
Traveler of Worlds (English)

The MC has experience in dangerous trips in his past life, since his life always liked adventures, taking risks on each trip. This was done to test his luck. Now that he had reincarnated in the world of Naruto, he aims to surpass everyone and venture into new places. He will travel to other worlds…. ******************** I don't know English, I hope you understand, If you don't understand some parts, don't read. If you can, you can help me correct it. Thanks. ********************* The MC will only be in the Shinobi World for a short time, then he will go to another world…. This story is going to have romance, and action in every place you go. The personality of the MC, you can see in chapter 2. I do this story for a hobby, it's like a test. If you don't like it, don't read it, and please don't insult. If you like it, I await your criticism and advice to improve the story. Most importantly, this story will have a survey, the route we can all choose by the majority. Remember, if the MC wins something, he is going to lose something too. At the end of the saga, you will see what was lost. Each chapter will have a small summary if you do not like to read a lot. Please read the chapter “Read This First!” As you will find every detail important. Without another word, I hope you like the story.

Janjo24 · Anime & Comics
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107 Chs

Chapter 100 Escaped

Chapter 100 - Escaped

Summary of the previous chapter:

Max and Mikoto spent four days together. During this time, they explored the village as Max was looking for escape routes. Max managed to plan several escape routes. Max didn't meet Kushina again as she didn't show up at the meeting point. Max and Mikoto met with Makoto for their final meeting. At the meeting, Max handed Makoto a scroll containing important information. Makoto arranged for Max to marry his daughter, Mikoto, and Max accepted. Max and Mikoto performed an engagement ceremony. Max and Mikoto left and began walking through the village to start their escape plan. When they were about to reach the Uchiha complex, Max collapsed on the ground. Mikoto began to recall everything that had happened, and when she saw Max collapse, she became distressed and went to his side. Mikoto could feel Max's life fading away, and in the end, Max's body died. Mikoto began to cry at this scene, believing it to be true. At that moment, many people witnessed the incident, and many ninjas and Anbu appeared to examine the corpse, concluding that he died from poisoning. Makoto didn't allow anyone to take Uchiha Ryu's body and ordered it to be taken to the Uchiha Clan to be cremated. Makoto took Mikoto where she was staying with Max, and eventually, she began to calm down and heard a sound nearby.


[November 13th, 14 A.N.N.]

When I appeared in the room, I saw her lying on the bed. I realized that the event had affected her, so I didn't hesitate to approach, making the wooden floor creak to let her know I was there.


As soon as the wooden floor made a sound, Mikoto looked at me, her eyes widening. She immediately got up from the bed, jumped into my arms, and hugged me tightly.

"Relax, I'm here... I'm not going anywhere," I spoke calmly, stroking her back to calm her down.

"I thought... I thought for a moment it was true, and you were gone forever," Mikoto said with pain, recalling the scene of the incident.

"I won't leave my dear wife alone," I spoke calmly, hugging her tighter as I had seen the Wood Clone memory.

Mikoto hugged me back and rested her head on my chest, listening to the beating of my heart, and let out a sigh of relief.

'Mikoto is a very emotional woman... that's why I like her,' I thought, continuing to hug her to reassure her.

After a while, I led her to the bed as she needed rest. When we got there, we lay down on the bed, and I hugged her.

Mikoto felt safe in my arms, and she had calmed down. She hugged me back, then looked up at me.

"How could you do that?" Mikoto asked with a tone of doubt, thinking I wouldn't answer the question.

'Well, if I answer the question, it's like telling a secret... She is my wife, after all, and leaving Konoha, she will know a lot of my secrets,' I thought, but it only lasted a moment.

"Of course," I spoke, smiling at her because since our marriage, we would always be together.

At this moment, I started to wipe away her tears and fix her hair, and I started talking.

Mikoto smiled when I confirmed it.

"I have a technique that allows me to swap places, and thanks to that, I can leave without anyone noticing," I spoke calmly, then continued, "As for how I managed to fake my death, it's very easy... I just had to temporarily stop my chakra flow and my vital signs, and everyone would think I'm dead."

Mikoto nodded, raised her hand, touched my face, and started talking.

"At that moment, I thought you were really dead, and I didn't know what to do... My father reassured me and told me to trust you... But still, I couldn't shake that idea from my head," Mikoto said, looking calm, but her eyes showed that she had suffered in that moment.

My right hand adjusted her hair behind her ear, and I caressed her cheek, speaking, "I don't plan to die, let alone leave you alone... I don't want my lovely wife to become a widow so soon."

Mikoto relaxed, moved closer to me, and kissed me.

When the kiss ended, we looked at each other and smiled, and I spoke, "Tomorrow we will leave the village."

"Yes, and no matter where you go, I'll be by your side," Mikoto said with determination, wanting to be by my side.

"Wife!... Go prepare for the next step," I spoke calmly.

"Shall we?... Help me with the text..." Mikoto said, not knowing what to write.

"It's not necessary," I spoke calmly, denying her, and continued, "Besides, you have to write your feelings in that letter."

Mikoto looked at me and didn't know what to do, as she didn't want me to suspect her.

I could see her doubt in her eyes, and I spoke calmly, "Go, I trust you."

"Okay," Mikoto said as she got up and started walking towards her desk.

I watched Mikoto's back and thought, 'If Mikoto wants to betray me, this is the opportunity, as she could give any information about me in the letter, but... I don't think she will, as I trust her.'

I saw her pick up a piece of paper and a pen. When she sat down, she placed the blank piece of paper on the desk. She stared at the blank piece of paper for a moment, then started writing.

This letter was going to be addressed to Makoto and would explain what I was going to do.

[Mikoto's Point of View]

When I separated from Max, I felt a loss, but I knew he would always be by my side. I didn't want him to distrust me, as he is very cautious and doesn't trust people easily. Throughout this time, I managed to gain his trust and get to know his true personality, and that's why I fell in love with him.

When I headed to my desk, I searched for a piece of paper and a pen. When I found them, I sat down and started thinking about what to write. 'What should I put in the letter?' I thought, meditating, and then I remembered Max's words, "Write your true feelings towards your father!"

At that moment, I started writing the letter, and before I knew it, time had passed, and I had finished it. I started wiping away my tears because the letter was very emotional, as I didn't know how long it would be until I saw my father and my family again, and I didn't know what could happen in the future.

I folded the letter and placed it on the desk. Additionally, I took out a small scroll from the desk and kept it.

I got up and went to where Max was, I threw myself into his arms because I just wanted him to hold me. When I was in his arms, I felt safe, and I started to calm down as he began to console me, and I fell asleep.

[Max's Point of View]

When I felt Mikoto fall asleep, I felt relieved because I didn't like seeing her cry. I started thinking about what had happened today when I faked my death and what I had done afterwards.

The first step was to fake my death, and when everyone saw it, I secretly activated the Mangekyou Sharingan and used the ability to swap places. Earlier, my Wood Clone had created a dead Wood Clone, without any signs of life, like a lifeless wooden shell; and when the time came, I swapped places with the dead wood clone.

When we swapped positions, I was in the house while the Dead Wood Clone was lying on the floor, becoming the center of attention for everyone.

The wood clone appeared and I had given it an order to observe the entire event, as I wanted to see everything in detail and make sure everything went well.

The Wood Clone didn't hesitate and headed towards where everyone was gathering. It was using the Hiding in Plain Sight technique and a Chakra cloak; it had to be very cautious as many ninjas would appear.

When I saw the clone leave, I thought, 'I hope everything goes well,' and I started heading to the meeting place, where I met Kushina, but in the end, she hadn't come during all these days, and tomorrow was going to be the last time she would come to this place.

When I arrived at the meeting place, I created a Wood Clone and gave it an order, and it immediately hid.

Every day that passed, I was losing hope that she would come because she hadn't shown up in all these days, and I had no news from her, as if she had disappeared.

After a while, the sky was dark, I got up and looked at the lonely forest, and let out a sigh, thinking, 'She didn't come.'

I walked away from this place and headed to the Uchiha Clan territory. When I arrived, I found the Wood Clone, I didn't hesitate and retrieved its memories.

In the memories, I saw that Mikoto had been affected by my supposed death, and everything she did was genuine, not an act.

Additionally, there were many ninjas and Anbu near the event, and everyone had concluded that Uchiha Ryu had died from a silent poison.

It reassured me to see that everyone believed that, and there was no suspicion that I was alive.

One of the advantages of the Uchiha Clan being the village police; they could control the body of a member of their Clan, as they didn't allow anyone to perform an autopsy on Uchiha Ryu's body.

When I finished seeing all the clone's memories, I immediately went to where Mikoto was. When I found her, it hurt to see her state, and I started to reassure her.

When I stopped remembering, I looked at Mikoto who was in my arms and thought, 'This will be the last night in Konoha village,' I hugged her tighter and fell asleep.

[November 14th, 14 A.N.N.]

When I woke up, Mikoto was in my arms, I kissed her head, didn't hesitate, and started making all the preparations, I got up while carrying her.

At this moment, I created a dead Wood Clone, without any signs of life, and it was only a shell of a person; I looked at it, and it had the appearance of Mikoto.

No one could differentiate it from the real one, as it had everything like a real person.

When I finished everything, I covered Mikoto with my Hiding in Plain Sight technique and the Chakra cloak.

At this moment, I activated my Mangekyou Sharingan and used the Swap ability, appearing at the meeting place with Kushina.

When I had disappeared from the room, the room fell silent, there was only a figure identical to Mikoto, lying on the bed.

If someone approached, they would realize that the person lying on the bed was dead.

On November 14th in Konoha village, the daughter of the Uchiha Clan patriarch, Uchiha Mikoto, died.

[Third Person's Point of View]

Throughout Konoha village, tragic news spread, as the daughter of the Uchiha Clan patriarch, Uchiha Mikoto, had committed suicide for love.

Many people were surprised by this news, as Uchiha Mikoto was a cheerful young woman; they never thought she would commit suicide.

In the new territory of the Uchiha Clan, all the members of the Clan were gathered in a ceremonial place, as the patriarch's daughter had died, and they were presenting their condolences to the patriarch, Uchiha Makoto.

Uchiha Makoto was wearing a black suit, and next to him was Yemon; they both looked at the crowd.

Uchiha Makoto had a dark expression on his face as he held a letter in his hands while watching his daughter's body being incinerated. Makoto began reading the letter left by his daughter:

"Hello father, if you're reading this letter, it means I'm dead... I just wanted to say that I love you, you're a great father, I respect you, and I admire you... I'm sorry for not being a good daughter, but I can't bear this pain anymore, I no longer have the strength to go on, as I miss the love of my life... My last wish, burn all my belongings, and burn me too... I'm sorry father, I want to be with the love of my life... GOODBYE!"

When Makoto finished reading the letter, he simply closed his eyes and thought of his daughter, feeling only secure knowing she would be in good hands.

Outside the new territory of the Uchiha Clan, there was a commotion because there was someone who wanted to enter, but the guards didn't allow them.

After several hours, the sky was nearing sunset, with only half an hour left until dark.

[Max's Point of View]

Two figures could be seen on a tree branch, embraced as they waited for the sunset. I sat on the tree branch, lost in thought, while she was beside me, wrapping her arms around mine. Mikoto lay her head on my shoulder, enjoying the moment.

At this moment, I looked in the direction of the village and thought, 'I can't save her. I don't know what might happen in the future if I intervene... Besides, I don't know her, and I don't want to risk my family's lives.' I stopped thinking because I didn't know this person, and I'm not someone who would risk their life for a stranger.

I looked at her and spoke affectionately, "We'll be leaving soon," and kissed her cheek.

"No matter where you go, I'll be by your side," said Mikoto, looking happy as we were leaving Konoha village, and all this seemed like a love story to her.

I hugged her tighter as we enjoyed the peaceful moment.

'Phew!' I let out a sad sigh and thought, 'It seems Kushina won't come,' as I sent a Chakra pulse and couldn't find her in the Forest of Death.

At this moment, the sunset began, and Mikoto was enjoying the moment.

"It's very beautiful," said Mikoto, enjoying the spectacle.

"By my side, you'll see even more beautiful places," I spoke calmly, feeling sorry because Kushina wouldn't come with me.

"Being by your side is enough for me," said Mikoto, looking at me.

When Mikoto looked at me, I leaned in and kissed her. When the kiss ended, Mikoto smiled.

The sunset was about to end, and the sky was darkening.

After a moment, when the sky darkened, I thought, 'It's time,' and we were going to leave through the escape route I had planned.

As I was about to stand up, I felt a presence approaching, and I knew who it was.

At this moment, all my danger senses started going off, as I felt great danger, and I also felt that this entire place was being watched.

All this time we were in the Forest of Death, I had activated both abilities (Chakra Cloak and Hiding in Plain Sight) because I didn't want to let my guard down.

When she appeared, I looked at her, and I could only be on guard and hide my presence, as well as Mikoto's.

Mikoto, at this moment, also looked at the person who appeared and spoke in an almost imperceptible voice, "Kushina..."

When I heard Mikoto speak, I immediately covered her mouth and signaled her to be silent, and she nodded. No one could hear her, thanks to the Chakra cloak that isolated the sound.

'Do they know each other? They have different ages; I thought they didn't know each other at this time,' I thought, because that's the most logical thing, as Mikoto is older than Kushina by more than three years.

When I looked at Kushina, she looked tired and was looking everywhere but couldn't find anything.

At this moment, Kushina's eyes turned red, and she started shedding tears because she had arrived late.

Mikoto watched Kushina's behavior and then looked at me.

When I saw Mikoto's gaze, I spoke, "I'll explain everything later," only she could hear my voice.

"..." Mikoto nodded, and then she disappeared.

The danger I felt wasn't caused by Kushina. The ones responsible for the danger were those who were observing her from the shadows because there were many powerful presences.

'Damn... the whole plan went to hell,' I thought, and started making a new emergency plan, and continued, 'Good thing I made many... and be prepared if the first plan fails.'

When I thought of the best plan, I didn't hesitate and started preparing because this was going to take a lot of risks. I put on my battle outfit to hide my identity.

At this moment, I placed a crystal inside the tree where no one would notice.

When I finished, I jumped from the tree, and when I landed, I didn't make any disturbance and approached Kushina carefully from behind.

When I was behind Kushina, I took out a crystal from my pocket and started bringing the crystal closer to the scroll on Kushina's back.

Kushina, when she appeared, had a large scroll, and she was carrying it on her back.

When the crystal touched the scroll, in just a moment, it copied everything on the scroll, and I immediately stored the crystal.

"..." Kushina was crying, looking sad and angry.

"Kushina... it's me, Max... Don't move... you're being watched... if they find anything unusual, they'll attack," I spoke, and only she could hear my voice.

Kushina continued crying, but I could feel that she had cheered up, and now she was crying tears of happiness.

'Her mood changed very quickly... I hope she doesn't ruin the plan,' I thought, fearing that she wouldn't follow my instructions.

"Listen carefully... Go first to where you always sat... there's an object inside... Destroy the object without taking it out..." I spoke, and continued, "Then send the scroll you have very far away because it has a tracking seal..."

When Kushina heard the first part, she looked at the place where she always sat and enjoyed the sunset. When she heard the second part, she touched the scroll and looked at it.

Kushina immediately took the scroll off her back and kicked it forcefully. The scroll looked like an American football, began spinning, and started disappearing from view. The people surrounding Kushina were left speechless and didn't know what to do.

"..." I was surprised by Kushina's strength as she kicked the scroll, and I could only watch as it began to vanish.

'In the end, she didn't follow the plan,' I thought, preparing myself in case something happened.

Kushina took advantage of this moment and jumped onto the tree where the crystal was, immediately piercing the tree branch and destroying the crystal.


In the next moment, a loud explosion was heard, and white smoke with traces of Chakra began covering half of Konoha village. I had created this crystal exclusively for the Hyuga Clan, as they lose their vision and become blind when someone covers themselves with Chakra; and the best solution was to create smoke with a Chakra base. Additionally, it included odor elimination, as I wanted to prevent the ninjas from the Inuzuka Clan or the Aburame Clan from tracking us. In this group surrounding Kushina, there were many clans, including the Uchiha.

When the smoke covered the entire area, I immediately embraced Kushina and created a Wood Clone with her appearance. No one would realize it was fake. The Wood Clone (Kushina) didn't hesitate and started running as fast as possible, heading in the opposite direction of the scroll.

I was embracing the real Kushina, covering her with the Chakra cloak, and hiding her with my concealment technique. When Kushina felt my embrace, she turned and hugged me tightly, and I began checking her for any tracking seals that could lead us. In the end, she had nothing.

When I confirmed she was clean, I felt relieved. I knew I had to get out of this place, and I glanced one last time in the direction of the village and thought, 'Rin!... Rin, tomorrow is your birthday...'

I didn't hesitate anymore; I immediately activated my Mangekyou Sharingan and used the ability of Exchange.

All of this happened in less than a second because if I hesitated, I could be at great risk, and I could endanger Kushina's life.

I disappeared from this place with Kushina, and everyone reacted in the next moment. Those who were watching Kushina became serious, and one group started heading towards the scroll, while the other group chased after Kushina.

[Kushina's Point of View (Wood Clone)]

I ran out of the Forest of Death, knowing I didn't have much time, and I had to reach one of the escape routes to leave Konoha.

I knew the fastest way to escape Konoha was through the stone heads of the Hokages.

They couldn't catch me; it was all thanks to the Chakra smoke. They couldn't track me, and thanks to that, I could run through the village without any problems.

When I arrived at the stone head of the Hokages, the smoke was already dispersing, and I had little time to escape.

I kept running through the forest without stopping, and after a moment, I arrived at the wooden wall and managed to pass through an entrance occasionally used by the Anbu.

This escape route was thanks to Tobi. I didn't plan to use it, but I had to get out of this place because the entire village closed when the Chakra smoke appeared.

I kept running, knowing I had to get away from Konoha. If I were captured, the Boss would be upset, and I had already made plans to avoid my capture.

After a while, when I was far away from Konoha, I stopped and took out a Kunai, placing it in front of me, and spoke, "Come out! I know you have me surrounded, dattebane."

At this moment, many ninjas and Anbu appeared, among them was a woman, well known in the village, her name is Koharu Utatane.

"Uzumaki-san, why are you betraying the village?" Koharu said, annoyed.

"..." Kushina (Wood Clone) said nothing.

"You know you have a responsibility to fulfill in the village, that's why you're in Konoha... Don't dishonor your Uzu Clan..." Koharu said but was interrupted.

"Shut up! Don't talk about my Clan, dattebane," I spoke annoyed, having to pretend to be Kushina.

"No matter, we'll capture you, and we'll know the reason," Koharu said, looking at the ninjas and nodding her head. "Go! Capture her, I want her alive."

All the ninjas and Anbu started approaching.

'Well, I'll have to use it,' I thought, looking at all of them approaching. I didn't care about their lives. When they were close, and I knew it was time, I spoke, "Goodbye!"


After a while, the news of Kushina reached Konoha, and the result was known: she managed to escape the village, but she couldn't get far and committed suicide before being captured.

On this day, a student from the ninja academy betrayed the village and escaped. They couldn't catch her, as she committed suicide.

End of the Sixth Saga: The Calm Before the Storm.

To be continued...