My name is lxii l am a 23 years old l love anime and working at my job as an anime producer today l was coming from work as l was walking a girl ran to the side and punched here and the the damn truck- kun God to f you can here me can you please send me to anime worlds when l die please he found him self l a light void lxii said where am l then he had a voice come my child l am God my child you are without sin even God's wanted you but l refused due to the way you died l will grant you four wishes okay for my first wish l want to go to any anime l want and for my second wish to have infinite mana and infinite money third wish l want to have the powers of rimuru from the Webnovel l will save the rest so l will be going now bye God
See you my child l will see how you use your powers and l will first send you to that slimes world bye