

" Where do you think you are going?!" A chilly and domineering voice rang out across the room, and it was enough to make the atmosphere heavy. Ava froze as she was about to twist the door knob. Intially, she wanted to elope and be free once again, but she wasn't anticipating Lorenzo would caught her. Shit! She cursed under her breath and slowly turned to face the hunky monster coming towards her. Lorenzo casually stuffed his hands into his pants pocket and narrowed his eyes at her. His gaze was lazy but cold... With every step he took closer to her, Ava could feel her heart literally throbbing hard and fear started roaming across her eyes. " Have you forgotten what I told you?!" Lorenzo yanked her towards him and lifted up her chin, allowing her dazzling dreamy eyes, that were full of fears to bore into him. " You are trapped Ava," he whispered slowly, as he gave her a killer look made to destroy hearts. Ava shuddered, as a chill ran down her spine, and her eyes went agog. Lorenzo's gaze became a million shades darker and he lowered his eyes at her , " You are trapped with me!" Her heart instantly skipped a beat, and she gulped down softly....... "Trapped with him?!" ~ Known as the richest man in the city and one of the people who could dominate the country, Lorenzo was unmatched.. But everything felt boring to him. He was hunky and super handsome, an irresistible man, and everyone admired him. But unknown to them, all that was nothing to him as he had a far better status. A mafia boss....he was, and he ruled the underworld smoothly. All the people in the underworld knew just how cruel and cold he was. A word from him was enough to crumble them into nothing! Just how domineering?! Ava was a feisty and rash young lady, who had a very good charm. She was an actress and known to have a clean background, but all that turned upside down one day. Now, her buried secret was revealed, and if exposed to the outside world, it could ruin her totally. Threatened with it, she was forcefully given a mission, which was almost impossible to accomplish. But she knew that was her only choice.....even though, there was a great reluctance in her heart. But.... Her career and hardwork mustn't go down! So, this left her with only one thing...... Play the game! Lorenzo, who had an hidden Identity was the main target. He was initially bored, but when he found this out on his own, he decided to play the game too secretly. It was a chess now.. A mafia boss and an actress with hidden goals..... But a game only needs a winner and a loser. Even though Lorenzo had skillfully trapped Ava in a forced marriage and had no plans of freeing her soon, that still didn't stop any of their intentions. So, who would be the winner and the loser? It not all about luck, but would something change at the same time? Will all his sweet tortures to her, finally turned into something addicting? Since our precious feeling ( love) is inevitable, can it manage to stir something in them and give up their goals no matter how important it is? Would it finally capture them and entangle them into something lovely?

Ariy_0001 · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 9. It about time!

" Men, take her away!" Carlos ordered in an unfriendly tone, as he pointed to Cassandra.

Instantly, four straight figures in black suit, surrounded Cassandra, and they harshly picked her up like a trash!

" Holly Molly! Does this means Cassandra is the main person behind Ava's scandal?! But that's impossible!"

" Yes, I trusted her! Cassandra would never do such a thing!"

" I can swear on that with my life!"

" Quit it! That man looked powerful, so he couldn't make a mistake. This only proves Cassandra is the main instigator of Ava's scandal!"

" Yes, she is one!"

" How could she?!"

" I don't believe it! Cassandra isn't that kind of person!"

A barely audible heated discussion was going around the crew members. Some of them believed Cassandra wasn't that kind of person, while some believed Carlos wasn't mistaken.

But as the murmurs were going around, Carlos snapped his head towards their direction and shot them a cold piercing look. This was enough to shut them up, and they lowered their head.

Cassandra widened her eyes, and her gaze darted around.

No! It couldn't be!

" Sir, I think you made a mistake, it can't be me! I didn't do anything!" She tried to defend herself, but Carlos only ignored her and wavered his hand.

" We both are aware of the real situation Miss Cassandra." Carlos sneered irritatedly. " So, don't make a fuss!"

Her face turned pale, and she clenched her jaws.

Does this means they knew her secret?!

goddamn it!!

Ava knitted her brows into a deep frown and turned to Charlotte, who also met her gaze.

Like for real?!

" So, Cassandra was the one behind your scandal!" Charlotte leaned closer to Ava and whispered, feeling annoyed..

" No wonder she was acting like a bug!" Ava hissed and snorted with irritation. " Turns out she wanted to ruin me!"

" But why?!" Charlotte shook her head sighed.

Ava just shrugged. " I have no idea."

But inwardly, they were happy and relieved. It was a good thing to see your enemy suffer....

This would surely mark the end for Cassandra!

Now, their facial expression was relaxed, and they smiled.

" Hey let me go!" Cassandra glared at the men, who were carrying her, and she punched their back, but it was nothing to them.

" Put me down this instant!" She yelled and tried to struggle free, but the men only gripped her more tightly.

Everyone on the set started laughing at her, and they shook their head amusingly.

Cassandra saw this, and her face flushed. She had turned green, but there was nothing she could do. Silently, she cursed Ava and threw her hands up, trying to display her anger!

" You are not supposed to take me! Ava is culprit here, and not me!!!!!!" She roared furiously, but her voice died down, as soon as she was out of sight!

Carlos also lead his men, and now they were all gone.

Everything was back to normal, and the crew members sighed.

Ava and Charlotte couldn't stop laughing, and they even held their tommy.

Cassandra's expression was so ridiculous!

" I don't have to suspect the person who clarified your scandal anymore. The most important is that you are now free." Charlotte recomposed herself and cleared her throat.

" Yes," Ava replied with a smile, and she straightened her back.

At this moment, she felt sort of happy and free.

" Alright everyone, let's focus on the shoot, and Ava, you are the main lead now," the director had also composed himself and faced the crew members, including the artists. He glanced at Ava and gestured for everyone to prepare themselves. Cassandra's case would not hinder what they were supposed to do.


Some hours later, Ava was done with her shoot, and she bade farewell to her colleagues.

" I will go now," She picked up her bag and informed her assistant.

" Alright, you take care okay?" Charlotte pulled her into an embrace.

Ava made a throaty chuckle, " Okay I will." She patted Charlotte's back. " Don't worry about that."

" I can't say I won't."

Ava just smiled.

They disengaged the embrace and finally went their separate ways.

It didn't take long for Ava to get home, and she packed her car carefully, before she alighted from it.

Immediately, she got down from the car, she frowned and shut the car door slowly.

" Who are you, and what are you doing in front of my house?!" Ava deepened her frown, as she stared straight at the person in front of her house. Though inwardly, she was slightly nervous.

The person was a man, but the air around him was aloof and a little bit chilly. His face was devoid of any emotions, but he was still attractive. The man was calm as the ocean at night, but under his eyes, there was something cold.

The man ignored Ava's questioned and stepped forward, but this only made Ava to stepped backward. She was going to let her guard down.

His lips twitched, but his eyes were still calm," Big boss told me to give you this." He passed her a brown document.

" What is that?!" Ava managed to ask and looked down at the brown document, but she couldn't bring herself to collect it. " Who is big boss?"

She was now puzzled.

" Just take it!" The man said impatiently. He was getting annoyed with Ava's questions and reaction, but he couldn't do anything.

Ava now held a far position above him.

Ava hissed and rolled her eyes, feeling pissed. " I am not taking anything!" She finally took a bold step and pointed to the man in front of her. " Scram! I don't welcome people like you!"

The man was none other than Logan , Lorenzo's right handed man. Hearing that, he didn't move or say anything. Instead, he was still calm and acted like Ava wasn't talking to him.

Though, he was slightly cheesed off, but he didn't show it.

Ordinary people dare not talk to him like that, or else..... their head would surely roll down!

But because Ava was....

Forget it! It was useless now!

Logan turned his back abruptly and strode away, without saying anything, but the brown document was still with him.

That was weird....

Ava thought and raised her brows. She didn't think her words would be effective like that...

" Well, that's a good thing," She muttered beneath her breath and shrugged. Then, she finally approach ed her house and got in....



Lorenzo was already at his mansion, and he just came out the washroom, with his whole body dripping.

Apparently, he just finished taking a shower, and he was looking all refreshed.

At this moment, Lorenzo was so charming to the extent, any lady would trip for him in one glance.

His hair was also dripping, and they clung softly on his face and neck. The droplets of water ran from his head to his body slowly, and they subtly tickled him. His torso was bare and flawless, but it was fucking wet! This made all his abs and biceps to appear more sexually attractive.


Author's note: Jeez! I badly wanna see that! Lol! My imagination, I bet my knees might become weak if I actually see Lorenzo!


His lower body was wrapped in a dark towel, but that still didn't hide the view of his long straight legs. They appeared powerful and slightly hairy....

He didn't bother to dry himself and just moved to the balcony of his room, holding a glass of red wine.

But what he didn't know was....

All his steps were filled with greatness and authority, and as he walked, his muscles flexed, perfectly showing they were worth to drool for.

He stood on the balcony and stared at the night sky with calm eyes.

His thought.....only known to him.

Suddenly, Logan stepped in, but his gaze was down as he didn't dare to look at the big boss.

" Boss," he greeted Lorenzo from a distance.

" Speak!" Lorenzo wasn't a man of patience, so he didn't bother with Logan's greeting.

" Negative boss," Logan unhurriedly replied him, with his gaze still downward.

Instantly, he felt something changed about Lorenzo, but he couldn't point it out.

Lorenzo wasn't looking at Logan, but he chuckled dryly.

He had expected this, but he was already prepared. His eyes were still calm, but under the moon light, they were cold and darker...

He twirled the wine in his glass, and he shifted his attention to it.

The wine was also cold, but it had left a faint red stain on the glass cup.

He curled his lips up slowly, " Being pretinious and soft isn't a bad combination." Taking a sip from the wine. " But not many people are masters in that."

Logan gulped down nervously, as he heard that.

Lorenzo straightened his back and finally gazed at Logan.

" I think it about time!"