
Traveler The Myriads Of Planes

Hello, ladies and gentlemen, my name is Bryan Growl, and i'm the author of this fanfic. I'm warning y'all that I'm new to this, and i need your comments to help me to improve. Be warned that any offensive comments will be deleted for good, so keep this in mind. Now, stay whit the synopsis. - Synopsis - *** Jaden Newman, is a young man that has poor luck in his life. Being 30 years old, and still unemployed, his life is a big joke of sadness and sorrow. His only happiness is his family. He loves, and is loved by his mother, father, and little sister. But recently he has been losing all hope to find a job and live his on life. Life is mysterious, because it walks side by side with death. One day Jaden was walking back home after one more frustrating interview, when suddenly he is visited by truck-kun and dies. Will this be his end, or the beginning of such catastrophic events, that will shake all the existence planes? Want to figure it out? Interested? The Travel through the Myriads Of Planes, stars now! *** - Aarrrrhhggg! Are fking kidding me? How the fck am i going to have "work experience" if no one hire me? What the actual fck is wrong whit this system? - Sigh - Fck my life! - Vibrates - - Vibrates - - Helo, mom... No, it was mess... Yes, yes... Thanks... See you soon. Bye... I love you too mo- - Loud sound of a truck horn - - Crash sounds - - Son, son! What happened? Son!... - Grunt - Ouch Arrgh the pain! It's burning! Arrgghh! I can't breathe, i can't breathe! Someone please help me! I don't want to die please - Sob - Mom, Dad, July, i'm sorry... *** - Darkness - - Grunt - Hmm. What happened. Argh, the pain... it's gone!? The pain is gone, thank God! Wait it's not just the pain that it's gone, i can't feel anything. - Suddenly the lights turn on - - Hmm - Open eyes - What is this blinding light? Why is so white? Wait where the fck am i?... - End of synopsis - That's is guys please support me. I'm just a beginner. Please help me whit your comments. See y'all in TTMOP !!!

BryanGrowl · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Chapter 29 - Arriving in universe 6, and meeting Champa and Vados

No, seriously, they actually are in a normal hospital and Goku is even running from the needles. Hahaha! How nostalgic!

As soon as i arrived, i spoke with Bulma that i would leave Earth in their hands and go back to my own world. She was surprised that i knew who she was, and i said that Goku told everything to me, and that was a great pleasure to finally meet her.

I materialized a Phoenix Beacon and gave them, saying that if they really needed my help they could call me. Then i left.

_ Hmm, let me see how i'll approach Zeno and the Grand Minister. - I said talking to myself.

*** Zeno's Palace ***


A light shone inside Zeno's Palace, and a scepter with an aquarium on the tip top of it and a blue fish inside suddenly appeared.

_ Hmm, interesting. It seems like we have some news form the Oracle Fish. - Said the Grand Minister.

_ Grand Minister, i have some urgent news! - The Oracle Fish said bowing, with it's head outside of the aquarium.

_ You can speak. - The Grand Minister said.

_ I foresaw that, in the near future, a man that comes from the outside of our multiverse, will hit on your daughter Vados. You 2 will fight, and this fight will shake all the multiverse! - The Oracle Fish said solemnly.

_ Hmm, this is unexpected. Very interesting! So he will go for my daughter, and i'll test his qualifications to be my son-in-law. More importantly Oracle Fish, in your vision how was my daughter dealing with this matter? - Grand Minister said rubbing his chin with one hand, and asking.

_ *Cough* Ahem! Well, she was blushing. - The Oracle Fish said with an awkward face.

_ What?

*** Universe 6 ***

Hmm, so this is Universe 6 Earth. Wait! Why this world looks like a Mad Max's scenario? I wouldn't be surprised, if i saw Kenshiro punching some thugs, turning back and saying: "You're already dead"!

Well that kinda sucks. This Earth wasn't so lucky to have the Z-Fighters to protect it. There's nothing else for me here.

So i started to think about taking Champa's side in the Tournament Of Power, and try to make Vados a new member of my harem. I love her personality, composure, and her beautiful figure.

But the question is: How can i touch her heart? Maybe using her stomach, and using sweet words. Yes, that's it! It worked with Diana and Celestia, both Goddesses, so maybe it will work with an angel as well. I need to use a subtle approach.

So i created a great forest with my power that covered the whole world with vegetations and animal life. Then i created a base, made up of metal, and a big flower garden surrounding the facility. I made a big training circular arena on the middle and sat on it.

Then i used Kaio-ken and started to elevate my power and constantly adapt to it. I didn't stop training even while cooking and eating. My power rose tremendously, and i kept observing Vados and Champa's reaction. Hopefully they will take the bait.

*** Outer Space ***

A light comet is traveling through the universe, and zooming in, there's a blue skinned female and a purple humanoid cat that can be seen moving at hyperspace jump speeds.

Ding, ding!

_ Oh, i'm detecting a powerful energy signature on a planet called Earth. - Vados said while abruptly stoping.

_ Earth? Isn't that planet that perished because of a world war? - Champa asked curious.

_ Yes, it is. Let's take a look. - Vados said while projecting an hologram of the being responsible for this anomaly.

_ What? Why is this guy having a barbecue, while liberating this high level of energy? Is he training, while cooking? What the hell? - Champa said with a dumb face.

_ It seems like it. So what are you gonna do, Lord Champa? - Vados asked politely.

_ Let's go and take a look. - Champa said with a month salivating, clearly interested in the food.

_ Ok let's go then. - Vados said immediately hyperspace jumping with Champa.

_ Wait for me barbecue guy! - Champa said licking his snot like a cat.

*** 30 Minutes later ***

_ Hmm, so this is Earth. Wait why is all green again? It was clearly a waist land, a desertic place. Vados tell me, how much time has passed since we visited this planet? - Champa asked curious.

_ Well let me see... 2 Years, Lord Champa. - She said with a curious face as well.

_ This is weird, how can a world recover so fast, after a fallout? - Champa asked surprised.

_ Maybe this man, that we saw, know something about it. - Vados suggested.

_ Yes, let's go and talk with him.

*** Back to MC***

_ Hmm? Oh, they finally arrived. - I said with a smile on my face.

After a few minutes, i heard a sonic boom and saw them entering the atmosphere. I kept barbecuing, and acting like i didn't care who were they.

Finally after observing me for a while they landed next to me. I looked at them and turned back to my barbecue, ignoring their presence. Champa immediately became annoyed, and a pulsating vain could be seen on his forehead. Seeing this Vados took the initiative and approached me. Then she said politely:

_ Hello human, i am Vados and this is the God Of Destruction of this universe, his name is Champa.

I stopped, turned back, looked at them and said:

_ Sure, what do you want?

Then not waiting for an answer, i turned back to my barbecue and continued to cook. Not being able to bear this disrespectful attitude, Champa shouted:

_ Hey human, you don't know who you're talking to? Be respectful!

_ Why should i? You're weak. - I said with a blank face.

_ You! What did you said? - Champa now was angry.

_ Ok, ok calm down Lord Champa he is just a mortal. - Vados said trying to ease the mood.

He looked at me than the barbecue and turned his face away snorting:

_ Hump!

Seeing that Champa behaved, Vados turned back to me and said with a serious face.

_ I'm sorry human, if we invaded your privacy, but you don't need to be so rude.

I looked at her and measuring up and down i said:

_ Ok, hottie! How can i help such a beautiful lady?

_ Ara, ara, it seems like we have a flirtatious man here, interesting. - She said smiling.

_ Hump! - Champa snorted.

_ Of course, where are my maners. Do you want some barbecue? - I said pointing at the barbecue offering some meat.

_ Ahem! If you insist so much what can i do? - Champa said approaching the meat with his mouth salivating like he was hypnotized by the smell.

_ Ladies first fat kitty! - I said standing on his way.

_ Ara, what a gentleman. - Vados said with a hand covering her smile.

_ Get out of my way human! - Champa said liberating the Destruction Ki in his body, ignoring what i just said.

_ Wait, Lord Champa! - Vados said trying to warn him.

Completely annoyed, he tried to slap me out of his way. But i just stood there waiting for his hand to hit my face. In an instant i covered my face with Ki and activated Kaio-ken. Not expecting me to be so hard and to not move from the place i was standing, his hand slapped my face with tremendous force and i heard the sounds of bones braking.

Feeling the pain he retracted and hold his right hand. I could see his eyes tearing, and Vados running quickly to aid him.

_ Easy Lord Champa, let me heal you. - She said healing his broken hand.

Then she looked at me with a sorry face, like she was sorry but it couldn't be helped. I looked back at her smiled, and gave her a little wink. She showed a startled face looking at my shameless attitude. Looking at this i laughed heartedly.

_ Hahaha! You 2 are so silly! I liked you. Come, let's eat! - I said with a warm smile.

This time Champa and Vados looked at each other with completely defeated faces. They hesitated for a little while, completely startled because of the strength and personality that i showed. Then felling attracted to my strange behavior like i didn't care who they are, they accepted my invitation and approached a good looking table that i created.

_ What are you waiting for? Take a sit and wait for the barbecue it's almost ready. - I said with a big smile.

_ Ok/Thank you. - Champa and Vados said at the same time.

Both took a chair and seated at the table. Not to long after, i snapped my fingers and plates and cutlery appeared in front of them. I took all the meat that was on the grill and served them, and takin a pan filled with sauce, using a lable i put the sauce on the meat. Then a marvelous smell rose from the meat, making Champa and Vados mouth salivate and they gulped.

_ What are you waiting for dig in! - I said smiling.

When they put the meat with the sauce in their mouths, they almost fainted from the incredible taste of the barbecue. After recovering, they looked at each other, at me, than the meat on the plates, and begun to eat savagely like it was the last meal of their lives.

They even licked the plates! Watching this scene i said:

_ So, what did you think about the barbecue?

_ Ahem, not bad. - Champa said just like the tsundere that he is.

_ Marvelous, this is the best food i have ever eaten! - Vados said with shining eyes.

I approached Vados and said:

_ So my lady, do you want some more?

_ Hohoho, sure! - She said with a bright smile that almost melted my heart.

_ Hey, what about me? - Champa said outraged.

_ Shut the fuck up, you moron! Can't you see that i'm talking with the lady? - I said annoyed.

_ What did you say? - Champa said now completely mad.

_ Calm down you 2 let's just go back to eat. - Vados said looking at me.

_ I don't know, what can you give me in return for behaving? - I said getting even closer and looking her in the eyes.

I leaned and whispered on her ear with my hot breath:

_ Maybe, a kiss?

Immediately she shivered and blushed, like it was the first time someone did this to her, and it was!

Looking at us Champa rolled his eyes and waited for Vados rejection, only to become startled by her answer.

_ Ok!

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