
traveling the multiverses with a system

this is a novel/fanfic about my OC dying and getting reincarnated in different fictional world's such as dragon ball, one punch man, one piece, hunter x hunter and some other worlds I fancy. he gets stronger over time and fights some OC enemies. no harem, my character only gets one girl. I'll upload when I feel like it but I'm uploading everyday for the time being I don't own any of the characters only my oc's.

farendel_6929 · Fantasy
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25 Chs

meeting god

Oliver awoke from his deep slumber with sweat all over his body, gasping for breath he looked around once more for any sign of life but all he could see was an empty void of black.

Oliver: "so it wasn't just a dream, I really did die and now I'm stuck here again"




Oliver :"wait I feel angry, how come?.. I..I thought that I couldn't feel any emotions....actually how come I can sweat with no body?"

yes Oliver was once again able to feel the anger of being imprisoned in the void for only God knows how long but why was he able to regain his emotions?. well it was because he was given those emotions and a body from a deity only known as [•|•√π÷׶∆]...mhh that's strange I can't seem to say the name.

[•|•√π÷׶∆]: "that's simply because I did not allow you to speak my true name for you are not worthy of it"

Oliver : " WHAAAAA... who are you?

[•|•√π÷¶∆] : " I am what you refer to as God in your dialect for I have been watching over your universe and many others since the start of creation"

Oliver : " wait so your saying that you are god.. the almighty being that created life?"

[•|•√π÷׶∆] : " well yes..and no"

Oliver : " okay...well..that's not a real answer but ...ah ...oh can you bring me back then...to earth I mean"

Oliver says this with a slight spark in his newly made eyes in hope that the so called 'god' can bring him back to his world.

[•|•√π÷׶∆] I am sorry Oliver... truly I am sorry for I do not have the authority to do so as it goes against the rules I must abide by"

Oliver : " wha..no..so I really can't go back to see my family can I?"

Oliver said as he repossessioned him self so that his arms were wrapped around his legs trying to make himself as small as possible.

[•|•√π÷׶∆] : " I really do apologize for what I have done Oliver"

Oliver: " no you don't have to apologize, it wasn't your fault anyway"

[•|•√π÷׶∆] : " im afriad it is since I couldn't find you earlier, you have been in the void for so long in-between two world's, that your soul has been gathering a large amount of spiritual energy for the last 278 years you been here"

Oliver : " 278 YEARS!!!!!!.... I've been here for that long.... ok... well is that alot for one person-oh I mean one soul to have"

[•|•√π÷׶∆] : " yes it is an extraordinary amount for a human soul such as yourself ..in fact it is impossible for you to have that much , so much so that if I take you back to your world the other gods would immediately know you are there and destroy your soul"

Oliver : " ahh ....sooo that's why you can't take me back"

[•|•√π÷׶∆] : " yes I suspect it would be quite unpleasant for you.... um I can take all that spiritual energy of your hands of you want ... this will allow me to reincarnate you into any world of your choosing excluding your previous world that is...well for now"

after the god finished their last sentence, Oliver jumped up high and low in excitement for what he just heard.

Oliver : " YEAHHHHHHHH!!!....sorry I got a bit to exited there he he ...um so I can go to any world I want to then?"

[•|•√π÷׶∆] : " yes and not just that, with all the spiritual energy you have given me I can transform it and bestow upon you 3 whishes"

Oliver was even more estatic now that he heard he was going to be given 3 whishes.

Oliver : " ok.ok.ok....give me some time to think"











ok guys leave some suggestions for the whishes in the comments and I might pick them see ya in the next chapter.