
Traveling Across Realities

Not expecting a tragedy, Alex's happy life comes crashing down. Offered a new chance at life, he takes it with one goal in mind. To live the life that was taken too soon. His wish granted, under the promisse of his service to the gods. First world: GAME OF THRONES Second world: ****** *** **** ********* disclaimer: I own nothing :p

Exelia · Book&Literature
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38 Chs

Chapter 5: Life amongs Dragons 2

??? POV

Humans? Here? They must be scavengers or thieves. There is nothing for them here.


Looking at the two humans from afar, made her feel jelous. How madly inlove the two are at one another.

But also curious. They were performing magic. Sorcerers, there has not been any for a long time. Not true ones anyway. For her this two just might be her hope for peace.

There was a rumbling nearby. She couldn't help but raise from her slumber. For the forsaken ones has come for her ones more. But much to her surprise the humans were the first to fight them.

The crimson woman was indeed a fine warrior. No move wasted. Luckily for her, her opponents were more of the stupid ones. And so despite being out numbered, she prevailed.

The azure man is just as good. But he uses more magic than swords. He hasn't even unsheath his sword yet, opting for spells. He isn't wrong though. Dragons are physically superior. He's courage holds no bounds. But fear permeats him, not of his enemies. But for the woman.

Still to slay those two himself, impressive. Both of them are. Much to her joy they were headed in her direction. The man had created them a fine set of clothes. Enchanted clothes. Facinating, they are second only to Dragon Steel.

Though she could feel magic, she could not understand them yet. All she knows that it isn't going to be easy to achieve victory. But that is only incase a fight is necessary.

Again the pair ran into another pair of dragons. This two are far more deadly. Unlike most, one could say this two dragons had adapted well into their surroundings. They were huge dragons but they have a weakness, into being part of this rivers of fire, they had given up the sky.

The man was winning steadily, the same cannot be said of the woman. She was obviously versed in fire. An element this two will shrug off and the she was fighting one that will use it against her. She landed much damage to it but it costed too much of her. Luckily for her, the man had injured one dragon enough for it to know victory against it's current opponent is impossible. And so it swapped places with it's eldest.

The man will now be fighting a more powerful opponent. A mistake, they have just given the humans a fighting chance. The younger one of the two dragons was too proud for his own good. It would spell his doom, as is his elder. The man is very well versed in the use of their opposite element.

As powerful and skilled his elder is, it isn't a match against the one he fights now.

The woman though seemed to have noticed what happened. A spike of fear rolled off of her for but a moment. One that was soon replaced with confidence, love and doubt... She has begun making headway against her opponent. Her magic may not be the best against the dragon, but it isn't useless either. She has noticed it. The magic she had imparted upon her weapon was a good start but I knew it would not last. But then she surprised me, magic rolled off her in waves. When she moved her strength and speed was frightening. Adding her magical weapons to the mix. She simply powered through against the dragon.

A close victory but still a victory.

After they gathered themselves and what they wanted they entered my tower. Perhaps, they could help.

A light of hope lit within me. 'Great father, are they the ones you whispered of.'


Elise POV

Seeing the dragon before us was an incredible feeling really. I had known I am still adjusting with this new reality but this is something else entirely.

This dragon looked like a beacon of light in this dark world. It was beautiful. Slowly I saw Alex go close to it. It hasn't attacked yet and so he continued. When he took a step too close, the dragons head lowered.

Twenty paces away from the Dragon. Alex spoke. "Hello there."

I couldn't stop facepalming at that. 'Ofcourse he would say that.'

Surprisingly, the dragon answered. "Greetings as well human."

".....You could talk?" asked Alex. Surprised he is, as much as I am.

"Ofcourse. I am a true Dragon child. I may not look like much but I am still an elder dragon."

"Okay... may I ask what you are still doing here?"

I knew it was a stupid question, as evident by the dragon raising a brow at him. But then again, she did took us by surprise by talking.

"Safe guarding my last rider." She said as she looked to the skeleton. I guess the armor is out of our reach then.

We were about to seek permission for shelter when the Dragon spoke. " I have a favor to ask of you. Would you be willing to do it?"

He looked to me. I gave him a nod of confirmation. "We shall hear you out first before aggreeing to anything dragon."

"My thanks sorcerer. This doom that shrouds us doesn't just trap this forsaken beings. It traps the souls of it's inhabitants as well. And so, no one can truly move on." The dragon said as she looked to the skeleton. "I ask that you lift it. At the top of the great tower lies a dragonlord. Corrupted beyond salvation. His very being serves as a vessel to a great evil. Which in turn ensures this prison's existance at the behest of the gods. Slay him, so that the evil's anchor upon this world may perish. And we can finally have peace. And so that our riders, may earn their attonement in the afterlife .... What say you sorcerer?"

I knew he would agree so I decided to intervene. "What will we get in return?"

"I shall let you take what ever you wish of this tower, even this armor."

I looked to him, and he nodded. "Very well, we will accept under the promisse of allowing us shelter and use of your facilities ofcourse."

"You may child. It would be nice to see this place become a home once more. Even if it is only for a short while."

""Thank you."" we replied with a bow.

Once inside we began to look around. Me and Alex was able to find a few items of valyrian steel but not enough to create a sword. So we put it aside for now.

When we failed to find anything worth forging into weapons, he went to work on acessories while I continued my search. So I decided to ask the dragon for any advice on the matter.

"hmmm.... there are only two nearby that meets what you seek child but both very dangerous endevors."

"We can't progress far without them. He said any steel will do but I was hoping you know better options." I asked pleadingly.

.... "There is one place that would meet your criteria. Eastward, lies the homes of the wealthiest dragon lords. During the times of Valyria, this swords were but symbols of wealth. I believe they may have a few. Possibly even a whole sword."

I beamed at that. "Thank you."

"But be warned, East is where most of the forsaken ones lie. I after all had seen most of them."

"We will, I promisse." The dragon nods and returns to sleep.

I went back looking for Alex to deliver him the good news. I soon found him asleep in the sofa. I couldn't bring myself to wake him. I just retrieved a blanket for him and gave him a soft kiss and let him sleep.

As I looked around, I saw another pair of rings and a necklace. I don't know why he bothers with a transmutation ritual to turn those ingredients to gold but I certainly ain't complaining. They do look apealing, specially those runes etched on them.

She then noticed a dagger. Decorated by gold, with a crossguard made into the likeness of wings spread wide. It has a hole in it that implies a slot to be filled. It's base shows Three potrusions, with the middle being the biggest. It was hollow, but all three was sharp. Why make such a dagger she doesn't know.

She decided to rest for now. So she lifted his blanket and laid down on top of him. His arms automatically wrapping around her. And they just slept.


She woke with the scent of food in the air, the sound of a soft humming, and her hair being caressed. She smiled remembering such settings. She wipes the sleepyness off of her eyes. And saw Alex just looking down at her as she laid on his lap.

She kissed back as he kissed her. He just looked down at her. His eyes wandering as if looking for something. And then he just focused on her eyes. He stayed that way for an entire minute. Until,

"I love you." he whispered.

Somehow she knew what he meant. She couldn't help but be happy. She was so happy she teared up.

"I love you too." she replied. She ended up kissing him heatedly. She grabbed his hands and she placed it on her breast. He was surprised for but a second but he reciprocated.

They spent half an hour just kissing and groping one another. Their lips swolen and their face covered in a sheen of sweat and saliva. After one last lingering kiss. They gathered themselves for dinner.

Elise told Alex of what the dragon had told her.

"Well ...? What do you think? I think it's a good bet." she said

"I think so too but we can't risk it as we are now. Who knows if we ran into more troublesome dragons." he replied.

"I can see that you are taking care of that already. I can help you carve the runes, I understand them afterall."

"No need, there is another thing I need of you. You remember those Gems we have?"

"Ofcourse I do. I left them back at our room. Why?"

"I have a weapon in mind but it requires a runic ritual. I need you to make this."

He showed me a magic circle. I understood it ofcourse, thanks to our blessing. But soon I couldn't help but laugh. Leave it to him to think of something like this.

"Hahahaha... You plan to make THAT!?"

" ... yup" replied with a smug smile on his face.

"Okay fine but I want mine to be less edge lord on design."

He handed me another design. As I looked at it I couldn't help but snicker at it.

"Well it ain't original but yes, it'll do." I said teasingly.

"I thought you might like it."

"So how long will this project of ours take?"

"No more than a week I assure you. Then we can go eastward. As amazing as these weapons we are making will be, it still runs on magic. We will still be needing bladed weapons."

... "Thanks for the ring, by the way."

"I thought you might like it."

"I do, I was in real trouble back there with those dragons. Had it not been for you I might have had to use my trump card."

"What do you mean?" he asked confused.

I just smiled at him. "Don't worry about it. Though that fight scared me a bit."

"I know, it scared me too." I reached out and held his hand. "Well don't worry. We can fix those issues. I know over time you yourself won't be needing that ring anymore." He added confidently.

The new rings are what you could call elemental focuses. He gave me Ice to offset my weakness for a little bit. Their a bit technical in utility. I won't be throwing ice shards. But I can channel ice to any spell flowing through the hand donning said ring. So emmulating Adula's Greatblade is far easier for me now. I can't shoot ice imbued carian phalanx but I can shoot ice imbued arrows. It still helps a lot.

I was taken out of my stupor when a necklace was wraped around me. Looking at it again bought me to tears. It was a replica of the promise ring he once gave me, dangling in the golden chain. I looked to him hopefull.

"I made a promise to you. I intend to keep it."

I couldn't help myself and cried. This new life, is indeed a blessing. One she would happily embrace.