
Traveling Through Mortal Cultivation Low-key Cultivation of Immortals

(ERROR FIXED, YOU CAN NOW READ)After traveling back in time, he became Han Li's second brother. With a fourth brother like that, it's best to keep a low profile. Fortunately, he brought an impressive golden finger, which allows him to farm more easily. Discreet development, invincible. ----------------------IMPORTANT-------------------------- note: This novel does not belong to me, it is in Chinese and I am translating it, sorry in advance if some sentences are not well understood PD:CHAPTERS WILL BE UPLOADED EVERY DAY, DON'T WORRY [MY LANGUAGE IS NOT ENGLISH, I MADE THIS WITH THE HELP OF GOOGLE TRANSLATE]

Pepetimbo_32412323 · Anime & Comics
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Ancient God

Han Zhu didn't know how much trouble had been caused by his breakthrough, and this was not what he should be concerned about now.

At this time, he was also experiencing severe pain, as if all the cells and bones in his body had been broken up and reorganized. At the same time, in his mind, the memory of the ancient gods was also being passed on.

The ancient gods are the oldest beings in this world, and they are also the first batch of creatures in this world. They don't practice the god channel method, and rely on absorbing the power of the stars in the world to strengthen themselves.

They have an extremely powerful talent "Boundary Breaking". This kind of talent is extremely exaggerated, since it can break the barrier of a world.

The world here does not refer to the world where the spirit world leads to the fairy world, but the whole big world and the big world. Originally, the entire mortal world was not so powerful, and it was precisely because of the existence of these ancient gods.

They broke through weak or powerful worlds one by one, snatching the source of their worlds to supplement the great world of mortals. The mortal world has grown from a small world to a big world.

But later, for unknown reasons, the entire ancient god clan was wiped out in an instant. From that moment on, the entire mortal world also entered a state of autism.

Without any connection with the big worlds outside, other races developed later. Until now, countless thousands of years have passed.

Although the mortal world is very powerful, even with the highest cultivation level, it can barely reach the appearance of a quasi-sage. But this is only its ceiling, this place is also a huge cage, even the most powerful people in the world cannot jump out.

Those four ancient beings discovered the "Star Body Refining Formula" and some ancient materials in an ancient ruin, and only then did they understand the truth of this world.

Originally, the four of them thought that they were already the top powerhouses in the world. When they knew that they were trapped in the pond like a fish, no one could accept it.

From that moment on, the four of them worked together to set up an incomparably huge game, using the entire big world as the chessboard. After countless years of waiting, they finally saw a glimmer of hope, how could they give up?

Han Zhu didn't know about all this. He was still accepting the inheritance of the ancient gods, and time passed by every minute.

At the same time, his body was also undergoing drastic changes, his skin began to turn golden, and his height also increased rapidly.

Han Zhu looked at the scene in front of him, and didn't show any fear. He just suppressed the severe pain in his mind and watched all this calmly.

I don't know how much time has passed, because he is now in a small world, so there is no change outside.

It's just that the stars in the sky are constantly twinkling, and the starry sky in the entire star field is constantly changing. Time passed bit by bit, and soon everyone got used to this kind of change in the stars.

Three years passed like this, and every time Han Li looked up at the starry sky, he thought of his second brother. Only a few of them know that the second brother made all these movements, and at the same time they are secretly thinking, what kind of power can actually affect the entire starry sky.

At this time, in the entire small space, a golden giant with a height of more than eighty meters stood there quietly. His side was surrounded by layers of starlight, just like a god.

Soon, the starlight was sucked into his body, and the golden giant slowly opened his eyes. Han Zhu's eyes were confused for a while, and he murmured: "Ancient God! What a powerful creature!".

Yes! It can only be described as biological. After all, he is no longer a human being. He has reached the level of a real fairy since he was born, and he can travel anywhere in the whole world at will.

The most terrifying thing is that as long as he grows to the third level, he can actually open the channel between the big world and the big world. This is also the scariest place. You must know that even those existences that have surpassed the Da Luo Jinxian cannot do this.

But the third level power of this ancient god is only around Taiyi. But they can do this easily, which can only show that they are really talented, and they are also the darlings of this world.

At this moment, Han Zhu felt that he had completely merged with this world, and now his every move represented this world. Han Zhu felt his powerful body, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Originally, he didn't have much hope of defeating the afterimage, but now he even suspected that even without the power of the formation, he should be able to beat him to death.

Han Zhu looked at his 80-meter-high body, shook his head helplessly, his heart began to shrink rapidly, his skin also turned into a normal color, and soon he reached the size of a normal person.

Han Zhu stretched out his hand to light it up, and saw that they had completely returned to normal. Only then did I breathe a sigh of relief in my heart, and at the same time feel the powerful force in my body.

He has reached the first level of the ancient god, and he no longer needs mana to maintain the star battle body. This transformation has become his instinct, he can transform anytime and anywhere without consuming any of his mana.

His power is completely provided by those nine star points, Han Zhu couldn't help but open the attribute panel to check his current state.

Name: Han Zhu

Realm: Ancient God First Order [Initial Stage] Foundation Establishment Stage [Peak]

Spiritual root: gold, wood, water, fire, and earth [the spiritual roots of the five elements can speed up the cultivation speed by five times]

Cultivation method: "Xiaowuzang Yuanyuan Kungfu" second-level back-level 99% [the upper part has five levels] "Star Body Training Art" 9 [every 1 star is added ** body strengthening speed +1]

Innate supernatural powers: "Star Battle Body" [In the state of the Star Battle Body, whether it is strength, physical body, mana, or consciousness, it will increase by 60 times, and the increase will be ten times for each additional star point] "Free Shuttle" [You can use any An object or aura can travel anywhere, without being restricted by any formations, or affected by heaven and earth]

Spells: [Elementary primary spells: "Fire Bomb 100%", "Water Polo 100%", "Wind Control 100%", "Sky Eye 100%", "Concealment 100%", "Wind Wall 100%", "Intermediate Ground stabbing technique 100%"] [medium-level spells: "primary fire snake technique 1%", "primary stealth technique 1%", "intermediate Yujianjue 1%", "advanced Guiyuan spirit armor 1%"]

Sub-professional array mage: low-level has been hidden... "Spirit Gathering Array 100%" "Five Elements Array 100%" "Stone Falling Array 100%" "Four Elephant Array 100%" "Heavenly Wind Fierce Array 100%" "Phantom Sky Array" Luo Formation 100%", "Beidou Liangyi Formation 80%", Qiankun Eight Diagrams Formation 100%", "Wuyuan Renewing Life Formation 100%"

Innate formation: "Innate Heaven Covering Great Array" 100% [This formation is an innate formation, which can cover a whole world and hide in space. Once it is successfully deployed, it cannot be broken by anyone without great ability. ]"Innate Zhoutian Star Array" 100%[Absorbs the power of the stars from heaven and earth, can attack and defend, and those with great abilities cannot break it]"Innate Ten Thousand Fire Array" 100%[Once this array is deployed, it can be condensed Ten thousand kinds of real fire. The formation is not extinguished, and the real fire is not extinguished. Those who are not of great ability cannot be broken] "Innate Five Elements Great Formation" 100% [The five elements are mutually generated and restrained, and the five directions are constantly changing. Those who are not of great ability cannot be broken] "Innate Tiantian Killing Formation" 100% [Once this formation is deployed, it can kill the sky, the ground, everything, and it cannot be broken by those without great ability]

The first hang-up position: "Star Body Training Art" astrology point 9/0% [1% increase for each cycle]

Available slots: 2 [You can hang up any skills and spells throughout the day without any bottleneck]

Han Zhu looked at the newly added supernatural power, and couldn't hide the smile on the corner of his mouth. His supernatural power is actually similar to the teleportation in Dragon Ball. Even stronger, because nothing can stop his shuttle, even this piece of world.

Han Zhu quickly calmed down, after all, his current state of mind is very high. Han Zhu counted the time silently in his heart, and it turned out that more than four hundred years had passed in a flash.

Han Zhu put a confident smile on his face again, and murmured: "They should be waiting outside in a hurry!".

Han Zhu glanced at the small space where he had retreated for four hundred years, stepped out without any hesitation, and disappeared in this space in an instant. With his disappearance, the entire space began to collapse, and the original space was restored. look like.