
Bad feeling

Jäger now checks the sword with a unexplainable curiosity. It is like there is nothing as interesting as the weapon before him.

°Ohhhh, a real sword, then that pretty much confirms my speculation about this being a world of magic and cold weapons. Just look at it, it really looks like your typical broadsword, a Handle for one and a half hands, but in uncle Johns hands it fits at most one. The Guard is curved slightly upwards, with no guard for the fingers.

And the wide double edged blade with a length of about 90 cm. I wonder how heavy this exactly is?°

With this last thought Jäger takes the sword and hold it before him, and looks at the blade from a closer range.

"Why are there so many chips and scratches on the blade? Won't the sword suffer under these kind of flaws? But this thing is surprisingly light, maybe 2 kilogramm?"

While he murmured that to himself with a smile forming on his lips, and he begins to swing it in an unpracticed manner with simple motions, from over his head downwards, and just as he wants to try more moves from left to right and so on, Jäger got startled by a sudden voice behind him.

"So first ya criticized my blade, but look how happy ya are swinging it like a newborn his firs toy."

Jäger jumped a bit from Johns remark, he totally forgot him. With a apologetic look he turns to John and says:

"Sorry Uncle, but i found this Sword total cool. Not even my Dad has one of these. Were did uncle got this from?"

With a kind expression John looks at the little child, knowing that kids here totally love everything that has to do with Swords and Magic.

"It's no wonder Arthur never showed ya his weapon, because he dont need one. Ya know, we Beastmen have claws, tails and fangs as weapon, and the few fighters in our small village rarely rely on swords, maces or bows. But not only for the reason of our traits, but we can not produce the weapons ourself, and most weapons are too weak for us, like human bows and cheap swords."

"So why does uncle John uses this sword when it is too weak?"

"Thats because other than some cheap sword, that in ya hands is enhanced by simple monstercore of a red boar, which gives it more durability. I got it some years ago from a Human i had to kill, i guess he was some noble boy on a hunt for some wild game. He went too far into the woods and nearly located our outpost. But after killing them Soldiers came to investigate the death of the noble, and my old village was forced to move."

Hearing that monstercores can be used to enhance weapons, Jäger inwardly wants to posess some strong magical equipment.

John meanwhile continued:

"As why I use a weapon, i think it's always good to have a second or third weapon. And while others would have to mind the noise this thing produces while sneaking, I am more the confrontation type of man and have no problem."

Just when John finished his explanation, they hear knocking on the door.

"Should be Arthur, I lead him in, can ya get the pot from the fireplace and some bowls?"

With a nod I make my way into the room next to us, take the pot with a brown mushroom soup and 3 wooden bowls. When I got back in the mainroom, there are not just father and uncle John, but also a man with a broad face and long, hairy arms and a silver back. He wears like John only short green pants, which were wet from being in the river.

"Hello father, and hello uncle Winston. Are you going to eat with us?"

°I already expected that father will bring him here, at the moment to be in a group of friends is better for him. Surely father thinks so, too.°

"Ahh, yes, I mean, if it's okay John?"

Winstons sight switched to John.

"Of course ya eat with us. I'm glad ya got persuaded by Arthur to come here, we should talk later about ya and Bobby."

After mentioning his deceased son, Winstons eyes turned lifeless, and with a small voice unfitting his apperance he replied:

"Yeah, ok let's talk later. We have to do something," now Winstons eybrows knitt together, and his big fists were strongly clenched together, "the Humans can't get away just like this with killing Bobby. We did not harm them since we got here, but they just killed ruthlessly a child. Who are the real Monsters?"

Winstons voice grew angry and with his last words, he punched the floor beneath him. Cracks are appearing and silence filled the room.

The one who answered him was Arthur. He calmly put a hand on Winstons shoulder and looks him straight in the eyes.

"Don't worry, we will discuss later here what to do, we make the Humans pay. John gives us some information about the situation, and we will try to get his corpse later. But for now, calm down and eat, we need our strenght later."

°Father will try to get Bobby's corpse? What if the Humans are still in the vicinity. they may run into trouble. He is no fool, Winston and John aren't, too. They will make the right decision.°

After calming Winston down, the four sit down and begin eating. While savouring the rich taste of the mushrooms, John told Arthur some concerning news.

"Arthur, when I was hunting and found Bobby, it was in fact not too far from our outpost, just 1 km from it. If they are investigating for our whereabouts, we do not have a lot of time here.

And if we try to get Bobby, they will know we are near them.

Are ya sure we need to get Bobby? And before ya say anything Winston, I understand the grievousness of losing someone dear, put consider the life of our village, too."

Arthur then cut in and says wit a convinced tone:

"We already life here for 2 years,and that only for Bobby and Jäger to grow up. It is time to continue and relocate our village. And if we can kill the Humans to avenge Bobby, that would be a fitting gift.

Don't say you wish to see Bobby sold as a decoration or parts of him used as ingrediants for weapons and armor?"

"Of course not! Okay, we have to inform the others then. Most of us are back here anyway, so when we get Bobby, we have at most 1 - 2 days to go. When will we start?"

Arthur is listening with wide open ears. Trying to get as many information is a common habit of him, even more if its about big events.

°We have to move, that means it get far to dangerous. And when father maybe kills some Humans... . We dont have much time then. But something smells fishy here, but what?°

"We will start tomorrow evening, get some reinforcement and come back the day after tomorrow.

If everything goes smooth, we don't have to kill and just get Bobby. If not, we have the advantage due to the terrain. we will remain in the shadows and kill, if we have to."

With his last words Arthur stands up and throws his gaze at the two men before him. he puts his fist on his chest before the heart.

"Lets get Bobby home, in the arms of his mother."

Both the mans look back at Arthur, the at each other. They stand up, followed Arthurs example and say in union: "" For Bobby! ""

As the only sitting person, Jäger hastly stand up and mimicked the gesture, but didn't say anything.

He too wants to avenge his friend, but he is just to young to be involved in this operation.

In his head was a turmoil, but one thought overshadowed all other.

°I hope eveything will be alright.°