
Turned Eighteen

"Peteeer!" Eviery yelled behind him.

He snapped back from his senses upon hearing Eviery's frightened voice. He managed to dodge the awful creature's attacked and without taking a chance, he jumped as he gave the creature a strong blow of fist and slashed its back. "Raaaaaawrrr!" The creature roared furiously before it vanished like a dust.

"Aaaaaahh!" Eviery shouted. One guy Vampire and a woman with tentacles trapped her, they roared and smirked with excitement to drain her blood while she keep stepping backwards.

'Damn! Why is she here!' Peter complained over his head.

"Careful!" Just when he's about to ran over Eviery, the guy named Khalid pushed her smoothly causing her to fall into the floor. She gasps.

Khalid quickly wielded his sword into the Vampire and tentacled creature in a split second, the two creatures vanished and turned into dust.

"Are you okay?" Khalid asked Eviery and helped her to stand up. But one guy punches Khalid on the face causing him to flew away, his sword flew out of his grip.

Eviery took his sword in his behalf but to her surprise, it only has the shaft without its blade, out of a sudden the blade of the sword went out from the shaft and accidentally stabbed the guy who's about to jump into her and it vanished into dust.

Khalid and Peter stared at her who's also completely in the state of shock about what happened. When he's about to take the sword from Eviery's hand, another two Vampires run after him. Peter then went closely towards Khalid as they tried to protect Eviery who is still in shock.

Nathalie and Jacob from the outside of the VIP room realized that Eviery is not with them anymore. So, they quickly looked for Eviery at the crowd but she's nowhere to be found.

Nathalie focused her eyes towards the thick blinds and went to that area to have a closer look. She heard Eviery's shout behind the blinds so she quickly ran over the direction and froze for a moment, she witnessed Eviery accidentally stabbed the Vampire and Vanished.

She realized that this is not the right time for her to be scared, so she snapped out of her own fears and went closer to Eviery and drag her as quickly as she could, out from this devastating scene.

Slowly, Peter managed to go away and leave Khalid and his comrade from that battle, the creatures are already out numbered, he knew that they can now manage it seeing their moves, they looked liked they are trained well.

He followed Nathalie and Eviery who's now passing through the crowd on their way out of the club. He called for Jacob through their telepathy, 'Jacob? Where are you? We need to go now.' He said over his head while his eyes were looking through the crowd. 'Jacob!?' He called again.

'Master, I'm at the bar counter. What about Simon? I lost him.' Simon replied.

'Let him be. We are heading outside. Eviery is currently in shock with what she saw from the fight. We need to take her home before the other Vampires arrive." He said and quickly stepped out of the club.

Nathalie waited for Peter and Jacob outside the taxi's door while Eviery was at the backseat still spacing out with horrified expression all over her face.

When she saw that Peter is on its way running towards their direction followed by Jacob, she hurried inside the car and instructed the driver to move now.

Peter saw Khalid and his comrade followed the taxi they are in until such time that they turned to other direction and lost them.

When they got home, Eviery nervously told her mother everything that happened at the club.

"Mom! There was this blonde tattooed guy… he told us that we have the sight...And there's a creepy tentacles seemed to come out of the girl's face, and… and then the guy.. the guy with fangs just.. vaporized." She horifiedly stated to her mom.

"I mean… I- I was drugged right?" She stammered. "You've seen it, too… Right, Peter?" She added turning her gaze to Peter who is standing beside her.

"What did the marking look like on the blonde boy you were talking about?" Her mom calmly asked.

"Who cares, mom! Are you even listening to me? I think… I think I killed a guy." She exclaimed and about to cry.

"Eviery, do they look like this?" Without listening to her, her mom took her stele from her pocket and showed her, it looks the same from the gift she gave to Eviery it's just that, her mom's stele has the touch of green engraved to it. She bring it near her arm and draw a pattern as it carved into her her skin.

"Mom, what the heck!" She blurted out.

"Everything you saw tonight has a meaning and an explanation. And I've dreaded having this conversation with you ever since you were born." Her mom said as she went closer to her.

Same with Eviery, Peter and the others couldn't believe what they are seeing. Their eyes went wide as they saw the tattoo that appeared from Evielyn's arm.

"What's going on?" She asked her mom puzzled.

"You're eighteen now, and you need to know the truth." Her mom said.

"What does that even mean? Mom, you… you are scaring the hell out of me!" She blurted out to her mom in a horrific voice.

"I know. That's why I've put this off until the last possible minute." She said explaining to her daughter.

Peter and Nathalie was silent the whole time, they were just listening to their conversation, trying to analyze. 'So, this must be the explanation as to why Eviery is the chosen one.' thoughts that run over his head.

"Evielyn, look at the window!" A woman with a lot of bangles and 'burloloys' over her body suddenly arrived breathlessly. "Kouzlo called to warn us. They found you!" Her tense expression is telling us that something wrong is about to happen.

Tensed Evielyn immediately run towards the window, Peter followed her when he saw her instant reaction upon looking down the window.

"Ariann, it's time." She said to the woman who just arrived as she saw the guys who is approaching. "Okay, listen to me. You cannot be near me." Evielyn told Eviery half running and grasp her shoulder.

"What's happening?" Eviery asked confused tears are already falling down her cheeks because of fear..

"I got a very powerful person angry." Hurried to the bookshelves. "Guys, I need you to come with her. Please protect my daughter." She pleaded as she called out Peter, Nathalie and Jacob. "I know you are capable enough to protect her." She added.

"What did you do?" Eviery asked her mother again.

"I hid something from him and his followers." She replied and went back closer to Eviery with a small old looking box in her hand, her movements are seemed to be in a hurry.

"Mom, you need to call the police." She said to her mom worrying about the situation.

"The police you need to call is Damon." Evielyn took a necklace out from the box and quickly put the necklace on to Eviery's neck. "Keep this with you and think of me when you wear it."

"Mom this is not the right time for another birthday gift." She exclaimed. "What the hell is happening!" She asked her mother out of frustration.

While the mother and daughter are having a deep and intense conversation. Peter and Jacob are doing its best to block the door as they heavy things to keep it close.

Ariann stopped them and handed a small bottle with a blue shining liquid to Evielyn and said "Only if you need it." Evielyn nodded as a response.

"Trust your instincts. You are more powerful than you'll ever know" Her mom caressed her shoulder. Who believes in her.

"This door won't take any longer, anyone? Do something!" Jacob shouted.

Ariann suddenly swirled her arms facing the wall and a purple jolts of light appeared in between the motion, a big circle of purple light suddenly appeared with a strong wind. 'A portal!' Peter exclaimed out of awe. 'This woman could create a portal!' he added and looked around to find Nathalie's eyes fixed towards her also confused.

While the men in black who have sword manage to break the door. Evielyn pushed her daughter near the portal together with Peter, Nathalie and Jacob. "You can make a portal?!" Peter asked Ariann out amazement. Ariann was not able to respond as her other hand were also blocking the men in black using her purple colored dust firing towards them.

"Everything I've done, every mistake I've made was because I love you more than words." Evielyn said crying.

"Mom, what are you doing." She asked her mom nervously.

"Damon will explain everything to you. He'll hide you!" Her mom stated. "Please, take her away." She ordered to Peter.

"Hide me?" Eviery asked her again frowning while Peter and Nathalie are dragging her softly towards the Portal. "Hide me... from what?"