
Act II Part 6

"What breath do you use?"

"Thunder Breathing Style." He answered.

"Sounds cool. What does it do?"

"Sigh… Normally, I wasn't planning on teaching anyone else but Kaigaku and Zanitsu. I wanted them to be my successor."

Makes sense. No one would want to teach outsiders about their techniques. I can see where this man is coming from. If it was me in his position, I would never do such a thing.

"Why the change of mind then?" I asked, genuinely confused. He suddenly said something like wanting to learn his way of the sword, surely there was a reason behind it.

"Felt like it." His answer was short and concise, causing me to go dumbfounded.

"Huh? Just that?"

"That's right. Just that." He nodded and admitted.

"No profound meaning or anything? Like seeing the hope for the future in me or something along those lines?"

He stared at me with a weird look. "I don't remember any drugs in the herbs I gave you in the morning. No. I just felt like doing it, so I did it."

What the fuck? Who does things because they feel like doing it? … Okay, that sounds oddly like me…

[Hahaha! I like this old man! Shame. He is more dragon than you. It would have been fun to have someone like him as my host]

'...' I don't know if I should be feeling sad about this or not. I was basically denounced by my father.


Gosh. How can someone's laugh be so obnoxious? It is making my head veins bleed.

"Anyway, now that the general talk is up, fix up, I'll explain the basics of Thunder Breathing Style. After that, we will start your training with Kaigaku and Zanitsu." He thought for a while and continued. "There are still about 2 years before the Demon Slayer exam—you need to take one before officially becoming a Demon Slayer—you will have to learn all styles before that… or I hope you do. It's not a prerequisite after all."

(AN: I know Selection Exam happens every year. He said it that way since 2 years are considered as the minimum time required to learn Breathing Techniques... if we do not include some ppl)

I nodded and he started to explain to me about breathing.

Basically, as the name suggested, it was a style that mimicked lighting and its pattern—swiftness and smoothness.

It focuses on channelling the strength in the user's legs and maximizing the output of every single muscle and blood vessel in them.

But the coolest thing about this was that the focus of 'to be lighting' was so much that when a user used it, it would cause the air around them to literally vibrate. Each step would produce a thunderclap!

That was the reason why I heard a thunderclap last night when the old man used it on the bamboo. Its main focus was to be quick and fast, sounds quite wrong not gonna lie.

He also gave me a basic knowledge of other breathing styles but none of them really sounded interesting to me.

For me who dreamed of cutting reality with a slash, Thunder Breathing Style was perfect for me. After all, to cut something intangible as reality, I needed to be faster than even time and space. Only by overcoming temporal affinity with my slash can I reach something intangible like reality itself.

[You do know that you sound utterly ridiculous right now and don't make sense in the least?]

Shut up, Father! Let the man live his life!

[Sigh… whatever]

I could particularly feel Ddraig rolling his eyes within my soul. I didn't care. No matter how idiotic it sounds, one-day imma reach the level of cutting reality itself!

"Come to the front yard. I'll wait there for you." While I was pumping myself up, the old man stood up and was about to leave.

"Oh, wait!" He turned around. "Eric. My name."

I might not be the best socially active person out there… Gosh, this is awkward as fuck!

"You had a name? I thought you were nameless."

"...." I don't even know what to say. I should have introduced myself on the first day but I kinda forgot and he never asked so…

"I'm Jigoro Kuwajima." With that, he left. I want to die. This is way too embarrassing.

Seeing Jigoro old man leaving the room, I realized that I have been kind of cluster minded since I've been reincarnated—always thinking one thing after another and never really focusing on the present.

Maybe this is why I have been forgetting to do most of the things since I always seem to be lost in my own thoughts.

This was no good. I need to put more focus on my present rather than the future. Thinking of the future was not wrong, but if I spent all my time thinking about what I should do or what I should avoid, I wouldn't be living in the present at that point.

We can't have that.

[Wow. What is this? Character development? As your father, I am moved to tears]

Rolling my eyes at Ddraig's exaggeration (it seems that he is getting bored lately), I walked up to the nearest mirror to take a good look at my face.

A surprised expression passed from my face. I still looked the same as I was before transmigrating to a new world with a few changes that indeed made me look… weird.

My skin had become more smooth and clear, without any blemish. At least I couldn't detect one. My height has increased and my skeleton seems to have a more perfect structure.

I was ripped. I loved it!

Another thing to note was that my eyes—they were still grey but my pupil had changed into that of a reptile with small dots around it. It made it look inhumane. Dark lines were extending out of my eyes. It looked as if my skin had cracked due to dehydration.

[Cool right? They are signs that your body is turning into that of a dragon. You can even call them scales]

'Wait… Am I going to lose my human form?!' That didn't sound all that pleasing! I wanted a dragon form but I also didn't want to lose my human form!

[Not really. They just show that you don't have full control over your body yet. Once you have enough control over your bloodline, you can make them appear and disappear at will]

'Fuu~ I am glad to hear that.' I sighed in relief. It would really suck if I lost my human form. I don't even want to think about how dragons have sex.

'Anyway, Ddraig, I think I'll stop using Boosted Gear for 2 years.'

[I understand]He sighed. [You are required to train your mind, body and soul. You lack basic fighting experience and knowledge. Training two years purely in swordsmanship sounds good enough to me]

'Thanks.' I am really glad that there is someone who I can share my experience and secrets with. I can only imagine how lonely I would have felt if it was only me in this vast multiverse. The thought alone felt suffocating.

Taking a deep breath, I adorned the Yukata that was given to me by the old man and left for the front yard. Two years would be the start of my journey.


patr3on.com/meatball_chan (+15 chapters)

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