
Trash, To be deleted

With two powerful Alphas as mates, one whose family annihilated her pack and the other a ruthless power monger, Renee Walker must navigate her life battling with revenge, love and lust

Lilly11 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 13: Dragged into The Night

I have been living in the Alpha's Mansion for as long as I can remember, I never knew my father and I only have very vague memories of my mother as she died when I was only 4 years old, when my mother died, Alpha Taylor took me in as a servant and I've been working here ever since, the only pay I get for working here my whole life is the schooling, Alpha Taylor made it clear that enrolling me at Werewolf High was a payment for my services here in the Mansion and he will stop paying for my school the moment I stop working here, that was why I always worked my ass off, because I wanted to complete my school. I was treated badly by everyone in the pack, they only see me as a lowly servant after all. Chloe is about the same age as I am and even though she had everything I lacked, she was also a loner like me and she never made mockery of me, she was always on her own and she only yells at me whenever I cross her path or disrupt her peaceful silence that she so much enjoys, that was why Chloe became the person I least hated in all of the Nightwalker pack and seeing her cry so much made me want to do anything to help her, but how can I help her? I'm only but a servant

"I'm so sorry Chloe, I wish I could do something to make you feel better" I muttered as I patted her back and she stopped crying and looked at me

"Maybe you can help me Lorraine" Chloe said

"Me? What could I possibly do? I am only but a servant, I have no power nor authority" I reminded

"You don't need any of that to help me sneak out Lorraine" Chloe said

"Help you sneak out?!" I exclaimed

"Yes, after the last time I ventured out of the pack, Alpha Taylor has increased the security round the mansion and it's harder to sneak out now unless you help me and you have to Lorraine, I've been locked here my whole life, it's suffocating, I need to...."

"No, I'm not hearing anymore of this, there's no way I'm ever helping you sneak out Chloe, you just said you get dizzy on leaving the pack's territory so I cannot allow you sneak out again or even help you with it, not when you'll be putting yourself in danger" I asserted

"I never said that I'll be sneaking outside the pack's territory, I only need to sneak out of the Mansion and see the priestess of the Moon goddess" Chloe stated

"Priestess of the Moon goddess? Why do you want to see her?" I asked

The priestess of the Moon goddess is the closest person to the Moon goddess and each pack has it's own chosen priestess, the priestess is able to commune with the Moon goddess and pass the goddess's message to the pack

"I need to ask her the reason why the goddess has cursed me so" Chloe said

"Cursed you? You are not cursed Chloe"

"No Lorraine I am cursed, why else will my parents keep me captive in this Mansion for so long? Why am I unable to live the pack's territory without my strength failing me? Why else will my life be so miserable? I believe I am cursed Lorraine and I need to ask her why I've been cursed and if my life can ever be better than this" Chloe said and from the look on her face, I knew her mind was made up and with or without my help, she was going to find a way to sneak out in the end

But how can I help her to sneak out when I'll be the one to bear the brunt when her parents find out that she is missing?

"I understand you Chloe and I'll..... I'll think about it, I'll consider helping you sneak out" I said hoping she'll just forget about sneaking out and eat her food

"You'll really help me sneak out Lorraine?" Chloe asked looking at me expectantly

"I said I'll consider it but first eat your food while I go help out in the kitchen" I said and Chloe nodded as she began to eat her food

"I'll get back to you Chloe so do not try to sneak out without my knowledge" I cautioned

"If I could sneak out without anyone's help then I wouldn't have told you about it in the first place" Chloe said and I nodded

"Okay then" I said

I walked out of her room and proceeded downstairs

The whole living room was being decorated and I wondered what the special occasion is tonight, the pack only makes such decorations and preparation on the full moon nights when we celebrate the full moon, wolves who are ready to shape-shift make their first shift into their full werewolf form and wolves who have found their chosen mate are brought in front of everyone to either accept or reject their Mate, but tonight isn't a full moon night so none of those is happening so why exactly is the whole house being decorated so?

I walked to the kitchen and the servants that were brought in were almost done with cooking so I began to wash the used dishes

The servants were escorted out by the pack's betas immediately they were done and Luna Kathleen soon appeared in the kitchen looking all dolled up in a green flowing gown

"Have Chloe ate her food?" Luna Kathleen asked and I nodded

"Yes she has" I replied and she looked surprised

"Are you sure about that? If I find out that you lied just to escape being punished then I will really make you feel more pain than your miserable self have ever felt in your life" Luna Kathleen threatened

"I'm not lying Luna, she really ate her food" I assured

"Fine then" Luna Kathleen sighed "If you are done with the dishes then I want you to use the back door like you always do and leave the Mansion quietly tonight, we are hosting very important guests tonight and I do not want them to behold your ragged presence"

"Yes ma'am, I'll leave immediately I'm done with the dishes and I'll make sure I'm not noticed" I assured

"Good, be fast about it then, you aren't going to spend the whole night washing the dishes are you?" Luna Kathleen cajoled

"No I'll finish up right away" I assured and Luna Kathleen gave me a 'there better be no mistake tonight' stare and walked off

I finished up with the dishes and stealthy walked out of the house through the back door

As I walked away from the Mansion, I saw lots of exquisite cars pulling up in front of the Mansion and I stopped to watch

Wow! Whoever these guests are, they must be damn rich cause each of those cars must have cost a fortune, no wonder the Mansion was decorated in preparation for their arrival, the Nightwalker pack has never been visited by such wealthy people for as long as I can remember

I suddenly felt someone grip my arm from behind and I quickly turned to see Josh right in front of me

"Hey, what are you looking at? You have no business with those people over there but you certainly do have some business with me, you remember our deal light? In exchange for keeping your secret, I'm going to have a feel of each and every inch of you tonight" Josh said, a grin plastered on his face as he dragged me into the woods...