
Traveler of Worlds (English)

The MC has experience in dangerous trips in his past life, since his life always liked adventures, taking risks on each trip. This was done to test his luck. Now that he had reincarnated in the world of Naruto, he aims to surpass everyone and venture into new places. He will travel to other worlds…. ******************** I don't know English, I hope you understand, If you don't understand some parts, don't read. If you can, you can help me correct it. Thanks. ********************* The MC will only be in the Shinobi World for a short time, then he will go to another world…. This story is going to have romance, and action in every place you go. The personality of the MC, you can see in chapter 2. I do this story for a hobby, it's like a test. If you don't like it, don't read it, and please don't insult. If you like it, I await your criticism and advice to improve the story. Most importantly, this story will have a survey, the route we can all choose by the majority. Remember, if the MC wins something, he is going to lose something too. At the end of the saga, you will see what was lost. Each chapter will have a small summary if you do not like to read a lot. Please read the chapter “Read This First!” As you will find every detail important. Without another word, I hope you like the story.

Janjo24 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 52 Time Traveler VS Time Traveler

Chapter 52 - Time Traveler VS Time Traveler

Summary of the previous chapter:

Max travels in the past, almost 13 years ago. Max's eyes burned for having traveled, since this connection was used so that he can travel, for this reason, the Uchiha lineage has been temporarily sealed, and he needs six months to recover the lineage from him. In addition, the Dragon vein needs eight months to regain its energy, with that Max will be able to travel again. Max takes a break, as he was feeling tired, and his eyes were bothering him. The next day, Max sent a Chakra pulse, and detected all the presences on the island; he realizes that there was great killing intent in the direction of the royal family, besides every moment, he felt a life fade away. Max is heading in that direction. He changed the scene, at this moment the queen, and her daughter, are trying to escape from Anrokuzan. The guards begin to sacrifice themselves to buy time for the royal family so that they can escape, at every moment, the soldiers were dying, and they were waiting for reinforcements. In the end, when Anrokuzan kills all the guards, only the mother and daughter pair remain, they are Seramu and Sera. Seramu denies helping Anrokuzan use the Dragon Vein. Anrokuzan throws a Kunai at him to kill Seramu, and when the Kuina is about to kill Seramu, he collides with something metallic.


[May 21, 14 A.N.N]

[Point of View, Third Parties]

Crash !!!

When the Kunai was close to piercing Seramu's head, a metallic crash was heard, and the Kunai, deviated, and at this moment a voice was heard.

"It's not the way to treat a woman like this."

[Point of View, Max]

A few minutes before ...

I continued running in the direction, where I could feel the killing intent, as every moment that passed, I could feel a life disappear.

The situation was dire, and I increased the flow of Chakra in my legs to increase the speed, and in the next moment, I was able to double the speed.

When I got to the castle of the royal family, I looked at a balcony in the tower, and I crouched down to take a push and jumped. When I jumped onto the balcony and managed to land, I continued moving forward, I was able to enter a passageway, and I kept running.

As I went further into the passage, I could find several corpses lying on the ground, and I kept running, and I could feel the last life that did not belong to the royal family.

"Shit ... he has killed all the soldiers, only the royal family is missing." I thought as I prepared to fight.

When I arrived at the place, I could see how a Kunai was going in the direction of an adult woman, without any doubt, and I used the body blink technique, and in just a moment I had arrived, where the lady was, and I was able to block the Kunai with my sword.

Crash !!!

"It's not the way to treat a woman like this." - I spoke, and I thought "I was almost late ... Thank you, you fucking villains, you spend more time talking than carrying out your plan, that's why you always lose."

Anrokuzan's face, he was surprised, since he had not felt the presence of the person who had deflected the Kunai, his body tensed, and he stood on guard since he knew that the other part, is very powerful, and is not a simple person.

As for Seramu, she was surprised that she was still alive, as she was prepared to die, and her daughter can survive, but she was saved by someone.

When Seramu realized that she was safe, she turned her head to look at the person who had saved her, she realized that the person was very young, and a handsome young man, was in front of her of protecting her life, and from her daughter.

Meanwhile, Sara was ara terrified by her mother's parting words, since she was afraid of losing her only family, every moment she begged someone to come help them.

In her desperate moment, Sara heard a voice, and when she looked up to see her mother's face, she saw that her mother was surprised.

When Sara looks in the direction, where she is looking at her mother, she saw a young man, he was protecting them from the bad man, and at this moment, she felt protected, and she hugged her mother tightly, fearing losing her.

"Who are you? ... Why are you interfering with my plans?" - Anrokuzan, he spoke him with hatred, and killing intent.

"I'm just a traveler ... And why do I interfere? ... Uhmmm ... Because I want to, and I can," I spoke calmly, as I watched Anrokuzan.

"Damn brat…. Don't play with me… Go away, before I killed you." - Anrokuzan, sounded crueler every time, and he spoke with arrogance, like a young teacher of the fifth class.

"Damn scrawny old man, do you think you can beat me?" -I spoke, I was getting tired of his voice, and I thought "Speak like those young masters of the Xianxia world."

"...." When Anrokuzan wanted to reply he was interrupted, by an anxious voice.

"Young man, please escape with my daughter from this place ..." - Seramu, she spoke anxiously, and pleaded.

"Mommy, no ..... don't leave me." -Sara, she started to cry, when she heard the words of her mother.

At this moment, I turn around and look at the two people, and I looked at the little girl, and I spoke with the most comforting voice - "Don't worry, your mommy is not going to leave you." I looked at the lady, and I spoke - "I'm sorry, I don't take orders ... from anyone."

"Thank you, big brother." -Sara, she looked at me, and she spoke with a smile, while she cries, since she was not going to lose her mother.

"....." Seramu, could not answer, since, in reality, she did not want to die, much less, leave his daughter alone, at this moment she made a very risky decision, she was going to entrust his life to a young man who just met.

In all this time, Anrokuzan had been ignored at all times, and they had not even paid attention to him, which bothered him, since he thought that they considered him as garbage.

"You have not only interrupted me, but you are also humiliating me ...." - Anrokuzan, he speak with a cold voice, and annoyed, since he felt annoyed.

When I heard Anrokuzan's words, I looked at him, because I didn't want to continue playing, since I could feel his killing intent directed at me.

"I remember in history, Anrokuzan was a very powerful person, and he accomplished great things, surpassing Sasori, and Chiyo, in turning his entire body into a puppet ..." I thought ...

"So his talent is superior in manipulating puppets, it could be said that he was the greatest puppet genius of the Sunagakure village." I thought…

"In the story, Anrokuzan loses to Naruto, because Naruto had a plot armor, and he was destined to lose, like all villains." I thought, and continued "Anrokuzan, he is at the Almost-Kage level ... he surpasses Me by two levels."

"Shut up !! ... You are very annoying when you speak" - I spoke, since his voice was very annoying, every moment it irritated me.

When Anrokuzan heard my words, veins appeared on his forehead, because of how upset he was, and when he was going to answer, he felt something on his chest, and in the next moment, he flew out of the room and broke through several walls.


On the last wall, Anrokuzan had crashed, he hadn't broken, and his body bounced to the floor, and he lay there, enduring the pain.

When I saw that Anrokuzan was going to continue talking pure shit, I took advantage of the moment, when he had been distracted, and kicked him, I had reinforced my leg with Chakra, since I knew that with this blow, I could not kill him, but as I always said:

Whoever hits first, wins !!

When I looked at Anrokuzan lying on the ground, I just stared at him, and I didn't want to get closer, since he was sensing something strange from the surroundings

"It is better that you move away from a little, because the fight is just beginning" - I spoke, without looking back, the two women, they listened to me, and they went a little far, but they are still close, they knew very well that if they moved away, maybe once die.

The little girl, Sara continued to see everything, while she hugged her mother, and she did not want to let go, since she felt, that she could lose her, if she let her go.

At this moment, Anrokuzan began to get up, while his hand trembled, on his face, at the corner of his mouth, a trace of blood could be seen, but from his chest, there was only a dark wood, and he began to rebuild.

"It already has human parts, transformed into a puppet ... It is very strong, the kick it had given, a High Jounin would have resulted with a serious injury, or be close to death, not to mention a Jounin mediated, he'd already been dead. " I thought calmly.

"Damn, you attacked me, when I was about to speak ..." - Anrokuzan, spoke with hatred, and resentment, for the unsuspecting attack.

"Do you think I'm going to tell you, when I'm going to attack? ... Do you think I'm stupid? .. Or, do you think I'm stupid like you?" - I spoke with contempt, if an enemy is fighting with hatred, and not calm, they always have openings.

"Damn brat ..... Now you'll pay ... 10 Death Puppet Jutsu !!!" -Anrokuzan, when he began to speak, he was gritting his teeth in hatred, as he uttered each word, at the end of his speech, he took out a scroll, and 10 figures appeared.

When I saw the 10 figures, I had realized that they were not simple puppets, they were corpses of people, each one had a name that they represented, and some referred to what element they specialized in, and others to the technique.

"Sometimes I think that in this world, to be a villain, is to be stupid .... Because the hell, would you put the specialty of your techniques on his forehead ..." I thought ...

"Wouldn't it be better, hide your specialty, and attack by surprise?" I thought of something logical.

At this point, I got serious, as the other party revealed his best trump card, and something came to mind.

"Sasori, he specialized in turning corpses into puppets… So Anrokuzan was his inspiration in that specialty…" I thought as I remembered an Akatsuki member.

"So when Anrokuzan managed to control the Dragon's vein, he discarded the corpse specialty, as he felt invincible and immortal ... This guy is crazy." I thought as I looked at Anrokuzan.


At this time, I created a Shadow Clone, without using hand stamps. During all this time that I had been in the Shinobi World, I had focused on avoiding using hand seals, as I considered them as crutches.

I had always thought "Handstamps are very good when you start, but if you continue with the same, they will be your bonds, in overcoming great levels.".

The moment I had created a Clone, the Clone just nodded at me as I knew what I had to do, and the Shadow Clone was immediately on the two women.

"Ma'am, come on, this place, it's very dangerous… The boss, he's going to fight very soon, and they could be in danger." - Shadow Clone

"Thank you ... I don't know who you are, but Thank you ... I will thank you when this is over ..." - Seramu, she spoke with a soft voice, since she felt safe, and now she was going to survive.

Meanwhile, Sara continued to watch Max, as she faced the bad man, and she had calmed down, as she felt safe being around Max.

At this time, the three of them went out and went to a more distant place to be safe, as this place was to be turned into a battlefield.

"Man, you'll be my training guide, I hope you don't disappoint me." - I spoke calmly, and with emotion, and I thought "Only Anrokuzan was the only danger on this island, since all the others were weak."

At this time, I concentrated, and readied my sword, placed a layer of Chakra to reinforce the blade. Meanwhile, Anrokuzan raised his hands, and from each of his fingers, a thread of Chakra came out that connected with the corpse puppets.

The atmosphere calmed down, and at this moment, we looked at each other, and without saying a word we collided.

Boom ... !!!!

To be continued.....

If you like it, comment, this ends today's chapter.

Remember, this week is the challenge, achieve 1000 power stones.

I hope you have a good day.

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