
Chapter 66 Delivering Meat at Night

Soon they went back to the shore. A tired student passed by. Because of excessive exercise, his face was pale, and he couldn't catch his breath. After running two steps, he coughed loudly. Allen didn't dare to come out, fearing that his sudden appearance would frighten him away.

Seeing the man staggering away, Allen shook his head and walked out from behind the tree trunk.

He didn't know why, but he always felt that he was destined to be hidden behind the tree trunk.

But it didn't matter. These guys were good at running. They hadn't finished 20 laps yet, so Allen didn't have to think about an excuse to leave halfway.

"That's a bit of shame." Allen murmured and followed him slowly.

When he ran to the middle of the room, Allen did a little strenuous exercise, which made him sweat on the surface of his body. Otherwise, others were out of breath. It was so eye-catching for him to be calm and relaxed.

Allen had never relaxed himself in the industry of low profile.

Allen followed them around cautiously. He was relieved that no one found him. Then he sped up.

After all, he had wasted a long time. With the speed of the public, he might really be at the bottom in a while.

Allen wasn't the one who wanted to rank first, but becoming the last one would cause him a lot of unnecessary trouble.

People might challenge the first place and bully the crane tail, but who would challenge the third place?

Allen ran forward briskly, surpassing his classmates on the way. A group of people stared at Allen in surprise.

"This bastard kept the physical strength!"

"I can't be surpassed by him..."

Allen also heard this gossip, but he didn't take them seriously. He kept running.

But everyone was mobilized by Allen. Some sped up in silence or gritted their teeth to speed up. Although Gyles didn't say there was a ranking in this training, everyone had a scale in their hearts. It was clear who was stronger.

Allen was like a shark that had accidentally driven a flock of fish.

Although Gyles was confused about why these guys ran faster, he didn't take it seriously. As long as there were people, there would always be orders.

As time went by, there would be advantages and disadvantages.

Then the punishment wouldn't be far away. Anyway, Gyles would find a way to punish them.

Calculating the time, Allen sped up.

Those who had finally caught up with him spat out blood. They didn't expect that this guy still had the strength.

Under his gloomy gaze, Allen rushed over the finish line and rested with his hands on his knees, out of breath. In fact, it was easy for him to run with the physical strength of an earth knight. If he couldn't finish running, the weak mages would be less impossible to finish.

There were already a group of people at the finish line. They glanced at Allen casually and didn't pay attention to him anymore.

After a while, several people followed him one after another.

As the sun went down, Allen saw Gyles in the light of the setting sun, and he was keenly aware of the ugly smile on his lips.

He couldn't help but worry about his future classmates. Falling into this guy's hand might be much more serious than running 20 laps.

Finally, it was completely dark when the last student ran to the finish line.

Gyles's face was covered by the shadow.

Allen began to feel sad.

He hoped that he wouldn't fail.

"You really disappoint me. There are so many people who are not qualified in just 20 laps!" Gyles said coldly.

The result was about to be announced, and everyone's heart tightened.

Allen couldn't help worrying about the environment.

Gyles's fierce eyes flitted across the crowd, resting on Allen's face with profound meaning. "Today, every one after Allen is considered unqualified!"

All of a sudden, the crowd burst into an uproar.

Allen breathed a sigh of relief.

He was already slow enough, but he didn't expect that he was still in the middle. The physique of these guys was really too weak.

It was time to practice.


Some of them shouted in disbelief. They were the people behind Allen. Although they were a little slower than Allen, they had finished running. Now they had to accept the unknown consequences with those who hadn't finished running. Naturally, they were not convinced.

"Why?" Gyles said indifferently, looking at these guys in front of him.

"Just because you are slow! And on this island, I hope this is the last time you question my decision. Never next time. Implementation is your only answer!"

Gyles snorted.

He waved his hand and a group of people came over with a basket in their hands.

Allen glanced around and didn't care. It should be the food prepared by the servants. After all, it was such a high-intensity exercise. They hadn't eaten well for a day, and their bodies would collapse if they didn't eat anything.

Of course, Allen didn't care about these one or two days.


"Why so few?"

"I don't eat black bread. That's what only pariahs eat!"

A young man threw the black bread in his hand to the ground.

Allen glanced at him coldly and said nothing. As a qualified person, he was qualified to receive a whole piece of black bread. Although it was not enough, he would not choose to throw the bread on the ground.

And those who didn't pass the examination were each half a piece of black bread.

Gyles clearly conveyed a rule that only the strong could get the most food.

So at this time, every piece of food was precious.

And the two words "Pariahs" instantly disgusted Allen.

Gyles looked at the black bread rolling down under his feet, licked his lips with his tongue, picked up the bread under his feet, bounced the soil off the bread in front of the group of young girls, and then bit it fiercely. He ate up half of the bread quickly.

When he raised his head, all the young men were stunned.

Some of them began to eat the bread in their hands, while only Allen kept licking the bread crumbs in his hands.

Gyles looked at Allen again.

"What's up?"

Allen asked.

"You are a good boy, but don't say anything before I tell you." Gyles reminded him.

Although he looked a little fierce, Allen didn't know if it was his illusion. He felt that the way he looked at him seemed to be friendlier.

"This is your only dinner tonight." Gyles gave that guy a fake smile and left without saying anything.

After returning to his shabby residence with a slightly tired body, Allen suddenly missed the healing magic of Amy. As long as she gently touched it, his fatigue would be swept away.

When he was about to lie down, Winnie jumped out of Allen's arms with a small piece of black bread in her mouth.

Allen didn't eat up all the bread, but left a little.

After all, Winnie hadn't eaten anything yet.

"Don't go out..."

Before Allen could finish his words, Winnie ran back. The black bread in her mouth was gone, but there was a little wild fruit in her mouth.

Allen took the fruit. It was small, green and ruddy.

They were the few wild fruits Allen knew. They were harmless and bitter, but nutritious.


Winnie licked her hands.

"Do you mean that Gyles wants us to look for food on the island by ourselves?"

Allen's eyes lit up.


"Looking for food should also be a part of the exercise. Why didn't I think of it before!"

Thinking that Allen was going out to look for food, he opened the door and saw a beautiful girl standing in front of him.

"Kelly, why are you coming?" Allen asked curiously.

"Well, I've got some jerky hidden here. You can have some." Kelly saw Ellen's face was a little red, but in the moonlight no one could see the girl's thoughts. The piece of jerky she was holding in her white hand showed it.

Allen felt warm in his heart. He had already known what Kelly was thinking, but now he dared not accept it. He was not sure that he could protect this softness.

But Allen picked it up without hesitation.