

Jenefery_7 · Action
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Chapter 12 : Semi-Trascender

Yamato : Don't Worry Trascender , I'll tell you all there is to know !

Shinji (Confused) : Huh !?

Shinji : ...

Shinji : Now there is no wonder you were trying to kill me , Saganbo Soldier !

Yamato : No Hold U-

*Shinji Punches Yamato*

*Yamato Barely Stops It*

Yamato : Telekinesis !

Shinji : My Fist Stopped ?

Yamato : Well you Slowed it in the end , If it was at Full Power , I would have probably died ... Since telekinesis wouldn't work , And I'm Not Saganbo's Soldier

Shinji : Then there's no way you'll know about me Being The Trascender !!

Yamato : Well , It was a Legend Long time ago

Shinji : But you're 4 !

Yamato : My Late Grandfather Was a Semi Trascender

Shinji : ? A Semi Trascender ?

Yamato : There was Like 10 Of Those before a Complete Trascender Showed Up , They Only had Immortality as A Passive Ability and One Abiltiy on Top of it

Shinji : ...

Yamato : My Grandfather Since he was Immortal he broke the boundaries of Age and he Lived 455 Years Old , Of course before having his Core Stolen by Saganbo , Well His Ability was Amazing as well probably the best Ability among all Semi Trascenders , His Ability Name was Heaven !

Shinji : Heaven ??

Yamato : His Ability allowed him to Trascend to a Power Beyond the God he's fighting , But only for 3 Minutes for his entire life , Which means He only can use it Once !

Shinji: And Since he met Saganbo Does That mean he used it on him ? No , You Said Saganbo Stole His Core meaning if he used it on Saganbo , He would have defeated him

Yamato : Well seems that Ability had a Limit

Shinji : ...

Yamato : It was said by his Acompanion , Who was a God Of Creation as Well , Named Merus , That it has no Limit So he should Use it On Saganbo and save the Multiverse , He tried Using it on Saganbo , But Saganbo Literally felt nothing and he Immediately Got the core , Destroyed it And Killed him !

Shinji : How Unfortunate , So that means , The Ability allowed him To Trascend Gods but not Saganbo , That's quite Scary ...

Yamato : Exactly , That's why we lost every hope for Semi Trascenders defeating Saganbo , And we waited patiently for The legendary Trascender , I thought I wouldn't live to see you , But here you are actually right in front of me !

*Shinji Smiles*

Shinji : I see , So That's Why you were putting me in Such Harsh Training , However I'm way more scared than Saganbo now ...

Yamato : Sorry About That

Shinji : However how did you know I was a Trascender ?

Yamato : I Watched you while Training

Shinji : I see , I didn't Notice you at all , You have pretty Good Stealth Skills !

Yamato : Anyways We should start the next Phase Of Training , Spiritual Energy Manipulation !

Shinji : How Much will it take ?

Yamato : 2 Months and a Half

Shinji : Alright I'm in !