
Traveling the anime multiverse as Nurarihyon

Mathew Redfield dies in a car accident after being fired from his job. Waking up after the car crash he realizes that he's been transported into a empty white space where he meets an omnipotent entity. That entity gives mathew the offer of many life times which came in the form of being able to reincarnate with any gift of his choice. Thus the tale of a "near" compulsive liar start for the sake of a all powerful being trying to stave off boredom. Worlds that the mc will probably travel to: - One piece - Naruto - Highschool DxD - Nanatsu no taizai - Toaru majutsu no index - Shakugan no shana -Inuyasha - Nurarihyon no mago ... I don't own any of the franchises in the novel except maybe the OC's that may appear in the story.

IlliterateOne · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Into the turmoil!!! Part 2

"Hey, can you pull this arrow?" I hear the boy say.

"I'm asking you if you can pull this arrow!" He urges after watching me absentmindedly stare at him.

"This arrow? Are you talking about this arrow?" I ask him while trying reaching to grab towards the arrow in his heart.

I hear the old priestess screaming in the background. She's saying to not remove the Inuyasha's arrow as it serves to aid the spell in keeping him pinned to the tree. Before I can respond he shouts. 'So that's his name, huh? I thought

"What are you talking about you old hag! Do you also want to become fodder to the centipede? Once it completely absorbs the shikon jewel, we're all done for!"

"Come on! do you also want to die here too!?"

As I hear Inuyasha talk I start to think about my situation.

'I- I don't understand anything that is currently happening, not a single thing!' As I thought that I made up my mind and start reaching towards the arrow and firmly grasp it.

But I understand one thing... I DON'T WANT TO DIE!!! I scream at the top of my lungs as I pull on the arrow.

The arrow and his body starts to glow in a pinkish hue an then the arrow just disappears. An eerie silence takes the scene after the arrow is removed.

"Inu... yasha?" I ask but the only response I get I mad laughter from his part.

The centipede monster finally acts and starts constricting it's body but before it could do any real damage an explosion sends me off towards the ground. As I grow closer to the ground I brace for the impact but I felt someone gently catch me.

There I see a handsome man with delicate yet mature and masculine facial features. Amber eye's that seem to draw in your attention with wavy black hair that looks soft to the touch slowly being swayed by the wind. The man is wearing a green kimono with black stripes and on his hip rest a katana. The katana had a intricate design that consisted of dark purple parts of gold and cranes painted along the sheath.

"Than-" As I try to thank him he pressed one finger to his lips into the universal sign of "do not say anything" and points back towards the tree.

There I see Inuyasha rip the centipede demon to shreds using only his hands and chunks of its body start falling on the floor.

'Wow... he really is strong.'

I hear cracking sounds next to me and I noticed the chunks of flesh begin to start moving and panic.

"This thing is still moving" I said but the the priestess raised her voice.

"Do you see the flesh that shines! The shikon jewel is encased there! You must remove it, else it will keep rejuvenating!" She says with a stern look on her face.

"I-Imposible" I say as I begin to look around and then I noticed it, "I see it it's over there."

She notices the jewel and begins walking towards it. When she removes it from the flesh it disintegrated into thin air. Then she proceeds to place the shikon jewel in my hands and says; "Only you can posses the jewel."

"Why was this jewel inside of my body? This jewel that can empower a demon." I ask her

"Exactly! Which human has any possible need for it" Inuyasha interrupts with a grin on his face.

"If you don't want to feel the pain of my claws... just gimme the jewel, get it over with."

'Waiiiiiitttttt! I thought this guy was supposed to be the HERO!?' I thought shocked by the statement.

All of the villagers begin to surround him.

"Kagome! You must not give him the shikon jewel." The priestess says as she begins to guard me with her body.

'This jewel can increase the power of demons. Is it cursed or something.' I'm interrupted from that line of thought by inuyasha.

"I'll show no mercy! Especially to a woman that carries a scent I hate!" He says as he begins rushing towards me.

As I turn around to run I noticed the man that saved me earlier standing there with a smile on his face. As I saw that I don't know why but I saw fit to run in his direction in hopes of being saved once more.

'Please, legs dont fail me!'

Mc's POV

'Man, she's really running towards me like a man in the middle of a desert looking at a cold glass of water. I guess I makes some sense... afterall, since she got displaced in time she got attacked by a ayakashi, imprisoned by some random villagers and the hero changed teams and is trying to turn her into a school girl kebab. I guess I'll lend her a hand.

I take my eyes off the girl and begin to take a stance that freely allows me to instantly sprint forward and then I disappeared... or at least I bet that's what it seemed like to the people around me.

"Nura clan traditional technique: Fying yokai yakuza kick!" I say as I appear in front of the kid with a shit eating grin on my face.


The sound resounded as I sent him flying through the air for a couple of meters until a tree stops his flight.

"Kid, you really gotta learn how to let things go. If every man that ever got rejected started acting like you and tried to kill every woman that reminded them of their ex's I'm pretty sure that female population would drop by at least 40%." I said although I did leave out the after thought of, 'That number would also double if they also did it to every woman that rejected them.'

"Wat the hell! Who the hell are you, old man!" He says angered.

"I'll have you know that I could barely be considered five hundred years old. Plus I'm still in the prime of my life."

"What the hell are you talking about you crazy human there's no way you could go beyond 110! If you keep standing in my way I'll gut you like a fish" He says clearly still agitated.

'Huh? He can't tell I'm also a hanyou (half-demon) through my scent? I new that ayakashi from inuyasha were probably somewhat different but I don't know to what extent. I'll have to look further into this later on as it can be extremely useful if i can use my human form to hide my presence.

"You're barking up the wrong tree here kid. But from what the look on your face is saying I guess I'm going to have to show you." After saying that I focuse on releasing my "fear."

Slowly but surely the wind starts raging as black ink-ish energy starts seeping from my body and the floor gains spiderweb like cracks. My body begins to experience small yet noticeable changes. My hair begins to grow beyond its previous leng. My muscles begin to tense an toughen up but most noticeably the scelera in my eye's begins to darken replacing the previous white and the pupils turn into a neon bright yellow.

'His scent changed? More importantly this wierd bastard seems to be an ayakashi. Is he also after the shikon jewel? I gotta find out.' Inuyasha thought inspecting me from top to bottom.

'Huh, I guess even he can put his head to use from time to time.' I thought

"Are you also after the shikon jewel"

"No, I'm no really after the shikon jewel. afterall I have absolutely no use for it."

"Then get the he-" He tries to say before I quickly answer his question.

"As I said this isn't about the shikon jewel you brat. This is about teaching you a lesson." I said while sternly looking a him in the face.

"Huuuuuh, a lesson?" He asks

"Yes, you were just about to kill that young girl after she freed you from the spell. And before you say anything about yokai and humans killing one another being normal I'm gonna tell you that this ain't got nothing to do with that. Yokai are evil and that's just the plain truth it's in our very nature and I ain't gonna deny that. But you did something that only those worse than scum do regardless of whatever the fuck they are. You broke your oath as a man. Maybe you got it in your head that you had finished your part of the deal when you destroyed that little centipede but I'm here to tell you that you that couldn't be farthest from the truth." I said to him as my tone got progressively more severe.

That spell that she broke for him was a particularly nasty ordeal. Which is a particularly funny way of wording it since it involves a priestess.

"Do you really think that a spell casted by a powerful miko with her dying breath could be such an easy thing to break. Not even a hundred years have past since you were sealed. As far as seals go this one is still brand new. if she hadn't freed you would've probably been in a even worse situation as due to her being in close proximity you had regained your conscience. Think about it, you probably been like that for how much? A hundred years, a thousand or maybe even ten thousand years or more pinned to a tree fully aware of the passage of time unable to do anything. Even if it's us the long lasting ayakashi we would've still been beyond broken by that."

"That girl even if it was to save her own life saved you from a fate that would've honestly been far worse than death. Yet you repay her by trying to murder her for a magical marble right after she just escaped death. What I'm trying to say is that the trade off wasn't equall you snott nosed brat." I say as if trying to scold a child with a little hint of calm fury.

"So grit your teeth and clean your neck cause I'm gonna show you how the yakuza wipe their ass clean." I say with what some would say is a pretty demonic grinn.