
Chapter 74: Hearth's Warming Day

Prince Blueblood donates to Soup Kitchens across the nation! Princess Mi Amore Cadenza with STUNNING New Necklace! Princess Luna OUTSIDE THE CASTLE??? more on page 8

Closing the newspaper in her hooves, Princess Celestia sighed gently as she took a sip from her morning coffee, a plate with toast and a jar of very good Quail Mayo set beside her on the table.

Closing her eyes in relaxation, Princess Celestia took a bit out of a slice of toast, and let the warm air from the nearby fireplace melt her into her seat.

"Good Morning Princess Celestia," A small smile spread on her lips as her student, Twilight Sparkle, Entered the room, followed by her little brother and assistant, Spike.

"Good Morning to you too, Twilight, How was your night?" Celestia asked, her eyes moving to the pair of gift baskets Spike was attempting to balance.

"It was wonderful, the bed was so soft and the room was so... roomy!" Twilight told the princess, grabbing herself a seat as Celestia levitated a plate with a toast over to her.

"That is nice to hear," Celestia smiled calmly, taking another sip of her coffee.

"We also got these Gift Baskets, Thanks for that by the way," Spike said as he tried placing the baskets he was carrying down on the table, only for him to slip and drop the baskets, allowing them to be caught in Twilight's magic.

"It wasn't me who made them," Celestia told the two before levitating her own basket.

"If it wasn't you, Princess Celestia, then who made these?" Twilight asked before looking into her basket, finding a paper letter.

Grabbing his own letter, Spike opened it and cleared his throat, "Dear Guests of Canterlot Castle, as a celebration of Hearth's Warming and jolly cheer, please enjoy this small gift of BBF Products, consisting of our finest Mayo, Jam, and Hair Conditioner, Ah geez, I don't have hair..." Spike complained before returning to the letter, "Signed with Honor, Prince Blueblood Platinum of Equestria,"

"Prince Blueblood Platinum?" Twilight asked, looking at her own letter and finding the same text written.

"Yes, You remember Blueblood, right?" Celestia asked, smiling humorously at her student's confused expression before she shook her head.

"Never mind that for now, Let us all enjoy our breakfast," The Princess Said as another plate of toast came in.


Opening the Door to her house with a smile on her face, ready to play in the morning snow, A Young Filly paused when she spotted a letter hanging just outside of her mailbox.

With a little glow to her horn, the filly picked up the letter and pulled it closer to read who it was for, before going back inside with the letter in held in her magic.

"Rarity?!" Sweetie Belle called out to her older sister, "Rarity! A Letter arrived for you!"

Instead of getting an answer from her sister, a deep groaning sound was heard from her room upstairs.

Furrowing her brow, Sweetie Belle climbed up the stairs and opened the door to her sister's room, watching as the sudden influx of light combined with the loud sound of her throwing open the door caused the mare sleeping on the bed to tumble out into a mess on the floor.

"Rarity, A letter arrived," Sweetie Belle said easily, not caring for the state her sister was in.

"Ooh, Sweetie Darling, what did I tell you about waking me up?" Rarity asked grouchily, her body still covered by her blanket as she pulled at the expensive fabric covering her in warmth.

"Only to do it when I have something important to tell you?" Sweetie asked, her eyes briefly turning to look at the stamp on the letter before turning back to her sister, "But I think this is important enough,"

"Sweetie, What could be more important than catching up on some beauty sleep? I must look atrocious under this blanket, my mane is a disaster!" Rarity cried dramatically, her Diva personality on full display as she finally pulled her head out of the mangled blanket on the floor, her bedhead splaying her hair everywhere.

"A Letter from the Crown?" Sweetie asked before jumping back as the letter was snatched into Rarity's hooves, quickly opening it and reading it through.

"KYAAAAA!!!!" Rarity screeched in excitement as a specific name appeared on the letter, "PRINCE BLUEBLOOD IS COMING HERE!!!" The Element of Generosity squealed, her little sister covering her ears and wincing at the volume.

"Does it say why?" Sweetie Belle asked as she climbed onto Rarity's Bed in order to get a look at the letter.

"Ahem!" Rarity breathed in before reading out loud, "Dear Miss Rarity, It is in my deepest regrets that I could not have contacted you sooner, He regrets not contacting me! I am writing this letter in order to notify you that on the Sixteenth of January, I will be making a visit to your place of residence as a matter of checkup after the events of the Second Nightmare Moon Scenario, Please keep you schedule open and clear for the day between Nine in the morning and Noon," She read out loud, her eyes sparkling at the thought of the Prince.

"Signed with Honor, Prince Blueblood Platinum of Equestria," Sweetie Belle read the last part herself, before turning to look at her sister, watching her vibrating in place as plentiful scenarios went and passed her mind, dreams of how the Prince might be in person.

Holding her gently as he checked her temperature, His hoof holding her forehead as the warmth of his body flooded her, flinching back as the heat from her head made itself known, only to look down at her and smile confidently, assuring her that everything will be fine, as the two's mouths started inching closer to one another, her breath lost in a sea of pleasure as she finally took a taste of the forbidden fruit, their lips meeting as pleasure turned into passion, with him carrying her into her own bed, ready to make her his...

Rarity's eyes shot open when she felt her legs starting to shake in excitement, ignoring the disgusted look her Sister was giving her for a brief moment.

"I need to start working on a dress, No! A Dress for a home visit is a bit too much, something smaller..." Rarity started mumbling as she stood up and started walking around the room, "A hat? No, Nopony wears a hat indoors to stay fashionable, Would I look good in a Blouse? Who am I kidding I look good in anything, a Blouse it is. Now I need something to go along with it. Denim Pants? Will I rock that look? It's casual enough to fit as loungewear and not be weird, but will it- Of course it will fit me!"

And so with a plan in mind, Rarity raced outside to tell all her friends the good news, Only to immediately run back in as the cold of the snow outside finally woke her up completely.


Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes at her sisters antics as she skipped outside, a little coat on her body and boots on her hooves, Ready to meet up with her friends and tell them what she just learned.



Carrying on his back a basket of gifts, a large Yak walked up to his prince and placed it in front of him.

"For Me?" Prince Rutherford of Yakyakistan asked loudly as he grabbed the letter attached to the basket and tore it open.

"Aha! Friend Blueblood sent this! A Gift for a Pony Holiday! Great Honor it is to recieve!" Rutherford yelled loudly, the elders and officials around him nodding their heads at the severity of the situation.

Grabbing a Bottle of Expensive Wine from the Basket, Prince Rutherford popped the cork and gave the bottle a chug, his eyes widening at the taste of the Equestrian Grapes.

"JORGEN!" The Prince called for one of his aides, "Make a Gift Basket! We Honor our Friend! Prince Blueblood of Equestria Needs a Good Gift! Highest of Quality!"



In The City of Dimondia, In the Castle of Queen Katherina Proudpaws, the fast tapping of feet could be heard in the early morning.

"Indy Wake up!"

Rolling out of her bed quickly, Princess Indiana Ambereyes dropped low to the ground as her youngest sister tried to leap into a hug, a basket held in her left arm.

"Stop entering my room when I'm asleep Fiona, I could have hurt you if you didn't make yourself known," The Malamute Diamond Dog told her Golden Labrador sibling.

"But you didn't, and I did, And look!" Fiona Floppyears showed her the gift basket.

"What is that?" Indiana asked as she stood up from her place on the floor.

"It's a Gift Basket, Duh." Fiona rolled her eyes as she threw the basket at her sibling while she jumped on her bed.

Easily catching the basket, Indiana took out the note attached and read it, a small smile spreading on her face once she finished.

"So?" Fiona asked as she stopped jumping on the mattress, folding her legs as she sat on the bed, "What do you think? I got some amazing conditioner, Super sweet of him," She leaned back on the bed, wrapping herself up in her sister's blanket.

"I think It's nice," Indiana smiled at her sister before sniffing the air and wincing, "Did you shower this morning?"

"Ehehe, No?" Fiona wrapped herself more deeply into the blanket, slowly burying herself from her Sister's stern gaze.

"Fiona! Now I need to change my bedding!" Indiana cried, Grabbing her blanket and lifting it above her head, her sister squealing as she was dragged in the direction of the royal bathroom, Her blaket of warmth swiftly becoming her prison of Soap.

"Nooo! I don't want to take a shower! Noooo!!!"


Omake: A Prince From an Upcoming Arc

"Come on Portunes! You know how much I want to go!"

Deep in the heart of the Everfree Forest lies a Kingdom, hidden from the rest of the world by the trees and leaves of nature and magic.

"No, Prince Bramble, And I will tell you again, It is not safe for you outside outside the Forest."

That Kingdom was ruled by the Deer, A Magical Species who commanded the flora of the wild with their spells. A Long History of Magical Research and Mystery did they have.

"But Portunes!" A Young Brown Deer cried at the larger Armored Deer before him, "It's Snowing!"

"Then you can enjoy the snow, Inside the walls of the Kingdom." The Green-armored Stag told the Fawn as he shook his head, "You know the rules."

Shaking his small body in frustration, the young dear shouted, "Stop treating me like a Fawn!" before bolting away from his guard, skipping over the snow on the ground as he hopped up onto a low branch, using it as a springboard to jump even higher onto a platform hanging between a pair of tall trees, skipping around the plenty of other deer walking about the hanging bridge of magical vines and wood.

"There he goes again," Portunes the Guard sighed as he watched his Prince once more dash away.

Making his way around the Wooden Kingdom of Thicket, Prince Bramble slowed down as he reached a secluded corner of the wall surrounding the Kingdom.

Looking around to make sure he wasn't followed, the Young Prince smirked as he pulled aside a bush, revealing a hole in the wall which he quickly and quietly climbed out of.

As he stepped outside the tall wooden walls of Thicket, He smiled widely as he started dashing through the snow, his joyful laughter alerting the small woodland creatures living nearby to his presence as they too exited their dens and nests and joined the young prince in his joyful play.

"This is so Fun!" He cheered, Smiling at a small yellow bird resting on his shoulder, "And one day I'll venture outside our forest! To where the ponies live! And then I'll show Papa that there's nothing wrong with seeing the wide world!"

The forest critters cheered for the young prince, enchanted by his youthful hope.

Rolling onto the snow below him, Prince Bramble smiled widely as he looked at the canopy of leaves above him, the sun barely peeking through the treetops.

"I'll be out of the woods, a great big world," he smiled at the little bit of sky he could see.

"You know I'm Waiting for it,"

A Little sneak peak to an upcoming arc, Don't worry, The Deer Arc starts in Chapter 85.

Netapelcreators' thoughts