
Traveling Through Mortal Cultivation Low-key Cultivation of Immortals

(ERROR FIXED, YOU CAN NOW READ)After traveling back in time, he became Han Li's second brother. With a fourth brother like that, it's best to keep a low profile. Fortunately, he brought an impressive golden finger, which allows him to farm more easily. Discreet development, invincible. ----------------------IMPORTANT-------------------------- note: This novel does not belong to me, it is in Chinese and I am translating it, sorry in advance if some sentences are not well understood PD:CHAPTERS WILL BE UPLOADED EVERY DAY, DON'T WORRY [MY LANGUAGE IS NOT ENGLISH, I MADE THIS WITH THE HELP OF GOOGLE TRANSLATE]

Pepetimbo_32412323 · Anime & Comics
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310 Chs

Seven Profound Gates

The second type of people is people like Han Zhu. This kind of people come from remote and poor villages. Their families usually rely on mountains to eat mountains and water to eat water. They are very poor. There are also quite a few, more than ten of the more than thirty children.

Among the dozen or so children, except for Han Zhu, most of the others were timid and afraid to speak loudly, even our protagonist Han Laomo was no exception.

Han Zhu had no choice but to live in that peaceful society for more than 20 years, and this habit cannot be changed at once. Because of this, the group of children in the middle floated towards him from time to time. Han Zhu originally thought that they would come up to make trouble for him, and was thinking about whether to do it after all. Maybe he was also a protagonist, and he could also take their There was a slap in the face.

In the end, he gave up his plan to make a move. After all, he had already made a plan for himself, and he must keep a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals. In fact, I can't beat it at all, and I'm afraid of being beaten into a pig's head.

When he watched the children see that his eyes were getting more and more wrong, he didn't rush to lean on Han Li, first borrowing the luck of the protagonist, Han Zhu pretended to close his eyes. Seeing this situation, a few rich kids looked at Han Li who was huddled in a corner, then at Han Zhu who was pretending to sleep, and finally gave up bullying this muddy boy.

There was a slit in Han Zhu's eyes, and he kept observing the movements of several people, and when he saw the movements of several people, he was immediately relieved. Sure enough, a high-level talent trained by Blue Star like me can't hide my brilliance even in the world of cultivating immortals.

Time passed slowly day by day like this, and finally arrived at Caixia Mountain, where the main gate of Qixuanmen is located, in the evening of the fifth day.

All the children were fascinated by the colorful sunset of Caixia Mountain when they got off the bus, and Han Zhu was no exception. At that moment, Protector Wang urged, and everyone woke up and continued to move forward.

Caixia Mountain was originally named Luofeng Mountain. According to legend, a five-color phoenix landed here in ancient times and turned into this mountain. Later, because the people who came here found that the mountain was very beautiful at sunset, as if shrouded in colorful clouds, it was changed to Caixia Mountain.

Of course, since this mountain was occupied by Qixuanmen, outsiders can no longer come here to enjoy such beautiful scenery at will.

Caixia Mountain is the second largest mountain in Jingzhou. Except for another Baimang Mountain, this mountain occupies the widest area. Within a radius of more than ten miles, it is the mountain range of this mountain.

This mountain has more than a dozen large and small peaks, all of which are very dangerous, so they are all occupied by various branches of the Qixuanmen. The main peak of Caixia Mountain, "Sunset Peak", is even more sinister. Not only is it extremely high and steep, but there is only one road from the bottom of the mountain to the peak.

After the general hall of the Qixuan Sect was placed here, they set up thirteen checkpoints, either open or hidden, in a series of dangerous places on this road, which can be said to be foolproof, easy to defend and difficult to attack. Even if an army is sent, it may not be able to attack.

Han Zhu led Han Li and looked around while walking. Suddenly, the team in front stopped, and then came a bold voice. "Why did Junior Brother Wang arrive? It was two days later than the scheduled time."

Protector Wang hurriedly said with a smile: "Master Yue has been delayed on the road for some time, and I'm always bothering you." Then he bowed respectfully to the person who came, not at all like those who came on the road, with a straight face, as if someone owed him a hundred and eighty thousand, and there was a bit of charm on his face.

The hall master Yue looked at Han Zhu and the others in a grandiose manner, and told a disciple next to him: "Send it to Qingkeyuan, let them have a good rest for a night, and start selecting qualified disciples tomorrow morning. Those who have not passed the test Let them go down the mountain as soon as possible, so as not to violate the rules on the mountain."

The disciple quickly saluted and replied: "Follow orders!" Hall Master Yue

Han Zhu walked on the stone steps up the mountain with everyone. All the children were excited, but no one dared to speak loudly. Although everyone was young, they all knew that this was the place where their future destiny would be determined.

While leading the way, the disciple smiled and greeted the people he met along the way. It could be seen that he had a lot of acquaintances in the sect and was very popular.

Most of the people I met along the way were wearing blue satin clothes, with knives or swords on their backs, and occasionally some people who gave empty fists. Han Zhu looked at these people. There was a trace of disdain in his eyes.

If Han Zhu hadn't known that this was a world of cultivating immortals, maybe he would have been as excited as other children.

He has already made a plan now. If he wants to successfully join the Qixuanmen, Han Li must worship Dr. Mo as his teacher like in the original book, so that he can obtain the cultivation method of immortality. In order to follow the plot, he planned to separate from Han Li during the trial.

Soon, the disciple took them to a relatively low mountain peak, and there was an earthen house on the top of the mountain. He pointed to those earthen houses and said, "You guys can rest here for one night! The test will be done tomorrow morning."

Everyone didn't dare to say anything, and walked to the house honestly. Han Zhu led Han Li to a mud house, opened the door and went in. There are four beds in each room, and said to Han Li behind: "Fourth brother, let's live in this one!" Han Li nodded quickly.

Han Zhu couldn't fall asleep in his own bed, and opened the attribute panel to take a look from time to time, but unfortunately he hadn't obtained any exercises yet, and the attribute panel was still blank.

Name: Han Zhu

Realm: Mortal

Spirit Root: Fire, Wood and Earth

Skills: None

Spells: none

Sub-occupation: None

Available slots: 2 [You can hang up any skills and spells throughout the day without any bottleneck]

Han Zhu shook his head helplessly as he looked at any attribute panel. He could only lie down and sleep honestly. In his dream, Han Zhu dreamed that he was wearing a magic robe, holding a fairy sword, and was killing all directions. Just when he killed everyone and was about to laugh, A fairy in battle armor appeared in front of him.

Pointing at him, he asked, "Are you Han Li's second brother? Just as he was about to defend himself, a huge flying sword smashed him into ashes. Han Zhu woke up suddenly from fright, and did Panting heavily on the bed.

Looking around in horror, he saw the other two children and Han Li, still snoring there. Han Zhu heaved a long sigh of relief when he saw this scene, fortunately it was just a dream. It seems that I should be more low-key.

He turned his head and looked at Han Li quietly. Although it was just a dream just now, as the protagonist's elder brother, if he followed Han Li all the time, he would definitely encounter countless dangers.

In fact, he has the super hang-up system, even if he doesn't follow Han Li, he should be able to live in style. It should be possible to become an immortal and become an ancestor in the future, Han Zhu hurriedly threw out these messy thoughts, let's live well before we talk about it! He lay down again and soon fell asleep.