
Traveler The Myriads Of Planes

Hello, ladies and gentlemen, my name is Bryan Growl, and i'm the author of this fanfic. I'm warning y'all that I'm new to this, and i need your comments to help me to improve. Be warned that any offensive comments will be deleted for good, so keep this in mind. Now, stay whit the synopsis. - Synopsis - *** Jaden Newman, is a young man that has poor luck in his life. Being 30 years old, and still unemployed, his life is a big joke of sadness and sorrow. His only happiness is his family. He loves, and is loved by his mother, father, and little sister. But recently he has been losing all hope to find a job and live his on life. Life is mysterious, because it walks side by side with death. One day Jaden was walking back home after one more frustrating interview, when suddenly he is visited by truck-kun and dies. Will this be his end, or the beginning of such catastrophic events, that will shake all the existence planes? Want to figure it out? Interested? The Travel through the Myriads Of Planes, stars now! *** - Aarrrrhhggg! Are fking kidding me? How the fck am i going to have "work experience" if no one hire me? What the actual fck is wrong whit this system? - Sigh - Fck my life! - Vibrates - - Vibrates - - Helo, mom... No, it was mess... Yes, yes... Thanks... See you soon. Bye... I love you too mo- - Loud sound of a truck horn - - Crash sounds - - Son, son! What happened? Son!... - Grunt - Ouch Arrgh the pain! It's burning! Arrgghh! I can't breathe, i can't breathe! Someone please help me! I don't want to die please - Sob - Mom, Dad, July, i'm sorry... *** - Darkness - - Grunt - Hmm. What happened. Argh, the pain... it's gone!? The pain is gone, thank God! Wait it's not just the pain that it's gone, i can't feel anything. - Suddenly the lights turn on - - Hmm - Open eyes - What is this blinding light? Why is so white? Wait where the fck am i?... - End of synopsis - That's is guys please support me. I'm just a beginner. Please help me whit your comments. See y'all in TTMOP !!!

BryanGrowl · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Chapter 3 - My powers got nerfed, and am i a genius?

Well, let's make a recap, of the status of the abilities, that i wished. First, the Goddess said, that because i'm too young, i can't use all the extension of my powers. Of Course, i wouldn't believe this bullshit!

Like i said before, my Planeswalking, is completely locked, so no travels through dimensions, and multiverses. *Sigh* Lame. Next, is my power of Instant Learning, i can't use the full extension of it as well. For now, i can only learn in an instant passively, what i am facing or doing at the time. For example, if i try to learn Mathematics, i can only learn the exact subject matter of my learning, E.G. Subtraction, if i try to learn it, i'll only learn subtraction, nothing more or related like equation, for example. It's a big limitation, but nothing that i can't deal with.

The power that mostly feel the nerfed, is my Life Mastery. Damnit, i can only create insects, and small animals like chickens, cats, rats, and so on. I can't even create a fucking dog sized creature! Shit!

But, the hope is not lost, because i can create powerful small creatures, that can even blow up a boulder, in one hit.

When I was testing if i could create a "Stand" like life form. I know that i'm weak, so i tried to summon "Hermit Purple" and "Pearl Jam", to help me have some support abilities, and it worked! Excellent!

While testing, something bizarre happened. And it was so specific, that make me wonder if i am a genius, or just lucky. I was naively trying to make an animal like small "Stand", based on "Pet Shop" and "Iggy" to have a fighter all-rounder "Stand", and at the same time, a pet like partner, with conscience like a "Pokemon". When i was trying to visualize it figure, to make it perfect, with the full extension of the power that i have, my father forgot his phone beside me, on my bed, then when the alarm went off, a loud sound of a rooster exploded on my ears, and the scare gave to me, the last push to create the "Stand"! And the "Stand", was a fucking cock!

I would've cried of rage, if it wasn't so damn funny! Ha Ha Ha! I'm still laughing, till now! The most incredible thing is that, it is conscious, and it has a menacing look in it's eyes, that looks exactly like "Pet Shop". What is scary, and cool at the same time!

I called it [Morning Experience], inspired by "Gold Experience". You'll understand when i explain it's powers. First things first, it is incredible fast, agile, and strong. It can easily kick a car, far away. Yes, kick! The fucking cock, fight a strange martial art, similar to Muay Thai. It can also, summon a kind of a medieval like armor, that enhance it's defense, and attack power, with 2 blades binded to both of his shins. And this is only the fighting capabilities.

Now, about the powers the cock has. It can possess someone, and give the individual some sort of electromagnetic energy that looks like "Hamon", and the user can stimulate the nerve systems of the body, numbing it, or enhancing it. It grants great recovery abilities as well. The target possessed, never gets tired, and can recover from wounds, and even lost limbs, sickness, and other health problems, with great speed similar to Wolverine's regeneration. The target possessed, has infinite stamina, it doesn't need to sleep, to eat, to drink, and it doesn't even need to fucking breathe! Basically a work machine! Yes, i can become a sex machine too, and ultra stimulate someone to faint of powerful orgasms!

There is still some details, about what i can do, but that's enough for now. I just started my first year at school, and yes, i needed a human subject to test my abilities. I tested the orgasmic effect in the teacher, and it worked pretty well. I need to make a mental note, to not use it so strongly again. Poor teacher, squirted so much, that the rest of the class thought that she pissed herself.

I need to be careful, to not become evil. Power surely corrupts!

Talking about this passed 5 years, i met Ben and Gwen, at their birthday parties, and we became good friends! Ha Ha Ha, all according to Keikaku!

This year, i started to go to school, and i made some friends there too. Still working, to be more sociable, with other people, and children. The classes are way too easy for me, so my parents decided that, to nourish well my intellect, it would be good for me to jump classes, until i start to slow down in my progress. That sure is nice, because the earlier i end up my studies, the earlier it will be, for me to become free, and focus on other things to do, and progress even further.

In this years, my powers have been improving really fast. I'm starting to have a bad feeling, about the Goddess. She have been talking less and less with me, and it has been almost a month, that she talked to me last time. My Instant Learning is screaming in my head, that this has something to do with my powers. That they are to strong for this universe.

I need to be prepared, if they want to claim the powers that they gave me back! I don't fucking care who they are! All powerful Gods, spirits, extra dimensional beings! Fuck them! They want to take my things away from, me let them come!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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