
Cap 23 (R-18)

(rape, mental corruption and a bit of mental control by the MC, I mean, if they don't like these things, they don't read it that way, and they don't complain later.)

Total deaths 35, total murders, do not stop counting to 350 million, at that time it has been 4 months, this has been total shit, I have already been locked up in this world for a year, but today it finally comes to an end, I can feel my mana recovering, apparently the Xel'Naga was already ready to exhaust its energy and vitality, it cannot withstand my large amount of mana any longer and I could already identify where it is.

Using teleportation I got to his side, I could already activate killing all my abilities, I could leave this world right away, but I can't leave without him and destroy this world

In front of me, the Xel'Naga, there is no longer the previous being that showed strength and wisdom, now there is only a miserable being on the brink of extinction.

- "That's all, you have failed, if you prophesied my arrival, you should have foreseen this result or I'm wrong".

- "A lot of energy was spent just finding the exact place where you would appear, and another large amount to force you to come to this place, if I tried to foresee the result, I would not have enough energy left to kill you the first time, and less to link the out of this world for a whole year. "He said tiredly and with an aged voice, he was already in his last moments.

- "I notice that there are other presences within you." I asked, since I could feel more souls inside him.

- "I devoured my brothers, it was necessary to have enough energy to defeat you, even so I spent a large amount forcing them, they would not let themselves be killed so easily, if they had cooperated, another would be the result, but I have failed." with a bit of resignation he told me.

- "what place is this, and what year."

- "It is a small universe created from the same timeline that you would arrive at, you will never be able to leave here, once I die."

- "is so."

-What do you say vip

-You can go back to your world.

- "It was a good fight, Xel'Naga, but this is goodbye."

I raise my sword, and cut his body in half, finally ending this damn year in this world, I'm starving, it was quite difficult to eat while you are constantly attacked, also my food ran out 3 months ago, the potions helped to support me satiated, if not, I would have eaten the zerg, hungry everything looks delicious, poor me.

Once the Xel'Naga is dead, keep its body in inventory, it can be useful.

Now let's go back, I am very frustrated sexually, and I know who to take this desire away from, before that, I have to end this whole world, I have to release a little stress accumulated by the time spent in this world.

I started to focus my mind on various parts of the planet, the planet was about 5 times our sun, a giant shit and there were still a lot of zerg.

and their corpses will be very useful if I want to invade a planet or destroy them all, I only use resurrection on all the corpses and I will have an insurmountable army, the best thing is that it is ecological, after you die they disappear only leaving a little dust on the ground.

Once I have concentrated on some points chosen according to my convenience, I start to control the weather to my advantage, creating black clouds at those points, this process took 5 hours, but it would make my job easier.

A downpour began to flood these places, while lightning began to fall all over the world, killing thousands of zerg every second, I also began to create hydras in places that were dry, it gave them greater efficiency than making them in a flooded area, obviously.

once I found that the quantity was sufficient, I decided to return.

Returning to my world, I found myself leaving for the meeting place that I gave to those girls to be delivered.

They are quite beautiful, I really did not think to do anything with them at first, but then I spent a year locked in a fucking world of shit, and I need to de-stress a bit, and what better way than to reactivate my mental corruption project, Ágata was a failed experiment, to To this day she is afraid of me, and that was not the idea, she tried to make her become addicted to my touch, but I only managed to sow terror in her mind, and because half, because she is a very good cook and She is totally loyal to Kayle and Shizuka, they are even at the same university, and both are studying to be teachers.

While I was thinking, I had already arrived at the place of delivery, in front of me the 4 women and by their side, nothing, they left the package and left, you will think, they are not very confident, they are not at all, each of those women has a bomb that It will explode by remote control, surely they are seeing in a distant place the time of my arrival, the good thing is that I can intervene those bombs with ease, I already anticipated that something like this would happen, so I made 4 signal interveners, for locators, and In these silly cases, although I also put a small shield on them in case of, since more than the explosion it is the poison that the bombs contain that want me to harm me, they were designed to damage a very wide area based on poison.

The first is called Lesya Melnik, Ukrainian, blonde, blue eyes, age 18, modest breasts, but very beautiful, she has a quite warm air, which makes you approach naturally.

Second woman, Effie beltmakar, redhead, green eyes, Scottish, age 17, big breasts, just like her ass, looks angry, maybe I did something to her.

The last two, kiara and sara magdonel, both sisters, separated by a year, 17,18, respectively, both with brown hair and brown eyes, are perished, but sara has a chest that explodes the blouse you are wearing, instead her Sister received the leftovers, it is flat, but very beautiful, but of all, I have to see who deserves the volunteer position to be my new mental corruption project, Agata is a failure, the next one will not be, because I am so sure You will ask, why one of these women was raised in a good house, and they all gave it to her, they do not know many things, although one is the daughter of important soldiers in her country, but she always lived with a good life as a spoiled princess.

Leon: "then, put on this blindfold and we will leave."

Effie "just a child, my parents would be sad if they knew they lost to a stupid child, I hate you, you don't know how much I hate you, because of you I lost everything, you took my parents away from me."

Leon: "but you were a volunteer to serve me forever, even though you hate me, by chance you're a masochist. I asked her, who knows, maybe she's the volunteer."

Effie: "I just wanted to see who the bastard was that took everything off me, and I'm already happy, I just want you to know something, no matter what you do, I will never bow my head before you, and I will make your life impossible."

León: "This is how we are going to get along, it hurts me that I had saved them from a cruel fate." Ding, ding, I already have my volunteer, to think that she would volunteer, I did not expect it, but all her speech told me, take me, and make me a doll that only responds to your will, I heard that, I don't know about you

Effie: "cruel fate, what do you mean, the only cruel thing here is to be by your side."

Lesya "I forgive you."

Leon: "What are you saying, I don't think I heard well."

Lesya: "I forgive you, I think that not everything is your fault, my mother told me that I always have to forgive others, because I do not know what life I lead before doing something bad against me, and a child like you would not do These bad things of your own free will, you are not born villains, that's why I forgive you, and I come to you voluntarily, although you took everything from me, I believe that by your side I can guide you on a better path. "

His warm smile and that sincerity that came out of his words, I almost started to cry and I became a responsible human being for society, who works 8 hours a day, earns a salary, has a family and contributes to the state with his taxes, too I help granny to cross the street, but as I said before, almost, because later I remember that I am a very good person, since I help the world to recover from the chaos caused by human beings, since I started all the chaos, warming Global dropped to a very low level, all thanks to me, almost extinct animals are recovering, you see I am an incredible person, and let's not forget all those women that I saved from their cruel fate.

eon: "to be honest, I think you are an idiot, sorry, I, I do not need it, everything I did, was done for the good of all and the future, and you two, I also stole everything," I asked the pair of sisters, who were quietly listening to everything, I don't know if they think they are coming on vacation or I don't look very intimidating, they are very relaxed.

Kiara: "no, we have our parents alive, but they said that we have a better chance of living with you than on their side, but that we may not have a good life, but it is better than being dead." What good parents, what do you want me to tell you, kicking them out of their house in a subtle way.

Sara: "It's true, that's why we were sent to this place." his parents are influential politicians and very intelligent, it hurts that they did not wait with my cunning.

León: "they think their parents did this out of love, to see them better cared for."

kiara and sara: "yes"

Leon: "What idiots, they are just toys sent to kill me, before coming to this place they didn't do a medical check-up."

- "yes" x4

- "in that medical checkup, they fell asleep isn't it."

- yes

- Exactly, at that moment they put a probe down his throat and introduced small very lethal bombs, but only for you, since the explosion will not be very big, the problem is the poison, now you understand they were used as human bombs to kill me , they are nothing more than disposable things.

Sara: "impossible, they would never do that, our parents wouldn't treat us like that."

León: "in the face of despair and ambition, anything is possible, when they saw the opportunity to advance their careers and to destroy the main head of what they call a world-class terrorist organization, they did not hesitate to sell them."

Kiara: "lie, they would never do that." There was no doubt in his words, but the more confident he is, the stronger he will fall.

and I put the video that I recorded, where it shows when they are sold, it was the best way for them to lose hope and little by little, they favored me.

Mr. magdonel "we accept, it is the best way to save our world."

Mrs. magdonel: "if even if they are our daughters, if it is for the good of the country, we accept the deal, just don't forget that when things get better, we support the world and the country."

President: "everything is fine, we will not forget it, your daughters will save the world by sacrificing themselves."

Leon: "You see, they sold them, those are their parents."

kiara: "it can't be"

sara: "impossible, why would they do that." both incredulous, they tried to deny that, but it was impossible to deny the truth.

and leave them there, while I approach and put the bandages on them, the shock they have will not pass in a while, it was easy for them to believe the video, because I played a little with their minds with magic.

Leon: "Well, since you forgive me, I'll leave you last, now be a good girl and put on the blindfold."

once the three were bandaged, I put them to sleep and transported them to my houses, Kayle would be waiting for their arrival and accommodating them, as for the last girl, Effie beltmakar was my next project.

Effie: "what did you do, how did that happen." he said with a bit of panic.

León: "you will see" I take it and transport myself to the same room where Ágata enjoyed the pleasure of being a woman.

there was much surprise and fear on his face.

Effie: "you are, you are not human."

Leon: "I am, no matter how strong I am, I will continue to be human, you know why, because I am guided by my desires."

Effie: "you are a monster, and what happened to your body, how did you grow so much?" I was already in panic and hyperventilated, also in this world, Shizuka's, I was already 18 years old, then I will talk about everything that happened in these years.

Leon: "It doesn't matter, all you have to know is that I love your scared face, you bring out my sadistic side" but not as much as Agate, that girl, I don't know what makes me want to make her suffer.

Effie: "get away, get away from me." he was backing up and fell on his butt.

Leon: "You didn't say that you wouldn't bow your head before me, what happened with all that courage."

He kept backing up, until he hit the wall, his tears started to come out, he didn't have much resistance, it was quite boring, I didn't think he would give up so fast.

There is no choice but to follow, although it will not be the same, she had saved an aphrodisiac to test how efficient they are, and if she would become addicted after fucking her for a week.

I go to her and inject the aphrodisiac, it was not very difficult despite her useless resistance.

Leon: "I just injected you with a powerful aphrodisiac, you will die if that sexual desire is not satisfied, so powerful, now the two options, either you please me or you die, decide."

once I read a Chinese novel, where the protagonist had in front of him a policeman who had an aphrodisiac and if he wanted to save he had to fuck her, or get it off with his cultivation, or something like that, but he would lose progress, the idiot used his cultivation, and descended and he became weaker, the worst the girl felt something for him and asked him to fuck her, why not do it as he asks, she saves herself, and pays you to save her, an equivalent exchange, she is very idiotic, or I am a degenerate, which I do not think is the case, and the worst thing is that afterwards he loses all his cultivation and his waifu is almost raped, but weft armor is strong and he is saved.

Leaving that aside, his gaze was very hesitant, die or live, everyone wants to live even if their life is not very good, of course if your will is very little, it is most likely that you want death.

Maybe you think I'm lying, but it's true, I used magic to take this statement as true, I wanted to speed up the process, I've been unable to free myself for a year, I only had zerg in that world.

Feeling that my words are real, she takes her hand towards her pants and pulls them down, then continues with her panties, and I can see her beautiful naked pussy, it looked soft and pink.

Effie: "no, I will not give you the pleasure" and begins to masturbate, believing that she can satisfy herself, how naive, use a little mana and freeze all the nerves, of her pussy so that she does not feel pleasure, if I am not mistaken this part of the woman should have about 8000 nerves just to give pleasure.

10 minutes passed and the effect was getting stronger, but she could not reach the climate or give herself pleasure, her despair could be felt in the air, and soon the fear of dying was already filling her whole being, and she made her decision. How beautiful to see how her face constantly changes between fear and resignation.

Effie "me, please help me, save me." I doubt at first, but finally he said it.

Leon: "what do you want me to do."

Effie: "that." with a face full of shame he just said that.

Leon: "say it."

Effie "help me."

Leon: "say it."

Effie: "please, please me." He said looking down, where he couldn't see her face well, but there was almost no doubt in his words, the strong desire for pleasure, was counting.

Leon: "say it as if you really want it."

he approaches me, and touches my pants on my crotch, and begins to massage the area.

Effie: "please please this disobedient woman and save her life." his face was red, and his loud gasps, his cloudy eyes indicate that he was losing his mind from not being able to get to the weather and feel the pleasure completely.

Leon: "I'll help you, my little bitch."

I take her by the waist and kiss her, while I take my hand towards her pussy, and activate all her nerves, and multiply the pleasure, how much I would like to have this magic when I was training Agata, it hurts that I learned it using it in the zerg, of course not to give them sexual pleasure, I froze their nerves, and tried to use them as a puppet, it cost me a lot, but after 3 days I was already handling magic completely.

I reach orgasm in seconds, I can see his smile, and relief, how his drool falls, how I can let that face go to waste, I started recording the whole scene, and took out my cock.

seeing that he is still in heaven, increase the pain he feels and the pleasure so that he confuses the feelings, once done he penetrates her and I burst his cherry.

Effie: "aahhhhhhhhhh" giving a cry of pain and pleasure that not even she understands, not letting her understand, I start to move, and each time faster and stronger. her moans that filled the room, and her wet pussy that dripped liquid that fell on the floor making a pool, only made the moment more exciting, and but there was still a bit of sanity, which had to be broken.

A few more minutes of pumping her, it ends up inside her filling her and letting my semen drain between her legs along with her fluids, she also reaches the climate for the 15 time, the aphrodisiac plus my improvement that I gave to her senses, they only made her more sensitive and easier to reach orgasm.

but it wouldn't end sun with that.

León: "How do you feel, it was not incredible, no one in this world will be able to give you the pleasure that I give you, you want to continue." I asked in a seductive voice.

Effie: "no no, no more, no more, I lose myself, please, no more, it feels like I lose myself." barely audible I get to say those words. I clearly wanted me to continue, and I couldn't refuse.

Look for some chains and tie it at 90 degrees to a post that I had prepared, I connect the chains to a small device that sends small electric shocks, which would give him a little pain.

Then I take out a battery operated dildo that vibrates by itself, new, I had already replaced all my equipment, I put it inside her pussy and I turn it on at maximum power.

-no, stop, no more, she managed to scream, before he penetrated her anally, her loud scream resounded in the room, then I turned on the machine that would give her small electric charges and began to fuck her as if I had not done it in a year, thing that had happened.

5 minutes had passed her tongue out and her rolling eyes gave an incredible pleasure, seeing that she was very happy and satisfied, I brought her back to her senses.

Leon: "you want more."

Effie: "babababa" his tongue out did not help much with his speech, I think I better hope.

once recovered, more or less, I repeat the question.

Leon: "you want more." I provoked her again with a seductive voice, the kind that would wet even a nun,

Effie: "....." as I keep silent, I asked him another three times, but he didn't answer.

If she is strong, there is no other choice, I penetrate her again, through her ass, and move my waist quickly to make her run, but before it is over I stop, so that she does not feel pleasure, it is an ancient technique occupied in many of hentai, it should do.

Effie: "why, why did you stop." he said barely audible, it was more like a thought that came out of his mouth.

Leon: "do you still want more?"

Effie: "...." keeping silence again, I penetrated her again and before she reached her orgasm, I pulled her out, and I repeated the process 5 times, until I couldn't take it anymore.

Effie: "please don't stop I want you to continue, give me more pleasure, I want it, I want your cock, please, I'll do whatever."

Listening to what she wanted, I removed the chains, and looked at her before deciding to play with her for a bit more.

I show him my cock standing proudly and tell him.

- If you want more, you must walk like a dog and kiss my feet.

I do not doubt it and got on all fours while walking like a dog towards my feet, while moving his ass seductively trying to attract me.

once he reaches my feet he kisses them and sticks his tongue out to taste them.

Effie: "give me more, my masters, give pleasure to this disobedient bitch" if it were an anime I could see her eyes with hearts, but at least her very lewd face was very good, worthy of a porn actress Oscar.

I lift her by her head and penetrate her mouth to her throat, unprepared all my cock entered her throat, I use it as if it were her pussy, so I continued for a while, many times she almost suffocated, but the mixture of pain and pleasure They made her more and more happy with the treatment she received, and then I ended up inside her, giving her the pleasure of savoring a nectar of the gods, for a lewd fox like her, she would never be the same again after that, she prayed and will do anything for me in the near future.

once I swallow everything, I lifted her neck, which I enjoyed, she was already a masochist, she liked suffocation, I lifted her by the neck, and savored her pink nipples, while biting them so that my dear masochist would bask in pleasure , and so he did.

Effie: "ah, ah, ah, ah yes, give me more, bite harder, don't stop, use this dirty bitch as a toy to give yourself pleasure."

Leon: "Believe me I will, and I bit her harder on her big breasts while putting my cock in her wet pussy."

Effie: "aaaaah, if stronger, stronger, please don't stop." Following her request I mounted her with everything, I decided to change position and turn her around while I took her two arms and crossed them in her lower back and penetrated her through her ass, the pain that it gave her to have her arms tightly held more pain and the pleasure it gave her to be anally penetrated, she ended up making her face ahegao and then fainting.

I finally succeeded, and I corrupted her mentally, but I have to reinforce it for a while until she only thinks about my cock and does whatever it takes to receive her desired prize.

I had left her in bed, I gave her a bath, not personally like the ones I gave azula, only with magic, looking at her for the last time I left, knowing that I did a good job, but I was still not completely satisfied, that's why I go For another goal that has been in my head lately, Shizuka's world has so many beautiful mothers, but one has a breast that I can't stop thinking.