
Travelers Guide

Where strange magic power and dangerous monsters leave the world in ruin, humanity is left on the brink of extinction, fending for itself within a single city. However, under the guidance of the Imprinted; those painted in the strange magic power of their ruined world, humanity is able to protect themselves and even attempt to explore the perilous land ahead of them. Working for an old church, Damian catches himself in the middle of a rather painful mistake. Forced to leave his work for good, he seeks to explore the horrors of the outside world while under the instruction of a rather unsavory second opinion.

Dilarys · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Test Taker

Walking through the high-end facility, the tall man guided Damian further into the complex building—introducing him to the first test room. Upon entering, a peculiar polished wooden floor graced his bare feet while his eyes fell onto a mirrored wall reflecting his ragged appearance.

Damian looked around to find empty seating surrounding the room—only two people could be spotted standing at the side while conversing with each other: A short lady in glasses, and a tall man with an impressive physique. Casually approaching the two, the sharp-dressed man spoke:

"Hello, Ms. Erse, Imprinted Reece. It's good to see you two."

"Likewise. I assume we'll be getting started since we're all here then?" Ms. Erse returned the greeting, both relaxed and stern.

The sharp man nodded at the inquiry.

"Yes, this young man here is Damian, a child that became an Imprinted at quite an impressive age."

The two glanced at Damian in subtle surprise.

"That's quite the achievement Imprinted, would you be willing to share how you acquired these runes?" Ms. Erse asked with probing intrigue.

All three of them then turn in his direction, curious about the answer.

"Well…I kinda just ended up in an unfortunate situation. I don't really know why it happened, I just remember runes somehow ended up on my arms later in the day." Damian replied with a clueless look.

"...Right. Do the sunglasses have anything to do with that story of yours?" Ms. Erse furrowed her brow, suspicious at his answer.

Freezing briefly, Damian maintained his neutral expression.

"Oh no, I've had these for a while since my eyes are rather poor with handling daylight."

Although wanting to continue her interrogation, Ms. Erse was then interrupted by the smiling sharp-dressed individual.

"While I would love for this to continue, we do need to get a move on with the tests. Imprinted Reece, if you would go ahead and begin the physical test while Ms. Erse and I observe from afar."

Imprinted Reece then nodded, gesturing Damian over to the middle of the room. The two stood in a large empty center surrounded by rows of seats.

"Alright Damian, the exam is really simple, all you gotta do is attack and you will receive your physical test grade. Do you have any preference for a weapon or are you able to go barehanded?" Reece explained, distancing himself slightly from Damian.

"I'm not really experienced in any combat, so I'll just go barehanded, I guess." Damian shrugged.

Reece nodded in understanding.

"That's fine, just try your best and I'm sure you'll do alright. Whenever you're ready, go ahead and attack."

'I mean, I shouldn't be that bad. I did somehow win against that big guy from the forest, so maybe if I'm careful I could land a few hits, and hell, maybe even win.'

"Alright, I'll go ahead and start," Damian claimed, then rushing toward the Imprinted opposite him.

Upon contact, Damian then awkwardly swung his fist only for him to realize his point of view had instantly shifted to the floor.


Damian lay wincing on the polished wood flooring.

He couldn't tell exactly when, but something definitely happened after he tried to attack the man. The second he approached him, he found himself collapsed on the ground, clutching his gut with his eyes shut. The other immediate panic was that his sunglasses flew off his face at the moment of impact.

Quickly covering his eyes, he then snatched the sunglasses that had fallen next to him.

"Uhh…do you wanna keep going?" Reece spoke, unsure.

Stumbling to a stand, Damian then sighed heavily while adjusting himself to the pain.

"...What do you think?" He replied while wheezing, slightly annoyed.

Feeling guilty, Reece then turned to the other two, sitting down and watching the situation. The sharp man then stood up with a subtle expression.

"Alright, that concludes the physical test! I'll be leading Damian to take the psychological test down the hall. After submitting his scores, there shouldn't be anything else unless you would like to inspect his runes, Ms. Erse."

Ms. Erse then shrugged at the question.

"Only if Damian wants me to."

"I'm good." Listening in, Damian speaks up after catching his breath.

"Then we'll be on our way." The sharp man spoke.

— —

'I seriously gotta find something better to hide my eyes than these ridiculous sunglasses, but where would I even find anything like that? At least I was able to hide it for now. And god, I'm in so much pain. How is it possible for someone to inflict so much pain in such a short amount of time?'

Breaking away from these thoughts, Damian realized that he'd finally reached the second test room. Stopping in front of the door, the sharp man turned to face him.

"Alright Damian, I believe this is where we'll be parting ways. Since the psychological test has to be done in private, you'll be entering this room alone. Afterward, you will be informed of your grade and future as an Imprinted. With that being said, it was a pleasure to have you here." The sharp man explained with a smile.

Damian shifted at the fake courtesies.

"...Yeah, thanks."

With the door opening, Damian sat in a small room painted white. Confused, he couldn't find anything in the room—only a simple desk and chair for him to sit in illuminated by a single light.

Unsure, Damian chose to sit in silence until suddenly a voice spoke from within the room. However, there was no one around.

"Hello participant, for the psychological exam, the goal is simple. All that is required is for you to answer my list of questions and you will be given your results." An unidentifiable voice spoke in an almost metallic tone.

Uncomfortable with the situation, Damian accepted the requirements.

"I understand."

With introductions out of the way, the test began.

"What is your name?"

"It's Damian."

"How old are you?"

"No idea. I think I might be around seventeen maybe?"

"Are you Imprinted?"

Damian then carefully inspected his arms in fake intrigue.

"...Hmm…you know what…I think I am Imprinted."

"Do you know how you became an Imprinted?"

"No, I hit my head too hard to remember."

"Do you know what your abilities are?"

"Not really, but hopefully they don't suck. That would be rather unfortunate."

"Have you attended any proper educational facilities?"

"Not at all."

"Do you have a family?"

"Ha, not that I know of."

"Do you know any information on the Inheritor Bloodlines?"

"As much anyone else? They're the most powerful families of Imprinted and apparently really attractive."

"How well do you handle stress?"

"I like to think I handle it better than most."

"What are your biggest fears?"

"...I don't think I have any?"

'What the hell are these questions?'

"That concludes the questionnaire, thank you for your participation."

'...That's it..?'

"So…did I win?" Damian's eyes widened at the brief ending.

"You have been graded: tier I. This is the lowest grade you can get and will be what is marked on your identification card."

"How do I go up in tiers?"

"In order to improve this grade, you must acquire consecutive acknowledged achievements."

"Ok. What exactly will I be doing now?"

"You will be sent to the Marin Outpost situated outside city walls to improve your experience and combat with other inexperienced students."

"...Ok," Damian replied, uneasy.

'I guess I won't be living in luxury just yet. That seriously sucks, but at least I'll learn some self-defense? God, what the hell did I sign up for?'

"With all tests concluded, please head to the front desk to receive your identification card, and your ticket to the train station leading outside the city. Is there anything you require for this trip? Depending on your request, we may be able to assist you with basic needs before your traveling past city walls."

Struck by the sudden opportunity, Damian immediately spoke.

"Yeah actually. Uh, could you possibly provide me with colored eye contacts?" Damian requested, with little expectation.

"Yes, we can. You will receive your required item along with your card and train ticket at the front desk. This concludes our conversation, thank you and goodbye."

With everything resolved, the voice finally concluded its lengthy interrogation.