this meeting from you in the middle of the night but there has been a development that I decided to bring to your attention this morning."

Shaking his head Manu reassured Ozen.

"It is no problem my king, I am willing and able to meet you at any time. Work as village chief is a lot of work but I would not dare to deny the request of my king. Please, elaborate on this development you speak of."

Manu began to pour tea for the pair, he had warmed it while waiting for the pair's arrival. Manu proffered a cup to Ozen which Ozen gratefully accepted, he did the same for Yashimu and accepted as well.

After taking a sip of tea Ozen said with a serious expression now marring his face.

"The boy Azi, he is strange. His attitude makes me believe he is a foreigner, but his explanation of his possible amnesia brings into question if he even is a foreigner. He could be a resident of Yamato that has lost his memory and it could be possible that his family is looking for him."

Pausing to see if Manu was listening, Ozen continued.

"I need you to find any leads about his origins, he possibly lived in one of the nearby villages but if you find nothing, spread the search further. Additionally, I need you to keep an eye on him. Can you do this Manu?"

Taking a sip of tea from his own cup, Manu thought about Ozen's words.

He was confused by why Ozen would be taking such precautions for a stranger and asked. "Really? Why go so far for some random stranger and why be cautious of him? Could he become a threat to the safety of the village."

"No, not a threat." Said Ozen.

"But my instincts tell me that the boy might be a troublesome case to deal with. This is the first time my instincts have acted up and this hasn't happened since the previous war 2 years ago. I was able to be a good judge of character when it came to observing people and their demeanors, but when I look at Azi I get the feeling that he went through some trauma in his past.

He seems hardened but looks naive, this contrast is concerning.

He might show the effects of this trauma outwardly in the future and this too is concerning. He may have entirely forgotten about his trauma, but it might resurface. In any case, he is a special case that could be a byproduct of our nation's issues."

The nation of Kujyuri currently faced an issue of an increasing population of lost or displaced citizens due a war that left many without homes or families. This was due to how the war's frontline took place along a large stretch of the nation's border.

After confirming that Yashimu and Manu were still listening and had no questions, Ozen continued.

"We cannot be picky about who we accept in these times as we need as many able bodies as we can get. Even though how I met Azi was suspicious, only time will decide what he will become in the future.

With this in mind I am willing to help people like him. The effects of the previous war have left us with a noticeable spike in orphans and vagrants as many of the men from our country died in the war. This left their families without a breadwinner and many talents were lost."

To this Ozen sighed and took another sip to wash down the bitter taste that had formed in his mouth.

"At best, the aid I give to people who are lost like the boy is only a drop in the bucket to the current lack of manpower we face. Additionally, it's the reason why I have personally come to Shisayama to aid in the hunts as we are becoming too short handed." Groaned Ozen.

"Then why help?" Yashimu inquired and continued his statement.

"I cannot see helping orphans or lost people as a way to fix the root problem of what created them in the first place. Your trust in these strangers and your presence outside the safety of the capital is a risk."

Possible attempts from rival nations of the Empire, vie for the emperor's favor and one upping another king or outright assassinating one quietly would help get people out of the running.

"You speak true Yashimu." Said Ozen. "But even these singular strangers can cause ripples in our nation, and I will not risk another war with our foreign neighbors to just acquire more land and cheap labor through slaves. Instead, I will do what we have done before and that is to plant new seeds of possibility in our nation.

Currently, the seeds we have planted in the past have borne their fruit, but the harvesting of these fruits is coming to an end as the older generation is dying out. If nothing is done, we will inevitably face a dead end, so it is time to plant new seeds and let the old plants die to become the nourishment for new ones to take their place.

Ozen's mannerism and tone of voice changed to one of grim determination as he intoned.

"With the seeds we plant now, we can find a solution, but we must buy time at whatever cost to ensure that the new seeds will fully grow. For now, the issue at hand is the increase in monster attacks, a lack of weapons to arm our troops, not enough specialized talent, and of course my successor.

So Yashimu, I need you to step up in this hunt as I believe I might one day have to leave you in order to buy the time we need."

A breath was caught in Yashimu's throat as he spoke his response.

"I.... I understand Father, but please do not take any risks. I know that after losing mother you have changed but please we still need you. All my brothers and sisters and especially Rulu need you, our father. So please, no more risks."

Concern covered Yashimu's face as he feared what his father might do in the future.

In response, Ozen sighed as he looked down at the cup of tea in his hand as he remembered the taste of the tea his sweet little Rulu made for him.

Ozen knew that if he died now, his children would suffer as they were still unprepared to take on the world without their father. Of them all, only Shizu and Yashimu were somewhat qualified as they were Ordained Knights of the nation while the others had little experience in war and politics.

This was especially true for his youngest, Rulu, who had not even taken a step out of Kujyuri's capital city since the day her mother died. In his paranoia he ordered Rulu to never leave the Capital city to keep her safe.

Looking up from his cup, Ozen looked to Yashimu and reassured him the best he could.

"You are right Yashimu but please understand that there will be a time when my children will not be able to rely on me even if I am still alive. Your self-sufficiency is crucial, so while I'll do my best to help all of my children. I need both of you to please do your best."

Ozen then smiled at Yashimu and Manu. He then requested them.

"Both of you. Please. Do your best."

The pair of young men also returned a smile through a hardened expression and gave an affirmation.

"Yes, My King!"

Ozen then focused his attention on Yashimu and asked him for his current report on the hunt. "On another note, how is the progress on the hunt?"

Opening the bag he carried at his waist, Yashimu retrieved a book and opened it to scan its contents.

"We are almost complete." Said Yashimu. "We have successfully hunted an overly adequate number of predatory animals and monsters in the proximity of the village. What is troubling is that the number of monsters we found were much higher than the reports last month had found. I am forming a hunting party to investigate the current situation of the ecosystem surrounding the area.

We suspect a dangerous monster has made a nest in the nearby forest. If we find one, we will have to eliminate it or drive it off. But should we be unable to find anything, I will leave some troops behind to run security for the village's watch and patrols."

Nodding with a bit of pride in his expression, Ozen said.

"Good work and a good plan of action. I'm glad to see that you have thought this through. Shizu will be joining you after her business with Azi is completed, so when she returns will be when you will be allowed to set out with your hunting party. In the meantime, Manu please bring me to your office. I will need to discuss the details concerning the hunted prey we currently have and will receive after this upcoming investigation."

Manu nodded in affirmation to Ozen's words, but before Manu could rise from his seated position. Ozen halted everyone with the motion of his hand outstretched.

"Additionally! All that we have said here does not leave this room AM I UNDERSTOOD!" Ozen said in a now authoritative tone.

"YES!" Said Yashimu and Manu, their voice filled with resolve.

What do you think? Do this make Ozen seem manipulative or like a wise king?

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