
Traveler of Worlds (English)

The MC has experience in dangerous trips in his past life, since his life always liked adventures, taking risks on each trip. This was done to test his luck. Now that he had reincarnated in the world of Naruto, he aims to surpass everyone and venture into new places. He will travel to other worlds…. ******************** I don't know English, I hope you understand, If you don't understand some parts, don't read. If you can, you can help me correct it. Thanks. ********************* The MC will only be in the Shinobi World for a short time, then he will go to another world…. This story is going to have romance, and action in every place you go. The personality of the MC, you can see in chapter 2. I do this story for a hobby, it's like a test. If you don't like it, don't read it, and please don't insult. If you like it, I await your criticism and advice to improve the story. Most importantly, this story will have a survey, the route we can all choose by the majority. Remember, if the MC wins something, he is going to lose something too. At the end of the saga, you will see what was lost. Each chapter will have a small summary if you do not like to read a lot. Please read the chapter “Read This First!” As you will find every detail important. Without another word, I hope you like the story.

Janjo24 · Anime & Comics
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107 Chs

Chapter 42 Information Gathering

Chapter 42 - Information Gathering

Summary of the previous chapter:

Max uses the Kamui to get away from the Konoha ninja base. Max appears in a very far place in Konoha. He starts looking for a safe place for him to rest, and finds a waterfall, he had a cave, where he can hide. Max leaves a Wood Clone in the Cave, and he enters the Kamui world. Max hated entering the Kamui world, as it looked like a crazy room because everything is white. After having rested, he gets up, and begins to observe, discovers that the place had grown to 10 hectares. He starts talking to the system, after a long time, he discovers the reason for Uchiha Obito, how he had separated; and how much time does he need for him to travel to another world. After he talked to the system, he starts to think about what he was going to do now, and remembers something important that had made him curious about the Civilians; many are heading in one direction. Max wanted to discover this mystery, since he had a lot of free time. Max creates very special bracelets. Now that he knew where to go, Max exits the Kamui world, and heads in the direction of the civilians.



[January 9, 1 A.N.N]

After a long time, when I was running, in the same direction as the civilians, where they were heading, I was thinking that I could find out, as it was very strange.

It was a large amount of civilian population, and many groups in different directions had something in common, they were going in only one direction.

I was in the three borders Takigakure, Getsugakure, and Konohagakure. Right now, I was leaving the Takigakure territory, and I was about to enter the Getsugakure territory. Throughout the whole trip, I was traveling with my disguise, and the mask hiding my identity.

When I had reached the Getsugakure territory, at this moment I could feel various presences of civilian people, and I thought "I am near a small civil town."

The village was close by, and since I didn't want to attract attention, I used the Transformation Jutsu, and with a new look, I was more relieved. At this time, I created an empty backpack, and I approached the civilian town, walking, without attracting attention.

(Author: If you wonder, why an empty backpack, it is very easy, for them to think that he has something in the backpack when he take something out of the Kamui world.)

My new appearance was that of a young man with dark brown hair, and the appearance of someone ordinary, no one would pay attention to me, since I did not stand out in any way. My clothes looked worn, and my body looked malnourished.

"With this appearance, no one will bother me ... Instead, I will give them pity." I thought, and continued walking calmly.

When I had arrived at the civil town, I began to observe the whole place, the houses were worn, since they were made of wood, and they had a terrible condition. Also, the streets were dirty, and they were full of orphaned children begging for food.

I was watching, how the children begged for alms and food. Some children stole food from younger children, and I thought "The law of the jungle, the strongest eats, and the weakest is the prey."

Keep walking, I did not want to interfere, because if I help someone, more will come to ask for help, and the last thing I want is to be noticed.

When I was walking quietly through the village, I was interrupted by a little boy.

"Big brother ... You will have a piece of bread ... I have not eaten anything ... My little brothers have not eaten either ... Please! ..." - Unknown child, he speak with a pitiful voice.

At this moment, look at the boy, he should be between 9 and 10 years old, his appearance was a bit tragic, his clothes were worn, and torn; I could see his condition, he was malnourished.

I stared at the boy for a moment, since his condition is very sorry, and he was speaking sincerely.

When I looked around, I had realized that they were watching the boy, and it was young people who were waiting for an opportunity to steal.

"Sorry, I have no food .... look elsewhere." - I spoke, I made a small movement, nobody noticed, and I kept walking, without looking at the child.

When the boy reacted, I was already far away, and he had felt a weight in his pocket, without saying a word, he left the place. The young people who were watching the boy, left since they did not find anything.


In a place in the civil town, in an old house, the same child appeared and immediately entered his house. At this moment, he took out of his bag a piece of meat and bread. Two children between the ages of 5 and 6 were in the house and they were happy to see their brother return.

"Very soon we will leave this place, to go to the land where there are no wars, and we will be safe." -the boy spoke firmly to his younger siblings, while he distributed the food; the younger children only dedicated themselves to eating, since they had not eaten.


Meanwhile, Max continued walking at a slow pace, observing the entire town. Every time I advanced, I felt sorry for the people, as many were starving.

"In times of war, those who suffer the most are the poor and weak." I thought while watching, and continued "I'm not a hero, I didn't mean to help everyone, out of a feeling of pity…. Sigh".

When I was walking, while observing everything, from far away, I could observe a food stall, and I approached. The place was being tended, by an older woman.

When I had arrived, all the customers stared at me, since there were very few who could buy food, I did not care about, and I approached the saleswoman.

At this point, I put my hand in her pocket, and took out a bill, and I showed her the money, since I didn't know how much the food plate cost.

"Hello, mother ... Is this enough to eat?" - I spoke with a calm voice to the older woman.

"Son, yes, you only have enough for two plates of food." - Saleswoman, she speak with a happy voice, and she answered me immediately.

"Thank you, then give me the two plates ... I'm hungry, I hadn't eaten." - I spoke with a cheerful voice.

"Have a seat, I'll serve you in a moment." - saleswoman, at this time she started preparing food.

(Author: If you ask, because Max said the mother to the saleswoman, in my country, when an older woman sells food, and you call her mother, she serves you almost twice as much as she sells ... That is one of my secrets when I treat older people like this ... More food hahaha)

I started looking for a place, and took a seat near the saleswoman, to talk, and gather information in this place.

While waiting for the food, I concentrated to listen to people's conversations.

"So when are we going out?" - unknown 1

"Yes, we have already been in this town for a long time, and many want to go out too ..." - unknown 2

"A group of children, they also want to go ... They are willing to risk their lives to leave this town ... They alone will take care of themselves ..." - unknown 3

"I've already lost many friends along the way, we can't give up ... I only have my son, I want him to live in a peaceful environment." - unknown 4

"Those damn ninjas, for their war, we have to suffer ... There are already several dead ... I have already lost my father, I only have my mother left." - unknown 5

"In a week we are going to leave, it is still very dangerous, and we have to be careful since we cannot be near the battlefield." - Unknown group leader, and continued - "Who wants to join us?"

"The group that was speaking is many young people, and adults with families ... They want to escape from this place since the war had diminished, and they are afraid that very soon it will explode with greater intensity ..." - unknown 2

"The group that had contacted me, they are only orphaned children, their parents had died defending their children ... They want to risk their lives to get to the safe place, they are preparing to go, and they plan to go alone if we do not want to take them . " - unknown 3

"We have to help the group of children ... If I were not alive, I would also like my son to help unknown people ..." - unknown 4

"It would be very dangerous if more people go, but ... I am not risking my life to protect strangers." - unknown 1

"I'm just going to protect my mother ... Make the decision yourselves." - unknown 5

"They can go, but each one protects himself and feeds, as we have been doing throughout the trip." - group leader…

"Advise the groups to start gathering all the food they can ... The route will be very dangerous ... other groups will leave in two days, we will wait a few more days." -Leader of the group, while he looked at his companions.

They continued talking for a long time, and at this moment the saleswoman had come, bringing the two plates of food.

"Thanks!" - I spoke calmly to the saleswoman.

"No problem, if you need anything, you just have to call me." - Saleswoman, she speak while she went to prepare more food.

"…" I just nod to the saleswoman and stop paying attention to that group's conversation.

While eating, I was listening to another group, and I had gotten some very good information, they were talking in a low voice, with my auditory senses, I could hear their conversation.

"Now more ninjas have entered from different small villages, and it makes it more dangerous to leave the village now. In many places they are reporting that Konoha has been acting strangely, so the other small villages have been able to have the courage, to participate. in war ... "- Unknown 8

"Yes, I could also hear the same thing, it says that there was a big event in Konoha, that's why they are acting like this ..." - unknown 9

"It doesn't matter what happened in Konoha ... When we get to the safe place, in those lands, there is no war, and we will be safe with our family, we just have to get to that place." - unknown 10

They continued talking, but they had changed the subject, they did not speak of Konoha again, and it was similar to the other group that was going to leave this town to go to a safe place.

"All I could understand is that there is a peaceful place, where there is no war, and it is accepting civilians, and apparently, it does not care if they are from different places ..." I thought, and continued "About Konoha, I don't care what happens in that place ... ".

I continued to eat slowly, while still listening to people's conversations. I had realized that they were all almost similar, and they all wanted to get to that place.

"Until now, they haven't said the name of the place they are going to ..." I thought, as I kept listening.

At this moment, the saleswoman approached, since the others, had already finished their meal, and were leaving, and she was able to take a break.

"How is the food? ... You like it." - Saleswoman, shr speak while looking at me, waiting for my answer.

"Yes, it's very good ... Is this food traditional in this town?" - I spoke, the sell was an older person of about 40 or 50 years.

"Thank you for the compliment ... This food is a tradition of my hometown, I'm just passing through this town, I'll be leaving very soon." - Saleswoman, she speak wistfully, and she continued- "Aren't you from this town?"

"She is not from this town ... I could feel a little pity, when she spoke of her town ..." I thought as I looked at the older person.

"I was thinking of coming to this food stall these days since the food is very tasty, it's a shame ..." - I spoke regretfully, and continued - "Yes, I'm just passing through this town."

"I will be there during these days, you can come whenever you want, I always attend to my clients." - Saleswoman, and she continued- "Are you also going to that place?"

"Yes, many tell me that it is a peaceful place, I just want to live with tranquility" - I spoke, and I thought "That's all the information I could know ... I hope you tell me more, since it is intriguing to me to know the place"

"Yes, many people are heading to that place, since life is very calm, and peaceful ... At my age, I just want to have a safe place, where I can rest." - Saleswoman

"Yes, we all want a safe place ... Your hometown must be a great place, as their food is so good." - I spoke, as the food was very good.

When I had finished speaking, I could feel the sad atmosphere of the saleswoman, when I spoke of her town.

"My hometown was exterminated by ninjas when they were fighting, I had been able to escape with some people ..." - Saleswoman, she spoke sadly, as she remembered.

"I'm sorry ... I didn't know that," - I spoke with an apologetic voice, as I had touched on a sad memory.

"Do not worry, you are not to blame ... Now, it is only to keep on going, tears cannot fall forever ..." - saleswoman

I nodded to her, since I was right. Also, I wanted to know, where was the place, where everyone was going.

"If we only have to keep going, I went ahead ..." - I spoke, and continued - "Throughout the journey, I just kept moving forward-thinking about reaching the peaceful place ... Until now, I don't know what the true name of the town is called."

The saleswoman, she stared me in surprise, and she spoke - "How could you walk, without knowing where you are going?"

"I just kept going, hoping to reach the peaceful town." - I spoke while I looked at the saleswoman, since I did not know the name of the place.

At this moment, the saleswoman immediately spoke ...

"Young man, it is not a town, it is an Empire… The name of the Empire is…"

To be continued....

If you like, comment, this ends today's chapter.

I hope you have a good day.

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