
Traveler's Will: Chronicles of the Lost Worlds

This is the tale of the Traveler, a man driven by a quest for meaning and a thirst to define his own worth. Follow him, as he journeys through a world shrouded in darkness. As his story is told, he shall confront his deepest fears in a relentless battle for survival. His path is fraught with cruel sorrow, wandering, and the relentless pursuit of freedom from a cruel fate. Bear witness to a journey fueled by unmatched will, where one man’s struggle shall be the catalyst to ignite a legend! ~ Synopsis, courtesy from BrokenAmbition --- Q/A: Is this your first attempt at writing a novel? Yes, this is my first attempt at writing a novel. English isn't my first language, so I would appreciate any help pointing out grammar mistakes and other errors. I'm excited to share the world I've been building since my teenage years. What can readers expect in terms of progression? The first arc, consisting of roughly 50 chapters, will introduce the main characters, the power system, and some world-building concepts. Following this, the story will be packed with action, adventure, numerous battles, mysteries, and clever plots. How will the writing develop? The writing will continue to improve in the later chapters. There may be some inconsistencies between the early chapters (1-23) and the later ones (after chapter 23). I plan to rewrite the earlier chapters in the future, but please bear with me as I manage a heavy work schedule. What should I expect from the story's pacing and focus? The novel has a slow-to-medium burn pace. It is character-focused, with a rich blend of world-building. Some details will be revealed through dialogues, while others will emerge from the background composition. Think of it like an orchestra: the characters are the main instruments, with the world-building, power systems, and society forming a slow-burning backdrop. What makes this novel unique? The power system is based on psychological aspects such as personality, traits, and flaws. It incorporates duality, meaning nothing is static or set in stone. A weaker character can defeat a stronger one by exploiting the opponent's flaws and traits, emphasizing strategic thinking. What are the tones of the story? The story has its dark elements, exploring societal struggles and madness. However, I also love the sense of adventure and fun, so readers can expect some lighter, humorous moments. How long are the chapters? Each chapter is approximately 2000 words. What is the chapter release schedule? I aim to release at least five chapters a week.

vorlefan · Fantasy
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63 Chs

Protesters and Poets, An Unusual Welcome

As dawn approached, the sun timidly emerged over the horizon, casting a gentle glow upon the mist-covered earth. The tenacious fog, wrapped around the trees like a heavy blanket, slowly withdrew under the relentless warmth of the sun, exposing the iron framework of the outpost.

Asdras's smirk widened as he gazed at the panorama from the tower's peak. "I love this view," he murmured.

With weary eyes, the outpost's chief stifled a yawn beside the ladder to the rooftop. His haggard face spoke of many nights without the comfort of a bed.

In a voice barely above a whisper, he turned to the group. "Everyone, inside the Jumper, please."

The chief grasped the handler firmly. "Signal me for the launch," he commanded.

Clutching their belongings, the trio cautiously stepped onto the platform. A soft blue glow enveloped them, casting an eerie light. The mechanical structure was elliptical, with mystic symbols intricately etched at its core. Four imposing columns stood at the corners, their meticulous craftsmanship featuring interlocking gears and glistening strands of energy woven into the design.

"Gosh, I sure do love this!" Brian's grin widened as he took in the view, his head tilting to capture every detail.

"Oh, not this again," Javier mumbled, his face downcast as he rubbed his eyes. "Like they say, every blessing has its curse..."

With his merchant's instinct, Javier meticulously examined his pockets and nudged his small bag of coins. Suddenly, a realization struck him, and he turned to Asdras with widened eyes. "Do we need to pay?"

Brian chuckled and clapped his hands in amazement. Turning to Javier, he said, "Well, you see, those deliverers are really important for the villages. The church covers their basic costs, including taking folks to the city when needed."

As the chief deftly adjusted the handler to a precise forty-eight-degree angle, the Jumper's engine roared to life. A faint but distinct vibration coursed through the platform, tingling their senses with a subtle electric sensation and causing a collective shiver of anticipation.

He shouted, "Everyone, prepare yourselves!"

Brian methodically checked his backpack and the necklace around his neck while tapping his spear to ensure it was securely in place..

Javier, on the other hand, patted himself down with a heavy sigh, his expression tinged with melancholy. He mumbled, "I'm okay," his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Asdras meticulously inspected his belongings, paying special attention to his sword and lute. With a resolute nod, he raised his head and gestured to the chief, signaling their readiness to depart.

The chief pushed the handler, and a vibrant, greenish orb formed around the platform, encompassing everything within. It burst into a brilliant purple blaze and gracefully ascended into the air. With a final burst of energy, the orb shot toward the horizon at breathtaking speed.

The Jumper was the result of a decade of research in affinities and mechanical design. It used spirit stones as its primary fuel source and harnessed the user's energies to propel itself. This enabled rapid travel over long distances, covering around twenty to thirty kilometers before safety became an issue.

The orb utilized a combination of spatial and atmospheric forces. The spatial component created the spherical structure and maintained stability, while the wind component both propelled and counterbalanced its movement, adhering to the principles of inertia. During formation, a burst of energized plasma was used to cleanse the interior thoroughly.

As the Jumper sped on, its inner winds silenced the roar of its passage. Inside, the world's din faded to whispers, yet passengers could speak clearly to one another.

However, physical movements were severely restricted for two crucial reasons. Firstly, the wind component generated tremendous force, making even minor gestures nearly impossible. Secondly, for safety reasons, the inventors cautioned passengers to remain as still as possible. Any internal stress could trigger a surge of energy within the orb, potentially leading to a catastrophic rupture.

Asdras and Brian gazed fixedly at the sky, clouds, and occasional glimpses of towering mountains or buildings. The world outside appeared as a blurred mosaic due to the orb's tremendous speed. Their eyes sparkled with amazement, captivated by the surreal spectacle unfolding before them.

In contrast, Javier's face bore a somber and nostalgic expression, his eyes reflecting his recent memories.

Time seemed to pass as slowly as a burning candlestick, yet gradually, their view transformed into something more recognizable. Bit by bit, the landscape revealed a city sprawled below.

The orb spun on an unseen axis, its descent imperceptible to those within. As it neared the ground, it faded, a gentle counterforce easing its passengers down in a smooth, vertical glide.

Javier's emotions swelled as his smile widened, on the verge of tears, as he touched down.

"Finally, finally!" Javier exclaimed jubilantly. With unbridled excitement, he dashed toward the city's entrance.

Brian and Asdras exchanged glances, sharing a confused look. Then they followed Javier's lead, their eyes scanning the sprawling cityscape before them with a mix of curiosity and anticipation.

For wandering souls seeking a city to call home and find respite for their weary feet, Baurous was an inviting destination. The city was of moderate size, with twisting roads weaving through its bustling streets. At its center, a vast lake stretched out, its crystalline waters reflecting the sky, surrounding trees, and an eclectic mix of buildings encircling it.

The architecture of the houses was a diverse medley, some hewn from sturdy stones while others were fashioned from timber and iron. Along the bustling thoroughfares, a variety of shops lined the way, ranging from weaponsmiths to merchants peddling wares and dreams promising a life well worth living.

A grand entrance marked the city's boundaries, a massive portal wrought from dark iron. Watchtowers loomed overhead, standing sentinel for those who approached. At the pinnacle, the symbol of Baurous was etched, radiating an inner light of blue and white, visible from miles away, guiding travelers to its location like a beacon.

The city hummed with ceaseless activity, welcoming merchants and travelers from across the continent, much like the North's capital, Martimus. To an observer from afar, it might appear to be the ideal place to spend one's twilight years, but that perception would only hold true if one ignored the murals adorning the walls and the cacophony of the bustling crowds.

Despite its outward appearance, Baurous struggled to maintain law and order due to its lack of proper military defense and strict regulations. Academy students and retired soldiers formed the meager patrols tasked with safeguarding the city from the world's many dangers, including ominous eruptions.

While the city's mayor made valiant efforts to keep the streets clear of vandals, ruffians, and activist groups, genuine control rested in the hands of the influential Noctis family and the prestigious North's Academy. It was in this precarious balance of power that the scene at the city's entrance unfolded, reflecting the intricate dynamics that defined the city.

To the left of the city's entrance, two stark-naked individuals stood defiantly, holding signs protesting the extensive use of the fog element, which shielded the main roads connecting outposts to neighboring communities.

Their voices rang out ferociously, nearly cracking as they chanted, "THE FOG IS KILLING OUR FUTURE."

On the opposite side, Javier kneeled on the ground, his actions a peculiar blend of reverence and poetic enthusiasm. He alternated between kissing the earth and declaiming verses poetically.

"The rock, the steam, the scent of toil, and food! How many moons? It's been a while since I smelled the sweat of many men and women. Bless the heavens, bless the heavens!" The words escaped him with an earnest, almost whimsical flair.

Meanwhile, nearby, Asdras and Brian quietly slipped away from the spectacle, merging with the gathering crowd while shielding their faces with their backpacks.

Brian muttered under his breath, "I tell you, bro, it was best not to rescue that man!"

Asdras sighed and hushed him, urging him to hurry, hoping to escape notice in the crowd.

However, in a twist of fate that felt almost like a cosmic prank, Javier rose to his feet under the watchful gaze of the crowd. He took a deep breath and scanned the faces of the bystanders, searching for his rescuers.

With an exuberant grin, he suddenly sprinted toward them, calling out, "Wait for me, my two youngin' nobles!"

As the crowd parted before them, creating a clear path, Asdras and Brian raced toward the inner layers of the city. Javier followed closely, his expression a mix of relief and gratitude.

As they gained distance from the crowd, a group of mischievous kids appeared, carrying rotten vegetables ready to be hurled at the protesters. To the kids, this was a game of precision and accuracy, and the newcomers running presented a tempting challenge.

With the agility of a seasoned pitcher, one of the kids hurled a tomato toward Javier. The tomato's trajectory was wild and unpredictable, narrowly missing Javier and striking Brian square in the face.

Brian's reaction was immediate, his body contorting with a nearly acrobatic impulse as he shouted, "Dammit, I'm gonna kill you!"

The kids, initially possessed by the thrill of the moment, suddenly gained newfound enlightenment. Instead of fleeing, they exchanged sly smiles and began a pursuit, rotten vegetables in hand.

Asdras, seeing them grab more ammunition, shouted urgently, "Oh, shit, run!"

The trio sped through the maze of the city's narrow streets, their frantic progress punctuated by apologies to pedestrians and occasional collisions with merchants' wares, earning them angry rebukes. They stole glances over their shoulders to gauge the kids' approach, their pursuers gaining ground with each passing moment.

Amid the chaos, Asdras panted and grumbled at Javier, "Sir, I'll kill you!" while deftly evading an onion aimed at his shoulder.

Javier, with a mischievous grin on his face, quickly dove to dodge another tomato and retorted, "Saar, it isn't my fault!"

Brian, about to offer his own retort, felt a sudden impact on his back, the rotten stench almost making him gag.

Finally, they managed to break free from the tumultuous crowd by darting into a narrow alley. With one final burst of effort, they hid behind barrels and wooden boxes in the shadowy intersection between two massive houses, hoping to evade their relentless pursuers.

In the dimly lit alley, Brian's frustration boiled over as he clutched Javier's clothing, his eyes narrowing in disapproval. "If you're feelin' sorry, you could at least try lookin' like it."

Brian took a step back and gingerly touched the slimy texture of the rotten tomato on his face, maniacal laughter bubbling up within him. "I swear, Javier, it feels like it's either you or me in this world."

Javier huffed and raised his hands in mock surrender. "Okay, okay," he conceded with a mischievous grin.

He took a deep breath, his smile unwavering, and continued, "But before we go on with our lives, let me give each of you a little 'gift' for saving my valuable and charming life."

Asdras and Brian exchanged a quick, paranoid glance before replying in unison, "If it's the same thing you took before the Jumper, we don't want it."

Before Javier could protest, a sudden gust of wind above them caught their attention. They looked up to see a small orb, similar to a Jumper, carrying something within. It stopped at the level of a nearby door and then gradually faded, releasing two pieces of paper that floated gently toward the trio.

Asdras extended his arm to catch one of the pieces of paper, while Brian grabbed the other.

Asdras quickly unfurled the paper and read its contents to Brian with enthusiasm: "Oh, it's the newspaper about the registration for the military."

"For those who wish to register at the military or any special unit, it's essential to arrive at the office building on the west side of Baurous by midday next week. No further registrations will be accepted if you arrive later."

Brian's relief was palpable as he waved his arms in the air. He repeated to himself, "Thank the heavens! Thank the heavens! I've got some time to wash up and grab what I need."

Asdras patted Brian on the shoulder and asked about the contents of his newspaper.

Brian sounded pleasantly surprised as he replied, "Oh, it's about the academy." He continued, "It says here that registration's happening next week, and it's going to be by the lake, near the Garden Chief restaurant."

Javier's eyes sparkled with anticipation at the mention of the renowned restaurant, famous throughout the continent for its delectable cuisine. He couldn't help but picture the mouthwatering dishes they served.

With a grateful smile, Javier addressed the two boys, "Let me thank both of you, my good saviors."

Javier reached into his inner pocket, retrieving a small bottle and a letter. He handed the bottle to Brian and the letter to Asdras.

Brian peered at the bottle, noticing two pills inside as the sunlight glinted off it. He couldn't help but wonder, "What on earth is this?"

Javier chuckled warmly and explained, "Take these before awakening. Don't tell anyone; it will help you."

Brian raised an eyebrow skeptically. "You reckon I'm supposed to just take your word for it?"

Javier shrugged and replied, "It's your loss if you don't, my good sir."

Asdras was about to open the letter when he inquired about its contents.

Javier quickly intervened, shaking his head. "Don't go cracking that thing open! Take it to the Merchant Guild branch, and they'll reward you handsomely."

He adopted a more serious tone as he cautioned the boys, "When you go awakening, don't blabber about what you saw to everyone. They could use that against you."

Asdras nodded thoughtfully. "That sounds reasonable."

Brian urged him to move quickly, exclaiming, "Geez, I reckon I'm in desperate need of a shower. Let's find an inn."

The boys bid Javier a final farewell, waving at him as they turned the corner into the next street.

Javier waved back, a gleam of gratitude in his eyes. "I'll make sure everyone who visits my shop knows your lovely faces. In a golden frame, your faces will highlight the charm of my benefactors."

Javier reached into his pocket and retrieved a cinnamon bar. He unwrapped it and began to chew thoughtfully, sighing as he gazed up at the sky. His face tensed, and he narrowed his eyes as he recalled something.

"I hope that man isn't foolish enough to clash with The Crazier. These lands are too small for two beings of their level to fight each other. At least that hunter is missing. Well, whatever, I'm just a rotund fella with good charm! Every blessing is a curse, as mama always told me."