
The Enemies

"From the Grand Elder." She answered. "The only person you can trust now is Damon. Where is Damon now!?" Evielyn asked her shouting. Making sure that their destination through the portal is right.

"At the police station." Eviery immediately replied. Peter dragged her in no time as the men in black were about to catch them. 

They were dropped at the Police Station as it is what they had in mind before they entered the portal made by Ariann. This portal is just the same as the portal that Peter has, it's just that it is created through magic and theirs was once an invention. The inside of the portal made by Ariann is dark and they arrived at their destination in just a few minutes. Compared to their portal, it has been a bit shaky and would take time for you to arrive at a certain destination. 

"Cool!" Peter, Jacob and Nathalie burst in chorus. 

While the three of them landed gracefully into the ground and were amazed as they looked around, Eviery on the other hand, landed not soooo gracefully. She was dropped like a sack of rice and made a 'thud' sound the moment her butt touches the ground.

"Ouch!" She said in pain. Jacob hurried to help her stand and walk towards Peter and Nathalie's direction who's currently observing the surroundings. "We need to find Damon inside. He is the Chief of police here." She said. "I need some answers." And added firmly. Everyone nodded as an agreement, even Peter is dying to know what is happening in this world.

However, back at their house, Ariann hides in the dark corner as she notices that there are two guys looking for her behind the wall. She stepped out enough for her not to get caught and swirled her fingers as she controlled the two vases behind the big guys using her magic and threw it into their heads. But the guy with sunglasses felt it coming as he managed to block the vase and smashed it.

Ariann quickly moved and ran upstairs to escape, but the guy who managed to block the vase saw her running and followed her while the other one was still recovering from the strong hit. Ariann kept glancing behind her as she ran towards another door, to her surprise, the man who just recovered from the blow of the vase appeared in front of her smirking and slowly made an evil laugh.

The man releases a very strong blow of fist hitting Ariann's abdomen causing her to be thrown away towards the window and landed to the ground not moving and unconscious. The guy looked over the window to check if she's still alive and when he was certain that she's not moving, he smirked victoriously. 

Meanwhile, Evielyn was in Eviery's room combining all her daughter's belongings above her bed. She took her stele in her pocket and created a pattern in her palm, red light could be seen while she moved her stele into a certain.

"I won't let them find you." She said to herself determined. The pattern in her palm created a fire and burned the place together with Eviery's belongings. Once she's certain that everything was on fire, she slowly went out of the room holding her sword and the potion that Ariann gave her a while ago.

A vampire appeared coming from the opposite side of the room and rushed towards Evielyn's direction, so she wielded her sword the moment the Vampire came close to her. Their swords clashed and clanged to another as she tried to save herself from this demon. The, another guy appeared out of nowhere, this is going to be 2 big guys against 1 woman.

She managed to kill one Vampire by stabbing its back but another two appeared. Until, her strength had lessened and couldn't keep up with these men any longer. She decided to drink the potion from its bottle, the one that Ariann gave to her from a while ago. They've been expecting this time might come sooner, thus they have planned it already as to what they needed to do. 

The Grand Elder has been looking for her and the Mortal Cup ever since the war between Demon Hunters and Vampires and other Creatures began a long time ago, he is eager to conquer the world and to do that, he needs the mortal cup and the blood of the chosen one to gain more power, to be the strongest amongst all.

After drinking the potion, it immediately took effect and she fainted, a bubble-like cloud formed embracing her whole body, this is her temporary protection made by Ariann, protection from the Grand Elder, that he won't be able to touch her inside the bubble. 

"What is happening to her? Is she dead?" One guy asked, his eyes looking like a demonic blue. All of them do have an eye like this.

"You should have stopped her from drinking the potion! Now, our own life is endanger, Grand Elder will kill us!" Their leader roared in frustration.

"Fucking Magus and her magic!" Another guy arrived dragging Ariann. "She's still alive. Should we bring her, sir?" He asked the leader.

"She's the only person who can release Evielyn from her slumber inside the bubble. We must bring her to the Grand Elder." The leader said.

"What about the Mortal Cup?" He added.

"There's a lot of cups in here. I brought all." The other guy answered in a serious tone thinking that one of this cup might be the real one and it's just in disguise thinking that there's a Magus living in that house. The leader nodded and he held onto Evielyn's, carrying her carefully and the other guys were holding Ariann. They disappeared in to thin air.

At the police station…

As Damon was discussing with a woman and a guy, Eviery sneaked inside the room to listen to their conversation while Peter remain at the door hiding as to Nathalie and Jacob they were outside the police station serving as their lookout in case some vampire would arrive.

"The moment we found out that Evielyn was alive, you were easy to track." The guy started talking facing Damon, he looked dashing in his black suit and his deep green eyes . "Turns out that you and Evielyn were never that far apart. The circle has her now, and it's just a matter of time until we catch the daughter." He added.

"You can have them both if you give up the mortal cup." The woman calmly negotiated.

"I don't care either of them. They mean nothing to me. Kill them both, if you like." He replied while switching his eyes to Eviery's direction.

She gasps upon hearing what Damon said to them and tears fall down to her face.

"My people want the cup. Why do you think I'm hanging around her all these years? Now, when I find the cup, I'm gonna keep it." He added and stood up and glared at the both of them. "And you can tell Marcus, your Grand Elder and his member that!" He said fiercely.

"No one mentioned Marcus." Said the girl who looked scared and defensive.

The guy stood up and replied aggressively, " Listen to me." Gritting his teeth as he Pointed out Damon.

"No! You, listen to me. Now get out of my office!" Damon roared and pointed out the door with gritted teeth. The woman and the guy glared at him and walked away.

Eviery hides back so that Damon won't be able to see her. But Damon knew it all along that she was there listening to their conversation, he could sense her even from afar. He glances at Eviery's direction and sighs. 

She realized that Damon was not the person who she can trust anymore like what her mom told her, after hearing everything. She hurries outside Damon's office while Peter is looking at her confused.

"Eviery, what's wrong? What happened? Did you guys talk already?" He asked worriedly.

Eviery ran towards him and hugged him as she burst out crying, not knowing how to comfort someone, he hesitated to rub her back but he did in the end.

"My mom…" She said, wiping her tears from her cheeks. "We need to find my mom, she's the only one I have." She added subbing. "We have to go back to our house… my mom…" She stammered when a realization hit her and immediately stepped out of the police station.

It was raining heavily but Eviery didn't stop running so Peter and everyone didn't have a choice but to just follow where she was going even if they were all soaking wet. Until they arrived in front of their house.

Their house is in a huge mess. Broken windows, ruined walls, broken furniture and broken glass all over the floor, she quickly ran upstairs hoping that her mom was still there but all she could see was her burnt belongings.