
Filthy Rich

After the flames parted they appeared walking into Diagon Alley, holding Dumbledore's hand they walked to the bank. They cared little for the warning left there as they made their way to the head goblin.

Slowly the goblin raised its head to glare down at the both of them, growling out. ''How can I help you?''

''I am here for Jack Ripper to take his Lordship ring, and to take the inheritance test, of both Fae and Wizard lineage.''

Slowly the Goblin leaned forward to look further down to see Jack. Jack just smiled up at him. Seeing a Ripper the Goblin's features softened, not much but it didn't look like he was glaring anymore. ''Of course, Young Ripper... Well, follow me.''

Soon the Goblin stepped down from its desk and they followed him to a private room, with a simple wave of goblin magic the outside bustle of the bank vanished, leaving them in a very silent room. Waving for them to sit they did, the goblin hobbled off to a desk, rummaging around before he came back with two bowls and a knife.

''Simple drop a bit of your blood in each of these bowls and we'll get to them.''

Jack nodded as he did so, cutting his hand and letting his blood fall into the bowls he pulled back his hand, a simple bit of first aid magic healing the wound at a visible rate, Dumbledore had cast it however since it would be counted as 'Underage' magic if Jack did.

Soon there was a gentle glowing, and laying the paper over it the glow began to enter the paper before fading away. ''First, the Fae. Always the easier one.'' He picked up the paper and handed it to Jack.

The fae test was to see if he had any fae linage, and it seemed he did. The lineage of a Cosmic Eagle, which by the way? Looked cool as shit. And it was, HUGE. Fae Lineage didn't mean he had Fae blood in him, it simply meant his ancestors had a pack with the beast.

Dumbledore released a low chuckle. ''Look at that, seems the bond still lives.... Though finding one might be a bit hard, but I can help you with the ritual.''

''Next is the Wizard lineage te-.... Oh would you look at that, I knew you were royalty, but this is good.''

Being handed the paper he looked down to it.

The Noblest and Esteemed house of Ripper

The Noblest and Esteemed house of Ravenclaw

The Noblest and Esteemed house of Griffindor

The Noblest and Esteemed house of Tubment

The Noblest and Esteemed house of Glatiace

Dumbledore released a sputter breath when he seen not one, but two of the great houses of his own school on the list, staring a long moment before he leaned back to take a breath, his old heart shaken gentle. ''Dear me... And I thought we'd need to take from your Family's account... IF we have direct access to the Griffindor and Ravenclaw vaults, we can take it from the ministry we can near completely restore the school!''

The goblin released a low chuckle before he stood up. ''Let me get the account managers, and the rings for each house.'' The goblin began to waddle off, leaving into a back room.

Sitting there a moment soon a few goblins began to enter along with boxes each soon the boxes were before Jack and one of them spoke. ''We are the account managers of the respective houses, and these are the rings. With a thought, you should be able to mold them all into one ring once you have them all on.''

With some account managing, a new fancy ring that was a simple black band, and some proper paperwork, he was no the second richest wizard in all of the world, the first being Merlin, who was long since dead, but his fortunes were still very much a thing, dungeons to explore and travel.

Soon Hogwarts finally had proper funding, while old business and such began to get cleaned and renovated as they got paid once more. He even got his own house elf to help him. With a grin, he nodded before moving on. Heading back into the school he made his way to the room of requirement. It was time to start the book grind, and the first he wanted to focused on was the 'Magic of the Mind' Dumbledore wouldn't use it on him, but he was sure others might, and his lord rings with their many enchantments came with barriers, but it was always good to build his own.

Thus, started a long grind of learning everything he could in the room, attending classes, and occasionally using his abilities as a changeling to become a critter, usually a spider, and spy on the events that happened along with cannon. He still interacted with the golden three but he really didn't put too much effort into changing canon, sure he helped them occasionally, and now that the dueling club was up, Harry would have an easier time since the moment he learned of it he joined the club.

Currently, he was sitting in the great hall with all the others students, a great feast for Halloween going on as they ate and laugh, some performing small party tricks they learned or the occasional trick. Soon the doors thundered opened and in walked a stuttering professor. With a warning of the troll, Jack rubbed at his chin in thought, slowly nodding before he grinned. Who would miss a chance on fighting a troll? It'd get him brownie points. Now that he was the lord of five noble houses, and the Grandson of Dumbledore himself, no one would fuck with him, so who cares if he shoes a bit of skill?

By crusading the fucking troll like a real man.