
Traveling in the Animeverse As Madara

Hey Author here this is my first time writing don't expect that this will be a great fanfic English is not my first language. But i will try my best to make this a great fanfic. I won't drop this fanfic and i'll try to update to 3 chapters a week (Change my mind i will upload 1 chapter a week with 8,000 words or more.) This will be Harem Fanfic 'gotta catch em all' ill try to make all the heroine not useless like a certain pink haired girl. I'll build up they're relationship before adding them to the harem. 1st World: Danmachi 2nd World: Attack on Titan 3rd World: High School DxD 4th World: ????? 5th World: ?????

LeoArcadia · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 7: Fall of The 'King'

Alise POV

Facing death back then was the thing i didn't want to go through again. I thought if i want to never want to never experience it again i want to get strong just like him. When he suddenly appeared out of knowhere and saved Lyra's life back then and fought the Juggernaut without fear and send it flying with just a one attack i was baffled.

The way he fought that Juggernaut that day. He was like fighting just to test his abilities on that thing and he treat it like a plaything with. And when he said to us that he wasn't in any familia i was shocked. For him to have this kind of strength to defeat a Juggernaut and treat like toy he mustbe a Hero.

So i asked him if he's a Hero and he replied "I don't know if i'm a hero. But my strength is something i can't just say to anyone maybe be you should ask me on date first before asking that question." And when he said if i want to know more about him i should go on at date first. 'E-eeeeh a d-date with a boy b-but i don't have any experience with dating.'

My thoughts are running wild when i was asked for a date and because of that my entire familia teased me for the whole day. But it might be nice to go on a date with him he seems nice and i'm guessing from his appearance he might be around 20 he has that mature vibes.

After we all exited the dungeon we we're all happy we made it back if it weren't for him we would not have made it back. And i asked Ryuu to go to the guild and report what happend in the dungeon but Madara asked us not to reveal anything about him yet. I understood why he doesn't want the guild to know about him yet.

Then when we all returned home we all saw our Goddess who looks like she must have been worried about us and felt that we we're all in danger. Then we explained to her what happend and we introduce our saviour to Astraea-sama. Then she kept thanking him and ask him what he wants for saving us and then he asked our if he could join our familia and when Astraea-sama accepted him i was happy that he became part of our familia. And since that day i keep feeling this warm sensation just by looking at him i don't why i'm feeling like this but it doesn't feel quite bad.

Then i went to the guild and help take care of his requirements he needs to be an adventurer. The guild staff's was shocked when we have a new member for our familia and it's a man. After that i went back home meet with him and told him i took care of his guild requirements and then he suddenly asked me out and want's to go on a date.

I was surprised when he asked me out and i said "A-alright i-i will go but it's not a date i will only give you a tour y-you got that." 'Ah why did i say that now he will thinks i don't want to go on a date with him.' i thought and he just smiled.

Then we went out having i was having fun going on a date with him and having an embarrassed moment with him or two it feels quite nice when i'm with i don't know why but with the other guys i met know of them gave me this feeling of being safe and happy. Then suddenly while we we're exploring at bit i felt it again. The feeling i felt when facing the Juggernaut. 'Death' i was shaking from fear i feel like i'm back at that moment. But then he held my hand and said "Don't worry i'm here." He smiled at me while saying this and now i think i know why i'm having this kind of feelings for him. And sighed at my heart 'If Kaguya found out about this im sure i won't hear the end of her teasing.'

Madara POV

I ready myself to fight the 'King'. Then Ottar rushed at me so i activate my sharingan and carried Alise to safety first. After bringing her out of harm's way Ottar rushed at me again he was fast for his size but not fast enough to be a threat to me. So i pulled out my Gunbai from my storage and our weapons clashed creating a powerful shockwave and sending a lot of people away.

After our weapons clashed i tried delivering a kick on his side but was blocked by his arm. Then i increased my speed and vanish from my spot and appeared behind Ottar then i swing the Gunbai on his back, but he manage to turn around in time to block my attack with his greatsword. Then i used limbo on him he was sent flying, Ottar was shocked when something hit him but he doesn't know where it came from. Then i appeared infront of him kicked him in his stomach and he spew out a mouthful of blood and crashed into a building. Then i rushed at him keep hitting him with my Gunbai and Taijutsu left and right and kicked him away.

I looked at Ottar while crossing my arms and said "Is that it? Is that all you can do? I expected a lot more from Freya's boy toy."

Ottar gritting his teeth while wiping out the blood from his mouth then Ottar used his skill Stortus Ottar and began healing himself and used his other skill Vana Arganture and i thought 'Should i copy that skill Stortus Ottar it seems its able to not only heal a wound but it also possess Spiritual Healing' after thinking about it for a moment then i decided to copy that healing ability then i looked at Ottar who is now looking like a beast after using his skill Stortus Ottar.

I looked around and saw that the Ganesha Familia and Members of the Guild have arrived and so was the members of the Loki Familia and judging from their look it doesn't they can interfere because they saw Ottar getting mauled by me so they are trying to observe the battle for now.

Then Ottar after finishing his chant appeared beside me using his greatsword and tried to chop me off. Then my eyes change into Mangekyou Sharingan and my reaction time increased and i raised the Gunbai to block the attack and when our weapons clashed i used "Uchiha Reflection" a powerful energy suddenly blasted and hit and send Ottar flying and crashing to a building.

This time Ottar didn't waste anytime and to rushed again and this he used his magic Hildis Vini and started chanting while fighting Madara "Silver moon's mercy, the golden wilderness. This body is destined for the wild boar of the war. Run through, carry the Goddess' Will!" After his chant his greatsword started glowing and he swing his greatsword at Madara.

I sent my Gunbai back to my storage and i stretched out my hand and grabbed Ottar's greatsword and my used turn into the Rinnegan and absorb all the magic emitting from Ottar's greatsword. Ottar was shocked when he realized his magic is being absorb he tried to pull away but he was suddenly grabbed by a skeletal arm and was held tight by it.

"Too much energy." I said to to Ottar then i punched Ottar with my Susanoo into the air and used "Wood Style: Wood Dragon." The wood dragon came out of the ground and attack Ottar who was in the air cut the wood dragon down as he was falling.

"To cut my Wood Dragon down impressive then how about this Sage Art: Storm Release: Fang of Light." Ottar sensing the incoming danger ducked his head down then i used this chance to use the light and cut his greatsword in half.

Then i used "Universal Pull." And Ottar was being pulled by a mysterious force tries to resist but it was futile and as he reached me i grab him by the neck and ask "Do you still want to dance?" And suddenly then members of the Freya familia started appearing and try to help their Captain by launching an attack against me.

I let go of Ottar and i said "Almighty Push." Then all of a sudden a strong repulsive force halted the Freya Familia's attack and they we're all of a sent flying especially Ottar who was close was sent away the farthest.

Then they all looked me whether it's the Freya Familia, The Guild, Ganesha Familia, Loki Familia they weren't sure if they can do anything to me and especially Finn Deimne 'The Braver' who is probably the one is most cautious here. He can tell that im still holding back after if i weren't i would have already killed Ottar.

I looked at them and asked "Enjoying the show?" They we're all startled when im looking at them with my Rinnegan. Some of them instictly reached for their weapon's.

Then i looked at the Freya Familia and said "I suggest you take your Captain back to your hole now he won't be able to keep up anymore after all i already drained his strength." They all looked at me while holding they're weapons tightly and decided to retreat.

Then my eyes changed back to normal i looked for Alise and she looked at me with stars on her eyes like im some sort of idol and said "That was so amazing Uchiha-san you fought Ottar without breaking a sweat and repelled the entire Freya Familia with only one hand." I look at Alise for a while and said "I'm sorry our little 'Date' is ruined because a certain nympho and a boar." "Y-you that wasn't a date i-im just showing you around Orario." Alise replied with a blush on her face 'But it wasn't that bad.' Alise whispered "What was that?" I asked Alise and she shook her head and waving her hands while saying "N-nothing i didn't say anything."

After talking with Alise for a bit the Guild members approach me and said "Uchiha-san we'd like you to come to the guild with us." Then i looked at Alise for a bit and said "Captain head bsck first i will go with these guys for a bit."

Alise nodded then said "Alright i will head back first and tell Astraea-sama what happened here." I nodded to her and we went our separate ways.