
Traveling Across Realities

Not expecting a tragedy, Alex's happy life comes crashing down. Offered a new chance at life, he takes it with one goal in mind. To live the life that was taken too soon. His wish granted, under the promisse of his service to the gods. First world: GAME OF THRONES Second world: ****** *** **** ********* disclaimer: I own nothing :p

Exelia · Book&Literature
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38 Chs

Chapter 9: Life in the final Moments of the Doom 2

~~Elesis POV~~

Here I am again. Standing in the realm of the Gods. The lush green forest, the soft swaying leaves and the sun, warm and welcoming.

Before me Stood a Stone tablet depicting all forms of words, letters, and languages in this world. Expecting something to happen, I simply sat down to the grass feeling it in my hands. I felt calm and a sort of assurance... I felt like I was crying but I saw no tears. Still I felt relieved.

The rumbling came. Seconds later another stone tablet rose from the ground. This one stabbed by all kinds of weapons yet as if they were carved into it. From the top of both tablets sprouted glowing water. Then where ever it flowed, the ground gave way and soon it was flowing around randomly. As a clear glowing river.

I then felt light shine on my eyes, I couldn't help but look up. And then I felt... gratitude. As the light intensified, I covered my eyes and then I felt... hands.

I felt him in my arms. My cheek on his chest. Holding onto him in embrace, and his hands flowing through my hair. I then looked up and saw him smiling at me. He's clothes in tatters and there is still blood on his face, but I knew there are no injuries anymore.

I wrapped my arms on his shoulders and kissed him. We simply stayed together in each others arms in silence. Basking in each other's presnce.

I couldn't help but speak. Just to hear him.

"I'm glad you're alright. Truly I am."

"So am I, I am sorry I worried you."

"Don't be! It was my fault! I was so confident in winning I underestimated an opponent. And I nearly died." I replied with a sob.

"Elise... "

"I felt it... for the first time. I knew then I was dead. If it wasn't for what ever you did then I would be dead... WE would be dead... I'm so sorry babe."

"Don't be, you're fine, WE'RE fine. Besides, I knews you would win."

"How'd you know?"

"Cause I know you."

. . . . . "hehe... haha... hahahaha... " my laughter cracking through my sobs.

"What? Too cheesy?" he said with a mock hurt.

"A little bit, yeah... But I loved it no less." I replied as I rubbed my cheek on his.

I felt his hug tighten, and I held on to him aswell. We just spoke, bad jokes in between our friends and gossiping about co-workers. Well... former friends and co-workers. A couple of hours later we were beginning to gather ourselves.

He told me of Avalon. Our scabbards were enchanted with an emergency healing. Should the our armors hit zero they activate a scan upon us. One that is used every minute. Should the weilder show great injuries on their person, and no treatment is applied in 30 seconds, then the healing circle crafted within activates. This was a bastardised version of auto regeneration. Though he hasn't given up on the project, it was the best he got for now.

We knew we can't continue just yet, our armors are at an all time low, And we had more crystals to charge with magic. And worst is ourselves. We haven't really gotten over the feeling of mortallity yet. Never have we felt so powerless not even against dragons. And our magic reserves are at an all time low.

Another factor is the unknown. We don't know what kind of enemy lies on top. So we have to be on top shape. Both mentally, physically and magically. So we looked around the tower looting anything valueble and soon found ourselves in a luxurious bedroom. We in turn decided to take rest for the remainder of the evening.

I saw a fog leave my breath, I felt the air grow cold, the rays of sunlight that did it's best to penetrate the dark sky vanished. Night has come upon this doomed lands. We have had our dinner and now just cuddling against each other. Due to the coldness we just laid in each others arms, completely bereft of everything. All except our under garments and the earrings, rings, and necklace we both donned. I looked up to him and kissed him. As hard as I could.

~×~ LIME SCENE ~×~

Soon, we were trying to suck each other's mouth dry. His hands trailing softly across my skin. Not wanting that right now, I grabbed his cock and gave it a rough tug. He then grabbed my hands and held them over my head as he laid my back on the soft mattress. He kissed me hard, his one hand held both my hands and his other groping my breast roughly. Minutes later he's hands was then on my abdomen, he trailed to my ass after. All the while his lips kissing me in my lips, my cheek, my neck and then my collarbone. When his hands held my wet pussy, my legs wrapped around him as his lips was kissing and sucking my breast. He then trailed kisses downward. He tugged my underwear to the side when he reached my navel and then sucked. He then trailed kisses further down. And stopped at my pussy, I felt his breath on me. My legs automatically tried to clamp close but then he roughly opened them. I couldn't stop the whimper me. He licked it slowly first, then a short quick lick. Again he stopped I looked down. And saw him looking at me as he then gave my pussy a sweet kiss. My heart was beating so fast I believe he could hear it. He kissed my pussy passionately as he looked to me and I to him. I tried playing with my breast but then his hand reached out to mine once again. He soon had his face on my pussy with both my hands held by his. His kisses became rougher by the second and soon he began eating me up and sucking on my clit. My legs raised on his shoulder squeeze his head in between. Feeling his hair against my legs tickled as my arousal began to overflow at rapid pace with his eating. I was almost there when he stopped. He then rose to my face with my knees still held by his elbows. I felt him ground the underside of his hard dick against my pussy lips. And I ground myself against him, with only his underwear standing between us. After a few minutes of hard grinding, soon I finished with a cry and still I ground against him with difficulty making sure for him to reach his. We kissed hard one more time. As an orgasm assaulted me, squeeling in his mouth.

~×~ LIME SCENE ~×~

I soon felt him gently hug me and then roll me beside him. My head still on his chest. I felt the gentle embrace of warmth as a blanket was draped over us.

I felt his lips on my head and a whisper.

"I love you babe."

"I love you too babe." I replied with a smile.

Feeling fulfilled, satisfied, and a voice in the back of my head saying it is enough, I slept knowing. I am happy, 'All in all, can't complain.'

~~Ronan POV~~

Morning soon came, little rays of sunshine penetrating the dark sky and the cold retreating once more. I saw my beloved sleeping softly beside me. I gave her a pek on the lips and I rose to prepare breakfast.

She soon joined me looking incredibly dishelved and still beautiful. I placed the meaty breakfast infront her as I kissed her temple. Hearing her giggle at the act itself made my day all the happier.

That fight was a wake up call for both of us. We were both mortal, humans. Despite all the incredible gifts we have received, we are still just that, human. We had been taking our time, so much so that we had taken a lot of things for granted, each other as well. But not anymore.

Soon we bagan looting again, as we have for every manor or house and shop there ever was in Valyria. We knew that as soon as we finish off the dragon lord at the top and end the doom, it will lift. People will soon take notice of that. So rather than lose the opportunity, we decided to take it. By the time people began flocking to this place, it would already be empty.

We also began charging every single magical storage we have. We don't know what siuation we might find ourselves in regarding the magic of the rest of the world, but we'd rather be ready than not.

Learning new techniques as well was a must for us. We were left quite vulnerable last time. We have defensive enchantments, but barely any defensive spells.

And most of all is upgrading our equipments. Aside from the elements channeling. I began placing an innate element to the weapons. Her Excalibur Morgan now has innate darkness element. One we began learning after capturing a shadow demon just a couple of days after our near death experience.

The Darkness element in her sword grants her immunity against it. Which is a good thing since Shadow Binders are actually more speciallised in capture. But the best part is when combined with other elements. It gives it a more solid aspect to it. Her sword beams now looked like Hollow Ichigo's Getsuga Tenshō added with fire.

Mine had to be reforged because of the damage it received. It was cracked all over the edges and a bend in the middle. I reforged it to Excalibur and ofcourse with Holy element with in it. The application is simply the same with Excalibur Morgan. The biggest change I made to the swords were they were now nearly as tall as us. Greatswords, both of them. The size was a must in order to place the innate element. And a bit of change in the over all look.

Two weeks later, we were ready. I was the first to passed the door and up the stairs. We arrived shortly at the roof. It was as big as a baseball field. But there was nothing on top except maybe a corpse laid on top of the tree stump.

With nothing of note to see, I aporoached the corpse, keeping my floating spell blades ready.

The stump was huge. Covering the majority of the open field. It only took me ten steps and I was stepping on it already.

Seeing it closer, the greatsword just beside the corpse is covered in grime, ashes and soot, along with solid magma. While the charred corpse was ...breathing?

"Ahh... you have come. I had feared you would have fallen in the hands of this towers last guardian."

" ...so did I. Who are you?"

"My name does not matter, nor would it have done you good. It was the last thing I forgot after all. You may call me 'sword' for it is the only thing I know now. Tell me stranger, are you the new song?"

" .... Song?"

"Yes, song. For I have peaked at the future and heard the song that has sung our end eons ago. One that spoke of our damnation. And yet for some reason. I have begun hearing a different tune."

"The song of ice and fire."

"YES! YES! YES! That song!"

"Then yes, we are a different tale then." Replied Elesis.

"...ah... how refreshing. So the gods has not forgotten us after all. ...nomatter... you have come to undo this curse we have bought. upon this word isn't that right?" I nodded in reply.

"Then you need only beat me." he then began to rise.

He was tall, 9 feet to be more accurate. The heat of fire soon began to rise from the cracks appearing in his entire body. His rock covered sword glowed red. Yet we held it with finess.

'Looks like it's time to put that new blessing to good use'

I held my sword aloft, stood sideways with my reinforced gauntlet facing him. My stance is at the ready. He nodded in approval.

"I am sword, and I will live and die as one." He suddenly appeared infront of me, his sword already raised. He was fast, but so was I. A quick side step as my sword sailed upward. As his sword planted in the tree, mine hit him in the chest with a *BANG!* His body was sent flying across the field. Keeping the advantage I then rushed forward rocketing towards him with a wind burst. He barely stopped skiddling when I swung my sword downward. He guarded with his sword but he's knees buckled. With my sword keeping pressure on him. With a wind charged fist in my gauntlet, I punched him in his temple.


His head snapped sideways from the impact. His sword arm loosened. With a flick of my wrist I cut off his elbow clean. He jumped back then roared fire at my direction. My spell swords stood before me like a wall, putting my hand on it and imbued them with Ice. His fire passing through the sides, I saw his sword then fly towards the flame. When the fire died down, ten swords returned behind me with two, charged with my new element, lightning, pointed at him. I released one like an arrow, he side stepped. Not expecting the second to fly to him like a frisbee. Forcing him to jump.

I was expecting it, closing the distance instantly I performed a stab while he was still in mid air. He guarded with his sword again his hand buckled to his chest. He barely noticed the four swords that were soaring towards him two from each side. Twisting in mid air he dodged two but not the one headed for his torso, he was impaled in the gut as another cut off a knee. Forcing him to the ground with a harsh *THUD!* He saw another sword spinning sideways towards him. He parried it away, leaving him open to me. Seeing my sword already inside his guard, he simply smiled.


He fell on his back with his sword falling to the ground. I had cleaved him from the shoulder to the hip. His lava like blood flowing out of him.

"hahaha.... finally... death has arrived." I simply stood beside him. "My thanks great warrior. Finally I can begin my path to attonement. Before I go. Take this child." He handed me his sword. "May it serve you well in the trials to come." I then strapped it in my waist.

".... father.... forgive.... me..." He then began to glow red. Immediately jumping back. A giant pillar of fire and shadow rose from him. It struck the clouds causing them to part. Soon the a cyclone of fire and shadow stoos before me. As the parted clouds began to gather once again but this time eminating red lights from their gaps. As if it was to rain fire.

Suddenly feeling dread, I summoned my swords once more each charged with Ice, fire, wind, lightning, and holy.

Channeling Holy energy into my newly reforged sword. A giant Shadow demon walk out of the tornado of fire, at least 50 feet tall. It suddenly roared, one he knew would be felt far and wide. And as it roared and stood it's full height, it burst into flame. Showing much of it's features.

" . . . . . . . Balrog ...."I suddenly fell on my knees as the air began to be as if set aflame. My swords shattered. I could feel it's killing intent pressing me to the ground. I tried getting up but it's mere gaze bought me to the ground.

All of a sudden a resounding *BOOOM!* echoed everywhere. It felt as if the sky fell. Cracks from the tree stump formed and from the gaps, motes of light began to flow.

I felt it... magic and vast amounts of it. Hearing the whisper in the air. Several voice speaking as one. 'Fight!'

I looked to Elise, and seeing the grim determination in her was more than enough. Gritting my teeth, I flooded my body with magic, using my new blessing, my magic circuits, activating my Enhanced State and keeping it indefinitely. Flooding all my equipments, accessories and my sword with magic as well.

The fight started when it summoned a huge firesword. I summoned dozens of Icy and Holy Greatswords and launched them all against the demon. It was fast and strong being able to shatter the swords as it parried but the sheer number of the swords have the demon being injured badly. Already a dozen greatswords are impaled on it, and with the lava flowing out of it's wounds, it was deep. Elise on the other hand had been releasing Icy sword beams relentlessly.

Having been on the defensive for several minutes it breath a flood of fire with a roar. We then jumped out of the way with the sheer magnitude of the attack. It came rushing out of the flames, it's sword raised to strike me down. I redirected the attack as soon as it reached me. Planting it to the tree stump. Elise taking advantage of the opening released a giant wave against it's elbow.

*Shiinnkk* *spurt* *ROOOAAAARR*

The Balrog roared in pain at the deep cut. The injurie soon began to born close. Not letting the opening go. He released a dozen Icy greatswords at it. It raised the sword and guarded with it's flat side. He on the other hand Super charged his attack. against the sword blasting it aside. An opening Elise took advatage of. She released a Giant blade beam towards the head. It dodged leaning sideways, but lost a horn in the process.

The Balrog roared with a fiery explosion. Sending them backwards. The Balrog then sprouted wings and then began flapping it. We knew it could fly. Not allowing such a creature to escape, we too took to the sky. Creating a pair of wings with Icy and sharpened feathers. Elise created wings using Holy golden element. Channeling a bow we gave chase.

Using air burst and fire burst to control the distance and direction aswell as gliding across the sky, we chased the demon. We chased it around the ruins, constantly sending spell greatswords and arrows against it with either Holy or Ice elements.

It retaliated by creating mines in the air. The fiery aura that engulf's him leaves behind motes of explosive balls of fire. Keeping to the sides we continued attacking. Receiving damage it turned it's sword to a whip and tried hitting us. Which was near impossible with our manuverability.

It then used the nearby towers. Grabbing them by the whip and throwing them to us or outright smashing them and throwing the debris to us. We avoided it over all, even splitting up, allowing the other to land a solid hit against it.

Once more it conjured fire spears and threw them at me. Elise splitted off. I kept it's attention retaliating with my arrows and even with my wings feathers. Elise's empowered sword beam soon cut down an entire wing from behind, bringing the demon to the ground with a resounding *BOOOM!*

Landing on the ground a goos distance from it. I gathered as much magic in the air as I can and used my swords innate element to bless them with the Holy element. I could feel the pressure on my shoulders constantly building up along with the motes of light that soon began flooded the air.

The move caught the attention of the demon. But was kept at the distance as Elise constantly releasing empowered sword beams at incredible speed with her Hero Mode and Enhanced State used together. Not only that but the spell swords never stopped showering the Balrog.

My hands began to shake, and my elbows began to lower. But soon I was able to compress and contain the magic into a form of a giant sword of light.

Finally completing the spell I nodded at Elise. Planting her sword teeming with darkness to the ground. She used the very darkness around casted by the dark sky to create chains combined with ice. She bound the Balrog in place as it tried to wrestle control of the darkness. Not wanting to wait anymore I released our final attack as I swung downwards.

"EX! ...CALIBUR!!!"

With the sound of thunder the golden light of the Holy element tore through the Balrog and beyond. The light traveled straight and true. The attack lasted for several seconds, the golden light forcing me to look away. When the light settled my sight began to return as the spots began to vanish. I then saw a cleaved mountain in half and just behind it the water parted. The sight kept my attention. Soon I heared the sound of rushing waves as the water hungrily devoured the gap in the sea.

The demon was also dead, both it's parts parted on the left and right. Elise nodded at me that grim determination not leaving her beautiful face. Just to be sure, we released more Holy greatswords and further tear the pieces apart. Feeling the magic in the corpse completely vanish gave us relief.

I felt the magic in the air began to vanish. As the dark sky began to recind. And rays of light penetrated the sky once more. I sat leaning on my beloved as she leaned against me. Wrapping my arm around her as one hand held my sword, planted on the ground.

We sat there, and for the first time in this brand new world, saw for our own eyes as the sun rose in between the mountain.