
Traveling between worlds,I'm Link

Har Davius ​​and his family were killed by a pack of never-before-seen fantasy creatures, goblins. He wakes up in Link's body inside the Resurrection Shrine, further discovering that he can use all of the items from the video game (Breath of the Wild). He shouldn't be the only one reincarnated, right? So he keeps hoping to find his family. He receives an unknown rune that allows him to travel to other worlds, so he must become stronger and search for his loved ones. Using the rune for the first time, Har travels to a world he knows, where hunters and monsters are in constant battle in this place. "Isn't this the world of Solo Leveling?" What really happened, what actions will Har take, and more importantly, how long will it take before I get sued by the big N? -It doesn't matter if you don't know the elements of BotW, it's quite simple to understand everything.- This is a translation of my Fanfiction in Spanish: Soy Link

MoHost · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Har vs. the giant statue

Har thought that he was safe due to being the first to take a statue, he did not expect that Sung Jinwoo's tragic situation would affect him later.

Seeing Sung Jinwoo running in his direction, Har realized that this is the next instrument statue, so even if Sung Jinwoo arrives at the last second like in the original story, the statue will not work and he will be killed. .

So, you can stay here for Sung Jinwoo to look for another statue, but that's sending him to his death, you know the story and you know that this guy should lose a leg and be on the verge of death, this is all the administrator planned, so it doesn't really matter how fast Sung Jinwoo is, the giant statue could kill him this second with a shot from his eyes.

Har felt helpless, if this is all because of the administrator's plans, then he won't kill Sung Jinwoo once he reaches this place, it is estimated that the statue will target him, after all, this is a test specially prepared for Sung Jinwoo, he must reach the end and prove himself no matter what, so Har believes that it is impossible for the administrator to kill him before.

But it's been shown before, the administrator doesn't care about the lives of others as long as it's to assess Sung Jinwoo.

So the best he can do is run to the next statue while that giant is still following Sung Jinwoo, he should still have the obligation to push Jinwoo's anxiety to the extreme to see how far he can take it, if Har follows this idea, at that point, he can only beg that the admin follow his own rules and let him live.

Otherwise, the statue can leave Sung Jinwoo alone and have him as his next target.

'Tch! You insidious bastard.'

Sung Jinwoo was running to save his life, maybe due to the mental pressure of the moment, he didn't realize that he was running to the wrong statue, but at that moment.

"Hey, this way!!"


Sung Jinwoo turned his face towards that voice, then he noticed that it was that elf who had been accompanying them for a while, it didn't take him a second to notice that he was protected by a statue with an instrument, besides that this seemed to be the most close to himself now, but he knows, two people can't be in the same statue.

This lowered Sung Jinwoo's hopes to near zero, it would be impossible for him to reach a statue beyond that, but he is someone who never gives up no matter the situation, so he ran in that direction to find another statue.


However, completely out of his expectation, that elf actually left the safe zone in the statue and began to run.

'Hehehe, damn administrator, I interfered in your plans again...'

With a bitter smile, Har sneered a bit as he ran with cold sweat drenching his entire body.

Sung Jinwoo was supposed to have gone to the wrong statue and lost a leg, but Har changed that right now.

He didn't know it, but at this moment, the left eye under the hood of the angel statue flashed with red light, an extremely terrifying expression appeared on his stone face.

'Bastard, I don't know what an elf is doing here, but you've already interfered too much.'

With this thought, a golden glow appeared in his right eye, obviously he has witnessed everything that elf has done since he entered the temple, he has let his insolence slip several times, but this is already too much.


At that moment, out of what everyone expected, a golden light appeared again on the giant statue, the light compressed into his right pupil, the next second.



A golden bolt of lightning suddenly shot out, even though it was tens of times thinner than before, it was enough to pulverize Sung Jinwoo's right leg, who immediately fell to the ground.


"Young Sung!!"

Under the crying and worrying of Lee JuHee and the raid leader respectively, Sung Jinwoo slowly crawled, as if his life was hanging by a thread.

With a beautiful melody, Sung Jinwoo reached the statue that elf was on before, his face was pale, he collapsed under the statue and was about to faint, blood kept leaking from his body, but contrary to the original story, this did not end here.

Sung Jinwoo turned his head to the side, his eyes were blurry and he really couldn't see well, but he tried to observe the situation of that elf, he knows very well, if he reached this statue, one of the two would die, and if he followed his way, then his chance of surviving was less than 1%.

That elf, whom they have been mistrusting all along, just completely saved him at this time.

'Damn admin...'

Har heard the noise earlier, it seems that guy doesn't allow cracks in his perfect plans, but, since he almost reached the statue, he should hurry up.

Baam!!* Baam!!*

The giant statue continued on its way, his expression still smiling, Har knows this guy must already be following him.

'Admin or whatever, you can't betray your rules, right?'

Har thought to himself, thanks to the holographic circle of energy, he was able to run without getting tired as long as he stopped running before his energy was completely depleted, so he was able to reach the next statue that had something like a saxophone, however.


Har was stunned, upon reaching the safe area under the statue he could not hear the melody, this statue did not actually start playing the instrument.

Under the hood of the angel, a scornful face appeared, he is not willing to let that elf live as a result.


The statue waved the saxophone in his hands, his intentions were clear, he wants to hit Har, but he won't make it so easy for him.

'That bastard, he's playing dirty.'

Har was not the only one to think this, the other hunters also noticed that there was something strange, the statue did not touch its instrument and attacked the elf, no matter how it looks, it seems that there is a conspiracy against it.

Har took out a silver shield and covered himself from the attack.


The saxophone hit the shield, but he couldn't move any further, thanks to this, a goblin mallet appeared in his right hand and hit the statue hard.


However, this is a statue, the blow had no effect, it can't even feel pain.

But thanks to this, Har had inadvertently left the safe zone, so the statue returned to its original position.


With a stomp that made the whole place shake, the big smiling statue was already at his side.


Har gritted his teeth, if he wants to survive, he alone can do his best, he already realized that the administrator tries to kill him, even if he looks for another instrument statue, it won't work.


The statue moved its leg, a lot of dust and small rocks fell, but this did not worry Har.

'This guy, he wants to crush me.'

Seeing the huge foot that covered everything on him, Har seemed to succumb to the hero's experience, he put his hand on the Sheikah board and took something out of it, it was a bomb bigger than his head, it doesn't look like a normal bomb, rather it looks like something of unprecedented technology.

Har put down the bomb in front of him, he held the silver shield in his left hand and the Sheikah tablet in his right hand, the hunters who could see him had no idea what he was thinking, but the huge foot was about to turn him into sauce. of flesh and blood.

The hunters just looked away, this may not be a human, but they didn't want to see the tragic scene where he gets crushed, but at that moment…


A thunderous sound was heard, the hunters shook their heads and closed their eyes, they thought that this strange bomb exploded when it was crushed.

They thought that it was the last effort of that elf, losing his life in exchange for taking a foot from that great statue.

They don't know, by the time the foot was three feet above Har, he used the Sheikah board and detonated the bomb.

This sounds like suicide, but the bomb exploded in a radius of two meters, something similar to a spherical field of blue plasma appeared, Har resisted this thanks to the shield and was sent flying a few meters, thanks to this, the foot of the statue He also withdrew a bit.

Only Sung Jinwoo and the raid leader watched this from start to finish, mainly because Sung Jinwoo no longer had the strength to avoid looking, moreover, his eyes couldn't really take in anything.

"Are you planning to fight that thing?"

The Song chief said in surprise, because of this, the surrounding hunters widened their eyes and slowly looked at that place.


Everyone was surprised to find not a crushed body, but a large crater about two meters deep.

Unlike in the game, the remote bomb destroys even the ground below it.


Due to the administrator's short stun, the large statue stood still for a few seconds, this was enough for Har to stand up with a bitter smile.

'I was able to survive, but how much longer can I hold on? No, I must.'

Har gritted his teeth, before the statue reacted, his shield was left on his back and now he was holding a traveler's bow.

'Since explosions work, this guy's head explodes.'

Just now, the statue stared at him, the administrator didn't want to waste his time with this little thing, but at that moment.

BAAM!!!* BAAM!!!* BAAM!!!*

Har chose the explosive arrows and they appeared on the lower back of him, he aimed at the head of the large statue and fired consecutively.

"That guy is amazing."

"He really plans to face that monster."

The hunters were surprised at Har's bravery, regarding this bow appearing out of nowhere, and they all heard that that elf can use storage magic, so they weren't too surprised.

BAAM!!!* BAAM!!!*

5 explosive arrows were used in an instant, the head of the great statue was filled with smoke and dust, just as Har lamented again for not having more ammunition, a golden light could be seen through the dust.


Seeing this, Har couldn't help but swallow hard and curse unwillingly, this time, he might actually die.


Being pushed to this extreme, Har could only face this and try to survive, as far as lightning is concerned, the protagonist has vast experience.

Har put the bow away from him and took out his silver shield, it should still have a few uses left.

"Do you plan to... take the shield hit from him?"

The hunters were surprised, the bravery of this elf seems to have no end, they have already seen the light that shines from the statue and they know what will happen, the lightning from this thing disintegrates everything in its path, so they have no hope in it. elf.

"Looks like this is the end of it."

"He saved us many times, I regret treating him like a monster before."

While the hunters were gloomy and turned their heads, Har held the silver shield in front of him in the direction of the statue's eyes.

'I only have one chance, my life depends on this...'

Har gritted his teeth with a straight face, sweat did not stop pouring down his face, he pushed his concentration to the extreme and stared into the statue's eyes.

'Has that elf gone mad?'

The administrator thought this with a bit of confusion, it seems that the pressure burned his brain before the lightning.


A thick beam of light shot from both eyes of the giant statue, converged, and rushed in front of Har in an instant.

If we saw everything in slow motion the following would happen, a drop of sweat fell to the ground, Har took a last breath before clenching his teeth and screaming with all his might in his mind.

'Perfect guard!!!'

A crazy scene happened, Har swung his shield against the beam at the last moment, as a result.


With a burst of light like an extraordinary halo, the thick golden beam, capable of disintegrating everything to ashes, was repelled by the shield, which burst into a million particles, and returned all the way to the statue.


With a thunderous sound, the thick lightning smashed directly into the head of the statue, his huge body fell to the ground smashing his head against the throne, immediately raising a pile of dust that scattered everywhere in the room. .

Being alarmed by the deafening sound, the hunters looked up immediately wondering what was wrong, however, the situation was beyond all their expectations, their eyes widened with a look of disbelief.

Not only them, the Song leader, who watched the situation from start to finish, was dumbstruck, his eyes did not dare to blink, and his eyelids were trembling, his mouth was wide open, and his jaw was almost falls to the ground.

Not far away, at the place of the angel statue, under his hood, the administrator was puzzled and his eyes rolled back.

Besides Sung Jinwoo, who was having a near trip to the afterlife just now, and Lee JuHee, who has a mess of emotions and is shaking with her hands on her head, everyone else in the room has an unspoken thought.

'What the hell just happened?

-End of this chapter-