
The Unexpected Guest

Seven suddenly appeared in the royal palace, surrounded by regents.

"Who are you? Why did you suddenly appear in the palace?" one regent demanded sternly.

Seven looked around in confusion. "What palace? What is this place?"

The regent grew impatient. "Enough with the nonsense. You don't look like a normal person. Are you here to assassinate the Emperor?"

Seven, exasperated, replied, "What Emperor? Is this a movie set? Where's the director? The cameras?"

The regent shouted angrily, "Speak up! If you don't talk, I'll execute you right now!"

Raising his hands, Seven pleaded, "I'm not an actor! Let me go! Otherwise, I'll call the police!"

Ignoring his protests, the regent had him thrown into the dungeon.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Xiaoyiicreators' thoughts