
Traveler of Worlds (English)

The MC has experience in dangerous trips in his past life, since his life always liked adventures, taking risks on each trip. This was done to test his luck. Now that he had reincarnated in the world of Naruto, he aims to surpass everyone and venture into new places. He will travel to other worlds…. ******************** I don't know English, I hope you understand, If you don't understand some parts, don't read. If you can, you can help me correct it. Thanks. ********************* The MC will only be in the Shinobi World for a short time, then he will go to another world…. This story is going to have romance, and action in every place you go. The personality of the MC, you can see in chapter 2. I do this story for a hobby, it's like a test. If you don't like it, don't read it, and please don't insult. If you like it, I await your criticism and advice to improve the story. Most importantly, this story will have a survey, the route we can all choose by the majority. Remember, if the MC wins something, he is going to lose something too. At the end of the saga, you will see what was lost. Each chapter will have a small summary if you do not like to read a lot. Please read the chapter “Read This First!” As you will find every detail important. Without another word, I hope you like the story.

Janjo24 · Anime & Comics
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107 Chs

Chapter 29 Bathroom

Chapter 29 - Bathroom

Summary of the previous chapter:

The MC realizes that the three people were injured. The leading ninja of Konoha had very serious injuries, and could not survive. The two Kunoichis had also suffered injuries and were tired. The elite Jounin, tells the MC if he can bring the two Kunoichis to Konoha village, he refuses, not accepting the Jounin's request. In the end, the elite Jounin surrenders, as he realizes that he is not going to accept his request. The Jounin, the true purpose tells him, the Kunoichis were poisoned, by the same poison his wife once had. The elite Jounin had the antidote to remember his wife, and today it will only be useful. The leading ninja gives him a scroll containing all the information for the treatment and the antidote. The MC accepts, since he did not intend to abandon the two women in the forest. When the elite Jounin saw that he accepted his request, his body relaxed, and he was able to rest in peace. When the elite Jounin died, the two Kunoichis introduce themselves, Kurenai Yuhi, and Yugao Uzuki. The MC reassures them, telling him that they will be fine, and they pass out from the poison and exhaustion. He creates three clones and gives each one a mission; while the MC began to escape in another direction. The MC learns that he only had three hours to supply the two women with the antidote.



[November 16, 2 A.N.N]

[Point of View, Third Person]

In a different place, a group of eight people could be seen, they are the Iwagakure ninjas who had fought with the Konoha ninjas, and they were retreating.

The leader of Iwagakure kept thinking about his assumption, as he ran with the help of one of his subordinates, and at this moment, he heard a voice ...

"Captain, why have we retired? ..." - Asked an Iwagakure ninja with doubt, while he looked at his leader.

"Why? ... We had not been able to detect his presence ... We could only discover him when he was close ... If he had wanted at that time, he would have killed us, since we were focused on the Konoha ninjas ..." - Leader of Iwagakure, he speak with his hoarse voice ...

"…" They all fell silent, as they listened, since they were right, maybe one of them had died, and they are grateful.

"Besides, his speed is very fast ... I couldn't see how he had attacked our partner ... It was just a blink ... And, we only realized, when he already had it in his hands ..." - the leader of Iwagakure, as he remembered the scene, and was also surprised.

"…" They all looked at their partner who was still unconscious, and thought, maybe they had lost one more partner today.

"We are already wounded ... It is only to seek death if we stay to fight ... We already have many casualties ..." - Leader Jounin, he speak while looking at everyone, since if heI had continued fighting, perhaps several would have died.

"…." - They had all nodded in approval, since what their captain said was right, it is as if they were looking for death if they stayed.

"I had liked those two women ...." - A young Iwagakure ninja, spoke in a low voice, while he thought.

"Yes, it is a waste to have used the poison,... Now they will die if they do not have the antidote ... They will be like lambs waiting to be eaten ... Laughter ..." - another Iwagakure ninja spoke, he had heard what his companion said...

"We will find other women ... There are many civil cities ... They will be able to have fun ... Also, we have to report the mission ... Let's go" - Iwagakure leader, he had also heard the conversation of the two ninjas ...

(Author: The reality of the Shinobi world, the weakest always pay ... Likewise, in the real world, it is always the women who suffer the most in wars ...).

".." - The ninjas of Iwagakure had rejoiced when they heard their captain, and began to go faster ... They continued with their retreat ...

[Point of View, MC]

In another place, different from the Iwagakure ninjas, a person could be seen running, while carrying two women on his shoulders.

It had already been several hours, from the place where there was the fight of the Iwagakure ninjas and Konoha ninjas.

I had been running all this time, not stopping to rest; When I was running at high speed, I could feel tired in my legs, I had exceeded my resistance, and my body was already feeling it.

"I think that constantly using the ability of the blinking body has its consequences ..." I thought, while I felt a little pain in my legs, and my fatigue was growing, I had not slept, and it was already early morning.

"I hadn't stopped running, since I had left Konoha… I had been running for hours… Also, I had done many things during that process, and now, I had to find a haven." I thought, as I thought about everything that had happened to me, and looked at the two women on my shoulders.

When I continued running, I could see a cliff, and I thought it would be the best place to hide, and without hesitation, I headed for the cliff and jumped.

I began to mold Chakra, in my legs, to be able to climb, up the cliff face. When I looked at the bottom of the cliff, I could only see a strange haze, and it was very far away.

The fog made me give a constant danger alert, but it was not directed at me, it was also very far away, and I no longer took much importance, since there was no presence in the fog ... I thought "It would be something natural, well, no It matters I have to find a refuge. "

At this time, I started looking if there was a cave in the cliff, and I was able to find one, and it was almost near the mist, and I did the logical thing, jump; I thought "If I run down the cliff, it will take me a little longer, it is better to jump", as I fell down the cliff, it had a depth of almost 2 kilometers.

When a moment passed, and I could see the cave that was approaching, I pulled out a steel rope with a Kunai and threw it on the cliff face. When the Kunai hit the wall, I grabbed onto the rope, and I was able to stop my fall.

"That was amazing…" I thought, with a smile, with excitement. When I looked at Kurenai and Yugao, they were fine ... and continue "If they find out about this, they will call me crazy.", I could only shake my head, since in this place no one will dare to search, because of their danger.

I started approaching the cave, and when I had arrived, I created a shadow clone. I sent the Shadow Clone to investigate since I had not discovered any presence nearby, but that fog gives me a bad thorn.

When the Shadow Clone entered the cave, wait outside, while looking around, and look at the fog, I was almost 500 meters away, and I thought "Is that fog strange ...", At this moment, I was interrupted, by the clone of Shadows…

"Boss, there's nothing inside ..." - Shadow Clone and made a sign of approval that the place is safe.

When I look at the shadow clone outside, I no longer look at the fog, and just nod my head, and deactivate the shadow clone.

When I received his memories, I was surprised, since the entrance was small, and its interior was very spacious. I thought "It's a good place ...", without any hesitation, I approached the cave, and I thought "Again in a cave ..." ...

"I was not thinking of entering the Kamui world, I did not want anyone to know that information ... I did not care if they were passed out, I could see a method that could reveal the secret." I thought as I entered the cave ...

When I was inside the cave, I created several Shadow clones to clean the cave, and check everything, the inside of the cave was very large. When they had cleared everything, I sent the clones to close the entrance to the cave, as the mist began to rise.

At this time, I had created two beds for Kurenai and Yugao, I placed them on each bed. Also, I created a crystal of light, to illuminate the cave, no one would notice, since I had closed the whole cave. Also, create various crystals.

(Author: I am too lazy to describe crystals, draw a conclusion from crystals, purification crystal, temperature crystal, silence crystal, barrier crystal, and others; I had said that crystals were going to do something important in the story.)

When I looked at the two women asleep on the bed they were in poor condition, they had blood all over their bodies, and their breathing was slow.

At this moment, the third Wood Clone gave me the antidote, it had been silently following me, as I studied the scroll, and was watching my back.

"We have little time, give them the antidote." - Third wood clone, he gave me the antidote.

When I looked at the two women asleep on the bed they were in poor condition, they had blood all over their bodies, and their breathing was slow.

At this moment, the third Wood Clone gave me the antidote, it had been silently following me, as I studied the scroll, and was watching my back.

"We have little time, give them the antidote." - Third wood clone, he gave me the antidote.

"It's okay." - I spoke, and I thought "Now I understand because Naruto always used it to not feel alone."

When I received the memories of the Clone, I knew immediately that the antidote had to be given every 24 hours.

In the parchment were all the ingredients, and the theories, the clone had learned every detail thoroughly; I thought "With this knowledge, and the Bow of Incarnation skill, I could create various antidotes."

"The clone had thought of a method to save the two women…. Because there was only one antidote for one person…" I thought as he looked at the two women….

"The elite ninja had given me a single antidote so that I can choose who lives, and who dies ... cold is that bastard... I don't know if he wanted to put me to the test .... Well, I'll think about it later. .. "I thought, as I approached where the two women were.

(Author: Cold, it is said to ruthless people or someone who puts his life on the limit.)

I had already created several antidotes, I approached the two beauties, and I was first in Yugao, since she had more wounds on her body, and had given her more priority.

When she was next to her, I carried her and brought her to my side. My right hand was on her neck supportedr, while my hand was on her face, and a finger from me made her open her mouth, and my left hand, had the antidote.

I accommodated him looking up so that she could drink the antidote, my fingers could touch hers, her lips were very soft, do not take it seriously, since her life was at risk.

When I saw that she was able to take all of the antidotes, I was relieved. I arranged her on the bed so that she would continue to rest and look where Kurenai was.

The next was Kurenai, the condition of her body, she was a little better than Yugao. When I did the same procedure so that she can drink the antidote, I could be relieved for the moment.

"The most important thing is still missing ... Clean the wounds before they become infected, and it can be very dangerous ..." I thought, as I looked at the wounds on both bodies.

As I was about to prepare to cleanse them, I was interrupted, as I had received the signal from the other two Wood Clones.

At this moment I created two shadow clones and exchanged them with the wooden clones, I could see that the wooden clones were on my side, and deactivated the shadow clones.

They gave me everything I could collect on this mission. In the end, it wasn't much, as most of it was almost useless.

When I received the memories of the clones, they had burned all the corpses so that no one can take the corpse, and they had set the entire forest on fire, and they escaped in different directions.

I am glad this information, as it made any trace disappear. The only ones who knew about me were the Iwagakure ninjas, but they had almost no information about me, that's why I don't care, since they couldn't collect any information.

"It was very far from Konoha, and it was almost impossible that they could compare me to the one responsible for the Konoha attack ... Besides, Iwagakure wasn't going to say that they were in Konoha territory, or they would take responsibility for the attack ..." I thought, everything was coldly calculated ...

(Author: The MC hadn't stopped running since he left Konoha, and was using all his speed… Also, as they say, it is better to keep quiet, when one invades enemy territory. Iwagakure is not going to talk about this, since They were on a secret mission, then you find out.)

After having received the memories of the Clones, I looked in the direction of Yugao, and Kurenai, they were resting peacefully, and with slow breathing.

The two were dirty, their clothes were wet, the mud was from the fight, and the blood-stained all over their body. It was a bit unpleasant, but still, it didn't take away the beauty from their faces.

"I will have to bathe, and clean both of them since it would be very dangerous, if a wounded man becomes infected, his situation would be more serious." I thought since I had to rush to clean his wounds.

At this moment, I had changed my clothes, it was light clothing, I was no longer wearing my costume, nor the mask, and my clothes had been kept in the Kamui world.

At this time, I took out a large tub from the Kamui world, the tub I used when I didn't have time to take a bath outside.

In the tub or bucket, I already had clean water, the water had heated it until it was lukewarm, I took out soap, and shampoo, a bath foam, and most importantly, I had created bandages to cover the wounds.

"Until now, I am grateful, for having the skill of Incarnation Bow, it helped me a lot, since I am in this world…" I thought, with little joy for this ability.

When everything was ready, I looked in the direction of Yugao, and Kurenai, where he was sleeping.

I went first in Yugao since she was more serious than Kurenai.

I approached, and I began to undress her, I began removing her suit from the top of her, it had a protective mesh and a vest. Also, she had noticed that she was not wearing a bra, and was using bandages to cover her breasts, she had not removed the bandages, she was going to leave them for last.

When I started to remove the clothes from the bottom, I could see her white legs with some parts stained with blood, I continued with the process of undressing her, in the end, she only kept her underwear.

In various parts of her body, she was cut, and she was bleeding, I had to clean the wounds immediately so that they did not become infected, and I thought "At least it will do, what I had learned first aid."

(Author: If you have time, learn first aid as it might help you one day.)

When I carried her in my arms in princess mode and carried her to the tub. At this time, I removed the last pieces that remained on her body, she had been left naked. Her breasts were white, and in the middle you could see her pink nipples.

When I made him sit in the tub, I went to work, I began to wash his purple hair since it was dirty.

When I continued with her body, it was still developing, her body was very soft, now I understood what they always said in the novels, a woman has skin so soft as if there were no bones.

I continued cleaning her body, I was concentrating on cleaning the wounds, and when I finished I felt relieved and took him out of the tub.

I had created clothes for heer, her clothes were a mess. First I cleaned her wounds and began to bandage her. At this moment, I put her clothes on her, when I looked at her she was better, I was relieved, and took her to bed. When I leave Yugao, continue with Kurenai ...

Kurenai was more developed, since she was older, I began to undress all of her clothes.

"I guess in this world there is no bra since the two do not use it." Kurenai's breasts were bigger, she will be a C cup, and she is still in development.

When I got to the tub, I had already changed the water, I just removed the bandages and her underwear, and I began to clean her entire body. She liked her unruly black hair, she looked wild, but I knew very well that she was a quiet person.

When I cleaned her entire body, and her wounds, I was relieved and pulled her out of the bathtub.

At this time, I began to bandage her wounds and had created clothes for her so that she could rest, I took him to her bed so that she could rest.

(Author: The MC Won't Take Advantage Of Someone Unconscious)

At this time, he had created a couple of sheets, and pillows so that they could rest. When I finished everything I let out a sigh. Kurenai and Yugao were in different beds, and they looked better than they had been.

At this time, I create a comfortable armchair, I placed it in the middle of the two beds, to be able to rest, and take care of at the same time. I was already tired, of everything that had happened since I had escaped from Konoha, and now I have to take care of two people in a coma.

I created a Wood Clone to guard the entrance of the cave, since the fog does not please me, and I have a bad feeling.

When everything was ready, I watched the two women sleep, and I went on the couch, and I sat down. At this moment, strong fatigue overcame me, from everything that had happened ... I Speak slowly ...

"Today was a tiring day!"

To be continued.....

If you like, comment, this ends today's chapter.

The second saga is linked to chapter 16, later you will find out more ...

I hope you have a good day.

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