
Get me out of this place

"You're sulking."

After the fiasco that is our lunch, our group, now joined by Xiangling and Guoba, are making our way through the dense crowd once again. This time, our destination seems to be on the other side of the harbor.

"You're imagining things, princess."

"I've been with you long enough to know what's going on behind that mask, Yuu."

"Keep talking and I might just accuse you of slander."

As was the case before, With Paimon on her shoulders, Xinyan took the lead alongside Xiangling, who was holding Guoba's hand tightly, careful not to let the small panda get swept away by other people.

"Does it bother you that much?"

"Not really, no."

"Does it really?" Seeing a line of people suddenly cutting us off from the group, Lumine grabbed my arm and brought us to a stop, before moving forward once the coast was clear. "I'm sure if you ask Xinyan nicely, she'll be inclined to stop. Eventually. Probably."

"Is this your poor attempt at consoling me?" Forcing our way between a group in front of a small establishment, we eventually caught up with the rest. "You're overthinking things, princess. Sure, it made me feel annoyed to the point of wanting to bang my head against a wall, but I'm not so hypersensitive that I can't take some name calling or whatever you call it."

Though I wouldn't admit it outright, having these kinds of interactions with friends, no matter how annoying it gets, is something I haven't experienced in a while. It's amazing how much you can appreciate the little things once it's taken away from you.

"Look at you being all mature."

"You should consider learning that particular skill set, princess." I said, as I gave her a sidelong glance. "Maybe we wouldn't get into so much trouble this time around. Unlike Mondstadt."

"Why bother?" She replied with a shrug. "As long as I'm with you, I'm sure everything will be just fine."

"To think you have so much confidence in me. I'm flattered."

"You should be." She said, puffing up her chest. "Not everyone can get such a compliment from a beautiful girl like me."

"I was about to say something nice, but I'd rather not stroke your ego anymore than I should."

As we walked across the bridge towards the other side of the harbor, the previously narrow road started to open up. For the first time since we arrived in this place, we're finally able to walk around relatively unimpeded.

Looking at the surroundings, I was a bit surprised at how different the vibe of this place is.

At first glance, this part of the harbor seems more high class than anything. Compared to the more homey feeling of the street markets and simple residential areas, the many shops around here seem more catered towards the rich as each and everyone of them are luxurious in their own way, whether it's the items they're selling, the many expensive decorations plastered all over their interior, or the customers hanging around them who are dressed up to the nines.

'Is this what it feels like when a country bumpkin visits their first major city?'

Walking past a row of stores that deal with antiques, Xinyan led us towards a stairway on the left towards the upper area before eventually stopping in front of a large store that looks strangely modern compared to the others.

"Here we are!"

Compared to the stores below that look more like a stall despite their extravagance, this one is pretty much a full blown modern department store.

In terms of its size, the place stretched so far back that I imagine it's probably at least three stores worth of area combined into one.

With a large decorated sign denoting the store's name written in the local language, multiple mannequins are lined up behind a large glass window, each wearing different clothes ranging from something simple yet practical for everyday use, to clothes you would normally find on a late night historical drama.

As Xinyan opened the large door, the rest of us followed her inside.

The interior, aside from the usual ink paintings and exotic plants, are filled to the brim with closets divided into several aisles, each of which seems to contain different kinds of clothes. It reminded me of that one clothing store I used to frequent.

"Ms. Xinyan, it's nice to see you again."

Turning towards the source of the voice, I saw one of the employees on standby greeted Xinyan. Wearing a red dress decorated with floral patterns, she walked towards us, her legs exposed from the slits located on both sides of the dress.

"Are you perhaps looking for some more fabric this time?"

"Yep. The silk flowers one in particular. Do you still have some?"

"Let's see." Pulling out a small book from her pocket, she flips through several pages before stopping. As she read the contents, the employee nodded her head before turning her attention back towards Xinyan. "You're in luck. It was recently restocked this morning, so it's in particularly good condition."

"Nice. Also, these two are looking for something to wear for the upcoming ceremony." Jerking her thumb in our direction, Xinyan explained our situation towards the lady. "Preferably something matching. Can you get someone to show them around?"

"Of course. Lin!"

At her call, a head popped up from behind the closet, looking towards the lady in red. "Yes, Ms. Chang?"

"Please show these two to the first aisle, the one in the back."

"Of course. I'll be right with you shortly."

As she disappears behind the closet, Ms. Chang once again turns her attention towards Xinyan. "Anything else, Ms. Xinyan?"

Instead of answering, Xinyan looks over towards Xiangling, who has been silent this entire time. "Xiangling? Anything you're looking for?"

"Hmm… I remember I've been getting some holes in my clothes lately, probably from all that work in the kitchen." She hummed a response after a bit of thought. "Do you think you can help me patch them back together?"

"Of course!" Without hesitation, Xinyan agreed with a smile on her face. "It should be gold and black then, yeah? Do you still have any?"

"We do, Ms. Xinyan." Ms. Chang responded after looking over her book.

"In that case," grabbing both Xiangling's and Paimon's hand, Xinyan dragged the two over to the right side of the store, much to Paimon's protest, "I'll leave you to it, leader. Make sure to dress him up real good, ya hear? Take all the time you need!"

"Don't worry, I plan to!"

With a smile on her face, Lumine waved at the disappearing figure of those four, followed closely by the lady in red as she continued talking with Xinyan about something.

Meanwhile, the other employee, Lin I think her name was, seems to have finished with whatever she's doing as she walks over towards us, wearing that same practiced smile Ms. Chang does.

"Sorry to make you wait, dear customers. Please follow me."

With that, she began leading us deeper into the store towards the leftmost aisle.

"Please don't just go and sign my death warrant like that, princess."

"Don't be such a downer, Yuu."

Compared to me who was already tired at the thought of what I'll be going through today, Lumine was clearly in a good mood as she swung both our hands back and forth while looking around excitedly.

"That's just me being myself."

"Exactly." Letting our hand go, she reached over my hat and took it off before running her hand gently through my hair. "Don't worry though, I'll make sure you won't get bored too much."

"So what you're saying is that we'll be here all day?"

"With Xinyan's express permission? Yes."

Though I somewhat expected this, hearing it directly makes my already budding fatigue even worse.

"Let me just write down my will and I'll get back to you on that."

"Fufu, you're being silly again."

With a sigh, I lowered her hand that's still in my head and clasped it in mine before focusing on following the employee in front of us.

Thankfully, not long after, we finally reached the end of the aisle.

Just like the storefront, there are multiple mannequins set in this rather open area, with the difference being that all of them are wearing the most complicated looking clothes I've seen in this place.

All of the mannequin display comes in pairs, with each of them being a man and a woman, both of which are wearing nearly identical clothing, with a robe, a long skirt, and a thin outer garb reaching all the way to the legs.

If not for the wig and the more feminine accessory one of the mannequin is wearing, it would've been difficult to distinguish which one is which.

"Feel free to look around, dear customers. If you would like to try some, there's several rooms you can use just past that door in the corner."

"Thank you. By the way, do you have any recommendations?"

The moment Lumine voiced her question, I can see a glimmer appearing in the employee's eye as she straightened her back. Clearly she has more than a few things to say by the looks of it.

"Well, I'm glad you asked, miss."

'Oh boy, this is just getting better and better, doesn't it?'


"Does this one come in blue?"

"Of course, miss. But for that particular model, I'd like to recommend the red one instead. It's the most popular item we have."

"Hmm, it'll clash with our hair colors." Lumine visibly hesitated, biting her thumb as she mulled it over. "But it does look good though…."

"If you prefer something else, then we do have a set in white, though the motifs are different from the other one."

Humming in thought, it didn't take long before Lumine came to a decision. "In that case, I'll take both for now. We'll try them on later and see if it's to our liking."

"As you wish, dear customer."

While those two kept talking between themselves, I am currently seated close to the door where the fitting rooms are, trying my best not to fall asleep as I watch those two talk about things I barely understand.

Honestly, I tried keeping up with what they're saying, but for someone like me who only ever buys plain t-shirts of three different colors, all of it just went past my head.

'God bless the owner for having the foresight of putting chairs in this godforsaken place.'

Rubbing my eyes to stay awake, I corrected my horrendous posture before resting my head on my hands, staring at the two girls as they continued having an animated discussion about clothes.

Off to the side, on a rectangular cart, is a stack of clothes that Lumine has picked out alongside some of the accessories such as a folding fan, a ribbon, and one of those chopsticks for hairs or whatever those things are called.

'You'd think two or three different colors is too much already, but my god does this girl not know what restrain means?'

Unable to drive back the fatigue, I leaned myself into the soft cushioned chair before covering my face with the comically large lotus-shaped hat.

Unfortunately, just as I was about to doze off, a tapping sound came from in front of me as it reverberated throughout the circular headwear, dispelling the last bit of sleepiness I might've had.

"Mmmmngh… the person you're trying to reach is currently unavailable. Fwah… please try again in a week."

"Come on sleepyhead, we have some clothes to try."

"How many?"

"Do you really want to know?"

"Fuck no." Feeling the weight on my head disappear, I slowly opened my eyes, careful not to get blinded by the numerous lanterns lighting this place. "It's better for me if I don't know how many times I have to switch clothes. Makes it less headache inducing."

Grabbing her outstretched hand, I let myself be pulled from the comfy chair. After stretching my body for a bit, I properly took stock of my surroundings despite my still bleary eyes only for them to widen in shock as I look at the pile of clothes she's brought with her.

"...do we really need that many?"

"Nope." She said, popping her lips as she gave me a smug smile. "But there's so many that'd look good on you, and we have a lot of time on our hands, so… might as well, right?"

"Might as well drown me in those piles of clothes, you mean?"

"Bzzzzt, wrong answer." She said, crossing her arms into an x-shape. "As punishment, you'll be helping me put all of these on. And I do mean every single one of them."

Jolted out of my resignation, I had to do a double take as I turned towards Lumine. "Say that again?"

"You heard me."

Before I could form an answer however, she grabbed my arm and dragged me alongside the pile of clothes on a cart towards the fitting room.

The room itself, though unassuming from the outside, probably took the entire backspace of the store entirely, spanning from the leftmost side to the other with multiple doors leading to it from each section if the evenly spaced doorway is any indication. Inside, there are multiple other rooms, each one big enough to fit more than one person.

Opening the door to the leftmost room, she shoved me inside before dragging the cart inside along with her.

"Must you be so barbaric?"

"I'm just excited, Yuu. And I'm sure you are too." She said with a wink. "I told you I won't bore you too much, didn't I?"

"I mean, you did but… this is the last thing I expected to be honest."

Laughing at my response, Lumine locked the door before approaching me.

Placing both of her hands on my face, she gently brushed the edge of my lips with her thumbs, causing me to lean into her touch and let out a sigh. "Nervous?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" With no one around, I blew a gust of anemo and lowered my hat towards the edge of the room. "I don't know if you noticed, princess, but this is all new territory for me."

"You'll be fine." She said, a soft smile blooming onto her face. "You were doing just fine back in Wangshu, so this shouldn't be a problem for you."

"That was a heat in the moment thing."

"And now we just have to make it deliberate."

As she lightly slaps my cheeks, she turns around before glancing back towards me. "Go ahead then, work your magic?"

"I'm… not sure what you want me to do? Or rather, where to even begin with this dress of yours?"

"Right here." Walking backwards to close the distance a bit more, her hand reached to the back of her neck and moved her hair a bit to the side, exposing her nape and collar. "Do you see the place where the scarfs are attached? Gently press it and it should detach itself."


Following her instruction, I applied pressure to the pin like accessory, feeling it move inwards slightly before it made a clicking sound. As it did so, I grabbed the pin and slowly detached it, removing it from her collar alongside the aforementioned wings. Or scarfs, rather.

"Good. Now, let's move on to the collar." With her other hand, she pointed towards a certain spot on the right side of her neck. "See this part? Just slide it off the hook, and the rest should be obvious."

"'Obvious', you say…."

Trying my best to ignore my beating heart, I did as I was told and gently removed the collar circling around her neck. In my nervousness, I accidentally brushed against her neck several times, eliciting a giggle out of her.

The moment it was off, I could feel a weight pressing down, taking me by surprise as I hurried to grab it before it fell.

"What the… are you not wearing a bra or something?"

"I am though? You're holding onto it, after all."

"No, I mean like… another one underneath this one?"

"Why would I? That's kind of the point of this dress." Grabbing onto my hand that's still holding onto her collar, she slowly unclenched my hand causing said collar to fall off. Even with her chest now exposed, she doesn't seem to be embarrassed. "You really don't know much about this stuff, do you?"

"...I thought I made that point very clear by now."

Before I could look away from our reflection in front of us, I felt myself getting dragged forward as Lumine suddenly pulled me by the hand. With my head now rested on her shoulder, she held onto my head and forced me to look forward.

"Please don't look away, Yuu. I might think you actually dislike my body or something." Despite the smile on her face, her voice was undoubtedly tinged with sadness.

Feeling the grip on my head loosen, I suddenly realized my mistake.

"That's not what I mean!" Trying my best to reassure her, I took off my mask and threw it to the side before staring right in the eyes of her reflection, suppressing the growing itch crawling all over my neck.

Her face turns to one of surprise at my sudden outburst.

"You're beautiful, Lumine, probably the most beautiful woman I've ever had the luck to meet." Distracting myself from the burning feeling in my cheeks, I maintained eye contact as I held onto a clump of her hair, twirling the locks in my fingers as I continued my words in a lower tone. "I know I don't say it enough, but please believe me when I say this: I love you, Lumine. I really do."

'Fuck, this is beyond embarrassing.'

With my hands now free, I wrapped them around her neck, pulling her closer into a hug. "I don't hate you. I could never hate you. So please, don't ever say something like that again, okay?"

Having said my piece, I patiently waited for an answer as I took several deep breaths. Seeing her expression still one of surprise, I was starting to doubt whether I said the right thing or not.

Thankfully, that didn't last long as her face slowly morphed into one of happiness as she now had one of the brightest smiles I've seen in a while.

Covering her mouth with one hand, she failed to suppress her giggle. Eventually, she no longer held herself back as her giggles devolved into full blown laughter. "You can be surprisingly assertive when you want to, huh?"

Unable to suppress my embarrassment any longer, I looked away from the mirror and buried my face into the crook of her neck. "Shut up. Just… shut up."

"Ha… there's the Yuu that I know."

"Sigh. I can't believe I just said all that."

"I know. I can hardly believe it as well." As I felt the sudden weight of her body leaning against me, I could feel a warm steady breath next to my ears. "But still, thank you."

The two of us went silent after that, basking in each other's presence as we stood in the middle of the room, wrapped around each other in a tight hug.

After some time, I felt my hand slowly being guided away. Not bothering to fight back, I let Lumine do whatever she wanted. Eventually, she rested my hand on top of a soft mound. Unconsciously grabbing onto it, I heard a soft moan escape her lips.

"It's not everyday I get to hear you whisper sweet nothings to me." Suppressing her erratic breathing, she continued her words. "And for that… you deserve a reward, don't you think?"

Even without raising my head, I already know what she meant by that.

"You do realize we're in a public setting, right?" Even as the words escaped me, my hand never stopped moving. Exhausted as I was now, I didn't stop to think about what I'm doing.

"Does that mean… you're willing to decline this… opportunity?"

"...I never said that."

Before I subject myself to the torture of trying every single piece of clothing stack upon the nearby cart, I allowed myself to experience this momentary bliss.

I'd like to apologize for the cringefest I just subjected you to.

Evfrnetcreators' thoughts
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