
Traveler of Worlds (English)

The MC has experience in dangerous trips in his past life, since his life always liked adventures, taking risks on each trip. This was done to test his luck. Now that he had reincarnated in the world of Naruto, he aims to surpass everyone and venture into new places. He will travel to other worlds…. ******************** I don't know English, I hope you understand, If you don't understand some parts, don't read. If you can, you can help me correct it. Thanks. ********************* The MC will only be in the Shinobi World for a short time, then he will go to another world…. This story is going to have romance, and action in every place you go. The personality of the MC, you can see in chapter 2. I do this story for a hobby, it's like a test. If you don't like it, don't read it, and please don't insult. If you like it, I await your criticism and advice to improve the story. Most importantly, this story will have a survey, the route we can all choose by the majority. Remember, if the MC wins something, he is going to lose something too. At the end of the saga, you will see what was lost. Each chapter will have a small summary if you do not like to read a lot. Please read the chapter “Read This First!” As you will find every detail important. Without another word, I hope you like the story.

Janjo24 · Anime & Comics
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107 Chs

Chapter 35 Truth

Chapter 35 - Truth

Summary of the previous chapter:

It had been a few days since the two women had gotten up, and their bodies were getting better and better. Kurenai had grown closer and closer to Max, and they could always be seen together in the kitchen. Yugao always slept with Max, when night came. Kurenai speaks to Max so that he accompanies them to Konoha, and she can enter the village with ease with the support of her father; but in the end, Max denies that possibility. Kurenai felt sad, at the answer. At the end of breakfast, Kurenai says that there is a tradition in his Clan; the man who sees the body of a female member of his Clan must marry that man. Max avoids the answer, and asks Yugao a question if he also has that tradition; Yugao says yes. The two women were waiting for Max's response, in the end, Max tells them that he will take care of both of them. Max's response surprised Kurenai, and Yugao, as they never thought he was going to choose both of them. In the end, Max gives you time to think about his response while he trains. Kurenai and Yugao begin to talk, at the end of the night they ask to talk with Max, and Max accepts.


Author: I think they have been confused, what he had said is that in the next Saga, he will not focus on romance, as in this saga ... The next saga will have everything, war, changes, resolution, others; and most importantly, the doubts of the first saga, or prologue, many secrets will be discovered ... This story will have all the categories; less what he had indicated ...

Yesterday I could not publish a chapter, as it was busy.



[December 31, 2 A.N.N]

When I had sat down and was waiting for them to talk, it was a difficult decision, and it could change their whole life. I was surprised, what he had said ...

"I and Kurenai agreed… But…" –Yugao, as he remembered.

(Author: I will place the conversation of the two, since I do not want to leave it in the air, on the memory of Kurenai, it will be at the end.)

[Souvenir of Kurenai, and Yugao]

You could see Kurenai, and Yugao sitting on their beds, as they watched Max walk away from them, and they were silent, no one spoke for a long time….

The first to speak was Yugao ...

"Tell me… is it true, about your Clan tradition?" - Yugao spoke in a low voice, while she looked at Kurenai.

"Why have you lied?" - Kurenai, did not answer Yugao's question and asked with doubts.

The two women were silent and did not speak again for a time.

"Sigh ... Because ... I like Max, and I don't want him to leave my side ... And you, why have you done it?" - Kurenai, spoke in a low voice, while she tried not to look at Yugao, since they had gotten into a tight spot, because of her.

(Author: The behavior of a toxic woman)

"It's not obvious, I also like it ... I wasn't thinking of giving it to you ..." - Yugao, and continued - "Kurenai, and your friend? ... they don't always stop together ... Stay with him, and I'll stay with Max"

"My friend? ... he's just a partner, and we only have a team relationship, and nothing else ..." - Kurenai, I speak a little annoyed, and continued "I don't think I will leave Max to you ..."

(Author: With this, I am making the breakup of Kurenai, and Asuma ... Right, Kurenai in the original story, she just accepted Asuma at 30 years old, my respect for Asuma, for waiting so long, and her conquest plan was fulfilled, since it was not easy, from the shadows to drive away all the men who were approaching Kurenai ... I think Asuma had a very strong obsession with Kurenai ... I can even make Asuma as a villain in this story hahaha ... Well, not yet I've thought about it, time will tell ...)

The two women were silent, as they did not know what they were going to do.

"Kurenai, what do you think about Max's offer ... Do you think the town will accept it ..." - Yugao, she spoke with a calm voice.

"I don't know, I've never heard in town that a man has two wives ..." - Kurenai, and continued - "Only that happens in the nation's capital ...".

(Author: Remember that the fire nation has a Daimyo, and it has a capital city, and it is more important than a Shinobi village ... It could be said that the Shinobi have low status, since the true owners are the Daimyo ... No criticize me, since this is the logic of Naruto's world ... Remember, Gato could send Zabuza like his dog ...)

"Max won't accept just one, since he doesn't want to hurt us… I don't know what to do… since I don't want to leave him…" - Yugao, she speak in a low voice.

"Yugao, I don't want to leave him either ... we only have one path ... to share the same man, because if we don't decide, we will lose him forever ..." - Kurenai, she speak slowly, and she thought "What will my father say about this? ... "

"It seems it's the only way ... It's okay ... I don't want to lose Max ... He has to come with us to town ..." - Yugao, she speak more calmly, since she had made a decision.

"Yes, we have to give him on one condition that he come with us to Konoha ..." - Kurenai, spoke with her soft voice.

"Yes, we also have to keep the promise to return ... I hope she is well ..." - Yugao, she spoke while she remembered.

(Author: In the next chapter it will be stated which promise it is ...)

[End of Memory]

"But… on one condition… You have to go with us to Konoha." - Yugao, she spoke firmly, while she looked into my eyes.

"Yes ... You have to come ... With us ... We don't want you to deny this condition." - Kurenai, she speak while she looked at me.

"Ugh" I stared at the two women for a while and sighed. By the time I sighed, the two of them had gotten nervous, as they had a bad premonition.

"I can't ... I'm sorry ... I can't go to Konoha!" -I spoke with a calm tone, while I denied me ...

"Why?! ... Because you refuse to go so much." -Kurenai spoke first with an anxious voice, and she thought that she was going to accept the condition, but in the end, the reality was very cruel.

"Can you tell us why? .." - Yugao, she spoke calmly, but I could tell that she was nervous, and she didn't want to accept my answer.

I stared at the two women, each one had different reactions, the only similar thing was their eyes that were a little anxious, for my answer.

"I'll have to tell the truth ..." I thought, and continued "I hope you believe me ..."

"Okay, I'll tell you, because I refuse to go to Konoha so much ..." - I spoke, slowly, and continued - "Maybe, you don't believe me."

"If we are to believe you ... We trust you," Kurenai spoke, and Yugao nodded in approval.

"Okay ... First ... I'm going to go straight ... I'm not going to beat around the bush ... Your mission was known to the enemy in advance ... Your enemies knew your information from the beginning ... more importantly ... Someone from Konoha has betrayed them ... "- I spoke slowly.

I had noticed me, when I was speaking, both Kurenai, and Yugao were getting paler, with every word I said.

"Are you kidding?" - Kurenai, she speak with doubts.

"Why do you think this?" -Yugao was calmer, and she was able to ask a good question.

"I'm not kidding about something so delicate, Kurenai," I spoke, while I looked at Kurenai.

"When I talked with you, I always paid attention to your every word ... One of those conversations ... They had told me that the mission you carried out ... was going to be carried out by another group ..." - I spoke ...

"Perhaps, the trap was prepared for that group, and not for your group .... That's why the enemies were so powerful." - I spoke, and I thought "This trap was made for Minato, I don't know why, they will have underestimated Minato, or maybe, they didn't know the true power of him."

"Have you been spying on us?" - The two spoke.

"To be honest no!" -I speak sadly, when I hear her question, and continue- "I am always attentive when I talked to you, I did not want to lose anything ... Sorry, if you have misunderstood.".

When they heard my denial, with a sad voice, I could notice their change, and they thought that if I had wanted to hurt them, I would have done it a long time ago. In the end, when I apologized, and they jumped next to me.

"Don't apologize ... We have to apologize!" - Kurenai, she speak with an anxious voice.

"Max, excuse me ... I didn't mean for you to think badly of us!" - Yugao with a voice of regret.

Kurenai was to my right, and Yugao to my left, I remained silent while I hugged them around the waist, I put more strength in my arms to bring them closer to me.

"I'm not mad at you ... But remember, I will never hurt you!" -I spoke slowly, while I hugged her around the waist, her waists were very soft, I like that feeling.

Kurenai and Yugao accepted my words, and looked at me with a happy smile, they had always told me that in my arms they felt safe.

It was the first time, that I hugged her when they were together, since it had always been when we were alone.

"You know ... Someone from your village ... has betrayed you ... My guess, it's someone ... of high status in your village." - I spoke, and continued "If I go to your village ... Perhaps, you can be branded as traitors, for going with you ... By the same person who has betrayed you ...".

"But, my dad ..." - Kurenai, was interrupted when she was speaking.

"The truth is, I don't know what position your father holds ... But the one who betrayed you is someone superior ... Since I very much doubt that your father will send you on a suicide mission ... He who carried out this treason must be someone specializing in espionage. " - I talked…

"That's why I can't go to Konoha with you ..." - I spoke, while I hugged them.

I could see their faces saddened by the situation, they had learned that someone from their village had given information to the enemy, and there was a traitor.

When I felt that they calmed down I started talking to them again ...

"Do you know why I didn't choose one of you?" - I spoke slowly, while I remembered.

"because?" - Kurenai and Yugao spoke at the same time.

"Because, I also already had a decision, on whom to choose, one between the two of you ... In the end, I chose both of you ... Take this scroll, and find out for yourselves." - I spoke, while I handed her the scroll of the elite Jounin of Konoha, that he had given me.

When Kurenai and Yugao began to read the parchment they were surprised at the number of things that were there, he had to prepare the antidote and the treatment. In the end, the first to react was Yugao.

At this moment, Yugao hugged me tightly, while she said a single word- "Thank you!", I continued hugging her to calm her down.

Kurenai stared at her for a moment with doubts, and continued reading the final part, and she realized, because of Yugao's behavior.

At this moment, Kurenai hugged me too, and thanked me through tears. Now I had the two Konoha beauties in my arms, while them had her eyes red.

At the end of the scroll, he said that there was only one antidote, and I had to choose whom to give. In the end, I didn't choose anyone, and I chose both of them, they knew what would happen if I chose one, it was death for the other person.

When I felt that they had calmed down, I could sigh, kunoichi is people who can be calm in any situation.

The difference was that they were by my side, they were themselves, and not Kunoichi who had to hide their feelings, that was a great advantage.

"They are fine?" - I speak with a worried voice.

"Yes!" - They spoke at the same time while remaining in my arms.

"How did you solve the antidote problem?" - Yugao, she was the calmest one.

"In these mountains, there were almost all the ingredients, and I was able to prepare the antidote on time" - I spoke, and thought "I did not mean to say that I had created it with a broken ability."

They only nodded their heads, and did not continue asking, since it was unnecessary, they knew they were fine.

"You know ... If I had gone to Konoha at that time ... Maybe, all of Konoha ... would have chased me ... Because they would have thought I was responsible for the accident ... Since I would have to choose one of you, and that I would have regretted .... "- I spoke ...

"Besides, the traitor would have done the impossible so that none of you wake up ..." - I spoke slowly, I could feel that they were hugging me tighter ...

"Your elite Jounin knew that he had to choose one of you ... That would have caused the village to look at me as an enemy ... And be captured until they wake up ... If they woke up, it would be too late. .. Perhaps I had died, or seriously injured. ".

Now they understood the truth because I did not want to go to Konoha so much, rather, I distrusted most of the Ninjas in his village, and only trusted the two of them.

"So our leader wanted to set you up?" - Yugao spoke

Kurenai looked sad, to be honest, she couldn't deny, everything fit together.

"You could say yes, but at the same time no ... Well, it doesn't matter ... The important thing is that I chose both." -I speak with a smile, since I did not want to see them sad.

"If it were up to me ... I wouldn't allow them to go back to their village ..." - I spoke slowly, and continued - "But, I don't want to see the two resentful if I do that action ... That's why I discarded it ... ".

Kurenai and Yugao stared at me, and smiled happily at me, for thinking of them first. They knew that he could do that.

"Let's rest." - I spoke, since I could see the fatigue of Yugao and Kurenai, for all the information they had received, and they nodded at me.

(Author: Yes, when a person receives very strong information, his whole body feels tired ... I think it is psychological ...)

They just nodded at me, as all the information they had learned earlier today was very sensitive, and they wanted to rest.

At this moment, they got up, and pushed the bed together, and brought me by the hand to sleep with them.

I accepted the invitation, I had put myself in the middle of them, Kurenai, and Yugao was on each side and they hugged me.

I grabbed the two delicate bodies and hugged them, I could see that both Kurenai and Yugao were a bit nervous.

At this point, I spoke - "So now are they my wives?"

"Yes" - they answered nervously, since they had already made their decision.

I'm glad his answer, I had to take advantage of the moment, as the saying goes "Take advantage when the iron is hot".

I moved my face to the left side, where Yugao was, and with my hand, I grabbed his body and pulled her closer to my side.

My face was so close that you could feel each other's breath, only the last step was missing, and I wanted Yugao to make the decision.

At this moment, Yugao closed her eyes, and his face came closer, this completed the last step. When I gave her the first kiss from her, his lips were so soft and delicate, the kiss was more romantic, and full of love, and there was no lust.

When I had separated from her, I could notice her face red from hers, I am glad her appearance looked so cute Yugao. At this moment, she crouched down, and she hid in my chest, not daring to see my face.

At all times, Kurenai was looking at me, pouting, without interrupting, I could tell her jealousy, but she didn't interrupt.

At this moment, I moved my face in the direction of Kurenai, and licked me lip, to wipe the trail of saliva from Yugao.

When Kurenai looked at me, she caught my eyes, and then my lips, she knew she was going to pass. I could see that she had closed her eyes.

When I saw Kurenai closing her eyes, in the form of acceptance, I approached her face, while my right hand touched her back.

When I kissed her I could feel her delicate lips, it was also her first kiss, and Kurenai put her hands on my neck.

I took advantage of this moment, as Kurenai's hands were on my neck, and my hands on her er back, I started to lower it.

Every time I ran my hand down his back, I could feel his body tremble, it was so delicate that I began to like the sensation. In the end, I had reached his waist, and pulled her closer to my body.

At this moment, I lowered my hand a little more, and reached her beautiful butt, it was so smooth and at the same time firm, I began to knead it slowly.

(Author: Kurenai is already 14…. ¯ \ _ (ツ) _ / ¯ )

When I broke the kiss, I could notice Kurenai red, she looked like a Hinata when smoke comes out of her head.

I smiled at her, without removing my hands from her behind her, at the end I raised my hand to her waist, and I adjusted her closer to me.

"From now on you must take something into account ... now they are my wives ..." - I spoke, while I hugged them both.

"Yes… and you are going to become the only man in our lives." - Kurenai and Yugao had not refuted me, and they spoke at the same time, and they hugged me tighter.

"Let's go to sleep ..." - I spoke slowly while hugging them and they also hugged me tightly, it's as if they wanted to stay like that for a long time.

In this way, the day ended, and the year also ended, without realizing it, a few days had passed ...

To be continued...

If you like, comment, this ends today's chapter.

There is only one chapter left to get out of the cave.

I hope you have a good day.

Janjo24creators' thoughts