
Travel through the multiverse

In most novels, the MC is stupid, thoughtless, and his plot armor is way too powerful. I'll try to do something different here. Having lived a life of suffering and mental torture his entire first life, he will do his best to gain as much freedom as possible. The MC will be careful, manipulative and intelligent. We will follow his journey to freedom. Hey! This is the first time that I write something. English is not my first language, so I apologize for any grammatical errors I haven't seen. I await your feedback. I am open to all constructive criticism. Good reading :) This incredible thumbnail is by this guy. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChdC718_Kndnuc5I7sh8_Q/featured -------------- DISCLAIMER Art is not mine and only the OC’s in the fanfic are my creations

CrazyBlaze · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

First event

(POV Hayato)

This scene must look amazing to the people watching us in Japan right now. They must be thinking something like

" Incredible! The Heroes and Villains agree to put their quarrels aside to fight together against a common enemy! "

Too bad, that this is not the reality. As soon as our hands came together, I saw Shigaraki looking slightly surprised.

"What is it, Shigaraki? A problem?" I asked with a big smile.

He looked at me for a moment

" You… "

Then he looked towards Aizawa-sensei who had his quirk activated.

Indeed, Aizawa-sensei will never let me shake hands with Shigaraki knowing the consequences of his power. It was by knowing this that I took the initiative to offer him a handshake. Without it, I'm sure I would now be reduced to dust. After all, he must think it was my fault that he failed to kill All Might.

Thanks to that, I was able to take psychological advantage. Also, I make it clear to him that he shouldn't play smart with me.

"If there is no problem then let's hurry and get out of this place. " Did I say

"Where are we going in this case?" Asked Hanta Sero

I looked at our surroundings. We were in a clearing right in the middle of a dense forest of trees. You could see several mountains on the horizon.

I activated my vision quirk to observe further.

"There is a water source hidden by large rocks 4 kilometers north of our position. We still do not know if we will continue to be provided with food and water. So better to take precautions. »I explained

"Koda, try your quirk to see if you can find any animals. If you find any, send them to try to find the position of the other teams. "I started to distribute the spots

" Yes "

"Kirishima you walk in front, you must protect us from any danger"

"You can count on me!" He shouted

"Shoji and Jiro, you will be our ears. If you hear any suspicious noise, tell me immediately. "

" Ok ! OK! "

"Then Bakugo, Todoroki, me, and Aizawa-sensei, we will surround you from the sides to ensure the safety of the group."

"Momo, can you make me some arrows of gold-platinum alloy and some balls of the same material?"

" No problem "

Then I turned to Shigaraki, but he doesn't let me speak

"Don't give me orders. We're just gonna do whatever we want. The goal of the game is to kill as many enemies as possible, right? Then we're going to have a good time Hahaha "

Looks like he's starting to like the game.

"All right on the way, let's hurry."

Everyone started walking north.

"Uh… Hayato? "

"Hum? Yes? "Izuku looked at me hesitantly with Alicia not far from him

"What about me? "

Oh? Does he think he is going to be useful for something when he still doesn't master One for All?

"You still don't master your quirk. Although it is powerful, if you used it, you would end up with a serious injury. It would cripple the whole group. Besides, you have the same number as Shigaraki. He has a very powerful quirk and if you were to die from your injuries, he would also die if he didn't kill 2 people in the group. Do you understand what I mean? "

"Y-Yes ..." he replied in a weak voice.

"If you want to help, master your power as quickly as possible"

If he can control his power, it would be like we have an All Might with us. We would have an overwhelming advantage.

After Izuku left I turned my gaze to Alicia

" What do you want? Do you want to help too? "I asked in an emotionless tone.

"I have mastered my quirk. I have no reason to stay behind under your protection "

Hehe, looks like she didn't get something

"You may be mastering your power but you have not yet shown your worth so people can leave you the burden of protecting them without fear. "

"And are you going to tell me that they trust you enough? Even with your personality? Let me laugh »she replied with a smirk.

"I'm not asking you to believe me, but I've already proven myself. Anyway, let's go. "

She didn't sound convinced, but her opinion didn't matter.

I resumed walking with the rest of the group while reflecting on my future action plans.

First, I need to determine if I can remove this bomb of energy from my heart. But even if I can, with the power that Lucifer has he can still kill me easily.

But I don't think that kind of power is possible with a simple quirk. It would take a lot of conditions to have this kind of power.

But careful as he looks, that wouldn't surprise me if he planned that someone could remove the bomb, after all, people like Mirio and Overhaul exist.

So the best plan would be to keep the bomb but to find a way to get rid of it at all times.


After about 1h30 of walking in this dense forest, we arrived at our destination.

This place was perfect. It offered good concealment and defense while having access to water.

After about 30 minutes of work, we had finished setting up a base camp to rest.


The sound of a very loud explosion rose in the sky and caught everyone's attention. There, a great fireworks display was taking place. It was about 3 kilometers from our position.

I instantly activated my vision quirk to see more precisely. And I was really surprised to find that someone was floating not far from the fireworks or rather 2 people floating not far from the fireworks.

It was a boy and a girl. The boy had bat wings and carried the girl in his arms. They looked of European origin, the boy had blond hair and blue eyes while the girl had brown hair and eyes.

" YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE! »Said the girl in English.

Her voice didn't sound strong, but it managed to reach us all. Looks like this is her quirk.

She sure managed to capture the attention of all the teams around.


I decided to stop paying more attention to her silly talk any longer. I turned to Momo

"Hey, Momo, can you make a metal harpoon for me with a 5-kilometer rope?" "

Momo looked surprised at my sudden request

"Of course, there is no problem but what will you use it for?" She asked while creating the harpoon

" Why? To save their lives." I said pointing to the boy and girl who continued to speak on peace and justice.

" Save them?" Momo looked even more confused. And several others had the same expression

Todoroki walked over and said calmly

"They revealed their position. Also, their quirks don't look powerful. They are like two lambs in the middle of a group of hungry wolves. Of course, there are surely a lot of people who have been touched by her speech but now times have changed. Lucifer has clearly shown his power to the whole world. If you want to survive, you have to crush the others. "

" " Crush the others " you say ?! So are you seriously thinking about fighting the other teams ?!" Wow, Alicia looked pissed off. And she didn't seem like she was the only one.

Izuku, Tsuyu, Lida, Ochacco, and some others looked truly angry.

But although Todoroki's words sounded harsh, he was right. But I need these 2 saints alive right now so I'm going to save them.

I retrieved the harpoon from Momo's hands. Then I started to fly while deflecting the light around me to become invisible.

I slowly flew until I hid in the clouds. On the other hand, the discussion between Todoroki and the others was not over. I watched from the clouds and could read the movements of their lips.

Todoroki looked at the boy and the girl then said

"You're going to have to realize the current situation. Why do you think Hayato brought us here? Because the landscape is more beautiful? No. This location is perfect for defending ourselves from enemy attacks, plus we have good visibility and are difficult to spot. Why do you think Aizawa-sensei didn't say anything to correct me? It was because he understood the gravity of the situation. Different governments can no longer even protect themselves. How do you want them to rescue us? Wake up! It might be hard to accept, but you have to get used to it. If we want to protect the people who are important to us, we must be the last ones standing. "

Wow, was that really Todoroki who just said that? it doesn't look like him at all.

Looks like he's also very stressed out and trying to make the situation clear to those who refuse to face reality.

Anyway, that's not my problem. I turned my attention back to the Sunday vigilantes.


Suddenly, a deafening scream echoed from a nearby mountain, then a dark crescent of about 10 meters came out of it before heading quickly towards the two Europeans who began to panic.

The boy trying to maneuver in the air to dodge the surprise attack.

But he wasn't fast enough and the attack still hit them. However, the boy saved them from getting hit in a vital area.

"AAAH !!" The girl had both of her legs torn off while the boy lost his arm and left-wing.

As they started to fall I aimed with the harpoon gun and

"Railgun! "


The harpoon arrow flew at a speed exceeding Mach 5. The distance of 3 kilometers was crossed in less than 2 seconds.

Sonic booms left in its wake resonated in the area.

The arrow first landed in the girl's stomach before continuing to move forward and consecutively piercing the boy's stomach and right-wing.

Then it continued on its way for about a mile before stopping.

I then push the retrieve button on the harpoon gun to lure them into the clouds. All of this happened in less than three seconds.

Once next to me, I also made them invisible. Looking at them, I noticed that they were passed out.

Even though the 3-kilometer distance has reduced power a little, they probably won't live more than half a day.

Their internal organs apart from their hearts and lungs were fully destroyed upon impact with the arrow.

I started to descend to land.

Once on land, I dispelled my domain.

* huff ** huff ** huff *

Damn! It's very tiring!

" Then? How are they?" Momo asked with a worried look.

How are they? Are you stupid? Can't you see they can die at any time?

I didn't bother to answer her and I laid them on the floor

The boy must have felt the movement and starting to wake up.

"Hurgh! Where am I ? "

"It's not important, you'll die soon. Do you have one last thing to say? »I replied

The boy looked stunned. Then he started to tell his life story but I didn't listen to him, instead focused my attention on the bomb he had in his heart to see if I could remove it.

I tried compressing it with my domain but felt like it was fused with the heart. No matter what I did, the bomb didn't move.

If I want to remove the bomb, I have to remove the heart with it. Fuck! He thought about it.

Looks like I'll have to use the second method.