
Traveler The Myriads Of Planes

Hello, ladies and gentlemen, my name is Bryan Growl, and i'm the author of this fanfic. I'm warning y'all that I'm new to this, and i need your comments to help me to improve. Be warned that any offensive comments will be deleted for good, so keep this in mind. Now, stay whit the synopsis. - Synopsis - *** Jaden Newman, is a young man that has poor luck in his life. Being 30 years old, and still unemployed, his life is a big joke of sadness and sorrow. His only happiness is his family. He loves, and is loved by his mother, father, and little sister. But recently he has been losing all hope to find a job and live his on life. Life is mysterious, because it walks side by side with death. One day Jaden was walking back home after one more frustrating interview, when suddenly he is visited by truck-kun and dies. Will this be his end, or the beginning of such catastrophic events, that will shake all the existence planes? Want to figure it out? Interested? The Travel through the Myriads Of Planes, stars now! *** - Aarrrrhhggg! Are fking kidding me? How the fck am i going to have "work experience" if no one hire me? What the actual fck is wrong whit this system? - Sigh - Fck my life! - Vibrates - - Vibrates - - Helo, mom... No, it was mess... Yes, yes... Thanks... See you soon. Bye... I love you too mo- - Loud sound of a truck horn - - Crash sounds - - Son, son! What happened? Son!... - Grunt - Ouch Arrgh the pain! It's burning! Arrgghh! I can't breathe, i can't breathe! Someone please help me! I don't want to die please - Sob - Mom, Dad, July, i'm sorry... *** - Darkness - - Grunt - Hmm. What happened. Argh, the pain... it's gone!? The pain is gone, thank God! Wait it's not just the pain that it's gone, i can't feel anything. - Suddenly the lights turn on - - Hmm - Open eyes - What is this blinding light? Why is so white? Wait where the fck am i?... - End of synopsis - That's is guys please support me. I'm just a beginner. Please help me whit your comments. See y'all in TTMOP !!!

BryanGrowl · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Chapter 31 - Limit Break, and battle result

_ Kaio-ken X1000! - I shouted jumping with super speed on GM(Grand Minister).

_ Hump! - GM did the same, but so fast that i couldn't even see.

Suddenly i felt a heavy blow on my stomach, and i could finally see GM's fist almost impaling me.

_ Ugh! - I grunted, with all the air in my lungs leaving me.

_ Weak. - GM said with disdain.

Taking the opportunity, i held his arm and pulled him close trying to kick his face but he easily avoided. Then he freed his arm and heavily punched my face breaking my nose.

I quickly healed with the help of my blue flames. Slowly i was adapting to his moves and my speed and reflexes improved even further.

As the battle proceeded i was pushing my Kaio-ken even further tempering my body, mind, and soul, to unimaginable levels.

Unfortunately Kaio-ken max multiplier is 1000X, but i somehow can feel that a door is opening to a new level. I just need one last push, and this battle will help, i can feel it!

After 3 minutes of my ass being kicked hard, finally now i could see some of GM's moves. Even after such adaptations, i could barely block his attacks.

It seems like he's going easy on me. Shit! Goddam you GM, you're cheater!

I kept increasing my Ki at incredible speed and my body is starting to itch. Not just that my veins are starting to burst and blood is gushing out. Arg!

Now i'm feeling undescribable pain! My blue flames aren't enough! I'll need to burn my purple flames too.

At this moment something that i didn't know that could happen, happened. My skin and muscles begun to tear violently. It seems like some kind of reaction to the over use of Kaio-ken and my flames.

Suddenly cracks appeared all over my body, and the Kaio-ken started to change it's aspect, little by little and it begun to look like Ultra Instinct Ki, but completely crimson in color.

But even with all these power ups, i still couldn't reach GM's level. Fucking hell!

*** On the audience ***

Zeno was having the time of his life watching the sparkling fight. Meanwhile Champa and Vados were with gaping mouths, watching the fierce fight.

_ Am i hallucinating!? How is that even possible? I know that the GM is an invincible fighter in all the multiverse. So how? - Champa asked Vados.

_ I-i don't know, how he is holding on for so long. I know that my father is going easy on him, but he is slowly increasing his power level, and the fight doesn't looks like it will end anytime soon. - Vados answered startled and blushing at the same time, she couldn't believe what she was seeing. After all no angel could reach the level of this battle with her father, even having the Ultra Instinct.

_ Looks like he's learning Ultra Instinct during the fight! How's that even possible? - Champa said sweating bullets.

_ This shouldn't been possible, but look at Jaden's body, he reached his limit a long time ago but he is improving while destroying his own body. This is the scariest thing in this battle! - She said blushing even more, as she was completely impressed by my effort to stand for her.

If she was only attracted to me before, now she was being affected by the first sparks of love. Her heart sunk every time my blood dripped on the ground of the arena.

Then my body suddenly started to burn and become black while smoke and purple flames were leaving my body. This startled her, and she screamed my name.

_ Jaden!

*** Back to the fight in the arena ***

Every blow, every breath, that i gave in this fight, i gave my all.

Then the Kaio-ken fused with the purple flames and started to burn my physical body. Seeing this GM hesitated briefly, and it was all what i wanted.

Using this opportunity i punched his face with my right fist, but he has the fucking Ultra Instinct activated all the time, so he just slightly moved his head away from my fist.

_ Not enough, motherfucker! - I said as my fist scratched his face making a drop of blood appear on his left cheek.

_ Hump! - He snorted as he cleaned the wound with his thumb.

Annoyed by my persistence, he finally liberated his power wanting to fight me seriously. The pressure he was emanating made me sweat profusely.

Then faster than light speed, he moved and kicked my chest with tremendous force. The kick broke my chest cage, and crushed my heart and lungs to a pulp. Making me vomit a month full of blood, and kneel.

Looking at my chest, everyone could see a foot mark deeply sunk at the middle of it. With blood shot eyes i looked him in the eyes, and burned my skin with blue flames together with my red flames to heal myself, this created an unexpected reaction. A black armor that could repair itself and hold my body together appeared on my body. Then i burned my soul and Ki with my purple Flames that turned my skin into a purple energy body. At the same time, a helmet with a long comb on the top appeared on my head, and four black wings appeared on my back. My eyes became white and my voice spectral.

As soon as this change happened my power surged completely breaking my body limitations. Then my Kaio-ken become purple, and i could feel an immense increase in power and performance, just like the Kaio-ken itself had broke the limit cap and evolved! Amazing! I'll call it Mugen Kaio-ken!

_ Jaden! - Vados screamed, maybe thinking that i would explode because of the sudden increase in energy, and that my skin burned away with smoke.

Haha! Sorry Vados later i'll explain how my power works.

Then i looked at GM, who looked at me with wide eyes not believing in my limit break evolution. Now i can finally feel GM's power level clearly. Haha! What a monster, his power is yet immensely above mine, yet!

_ Now it's payback time bitch! - I shouted at him.

_ Hump, interesting! - He answered with an excited smile.

We both stood on our fight stances again. Then we jumped at each other!

* DJ, insert Dragon Ball Super OST - Ultimate Battle feat. Akira Kushida! *

* Instrumental *

_ "Ka ka ka ka kachi daze

gun gun gun gun gun wo nuki

jyan jyan byan byan kyuukyoku no batoru

imi wa nai sa tatakau dake!"

We punched each other fist, exchanging blows at incredible speeds. The vibration generated by our punches cracked the whole arena, and shock waves exploded in the Null Realm, cracking reality itself. The audience was obligated to rise a shield, to protect themselves from the high levels of heat and energy liberated.

_ "Deaete ureshii ze sugee yatsu ni

oshiete kureru kai ore no tsuyosa wo

pawaa zenkai genkai toppa

kou kara saki wa kami mo tada pokaan sa!"

The arena ground started to melt, as our power increased even further. Suddenly GM stopped and said:

_ I'm removing the flight limitation! Because the arena can't hold our full power! Lord Zeno i ask for your permission! - He asked bowing to Zeno.

_ Granted! - Zeno answer.

_ Thank you, your Excellency! - GM said raising up and looking at me, then he said:

_ Let's continue!

_ Sure! - I answered flying at him.

_ "Ka ka ka ka kachi daze

gun gun gun gun gun wo nuki

jyan jyan byan byan kyuukyoku no batoru

ma ma ma ma maji ka yo

ten ten ten ten ten mo chi mo

jyan jyan byan byan hibashira ni tokeru

imi wa nai sa tatakau dake sa

yagate jiga ga mu ni naru made!"

I punched his face, but he held my fist with one hand, than counter attacked with a kick on my neck. That should've been broken, if i wasn't in this energy form state.

Then i looked back at him, and we begun to exchange blows again.

_ "Kobushi ga soreru tabi sora ga wareru

subete wo kowashitara nani ga umareru

ichigeki hissatsu issen man kai

karada zutaboro doko de yamerya ii no!"

Attacking, blocking, avoiding, we kept this stalemate, constantly increasing our power and speed. At a certain point of my adaptation, i begun to surpass GM's power and he started to bleed profusely. Then he kicked me away and liberated a gigantic amount of power.

Then his body begun to change and grow. Before he looked like a dwarf, but now he was as tall as Vados and Whis, but completely jacked. His hair became spikey, and his clothes tight because of the height and muscles increase. What the fuck!? Are you fucking Master Roshi!?

_ Argh, i'm feeling way better now, let's continue! - GM said with a smile while stretching up his body.

I gulped and jumped at him again. Fuck you! You darn cheater!

_ "Ka ka ka ka kachi daze

gun gun gun gun gun wo nuki

jyan jyan byan byan kyuukyoku no batoru

ba ba ba ba baka da ne

zan zan zan zan zankoku na

jyan jyan byan byan shukumei wo warae

genki dama ga minagiru kagiri

hikari hanate eien made!"

As soon as we exchanged some blows, he clearly begun to dominate the fight. Fuck! Let me show you my new form of Asa No Taiken, that i specifically developed to counter Ultra Instinct! Asa No Taiken: Oppression!

Every blow that hit him with, had inertial unstoppable force applied. Every time that he blocked, i broke his defense with brute force. Every time that he tried to avoid, i used faints and speed to predict his moves. Every time he tried to hit me, i would grab his arm or leg in a lock move and counter attack. His eyes widened, as he couldn't believe that someone could counter Ultra Instinct. Always aiming for his pressure points, every hit that landed he felt immense pain.

Slowly GM's body became dyed in blood. At the same time my body was full of cracks. But we didn't stop, the only thing that could be seen on our faces was a big grin. Only 30 seconds left to end the time counter.

_ "Sonzai kakusei genkai saisei

ishiki wo koete tatakai wa tsuzuku

ma ma ma ma maji ka yo

ten ten ten ten ten mo chi mo

jyan jyan byan byan hibashira ni tokeru!"

_ It's time to end this! - GM shouted with a big grin on his face.

_ Let's do it! - I shouted back with a big grin as well.

We both elevated our powers to the utmost limit, and we flew to our last blow screaming at each other, to the top of our lungs.

_ Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

_ Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

_ "Ka ka ka ka kachi daze

gun gun gun gun gun wo nuki

jyan jyan byan byan kyuukyoku no batoru

ba ba ba ba baka da ne

zan zan zan zan zankoku na

jyan jyan byan byan shukumei wo warae

imi wa nai sa tatakau dake sa

yagate jiga ga mu ni naru made!"

* Instrumental *

* Boooooommm! *

A gigantic explosion happened, and a blinding light shone intensely. All the Void Realm shattered like glass, and we all got transported back to Zeno's Palace.

The fight finally ended. The result? After the light diminished, a laid body, and a kneeling body could be seen.

After the light completely vanished, the laid one was the Grand Minister, while the kneeling one was me. Everyone was with gaping mouths.

Then one of Zeno's Attendants, declared the winner.

_ T-t-the w-winner is the Traveler, Jaden!

Hearing this i rose up my right fist to the sky, and screamed.

_ Yeeeesssss!

Seeing that the fight was over, Vados flew to us, and hugged and kissed me, passionately. Then we looked at GM that had passed out with a satisfied smile on his face. Looking at this, we both laughed and i returned back to normal. Enormous exhaustion hit me, and i almost fainted, but Vados held me.

Then i used the rest of my consciousness to unlock my full reality warping power, and healed me and the GM. I fixed everything destroyed by our battle, then i activated Morning Experience's power and my exhausted state completely vanished.

I got up, and soon after the GM woke up, and got up too, returning to his normal apparency.

Watching this i extended my hand to him, he smiled and reached my hand as well. So we shook hands in a friendly spirit, and smiling.

_ Good fight. - I said with respect.

_ Haha! Good fight indeed! - GM answered laughing.

Then he looked at Vados and asked.

_ Ok, now that everything is decided, when you're planning to give birth to my grandchildren?

Her face became bright red as she screamed.

_ Father!

He looked at me shrugged and said:

_ Priorities.

_ Priorities. - I answered shrugging too.

Hahahaha! Then we started to laugh like two idiots. So completely ashamed, she punched my chest cutely, with enough strength to break a planet, and said:

_ Shut up you idiot!

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