
Traveling Through Tales

Please support me on Patreon: I Hope to Keep Writing As many Stories as I can. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=82377700&fan_landing=true&view_as=public ***** Deep in my heart I yearned to be a player in tales of adventure, but I have buried this selfish desire with the obligation I have put upon myself to my fellow man. So, I decided to dedicate my time, my effort, my LIFE to my work in the hopes that I would be of help to my fellow man. But in a twist of fate the people I wished to help have turned on me. This left me broken with a hole in my mind and heart, but my resolve would not waver. Like every failure from before, I began to pick up the shattered pieces of myself and attempted to put myself back together, but suddenly I am reminded of what I truly wanted. ADVENTURE. To see the world and experience all that I could. Be it through fear, cold, or even nightmarish hardships. I WILL HAVE AN ADVENTURE. These 5 words rang out in my subconscious and with-it fate had turned, and I now find myself in an unknown place, my memories fractured, and my body changed? "WHERE THE HELL AM I?!" Now in an unknown world and with very few memories. Our protagonist will venture forth to find himself. The time it will take, what will occur, and even how will he be changed are all questions that run behind every tale. But interestingly, other tales run in parallel with him. They will cross paths and sparks will fly as numerous as the stars.

IslandFlare · Fantasy
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115 Chs

Chapter 41 Healthy Relationship

After his business with Ben and Bail concluded. Azi walked to the village markets. He was looking at the goods the variety of shops displayed for sale, he hoped that the shop owners could possibly sell him what he was looking for.

Many of the shop owners recognized Azi, not just because he was the apprentice to Lady Shizu but because he had been visiting the markets whenever he could. He would ask the shop owners where they source their goods and chatted with them about their work and personal troubles.

They were sometimes generous and gave Azi a discount if he helped them with a few odd jobs such as playing with their kids to help keep them occupied. Due to his unfortunate youthful looks and small stature, he fit right in the kids as he was easily accepted by other children.

He was like an older brother to the shop owner's kids, but in reality, his age made him technically their uncle.

Currently, Azi used a supply of burn and cut medicines when he was forging in the workshop. He was still an amateur, so getting burns and cuts were common for him until he became more proficient at his work.

This was why Azi was looking for herbs and medicinal plants he could use to make alternatives to the liquid medicines and instead use the cheaper option of salves for burns and cuts. He also needed to obtain a supply of stamina boosting potions.

These potions were used by soldiers during times of war, but due to the recent peace the supply has grown while demand has decreased. But these potions had their uses, so they were quite sought after.

The forging process was going to be difficult on his body so to ensure that he was at his best and that he did not get sick from his injuries, Azi felt that these medicines and aptly named stamina potions would be necessary for his success.

Unfortunately, with only 500 Minos, he wasn't able to find a seller who was willing to sell him the amount of medicinal herbs, plants, and stamina potions he needed with what little money he had. Those that gave him discounts were unable to give up their stock of stamina potions as they were being reserved and brought up by the village chief Manu.

With the recent increase in monster attacks, came also an increase in the number of injured soldiers. The shopkeepers in Shisayama had all raised their prices which made this another ordeal Azi would have to find a unique solution too.

He thought about which apothecary shops he already visited and narrowed down to the last one he could reliably turn to by the end of the day. When we realized who he would have to talk to, he grimaced a bit but nonetheless bit the proverbial bullet.

Azi had no choice but to go to the last option he had. After a bit of walking, Azi was now looking up at the sign of a shop that had a green 4 leafed clover. This was none other than Elder Sung's shop and while he did come visit from time to time in the last 2 weeks.

He would rather not recount the times Elder Sung and Saki had teased him about the events that took place between himself and Shizu.

Putting on his best business-like expression on, he steeled himself and walked into the shop. At this point Azi knew of Elder Sung's mischievous personality so he would do his best to not get caught up in her flow.

The ringing of the shop's front door rang out and in response the owner behind the counter turned to see who had come into her shop.

As Elder Sung's sight came upon Azi's business-like expression, her mischievous self in the back of her mind desired to tease the short boy until his expression broke. Elder Sung hid the slight grin in her smile from Azi.

Making his way over to the front counter, Azi asked plainly and was straight to the point.

"Elder Sung, do you have any herbs or medicinal plants that are for treating burns and cuts? And do you have any stamina potions? I need them in these quantities."

Taking out his brown notebook, Azi flipped to a page with the written down amounts he had calculated the day prior.

Elder Sung looked at the proffered brown journal and stated in a mock business-like tone.

"I believe I have enough of what you are looking for in stock. How much can you pay "little" boy?"

Azi's eye twitched at Elder Sung's sing-song like tone at the end of her words but stated through his teeth.

"500 Minos."

"Oh well, that's unfortunate. You are about 500 Minos short." Teased Elder Sung.

Sighing heavily, Azi then asked begrudgingly in surrender.

"What do I have to do?"

Azi knew that if he could not get what he needed here, he would have to spend days visiting other shops to find a possible seller, but Azi had no time left. He told Shizu he would get it done soon and needed to get started tomorrow if he planned to keep his promise.

Chuckling from Azi's expression, Elder Sung capitulated.

"I will sell it for you if you tell me why you need it. How does that sound?"

"Really? That's all?" Responded a surprised Azi.

He thought that Elder Sung would force him to talk about what happened with him and Shizu that night two weeks ago, but to his surprise all Elder Sung only wanted to know was why he needed these items.

Not hesitating, Azi answered with resolute eyes.

"I need to keep my promise with Shizu. Her personal weapon broke due to my actions, so I plan to take responsibility by fixing it up. The medicine, herbs, and stamina potions are for me to use to help make the process of forging her weapon easier and I will have a higher chance of success."

"I see. You seem really driven to get the job done. Are you sure you aren't going to use the stamina potions for anything else?" Asked Elder Sung as she raised a brow in suspicion.

"No, they are just for making Shizu's weapon and well." Azi said as he scratched the back of his head with red cheeks. "Again, I did make a promise, I would feel bad if I broke it."

"Indeed, your dignity as a man would really take a blow if you failed. Now that I know, I guess I'll give you the discount."

Sighing in relief Azi thanked Elder Sung and gave her the 500 Minos he had left. Accepting the money Elder Sung exchanged it for a bag of medicinal ointments, creams for burns, and stamina potions.

This surprised Azi as Elder Sung was giving him the more expensive medicines, he wanted to protest that this was too much but before that he noticed that Elder Sung seemed annoyed.

As she began counting the money, she sighed in a bit of exasperation at Azi.

"What's wrong?" Asked Azi.

"Well, I really thought your relationship with Shizu would have advanced when I saw that you were looking to buy stamina potions. But when you said it was for making Shizu's weapon I was a bit disappointed."

"Why is that?" Asked Azi.

"Because I thought that you and Shizu were getting it on in bed and I thought you needed it to keep up with Shizu's stamina."

Azi blushed bright red as his businesslike expression broke down as he retorted in a panic.

"We don't have that kind of relationship!! We-we are just close friends and umm I am her apprentice. Plus, you know that an unmarried man and woman should not share a bed."

Omitting the fact that he and Shizu slept in the same bed, Azi looked away as if to put the thought away, but this was short lived as Elder Sung plainly said.

"I already know boy, Saki told me. When she was spending time with Shizu, Shizu spilled the beans about the fact that the two of you are sleeping in the bed together. So, there is no hiding it from me. Hahahaha." Laughed Elder Sung.

Feeling even more embarrassed, Azi could only sigh in defeat as his shoulder slumped. In response, Elder Sung laughed off Azi's worry.

"Hahaha, not to worry my boy. It is not a policy of mine to share the personal information of my customers, so you have nothing to worry about."

Feeling a bit better that his secret was somewhat safe, Azi then asked.

"Thank you Elder Sung, but why did you give me the more expensive option of medicines?"

"Just think of it as a gift, but since you asked me a question, mind if I ask you one as well?

"Hmm..... sure? What would that be?"

Elder Sung's expression changed to one of serious concern.

"Do you love Shizu?"

Unaffected by Elder Sung's expression, Azi took a few moments to seriously think about his answer. He decided to open his heart a little to Elder Sung as he felt that his secret would be safe with her.

"I am not sure. I feel that I want to be by her side, but I can't really understand what love is. Ever since I've come to Shisayama, I have been having difficulties remembering things. One of the things I can't put my finger on is love. That's all I can say for now, but I am sure that I like her as a close friend and that may turn into something else in the future at this rate."

"I see, well then thank you for answering. You can have this as your reward for being so honest." Elder Sung then tossed over an extra bag filled with stamina potions.

Catching the bag, Azi was surprised by the weight of the bag, but it soon changed to a smile as he said.

"Thank you Elder Sung."

Waving her hand to shoo him away, Elder Sung told Azi.

"Yeah Yeah just get going boy and don't mess up. For Shizu's sake I hope you succeed."

Azi could only smile as he left Elder Sung's shop with more than he expected to get. Azi then made his way to his last destination.

When Azi had fully left the shop, Elder Sung spoke to no one in particular.

"It seems things are going well between them. A bit worrying due to Shizu's stubbornness and Azi's amnesia, but I think they will work it out."

Chuckling Elder Sung stated in a cheerful tone.

"I can't wait to see how this pans out."

From the back of the shop came another voice.

"Elder Sung is he gone, can I come out now?"

"Ah Saki, Yes you can come out. Azi left so there is no need to worry." Stated Elder Sung who laughed in glee.

Azi would find out later that he should be more careful around Elder Sung and Saki in the future.

Sneaky fox. It's the old ones you should be wary off.

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